Shards of Felwyn

By ThWallNeededAHug

170 11 11

(Rewrite of Unmarked) Late at night Cosmo, an orphaned boy of sixteen, finds himself lured to a mysterious ca... More

Map of Felwyn
Map of Coeden
The Grim Cavern
Stories of the Ancients
The Beginning
Open Sea
The Grand Trials
A Divine Request
Hope, Restored
Xhalo Ravine
Warring Tribes
Dance of Lightning
Sparks of War
Zavuali Sea
Remnants of the Past
Skierti Valley
History of Kran
Razorinye's Tomb
Cycle of Devastation
The Great Burning Hatred
Chill in the Air
Varren's Wrath
City of Mangroves
A Losing Battle
The Curse of Avarice
The Other Side
True Potential
An Unwavering Mind
Burning Finality
Recursive Application
After Many Moons

The Blue Palace

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By ThWallNeededAHug

"What?" Cosmo stammered, backing away from Arlinn with a perplexed look on his face. It felt like the whole world was spinning. His eyes darted from the sky, to the ocean, to his friends, which were lying on the ground next to his feet unconscious.

"What do you mean?" Arlinn chuckled and smiled, putting a reassuring, if gargantuan, hand on Cosmo's shoulder. "I haven't seen you for many moons, my son. Today is a day I have spent my entire existence awaiting."

"You can't be him. My father died long before I was born." Cosmo's eyebrows scrunched together as disbelief washed over him.

"I know it must be difficult to understand. Please, accompany me to my domain. It would be my pleasure to explain everything to you." Arlinn responded, stepping to the side of the sandstone pathway.

Behind him laid a mountainous crescent-shaped island. The expansive pathway continued into the distance, leading to a magnificent marble palace nested between the peaks. The monument towered into the sky, its lapis domed roofs shimmering in the bright sunlight. Every inch of the palace shone with symmetrical perfection, gleaming with the most purity Cosmo had ever laid eyes upon. Even with the magnificent display of beauty before him, a bitter taste lingered in his mouth.

"No." Cosmo responded, unsure of what was even coming out of his mouth. Arlinn had already turned towards the magnificent dwelling in the distance.

"Hm?" He turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"No." Cosmo repeated, this time with more defiance. "I want to know everything. Now." He wasn't sure where the fury behind his voice had come from, but it had begun to bubble up within him, giving his voice a sharp edge that cut through the peaceful midday air. Everything about the situation seemed too perfect.

"Cosmo. I am the one who bestowed life upon you." Arlinn smiled. His perfect teeth irritated Cosmo. "But I had to disappear, I couldn't let you know who you truly were."

"And why's that?" He snapped, clutching the knife at his belt and drawing it, receding to a defensive position. "This must be an illusion. Or some kind of trap. Do you take me for a fool?"

"Do you take me for one?" Arlinn asked, his smile disappearing. Cosmo looked to his knife to find his hand empty. Looking back to the god in front of him, he found his hunting knife in Arlinn's palm. Attempting to lurch forward and grab his weapon, he found that the sandstone path had consumed his feet, rendering him immoble.

"And you expect me to listen to your lies? Like this?" Cosmo cried out with fury, causing Elias to stir in his unconscious state. "Gwyth." He spat the incantation, the bricks crumbling to dust. "Ernet." Another incantation passed through his lips effortlessly, the blade slipping through the god's fingers and into Cosmo's hand.

"Cosmo-" Arlinn began, only to be interrupted.

"Where were you?" Cosmo yelled, awakening the remainder of his friends. He glanced backwards at Elias, who sat on the ground with a concerned expression.

"What do you mean?" Arlinn asked.

"Don't you know that yourself?" Cosmo retorted. "You're the God of the Mind, aren't you?"

"It wouldn't be prudent of me to-"

"I have almost died countless times to be here." Cosmo's eyes narrowed as his anger boiled over. He couldn't fathom that after years of wanting to meet his father that, in reality, he had been completely useless all along. "When were you going to step in? At what point did you even consider intervening to save your own son's life?"


"Your answer falls on deaf ears." Cosmo spat on the ground near Arlinn's feet. "I will hear your plea. But know this, Milyet o'r môr. you are no father of mine." Cosmo stormed down the sandstone pathway, slamming into Arlinn's enormous stature and not turning back. The god helped Cosmo's companions to their feet with a worried look and followed his son down the path, keeping his distance until they arrived at two enormous marble doors.

