By Myhappyending95

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"Love Playlist" is a collection of twentyseven stories and six photo edits, made by different writers and pho... More

The Race Of Their Lives (Hsienhui1978)
My Heart Goes (LoveCanoLove)
Second Chance (LunaYPina)
Reason (zarysun)
I Like Me Better When I'm With You (Rosie_520DiYue)
Serendipity (TheyCallMeCathy)
One Step Back (justmeiseng)
Say You Do (thumbekil)
Closer (ChaosAPPZ)
I Like You Just The Way You Are (Jeeya_Angel)
Kissing Chemistry (G0ldCharm)
My Whole Life Will Be Spent In One Love (weinnahauyeung0056)
War With Heaven (lunarilee)
Once Lost (amanyeeeka)
Undying (fluffysugarsock)
And It All Began, When I Met You (Ms.Beng)
Two Thirty am (Rjoyieee)
Silver Stranger (katana_j)
Body And Soul (GermanaSaLes9)
Wish You Were Here (yueyuedidi)
Once Upon A Time: The Midnight Princess (toniclomera)
London Dreaming (DreamscapeAndMindset)
First Christmas (That I Loved You) (Zazounette86)
The One I Love Is You (Meggyhashope)
Senbazuru (Chya26)
18 (ddyy_f4_artclub)
Ride Home (shinexyne)
War With Heaven (woxihuandiyue)
Let's Fall In Love For The Night (mrsLittleDreamy)
Made For Loving You (JVH624)
You're The Cure My Love (pai_rach)
My Little LeBron (Myhappyending95)

Rules Were Meant To Be Broken (ella-holland98 & marie-holland97)

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By Myhappyending95

Story by: ella-holland98 & marie-holland97

Author of:



"The Day (DiYue)",

"Runaway (DiYue AU)"


"Puzzle Pieces",

"The Professor",

"DiYue One Shots"

Title of the story: "Rules Were Meant To Be Broken"

Song: "Cosmic Railway" by Exo

You can't cry even when you get hurt,

so I want to be the place you can relax your guard around

It's fine already if you confess

all the weaknesses you don't show anyone

The moonlight watching over us pierces through each day

I'll embrace you. Entrust everything to me

Cosmic Railway, go with these feelings

Cosmic Railway, towards my beloved you

The starry sky I look up at is connecting us

Let's meet by chance over and over

I rush towards the scattered love notes as I heard my mother's footsteps coming towards my bedroom door.. I quickly put them inside the box where I stored them away from bird's eye view.. and pretend to be reading the guide to be a princess seeking for marriage. I groan as I open a page to the stupid book, what even was the purpose of this stupid book?... why should a princess' sole purpose in life be to act like an obedient woman who can't even engage in a single one of her thoughts much less have her own opinions, God forbid she be able to dictate her own options in finding a good man herself, nope. Scratch that, it could never be that way her only option will always be for her to keep her pretty little mouth shut and await for the line of idiotic bachelors the king and queen have found for them.

"Yue, It's nearly time for you to be ready so I've gathered your lady's in waiting that way they can come give you a hand with getting dressed for today, your father has a good feeling about this prince..", my mother begins saying and all I can manage is a groan as a response while I hide behind the book I had my nose under.. I wish she'd just let me be my own person!!!

"Yes mother", I close the book and take a seat on the vanity chair and a big pout emerges on my face. Here we go again.. my mother walks towards me and begins rubbing my back comfortingly followed by a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder, I know she means well but it just doesn't feel that way not to me, not now and I doubt it ever will

"I'm sorry Yue, I wished things were different.. I to wish you were able to do all the things your heart desires but because there are rules our ancestors before us left and with very good reason, we must follow them even when it's tough", she tried reassuring me but the only thing it causes is my blood to boil, but of course I'm angry, how could I not be?! As a princess we mustn't show these emotions so I do my best attempt to not let it show outwardly. My feelings are only safe when kept hidden because a Princess is only meant to follow not be a leader.

The rules were made decades ago before this presumptuous era women were able to speak their mind and marry whoever the hell they wished to marry... our ancestors never would have imagined that with time things would begin changing.

"Anyway darling, I bid you farewell", she gives me one last pat on the back and leaves me alone again, deep in my thoughts.

My three lady's enter soon after and I smile at them. "Come on girl, don't be so upset... maybe them finding the man you are to marry won't be so bad besides you'd eventually fall in love with them", Joan tried to make me feel better all I could manage in my despair is a shrug.

