
By Booping123

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(Book 1) People over the age fifteen have vanished from the small town of Simcoe. Just disappeared without a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Bonus Chapter

Chapter Thirty-Three

103 27 96
By Booping123

It had been dark outside the infirmary windows. With her energy feeling drained, Emma wanted to lie down and sleep. It couldn't happen, especially with Cindy's injury. The wound had caused a scar under her eyelid. While healing her, Emma stayed quiet while Cindy cried at the odd time.

Emma sat next to the cot, her eyes closed and her head on the sheet. Cindy had fallen asleep, which had helped her get some rest.

James had been in the infirmary, but his wound had mostly healed. Soon, she'd have to go into the daycare to check for any large wounds, but she didn't want to do that.

Esme came skidding into the church infirmary. Emma opened an eye, seeing her sprawled on the floor.

"I gave Luke a makeover," Esme said breathlessly. "I tied him to a surgical table and cut off the rest of his arm. I also plucked his eyebrows and cut his hair."

Emma dropped her jaw. How could that even be possible with Luke? Half the time he is beating someone up or torturing someone.

"I knocked him out with some machine drug," Esme explained, as she pressed a hand on her knee. "Now he's tied up to stay there for a long time."

"And he's just tied up in the hospital?" Emma asked.

Esme nodded repeatedly, stumbling to stand. She looked between a sleeping Cindy and James, knitting her eyebrows together.

"Who's going to be the new doctor?" Esme asked.

Who knew that much skill, such as medication? Emma had no idea about having to distribute medication, but healing with a touch. Cindy didn't know much either, and she had spent more time here than she had.

"Can you think of anyone from Uden who could?" Esme asked, but Emma shook her head. It could be quite possible that they had to just guess.

Esme poked James' cheek, causing him to stir. "Let him rest!" Emma exclaimed, standing up and slapping her hand away. James had opened his eyes, staring at the both of them.

"He was a superhero today, though! Beating up Luke," Esme exclaimed, making air punches.

Emma groaned and shook her head at the girl. "And he got shot," she muttered with a sigh."We got the bullet out."

Emma pushed Esme to the opposite side, looking down at James. He raised his leg with ease, and his eyes widened.

"You actually took the bullet out? I thought you would have thrown up," Esme said, as Emma chewed on her lip. It had been that moist feeling that left her stomach turning.

"I wasn't much of a superhero," James mumbled.

"Lukey would have probably shot more of us. Or I probably would have shot him," Esme said, taking off her shoes, setting them on the cot. "They aren't bloody! I'm getting better at maintaining it."

Emma walked over toward a shelf near the small bathroom, grabbing some food. She took the plate of fries and a chicken sandwich, handing the sandwich to James.

"Nelson dropped this off for you," she said.

"See!" Esme exclaimed.

Emma set the plate down on the small bedside table that had a small light plugged in from a house nearby. James had just stared at the chicken sandwich that had been on a burger sandwich.

"I thought they used a long bun?" James asked, as he sat up on the cot against the wall.

"They don't have any. Nelson wanted to try his own creations," Esme murmured.

James nodded, biting into the sandwich. Esme grabbed a handful of fries and began eating them. This wasn't what she expected, since it was supposed to be his own food.

"Emma, eat something," Esme muffled.

Outside, it had been quiet, and Jason had gone back to the house with Bella. Zane and Yara had gone as well, receiving information she had been certain.

"It's over there," Emma said, pointing at a plastic plate of chicken and rice. People often bring her food out of gratitude or just in general, because she often forgets to eat meals.

After setting the plate on the table, she went to grab her own plate. There were no utensils around as she picked at some of the chicken pieces they had given her.

"People really make you food?" Esme awed.

Emma nodded, chewing on her chicken. It was warm chicken out of a freezer box that had a garlic seasoning. She grabbed her water bottle, and took a long drink. She still felt tired after healing the many injuries. There was a stabbing wound and a gunshot wound that she didn't imagine she'd ever have to heal.

"What are you going to do about..." James trailed off, glancing at a sleeping Cindy.

"I hope someone steps up," Emma said, hanging her head. "It's exhausting enough healing all these injuries."

"Probably someone will," Esme stated. Emma stared at how Esme kept stealing James' fries.

"Go make some mac and cheese in the microwave," Emma said.