The entryway to the palace was grandiose, the ornate but sturdy doors standing taller than ten feet and engraved with intricate golden designs. Two steel knockers were affixed to both sides, each adorned with an enormous lapis gem that glittered in the bright sunlight.

The god outstretched his hand towards the doors, the runes on his arm glowing fiercely. The doors slowly opened, the stone hinges shuddering under the pressure. He stepped to the side, gesturing for the five to enter the palace.

"Allow me to make you some tea for your troubles." Arlinn gave a half smile. Clearly offput by Cosmo's behaviour, the party remained cautious around the god, carefully entering the doorway without taking their eyes off of him.

The interior of the palace was larger than Cosmo could've imagined. The ceilings were vaulted impossibly high, decorated with an expansive mural of the sky across the ceiling. The long hallway they stood within was dimly illuminated by two rows of chandeliers, lit ablaze by magical white flames that danced among the bright painting above.

Stained glass windows covered the left wall, filling the hallway with color. The radiant sunlight illuminated tapestries that were hung neatly on the right wall. Upon further inspection from Cosmo, he saw that they depicted Felwyn's ancient history, step by step.

He approached one of the pieces, gazing at the four gods: Tatiova, Ralthar, Arlinn, and Sorell, portrayed in elegant detail. Each one held a weapon pointed towards an enormous pillar of white stone which was set in the center of the painting, being pushed through the earth. Cosmo gazed at the illustration of Arlinn, a deep purple crystal clutched in his hand. A translucent gauntlet of the same color cloaked it, and he felt his stomach turn.

"Cosmo." Lysander got his attention, directing him towards the rest of the group, which had continued down the hallway. He reluctantly followed the others, walking alongside his cousin. "What in all of Felwyn is going on?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself, cousin." Cosmo answered through gritted teeth. He knew in his heart that he was lying, but he held his tongue.

"We are in the presence of a god, are we not?" Lysander asked.

"Yes." Was all Cosmo responded with.

"I heard him refer to you as-"

"I am aware, Lysander."

"Is it true?" Lysander put a hand on Cosmo's shoulder, stopping him and looking at him with earnest curiosity. Cosmo remained furious and, after a moment, shrugged off his cousin's hand, breaking the gaze and increasing his pace, following Elias, Molniya, Lileth, and Arlinn.

The six wandered through halls of the palace, past granite sculptures and distinguished paintings. It seemed the palace held an infinite gallery of ancient artifacts and illustrious art. No corner was left empty, but the interior remained orderly and refined. Despite the intensely detailed design, the palace still seemed gloomy and empty, giving Cosmo the feeling that Arlinn had been living there for an unknown amount of time, completely alone.

The group ascended through a magnificent marble staircase, the handrails accented with gold trim. Upon reaching the top, the six found themselves in a large tiled room with walls of glass and a stunning skylight, allowing the harsh light of noon to flood the room. An elegant kitchen occupied the entire right half of the room, and a long pine table with seven chairs sat on the left. The kitchen was beautiful, combining the serene tranquility of an observatory with the cozy atmosphere of a cottage. Along with these feelings, Cosmo also felt an unnerving sense of familiarity in the entryway, looking out upon the infinite sea as he felt his insides twist.

Cosmo and his companions sat down at the table awkwardly as Arlinn approached the kitchen. Without uttering an incantation, he produced seven mugs from the nearby cupboards and began to conjure water from thin air, creating a floating stream that filled a nearby kettle in seconds. The water boiled almost instantly, and Arlinn once again coerced the water through the air, filling each cup evenly. A drawer opened from behind the god and seven teabags smoothly floated through the air, falling in each vessel without making a sound.

"Va'al." Arlinn murmured the spell quietly, and suddenly, the cups sat in front of each individual at the table, including an extra seat at the table, which Arlinn ignored as he took the seat at the head of the table, closest to Elias.

"I'm sure you all have your questions." Arlinn said, taking a drink from his mug.

"How astute." Cosmo growled, looking out the window.

"I will do my best to answer what you ask. But first, allow me to introduce myself." He took another drink and sighed. "As I am certain you have already assumed, I am Arlinn. My dominion is over the ocean and the inner workings of the mind. I am a mage before everything: magic comes to me like breathing does to you. I am not here to boast my abilities, however. What can I answer for you?"