Anne shakes her head disagreeing with Joan. "Has your mark appeared?", Anne asks and I laugh.. oh poor Anne.. being a lady in waiting meant she couldn't find love on her own unless they were suited for the family in order to be able to live..

"It only appears when your soulmate is in the same room as you and you'll know they are your soulmate because the closer you two get to one another your mark burns slightly until you guys touch.. or if you guys do meet and don't go through with being together... it fades into a red color and you'll be left with the thought of what could've been", Taylor explained and looks down at her mark.

I felt guilty immediately as I look over at Taylor.. she had met her soulmate, a little over a year ago and couldn't be with him because her status rank didn't match her soulmates and her soulmate was a coward who couldn't even fight for their love.

"I heard years ago , that a royal from two kingdoms over.. had left everything for their significant other , he renounced his title, fortune, and kingdom duties for the woman he loved and now they live happily", Joan says as she begins laying out dresses.

"Are you talking about your Auntie again?", Anne playfully rolls her eyes and laughed. Ahh yes the infamous love story Joan had been telling us for years.. I had known them since I was fifteen.. and she had told it over and over. Her Aunt was a woman who owned an art studio when a mysterious man came to paint every day.. according to the two workers who worked for her he always sat in the studio area where you were able to paint and he always painted and left the painting behind.

One day when her Auntie was visiting her studio to do her monthly check ups and to make sure that everything was running smoothly, that's when her mark began burning and the man had unexpectedly stopped painting. A dropped paint brush and a few seconds later the loud groaning commenced as he began grabbing his arm and that's right when their eyes met, the whole entire world seemed to halt completely all around them.. and from that day forward they began getting to know one another and fell in love as time went on, then later she had learned about his status and he renounced it and lived as an average man and they had three children. That had been nearly a decade before... but Joan loved the story so much she always told it.

"It'll happen one day.. I have hope that we'll all find love and don't have to live with the system that the ancestors left behind.. where we can live happily", She happily clapped her hands.

Taylor takes out the hair tools and begins doing my hair and Anne starts prepping my face for my make up.

I, too began feeling hope.. that if found true love than that the system wouldn't even matter and that I'd be brave enough to just go against everything and live happily like the prince from that small kingdom.

Although it was only a small ounce of hope.. I would be brave enough one day to be able to find whoever had been sending me those secret love notes and even if they were my soulmate or not they gave me hope in my darkest time when I had just felt like giving up.

"My lady, excuse my idiotic son's behavior it won't happen again", the king apologized for his son's cheeky demeanor towards me.

Yeah... right like he could ever be sorry. If he was remorseful he wouldn't look so bothered by me. He's furious that I spoke up about how shameless he was acting.

"Please forgive me, as it can't be helped how

small minded you are and not even remotely close to being on my level", the prince rolls his eyes.

"I am sorry, sorry that physics is something you find entertaining, how could I have a clue what the mechanics behind quantum probability entailed? You got angry at the fact that I don't have the same interests as you, not everyone will, there's some free advice for you , you're welcome!" I say angrily as I stand up not wanting to listen to him any longer

"Whatever, you're just a mentally incompetent princess who happens to be small minded and only knows how to follow men's orders, so don't you dare think for a second you're ever going to be more than that, a woman who's voice will never matter especially to any man she's with", he argued back but I just shut the giant door behind me not even bothering to argue back.

Stupid man. You'll see my voice matters and of course it will matter to the man I'm with one day.. you stupid physics loving nerd!!

I walk towards my chambers and grow furious as I think back to that stupid ignorant prince's words as I smash into someone's chest, we both land on our bums. My arm begins slightly burning, did I hit myself that hard I think to myself only to ignore the pain that began spreading .

I look up and see the man wearing a guard outfit but with a different colored coat then the other guards.. this must be my father's official leader of the guards... he looked kinda young..

"I am so sorry Miss... I wasn't looking where I was going.. Here let me help you", he stands up and then he offers me his hand, and just like that the pain that had began spreading stops but... it .. no.. wait... could that pain.. no... just stop overthinking things Yue.

"It's okay", he helps me up and he smiles at me. "I've never seen you around.. you must be the official leader of the guards, right?.."

He nods. "I garnered the position thanks to my father, whom the king highly respects and admires .. and he passed it down to me, you must certainly be thinking to ask the question that so often I get asked correct? .. why is someone as young as me the leader of guards" he says a playful smirk emerging from his handsome face oh wait nope, dang it involuntary thoughts get out of my head

"How come this is the first time I've ever seen you", I ask him curiosity over taking my thoughts and he shrugs.