"How do I do that?" Esme asked.

"She can eat the fries," James finally said.

Esme bounced her knee, grabbing one of the warm fries. "You need a reward, James," she said.

"I don't," James mumbled.

"Is there still ice cream around?" Esme asked, but Emma wasn't quite sure if there had been. Most ate all the cookies and ice cream during the first week.

"Doubtful," Emma stated.

Esme chewed on a long fry for a moment, trying to think of a method. Emma would consider him getting a free meal a reward. Nelson had people start paying certain prices for food. People who have performed heroic deeds have been granted an exception.

"What about stickers?" Esme asked, but Emma shrugged, munching on more of her rice. It had been better than the dry chicken she had been given. "Okay, this is the last idea."

Esme stood while Emma took a drink of water, watching her stare at James, who had finished his sandwich. The girl grabbed both of James' cheeks and drew his lips to her own.

Emma spit out all of her water, coughing as Esme twisted her lips in uncertainty, once she pulled back quickly. "That wasn't as bad as I thought," Esme said.

James had his face fully red, his wide eyes directed toward the small windows. "That was your last resort?" Emma managed to get out, taking a deep breath while coughing.

"There's not much here to give," Esme said, shrugging her shoulders. She sat back on the cot, chewing on a cold fry. It made her place it on the nightstand, setting a foot on her knee. "You don't have to be embarrassed." Even if she didn't appear embarrassed, her cheeks were tinted red.

The boy eyed them again, his face still flushed. "You kissed me," he mumbled.

"It's weird," Esme said. "Does kissing always feel that way?"

Emma felt her cheeks warm, while she wasn't even the one who had been kissed. "I don't know; I haven't kissed anyone," she said.

"Never?" Esme asked, flabbergasted.

Emma shook her head, placing her plate back on the empty shelf. It's not exactly something you get right away, since it's normally from people who like someone.

"Not even the cheek or anything?" Esme pestered. "Just go kiss some guy your age."

"It doesn't work that way..." Emma mumbled, scuffling back to Cindy's cot. Grabbing the wet cloth, she drained it in the bathroom sink and wet it once again. Damp, she folded it back onto her forehead.

"What way?" Esme asked, seeming genuinely confused.

"People normally kiss people they like or find cute," Emma mumbled.

"So, since I find James cute, that's why I kissed him?" Esme blurted.

That's been the main reason people kiss each other. Kissing shouldn't be her main concern, but what happens tomorrow? When the real fight begins, along with the vanishing that may happen. It was Divina's last day before whatever came.

"Do you think they can beat the vanishing?" Emma asked, looking at the two of them.

James now seemed nervous instead of embarrassed, but his face was still flushed. "They should," he mumbled.

"Okay, I'm going to check things out," Esme said while speeding out of the infirmary.

Emma looked over to see James going back to sleep as she sighed. She didn't know if it would even be possible to beat the vanishing. She heard footsteps and looked up, expecting it to be Esme or Zane, but it wasn't. No, it was someone she didn't expect it to be.

"You look quite tired," Bryce remarked.

"Cindy got stabbed, and James was shot," Emma muttered as he came walking over with both hands by his sides.

It was a surprise that he was actually in town. Bryce wasn't one to leave Uden unless Greyson ordered him to do something.

"Doctors get breaks though," he breezed.

She glanced over at Cindy because she felt guilty in some parts. If she had been quicker inside the infirmary, she could have saved Melany with her powers.

Bryce sat in front of her and raised his eyebrows. "Make sure to at least get some sleep that isn't on the floor," he said.

Emma watched as Bryce didn't move at first. He caressed one of her cheeks, using his other hand to push her bangs back and kiss her forehead lightly. Her cheeks flushed as he eyed her with a smile.

"I can't yet, but soon," he said as he stood up. "I'm not high or drunk either. Soon you'll see me more, but not yet. I came to peek in after the fight, but I didn't involved. Don't let your guilt destroy you either."

Emma's heart felt like it had run a race as she stared with widened eyes. It wasn't on the lips like Esme did to James, but does it still count as a kiss?

"Hopefully, I will see you soon," he said with a wink as he exited the church.

She stared blankly, her face still feeling hot. Why would Bryce kiss her forehead, of all people? Did that kiss have some meaning behind it?