"How did we get here?" Lysander asked. "And where is here?" He leaned in upon his second inquiry, clearly having more bottled up behind his curious eyes.

"You are within the Blue Palace on Half-Moon Island, the only isle of the Archipelago that remains hidden to man. This is my domain and everything within it bows to my will. A complex cantrip maintains a circle of protection that surrounds the island, causing any ship that sails towards it to be thrown off course. The only natural way to arrive here, as I'm sure Cosmo is already certain of, is through the cavern where his journey began. Only those with the blood of the divine are capable of traversing the gap between dimensions."

"Do you mean to tell me that one of us is somehow-" Molniya began, nearly leaping across the table with surprise.

"While my understanding is that he would like it otherwise, Cosmo is indeed my son." He paused. "A true defiance of divinity that I did not know was possible." Arlinn looked Cosmo in the eyes, gazing through him.

"That can't be possible. Deities are incapable of reproduction." Elias commented, a curious look on his face. "The oldest scrolls in the library of Neilien say so." Arlinn laughed.

"You seem to forget who you are talking to." The god sipped his tea, steam obscuring his piercing eyes. "Even still Elias, you are not entirely incorrect. I have lived for millenia and there is still only one thing that evades my understanding." He looked across the table at Cosmo.

"Well, if you're Cosmo's father," Lysander spoke sheepishly. "And he's my cousin-"

"Oh, Lysander. My apologies. I really should have explained this to you sooner." Arlinn had gathered what Lysander was about to ask, which came as no surprise to Cosmo. "Unfortunately, and I dearly wish it was not so, Hallar is not truly my brother, but probably the closest thing a god can have to one. He must have never mentioned to you that we were actually only good friends." Arlinn paused and, upon seeing that Lsyander clearly wanted to know more, he continued. "I was among mortals for a very short period of my life, and during that time I only made real connections with two people. Those would be your father and..." He looked across the table at Cosmo. "Cosmo's mother."

"Who was she?" Cosmo stated the question more than he had asked it. While his gaze had softened, the anger that dwelled within him still burned brightly.

"Hm?" Arlinn was caught off guard, instinctively glancing at the empty seat across from him.

"If you truly are my father, then who is my mother? What was she like?" Cosmo hid the eagerness in his voice well, masking it with a frustrated tone.

"As long as you feel comfortable with your companions being present." Arlinn gave another half smile.

"I don't see why not." Cosmo responded, curtly. "They're more family to me than you are." A few of his friends shifted in their seats, the tension in the room swelling. Arlinn appeared unaffected, taking another drink from his mug before continuing.

"Nera was her name." He sighed wistfully and, in that singular breath, Cosmo felt every single emotion that Arlinn experienced upon speaking her name. His chest overflowed with a tight feeling and tears rose to his eyes. The name of his mother, spoken from his father's lips. "She was unimaginably creative. Intelligent and determined, too."

"Oh, and devastatingly stubborn, as well." Arlinn chuckled. "I used to say that she could split the realm asunder, if you simply told her that she couldn't. She was organized and specific in how she liked things to be arranged. In fact, I've kept the palace the exact way she left it. If not for her, it'd be unrecognizably messy." Cosmo opened his mouth to say something, but it seemed as though Arlinn wasn't paying attention.

"She was powerful, too. By the way she spoke, but also by the way that she fought. With the right weapon in her hand, she could have bested Galdernad herself, if she wanted to. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending upon how you see it, Nera wasn't violent like you or I. She held her composure excellently until you said something she didn't like. Then, you'd be as good as dead." Arlinn paused as the entire table held back tears. Even Molniya had become emotional, enthralled by his articulate descriptions.

"Was she a magic-user?" Cosmo's tone was softer, this time. Arlinn paused, giving him a look that made him shift in his seat.

"One of the most magnificent I had ever had the privilege to lay eyes upon. She mastered the basics with the same determination that you did. Your mother was hungry for knowledge and stopped at nothing to attain it, traveling all of Felwyn to learn all she could. And that eventually led her to me." Arlinn gulped, looking down into his mug. "It's a shame. You must have no recollection of her at all."

Cosmo hadn't even heard Arlinn's final sentence, mesmerized by the panorama of nature outside of the enormous window that spanned the far wall. As he took in the scenery, he thought about his mother. Nera. the voice echoed off the inside of his skull and left a bitter taste in his mouth. He frowned. I wonder what she looked like. I wonder what it was like to look upon her and know how real she was.

