Sorrow & Mercy: a Great Ace A...

By baroksfacescar

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[Contains major spoilers for the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles / Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1&2] Our tale begins 10... More

Folds of Scarlet
A Curtain of Mist
Faces Familiar and Strange
Matters of Blood
Strange Pity
The Shapes of Things
A Change of Circumstance
Truth and Misconception
The Heart of Things
Winter's Sudden Entrance
A Curtain of Scarlet
Soothing Conviction
In No Harsh Voice
Ventured Descent
Strange Shadows
That Black Shape
Violent Grief
To the Heart
Bleak Shores
An Entire Separation
PART II: Years of Ink
A Curtain of Sorrow
The Terror He Inspired
Momentary Respite
Swift Departure
Sombre Indignation
Those Who Return
Spasm of Agony
The Breath Before
A Curtain of Truth
Separate Paths
Inexpressible Sorrow
Reunited Blood
Slow Throb of an Old Wound
Our Final Resolve


20 2 0
By baroksfacescar

Susato walked slowly down the pathway home, her head lowered, the smell of blossoms pressing in gently around her. But her mind was troubled, brimming over with myriad thoughts, all of which darted off in various directions.

She could not stop thinking about the trial. In order to save Rei's life and prove her innocence, Susato had disguised herself as a man—Ryutaro Naruhodo, fictitious cousin of Ryunosuke—and had managed to secure an acquittal and uncover the truth. But there were details about the trial that continued to haunt her mind. What was this about Asa Shinn being Jezaille's real name? What had Menimemo discovered? What was he about to say before Jigoku interrupted him with a seoi flip? With Menimemo being imprisoned for the murder of Jezaille Brett, there was no way for Susato to find out now. Not only was that mystery frustratingly unsolvable, but Soseki-san had said something that unsettled her as well. He mentioned speaking with her father when he had returned from London, and that Yujin had grown pale and strange over something Susato, Sholmes, and Ryunosuke had found during their investigation of Soseki's apartment back in London. Something that had been nestled within the hoard of the criminal, Selden.

Susato vaguely recollected that moment. She had caught the faintest glimmer of something bright, a flare like light off a gem. And then Sholmes had torn it away from Ryunosuke's grip and Susato had been left with nothing but a sense of confusion and curiousity that had never been sated. Just what was it they had found? Was that the real reason why Yujin had called her back?

Susato's thoughts pounded in her temples as she slid open the shoji and removed her boots.

"Tadaima," she called out absently.

"Susato! Good, you're home! Can you make some tea? We have a guest," Yujin said, rushing to greet her.

"Oh! Yes, of course, Father," Susato said, a bit glad for the distraction. Unless... "This guest isn't a it?"

"Not at all! Where were you today, anyway? You were gone a long time."

"I was visiting Kazuma-sama's grave. I also went to send a letter to Naruhodo-san. Unless it's been intercepted."

Yujin sighed. "I will never do anything like that again, I swear that to you. Now come say hello to Jigoku."

"Oh! Jigoku-san is here? Is it to do with the trial?" Susato said.

"I'm not entirely sure. He said he had news but he wanted you here first," Yujin said.

"I will make tea as quickly as possible!" Susato said and hurried off to do just that.

When she finished in the kitchen, Susato found Yujin and Jigoku sitting together, talking, the shoji partially open to let in the fresh breeze. Jigoku laughed loudly then smiled at Susato as she entered, and nodded to her gratefully as she served the tea.

"Hello, Jigoku-san!" Susato said.

"Hello, Mr. Ryutaro," Jigoku said and burst out laughing.

Susato's face burned. "May I sit with you?"

"Of course!" Jigoku said.

Once Susato was seated and after Jigoku had consumed some of his tea, he fixed both Yujin and Susato with a bright smile. "Well! I have some news! It seems Yujin and I have received a certain invitation."

"Oh, really?" Susato said. She looked at Yujin, but he appeared confused.

"Yes! Lord Stronghart sent it to us personally. It seems there's to be a Forensic Science Symposium sometime after the start of the Great Exhibition," Jigoku said.

"Oh! Oh yes, the Crystal Tower must be finished now. I so desperately wish to see it," Susato said, anticipation flooding her. "And if you and Father are returning to Britain...might I be able to travel with you?"