Was it out of comfort after all the healing she had to do? Maybe it could be about friendship, but no other guy has done that.

She couldn't worry about that right now, but whatever happened tomorrow. Would it be true that Jason and Greyson both vanish?

Jason sat across from Bella on a bed in a yellow room. The mattress felt uncomfortable when he sat down. He wasn't sure what to say as Bella had her head hung. Taking her hand, she still didn't look up at him.

Bella had lost a friend she had spent much time with. The only difference was that they had just made up, and she helped with the daycare. She finally glanced up with bloodshot eyes and some of her golden hair covering her face.

"I should have spent more time with her," she whispered. It was quiet in the house except for the sound of Bella's wracked sobs.

"We'll get him back for what he did," Jason said.

"What's the point? He'll probably kill you next," Bella whimpered.

Jason had never been well when people broke down in front of him. He's never known the best words to say without making the other person feel worse.

"I'm not going to vanish tomorrow," he said.

The vanishing system is that when people turn fifteen, they magically disappear. It could be anywhere, but Jason didn't have a clue.

"Will people just keep leaving? Each day the number goes down and never up," Bella asked. "What will people do? What will I do?"

Jason knew that she wasn't well with being away from people. Sometimes she couldn't manage being alone, since it often scared her. It's something she told him one time, which is a reason he doesn't want to disappear.

"Bella, if I do end up disappearing, there are still people around. Esme, Emma, and Zane will still be here," Jason implied.

In the dark room, the setting sun occurred, which felt like there was a timer set. They were watching the hours slowly decrease until 10:33 a.m. That's when the real game changer came for The Bubble.

Hearing a knock on the door, Jason stood and opened the door to Zane and Yara. "Hey," he greeted, opening the door for the two to come inside.

Yara threw herself on the couch while Zane stood with a Swiss-Army knife stored in his pocket. Jason just stared at the handle as Zane cracked a rare smile.

"It's best to have weapons on us now," Zane stated.

Yara stared up at the pistol she still had. Jason felt slightly panicked, seeing how a young girl had an actual gun. Yet, it seemed no different than James punching Luke.

"I'm sorry about Teagan and Melany," Zane said.

"James and Cindy survived," Jason implied.

"They actually got the knife out?" Yara asked.

Jason felt his own stomach turn at that thought. How it felt and the aftermatch with Cindy being completely silent. He had a negligent feeling that Cindy wouldn't want to help at the infirmary.

"Did Luke die?" Jason asked.

"Esme has him tied up in the hospital," Zane implied. "I went to see the injuries, and she explained it all. She cut off the rest of his right arm and apparently plucked all his eyebrows off. Makeover she called it."

Jason wasn't even going to go into the hospital. Luke can stay tied up in that hospital until Greyson goes to free him.

"We're going to start looking for someone that can help," Zane stated.

"Help stop Luke?" Jason asked, feeling as if he missed a lot of information.

"New doctor," Zane remarked.

They needed to find someone who knew about the medication or the wounds that made Emma throw up. It had been hard enough for Emma to stop the pain of Stripper's broken arm.

"It won't be easy, and we still have Ashley and Divina to deal with," Zane said, slipping one of his hands in his pocket.

"Ashley and Divina are both crazy. Did you see what Divina did to Ashley?" Yara inquired, looking like she'd laughed.

"When Divina leaves or disappears, I feel it will get worse," Zane started. "Divina controls those holes and fires that Ashley sets. Who knows what she'll do when Divina is gone?"

Anything could happen. Maybe by having some killer explosions or using something to kill everyone.

"Divina did say someone might break into The Bubble," Jason implied.

"It's an if situation. Divina is a doodle, not a person," Zane stated.

Jason ran a hand over his face because he didn't realize how big this problem was. He is fighting his brother tomorrow and losing someone who could protect them from Ashley.

"How do we stop Ashley?" Yara asked, looking between the two.

"We have to stop this vanishing before we focus on that," Zane implied.

"I'm not vanishing tomorrow," Jason said, looking down at his hands.

Tomorrow meant fighting his brother for ego or show. Something he didn't intend to do but just refuse whatever caused this vanishing.

"Can we just shoot the wacko?" Yara groaned, jumping onto her feet.