"I apologize. Please, allow me to be selfish and change the topic of conversation." Arlinn said, a forced smile on his face. "I believe you are all due to some explanation of why I did not provide my assistance on your journey. Of course, gods are not meant to interfere with the lives of humans, but I think we all know that it is atypical for us to abide by this rule."

"An explanation would be sufficient." Elias responded. "Tatiova did what she could to help us. I want to know why you didn't."

"As I'm sure you discovered on your way here, Gladernad's men still occupy all of Coeden." The group collectively showed that they were listening. "The Lord of Felwyn knows something is here and I've heard him think it. As each day passes, his greatest magic-users grow closer to discovering the cavern's true purpose."

"But why does that matter?" Lileth asked, her lack of tact shocking those at the table. Cosmo sipped his tea awkwardly. "I don't think I could care less about whether the Dilonwyr destroy your elegant palace."

"You also mentioned that those that wish to cross over to Half-Moon Island require divine blood." Elias added. "How could Galdernad ever hope to reach this place?"

"Spellbreakers." Arlinn answered shortly. "A group of Dilonwyr that are experts in removing seals and cantrips. The spell that I have cast on that cavern is unfortunately just as breakable as a mortal's."

"I still don't see why I should care about Galdernad sowing destruction on your land." Lileth's gaze sharpened.

"You care more than you know." Arlinn responded, making eye contact with Cosmo for a moment. However, in the few milliseconds that he looked into the god's eyes, Cosmo had already understood why Arlinn had said what he did. Engrossed in the conversation in front of him, it had been easy to forget that he was speaking with a god, and one that increased his insight dramatically, at that.

"I was correct, then. It's here, isn't it?" Was all Cosmo said, attracting the attention of everyone else at the table. Arlinn nodded.

"It appears that I am the only god that remains with their Divine Prism, after all." He sighed, taking a drink from his mug. "However, Sorell did entrust his to that... thing before he disappeared."

"If the Prism is truly in your possession, then lead us to it." The words leapt from Molniya's mouth, almost as an order. Cosmo felt just as eager.

"I would be happy to, but doing so would have little purpose." Arlinn responded.

"Little purpose?" Lysander repeated.

"Your journey has already concluded, mortals. I could sense the other three Prisms the second you arrived. All four now reside within Half-Moon island and are thus safe from Galdernad's reach."

"But what about the spellbreakers?" Lysander asked. His tone made Cosmo feel as though his cousin sought a reprieve from battle.

"I have already severed the connection between Felwyn and this place. No longer will we be vulnerable to such attacks." Arlinn finished his cup of tea. Wordlessly, he materialized a small stream of boiling water from thin air, which refilled his mug. Once the runes covering his hands had faded, Cosmo spoke up.

"What now, then?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

"You five have traveled across Felwyn by foot and have not had a proper rest, bath, or meal consistently for more than a month. Personally, I would begin there." Arlinn managed a smile once more, only to have it vanish with Cosmo's response.

"That isn't what I meant." Cosmo snapped back. "Do you mean we are to stay here for eternity?"

"No, no. I can reopen the pathway that connects us to Felwyn at any time. I only require that you remain here for as long as Galdernad remains in power, or for the remainder of his life, whichever comes first." Arlinn paused as the tension began to rise once more. "While I don't like keeping you all here, the realm remains too dangerous for you to traverse it alone. Galdernad is now closer to your position than ever and, with how renowned you've become from your actions, he will not take mercy on you. For the time being, it would be best if you stayed here. I can provide you food, water, a comfortable bed, and access to the extensive libraries and artifacts of the Blue Palace." Arlinn barely had time to finish as Cosmo grew furious.

"That could be upwards of fifteen years!" Cosmo responded, standing from his chair and raising his voice. "Everyone here has at least someone who will notice our absence. What am I supposed to tell Lysander's parents when I return and we are both grown men?"

"I understand this isn't what you had imagined. I beg of you to understand, this is not what I desire either. While I cannot amend for separating you from your loved ones, there are reflection pools dispersed throughout the palace that you can use to scry them. The incantation is simple and, if one or more of you are incapable of learning it, I would be happy to cast it for you."

"That isn't good enough." Cosmo spat, glaring at Arlinn.