Yujin frowned. "Was there anything about Susato in this letter?"

Jigoku shook his head. "Unfortunately, there wasn't. Lord Stronghart already arranged tickets for us. Two tickets only, I'm afraid. Our ship doesn't leave for quite some time yet."

Susato shot to her feet. "Well...I will go on ahead!"

"Susato," Yujin sighed.

"Surely I cannot stay here alone. Unmarried, as I am," Susato said.

Yujin tensed.

"And..." Susato said, pressing a finger to her chin, as if in thought, "I am supposed to return to London anyway, aren't I? To carry out Kazuma-sama's work, in honour of him. At Naruhodo-san's side."

Jigoku nodded while stroking his beard. "Excellent! You can greet us when we arrive!"

"Yes!" Susato said, grateful for his support.

"Are you certain that's a good idea?" Yujin said.

"Come on, Yujin! Let her see her friends. And the Great Exhibition! It's a once-in-a-century event," Jigoku said.

"Actually...there was a Great Exhibition in 1851 as well. But this will certainly be the final one of the century!" Susato said. "Father, you must let me go. I have much I need to talk with my friends about."

"Well...I suppose it would be alright. You could wait and go with us, however," Yujin said.

"I am certain our ship is already booked full," Jigoku said. "Miss Susato, if you have any hope of getting to London in time for the Exhibition, you had best find tickets as soon as possible. A great many people will be travelling there!"

"Yes, you're right! I will go do so right now," Susato said.

Before her father had any chance to contradict her, Susato rushed right back outside, moving with the utmost haste.


"You're going back so soon, Susato?" Rei Membami said, frowning warily.

"Yes!" Susato said. "It feels like I've been away for an age. Even though it's been such a short time, comparatively. I did wait ten years to go back..."

"I know. I know how important this is to you. It's just that..."

"Yes, Rei?"

"...You don't plan to come back, do you?"

Susato smiled and shook her head.

"I knew you would want to stay if you ever got to go back. But it's still so painful to think about...I'm really going to miss you, Susato!" Rei said and the two women hugged.

"I promise to write to you often!" Susato said as she pulled away from the embrace.

"Yes! You must! And maybe you can send me some of that chocolate you told me about," Rei said.

Susato laughed. "I will see what I can do, I promise! Maybe one day you can visit."

"I would like to try to. If I can!" Rei said. Then she paused, tears shining in her eyes. She drew in a breath and looked away. "I can't believe you're really going forever this time."

"We'll see each other again, Rei. I'm sure of it! After all, my father will still be here, I'm quite sure," Susato said.

"You do look very happy about this..." Rei said and did her best to smile despite the tears that she could no longer hold back.

The sight of her best friend, so broken-hearted over her planned absence, brought tears to Susato's eyes. They hugged again. Rei held on tightly and broke out sobbing.

"Sorry! I'm...I'm trying to be happy for you. I really am!" Rei said.

"It's alright. I'm going to miss you, too."

"That Englishman better make you happy!" Rei said.

Susato stepped away from Rei and frowned at her suitcase. "I don't know if that's a possibility now. But, whether he changes in his heart towards me or not...London feels like home to me. And I have much I must do."

"Well, he'd be an utter fool not to marry you! If he treats you cruelly again, I'll go there myself and do a Rei Takedown!" Rei scowled fiercely and fell into her battle stance.

Susato mirrored her pose and the two laughed.

"I can hardly wait to see that!" Susato said. She picked up her luggage and smiled, hope and anxiety intertwining within her. "I should leave now. If I want to make it to the boat on time."

"Okay. Can I go with you and wave to you from the dock?" Rei said.

"Of course!"

"Can you wear your Ryutaro disguise one last time?"

"No, Rei. I don't plan on wearing that ever again."

"But you were so dashing!"

Susato sighed heavily.


And soon, Susato was on her way back to London. This time, she would spend the fifty days alternating between contemplating the strange mysteries set before her and looking to the horizon with hope. For soon, she would be at the side of her friends once more. And she had come with evidence to show to a certain Lord Barok van Zieks as well. Once the time was right, she would present it, and prove her loyalty.

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