"The only person that needs to be killed would be Luke," Zane implied. "It isn't smart that we rush it with whatever."

Zane is a reliable source for planning and information. Jason couldn't even remember him going to Simcoe High, and he definitely didn't go to Uden Academy.

"When's your birthday, Zane?" Jason asked, his eyebrows shot up at his words.

"August 4th. I'm not vanishing any time soon. I'm Cindy's age," Zane revealed.

He didn't think Zane was only in the seventh grade when he took action to be the fire chief. Greyson had ordered Jason to work at the fire station, but he has been mainly running around, stopping Ashley, and being dragged to Uden Academy.

"Mine is February 4th," Yara said, slouching back on the couch.

"And there's been three in total that vanished throughout the past three weeks," Zane implied.

"And a lot of death," Yara stated, setting her gun down and playing around with her hair. "That substance is responsible."

It had been the overall truth that whatever that purple substance had been, it ended up causing a drastic change in Ashley.

"She's your stepsister, right?" Zane asked.

"Greyson's my brother; that's it. Ashley was just some person," Jason sighed.

He didn't feel the connection he had with Ashley. He may have had to stand up for her when she got bullied sometimes, but not all the time. Most of the time, he was with Mark while playing beach volleyball or fishing. Even in the winter, both of them would go ice fishing.

He was some guy who didn't get the best grades but did enjoy being with his best friend. Mark had been busy with a lot of the other problems going on. There was searching for Luke on Divina's orders, which anyone may fear. Not all, but some, especially how she or it had been helping them moderately with filling holes or stopping Ashley's brutal actions. Vanishing had become the main issue with everything going on.

"What comes after the vanishing, after you stop it?" Yara asked, eyeing him with dark eyes.

"We wait and hope," Jason said, hoping that something may free them if they stop it.

Whatever it takes to actually defeat what caused this dilemma that left questions they couldn't answer. The only thing they hoped was they beat it and Greyson didn't stay in Simcoe, controlling it all.

In the room, it was dark. Luke glanced around and tried to move his body while tied down. When he got out of this, he'd definitely kill Esme. Working around, he realized that he had tried lifting his body upward. He tried to steady his legs, but it made him flop onto the table.

Luke tried to worm his way out, lying straight to push himself out of the rope. Sliding down from under the ropes, they rubbed against his skin. Making it to the floor, he stood as he noticed the rest of his nub for his arm had been missing. Looking over, he spotted it flat on the floor. There was a sticky note with a smiley face on it. Looking around the room, disoriented, he realized he had been at the hospital.

The hospital is bound to have weapons. Looking at the tool tray, he grabbed them and stuffed them into his pocket. Looking around the dark hospital, he heard a noise. Footsteps that travelled closer with the dim lights on, as he held his gun out with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"If that's you, Esme, I'm going to kill you," he taunted. It wasn't her, but rather that girl he killed in the daycare.

Standing near him, light purple pupils were directed at him. "Ashley has a task for us," Teagan said.

He wasn't going to help some ugly girl who had her hair missing. The last time he helped a woman, it was his stepmother, whom he almost ended up killing when he tripped her on accident. It wasn't an accident; he just hated her.

"I'm not helping some brat," Luke spat.

"God will give a reward," Teagan murmured. He kicked her, which sent her crashing into an empty hospital bed.

"I'm not praying or turning into Eden," Luke snarled.

"It will grant you a new arm," Teagan said.

Having a new arm meant being able to give twice the amount of holding power instead of putting weapons in a belt loop.

"Show me this person," Luke demanded.

Teagan came face-to-face with him. In a matter of seconds, both of them stood inside a bush. Looking around with the dark sky and moon reflecting light, she travelled forward as he followed behind.

"I'll get my normal arm back, right?" he grated.

Arriving in an area that had a small wooden cabin with trees surrounding an empty lot. He looked around and glared at the girl, who stayed still.

"I don't see no arm!" Luke barked.

Before Luke could strangle her, that ugly girl appeared. The one that had a purple substance leaking from her body every time he cut her skin. From a distance, Luke could tell she had a black eye and a nose covered in blood. Hopefully, this thing will give him a proper arm.

"You are the one who lost the arm?" Ashley asked, he nodded with a devious grin.

It would prove to Scarlett that having this arm meant, she wouldn't just have Greyson wrapped around her finger. Luke knew he was a follower of Greyson, but he still followed him.