"I'm sorry-"

"No, Arlinn, you aren't sorry for anything." Cosmo interrupted the god, who sighed as he leaned back in his seat. "Because if you were, everyone I knew on Coeden would still be alive. If you were, I wouldn't have had to traverse all of Felwyn and put my life on the line more times than I can count. If you were truly sorry, I wouldn't be spending the next decade on this miserable island with a person I haven't ever felt more hatred for."

A heavy silence fell over the table as Cosmo looked around the room at his friends. In a moment of realization, a terrible feeling clutched his stomach as he saw that he was alone in his outrage.

"Don't tell me..." He let the sentence drift off, crushed at the reality of the situation. The friends that had kept by his side for so long had abandoned him. For a concerning amount of time, nobody responded. Molniya was the first to answer.

"Cosmo." She winced, trying to find the right words. "The prospect of staying here for the remainder of Galdernad's reign is unpleasant, to say the least. But truthfully, I see no other option. If returning to Felwyn is as dangerous as Arlinn claims, I think it better to live another day in hopes of seeing a world free from Galdernad's influence." Cosmo gritted his teeth, his throat becoming tight as tears of frustration rose to his eyes. He held his composure and hid the desperate look on his face, turning to face Elias, who seemed pensieve.

"Your perspective is not incorrect, Cosmo." Elias spoke up, giving him an earnest look. "I, too, would be upset had my father not disclosed his identity to me for so long. I would also be hesitant were he to ask of me what Arlinn is asking of you now." He paused. "Tatiova has instructed us, however, to carry out a task. If you cannot do it for your father, do it for the Lady of Light." Cosmo looked to Lysander, hoping that he of all people would understand.

"I'm going to miss my parents, Cosmo. But if saving my home means only seeing them through a pool of water for the time being, then... I have to stay, right?" Lysander looked to the rest of the group for affirmation and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of Cosmo's chest.

"But we've overcome the impossible together." He tried to look his friends in the eyes, but their expressions deterred him, almost causing the tears glistening above Cosmo's irises to escape and run down his face. "Not even the Prince of Felwyn stood in our way. How is Galdernad any different? If the outside world is so dangerous, let's eliminate the threat ourselves!" Gathering himself, he almost sounded like he believed the words escaping his lips.

"Cosmo," Lileth started. He looked to her with hope, only to find the same pitiful expression that everyone at the table beheld. Cosmo sank. "I haven't known you long, but in the little time I have, you've given me a feeling of fulfillment that I haven't experienced during my life of petty theft and jailbreaking. Because of this, I wish you a bright future and a long life." She sighed, looking to the window. "I do not believe that anyone who stands against Galdernad at the moment can have that."

"But Lileth, we aren't like everyone else-"

"It doesn't matter who any of us are." Her tone became sharp, and Cosmo got the feeling Lileth had personal experience with Galdernad's wrath. "It matters not who your father is, nor whatever power is held within that crystal of yours. All of Wyrfel, hell, all of Trovvs could make the decision tonight to stand up to Galdernads army and it would result in their demise. He's stronger than you know, Cosmo. Let it be."

"What are we supposed to do, then?" He threw his arms in the air, incredulous. "Just stand by leisurely as the entire nation is pillaged as Galdernad seeks the Prisms? How is this fair to anybody?" This time, Elias answered his question.

"Take this information from someone who has lived near Trovvs their entire life. I have seen Galdernad's influence and even I fear it. But as terrifying as his dominion is, he would be unstoppable were he to attain the Divine Prisms. While we are not prohibiting the suffering of those afflicted by his rule, we are preventing countless deaths." Cosmo's shoulders slowly relaxed as a feeling of dejectedness washed over him. Am I doing this because I selfishly desire a normal life on Hiӓen with Lysander? He thought, the terrible feeling in his stomach refusing to subside. No. I know that allowing Galdernad's rule to persist is not right. But is his death the correct answer? Cosmo's thoughts were left to linger as Arlinn spoke up once more.

"I know you do not wish to stay, Cosmo. However, this journey has been long and you have suffered a great deal. If you cannot rest here for my sake, please do so for your friends. I believe they wish to see you happy just as much as I do." A heavy blanket of silence fell over the table as Cosmo squinted his eyes shut, attempting to process all that had transpired since they had arrived on Half-Moon Island.

"If my companions, who have carried me so far on their shoulders, desire my presence, then I will stay here."

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