New Job (Tanqrcraft)

By HyperThuder

16.6K 178 317

Kreek is a Piggy pro Youtuber, but when piggy ends, what will he do? Kreek and Kayla had broke up and she too... More

Before we start the story...
What do I do now?
Snowy Night
Chizeled and Timmeh
The maid boy
Braver than Tanqr
Cooking Stream
No Cuddle Zone >:(
A Fun Afternoon
Kreek's house
Not getting along
Unexpected visitor
Cashier woman came to visit

Worst Luck

1K 10 4
By HyperThuder

Kreek's POV:

I picked the closest Mcdonalds that i could find near my house, gladly i found one that's also 3 minutes away like the one store that i went last night. Perfect! That should settle everything, i'll go there by tomorrow morning.

(time skip)

The next day, i woke up i got my self ready really quick because i had be at Mcdonalds by 8:30am so the customers don't come while i was asking to work there. I didn't make any breakfast except some quick coffee for myself because when i woke up, it was like 7:58am. I quickly put my jacket on and then finish my coffee before i head outside, it was still snowing outside like crazy. I was kind of shaking because it's really cold outside, i started to run a little so i could at my job early.

I finally got there at Mcdonalds, out of breath, i looked around but nobody was there. The door was open so i went in, not a single customer is in Mcdonalds. Good.

Kreek: Excuse me? Is anybody here?

I saw a worker coming out from the back.

Worker: Hi, how can i help you?

Kreek: Uh, can i work here as a worker?

Worker: Sure, you can talk to the manager about that, he'll be here in a minute, you can sit at a chair and wait.

Kreek: Ok.

I sat on a chair and waited for the manager to come.

The manager came and i talked to him about how i wanted to work here, he said i could work here and he also showed me around and the directions that i need to participate. They seems to be pretty easy to me.

(time skip)

Now i just have to wear what the manager told me to wear, this black, sturdy, polished, and non-slip shoes. I don't really seems to mind whatever i wear, so i putted them on.

Day 1 working at Mcdonald's isn't that bad at all! The customers were very polite and their orders were pretty easy to remember until day 2, the customers weren't as polite as the ones yesterday but i still got there orders right even though they order a lot of stuff. Day 3 is when it gets me, this one customer asked for a BBQ chicken sandwich which i remembered that perfectly but i accidently put ketchup in the chicken sandwich instead of BBQ.

The customer almost took a bite out of the ketchup chicken sandwich before he realized it was ketchup, the customer got really mad at me that i putted ketchup in his chicken sandwich, the customer said he was allergic to ketchup and said i was a bad worker. He said he will not come back to this Mcdonalds anymore which i felt awful for what i did. How could i be so dumb?! I almost killed that customer! I just took another customer's service instead of taking a break, this customer i took was a woman and i really don't want to piss another customer off this time, especially not a woman. I asked what she wanted to order and she said she's in a rush and wanted a quick hot chocolate so i told her to wait while i make them.

I made the hot chocolate but i didn't know you were supposed to put marshmallows in them so the customer asked "Where are the marshmallows?" I asked her "What do you mean?" And she said "You were supposed to put marshmallows in the hot chocolate." I apologized to her by saying " Oh, I'm very sorry i didn't know you were supposed to put marshmallows in hot chocolate. I'll put them in right now, wait here!"

I went to the back with the hot chocolate, trying to find the marshmallows but i couldn't find them anywhere. i was starting to get a little worried so i asked one of the workers where the marshmallows are but she said "We ran out of them yesterday and some of the other workers will go buy groceries tomorrow along with the marshmallows." I started to panic because i'll definitely lose another customer again if i don't have marshmallows for her hot chocolate. I ran back to the customer again and apologized to her "Ma'am, i'm so sorry we ran out of marshmallows." She stare at me and said nothing, then she said this with the annoyed tone "it's fine, i'll just come back another day." As she leaves out the door, i could feel tears coming out of my eyes.

I'm an awful worker.. why did i even agreed with my fans? I wiped my tears away, looking at the money that i earned. Only $8.75.. i told the other workers that i want to go home early and they said ok so i exited the door and head home when it's only 7:35pm. I was back home made some quick dinner for my self, as i finished eating, i washed my plate and went upstairs. I took off the clothes i was wearing at work and took a shower, after i came out i just layed there on my bed and drift my self to sleep. Of course i woke up in the middle of the night because of insomnia.

I groaned and went downstairs and got myself a cup of water, i chugged it whole and went upstairs to my room again to try to fall asleep and i did. The next morning, i get myself ready drink a quick coffee and then went off to Mcdonalds again, i got there but then i saw the manager stared at me with the angry look on his face, he said that i wasn't following the rules correctly so i was fired. I begged him if i could get one more chance but he wouldn't budge, he said i had to take off the work uniform and then put them back at the back of the kitchen.

I sighed and then went to the back to change, luckily i had a hoodie and a pair of jeans with me just in case something happens. There was tears running down my face as i as changing, i came out of the kitchen and the manager pointed at the exit door telling me to leave so i went out. I hate my luck... it was so cold outside as i was shivering really bad. I was crying until i was back home, i went upstairs and faced my self down into my pillow, crying, my hair was so messy as i cried my self to sleep.

(Sorry about the cliffhangers, stories won't be fun without dramas)

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