"I'll grant you an arm if you help me," Ashley said.

"I'm not giving you a makeover," he snarled.

Ashley's eyebrows knitted together as she searched around for the answer. "You follow me," she spat.

"Sure," he growled, grinning.

Ashley put a hand on his shoulder blade, which grew back in an instant. The arm was no longer the same arm. It appeared to be the same fair colour but dangled like a wet noodle. Hitting it toward Teagan, she disappeared in a flash. It still had normal fingers, but the arm sagged. It was attached as a wet noodle that hung onto his waist. If it helped him achieve goals like killing Bella or Scarlett, he'd do it.

Looking around the area, he twisted his face bitterly. "Where are we?" Luke demanded, as there weren't any lights, but it felt off. It felt as if a rush of cold air had seeped through his body.

"This is the bush," Ashley said.

"You hide in some bush?" Luke laughed.

Luke felt himself being pushed by something. Glaring hard, he jumped onto his feet. "It's called the bush because that's where we are!" Ashley barked.

Luke stared down at his arm, which wasn't any different than a real arm except with a greater meaning. This would make up for the punishment he's deemed to get.

"You'll help me get rid of it," Ashley spat.

Luke now felt intrigued because getting rid of something had been what he was best at, especially torture.

"Who?" Luke asked.

Ashley had her teeth gritted and turned to look into the darkened trees surrounding them. "Divina," she spat.

Luke had heard that name before. Someone who enjoyed torturing this thing in front of him—hair gone, face burned, and broken bones. Divina had enjoyed hurting someone just like him. He enjoyed the pleasure of torturing someone they hated.

"I need you to kill her," Ashley ordered, but there was uncertainty in her eyes. It was as if she knew Divina couldn't be killed, but rather that it would kill him. "She vanishes tomorrow and has given you the four enhanced months."

"What do I get?" he snapped, wanting to slap the girl with his arm. No given straight answers other than small wants and desires.

"You can do whatever. Just make sure you kill Divina before 10:40 am," Ashley demanded.

Luke smirked at the given timeframe. Jason and Greyson would be away from this place. It gave him the perfect opportunity. Best on whoever he beats or even kills. Nobody telling him to stop when those annoying ones are gone. No Greyson means no Scarlett either. She'd be one of the first ones he'd have to kill.

"So, before Greyson vanishes?" Luke inquired.

Luke knew they were going to fight at 10 a.m to witness the vanishing. Stopping whatever disappearance happens when they turn fifteen. His own birthday wasn't until December 4th, so he had a while before he'd vanish.

"I'll do it," Luke confirmed.

Ashley grinned, but Luke found it ugly. She had teeth missing and even ones hanging unevenly. He had the urge to knock more of those teeth out, but he wasn't going to disobey this order.

He took Greyson's orders and demands, which gave him satisfaction. He got to beat up whoever he wanted without telling him to stop, unless Scarlett did. She'd convince Greyson that's enough, which he'd have to leave them to tremble.

Luke didn't actually meet Greyson until going into the eighth grade, showing him his freaky powers. That meant he could still pick on people and bully them normally.

When more freaks started to join the secret club, which meant more usage and lying. That did mean Greyson still pulled tricks sometimes in class on Scarlett's recommendation. Even if he tried, he couldn't compete with Scarlett.

She had Greyson tied around her finger since he first showed her. Greyson had told him about the reform camp, which he had actually gone to but terrorized some of the councillors and got kicked out early.

Luke hated romance, especially the whole concept. His real mother had always worked, and his dad always showed him how to use tools due to him being a mechanic. After his mom died in a car accident, his father spent less time with him and more with his stepmother, Shayna. She had been the one who recommended that he be sent to Uden Academy. However, he'd still follow this order—not because of some ugly-looking girl, but for his enjoyment.

"You can find your own way back," Ashley said, as it disappeared, leaving him alone in the darkened bush.

There was a sadistic grin plastered on his face as he went south to see the highway. He wasn't sure which end of the highway he rested on. Maybe the west end, where not many went. Either way, he'd kill Divina and get the pleasure of everything afterward.

Luke has a new arm and Emma had two shocking events happen.

Do you think Bryce kissed Emma out of friendship or something more?

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