"Not sure, but what I do know now is that I should go, have a nice night princess", The young guard says and he bows to me and sends a playful wink my way. Although most men annoyed me this young guard didn't.. I wonder what his name was.. he didn't even tell me., or I just failed to ask as well

I roll my sleeve up and notice the fresh mark on my arm and I look over notice the young guard looking down at his arm and then just like that, poof, he disappeared into the hallway.

I open the door still in shock by the young guard... did he feel it too.. the sting .. and see the mark on his arm too.. that appeared just now?

"Yue.. you look stunned what occurred ?",Joan rushes towards me and I hold up my arm. And the three girls gasp.

"Your mark!!", Taylor says excitedly..

"Okay but I to want kick that stupid prince's ass did you hear what he said to our Yue.. when I get my hands on him!!!", Anne spat.

I shake my head indicating that it was okay and that I was fine and Anne angrily looks away wanting to give the prince a piece of her mind and also punch him.. if there was anything I knew about Anne is she hated when people mistreated her and anyone she cared about and that girl could pack a punch.

"Anyway, your mark finally showed up and who's the lucky guy?", Joan asked the serious question the other two had being wondering.

"I don't know his name but I think it's the official guard of my father and the leader of the other guard"

Taylor smiled. "That's my cousin, Wang Hedi or Dylan.. he lived with my family and I"

Oh goodness.. her cousin!?

"Your cousin?", I replied and she nods her head. "Wow.. who is this Wang Hedi... what's he like?", I say to her and she smiles.

"Are you sure he's your soulmate?", she asks and take out my hand showing her my mark and the colored around it was purple.

"Not sure but I do know he's the only one that was in the hallway when I bumped into him.. and I felt like time stopped..ya know?"

I look over at my desk and see the note and wooden rose on top of it. I rush towards my desk and grab the wooden rose in my hands.

"My secret admirer left me something!!", I excitedly say to them. Taylor's smile falls "Are you really interested knowing more about my cousin or are you going to find out who the man behind the letters is?", she spits out.. and I tense and the other two girls with me stop smiling.

Taylor angrily leaves my room not saying another word. "I honestly didn't mean to get excited... this man has been making me happy for the last year and half.. also I do want to know about her cousin... if he is my apparent soulmate and who knows who this man could be and maybe he's simply a man who is just interested in me but through letters and not in real life"

Joan side hugs me. "Don't worry about it Yue, the whole soulmate subject is still a little touchy for her.. seeing as things with her and her soulmate didn't work out.."

"He was a coward and Taylor deserved better.. and i hope she finds someone better.. remember you don't always have to be with your soulmate it is ultimately your choice.. some people's soulmate find love else where.. besides who says you have to be with someone you share a mark with?", Anne began explaining.

It was true but not many people had the chance to find their soulmate according to most people and if I got the chance to meet mine just now then I'd take it .. and get to know him and find love my own way not by marrying stupid spoiled princes.

"So we found a better match for you dear", my father said during dinner a few days later.

"Who could that be?", my mother spoke up. "His name is Prince Liam.. and he from three kingdom's over and apparently his last engagement didn't work out because the daughter refused to be with someone who's soulmate mark had appeared for someone else"

I choke on my bun. Prince Liam... as in Taylor's Liam.. ?!

"I.. um.. father I need some fresh air .. excuse me", I quickly stand up and rush outside. Unable to process what had happened. Prince Liam?

"Hello there princess, what troubles your mind?", a man from behind me speaks and I turn around seeing it was the young guard that I now knew his name was Dylan.

"The fact that my father wants me to meet the soulmate of one of my best friends and things didn't work out with them because he was coward who ran away"

For some reason although this way my actual first conversation ever with him I felt comfortable with him enough to be myself.

"You feel it too?", he asked and he rolls up his sleeve and I see his mark. And i roll my sleeve up seeing my mark was the same as his.

"You felt that sting that day? And felt it stop when our hands touched?", I question him and he nods.

"I did but I thought I was crazy because you're the princess and like hell you could ever be with someone with such a low rank as me?"

I shake my head. "Ya know they say not many people find who their soulmate is but I'm glad I found mine.."

He grabs my hand and squeezes my hand. "Me too princess but although we're each other's soulmates I would get executed if the king found out were together in secret"

"Don't worry about it.. let's just get to know one another and also help your cousin be happy with her soulmate"

"You know Taylor is my cousin?", he says taken back that I knew.

"She told me herself, is it abad thing that I know?"

"No it's just.. There's a lot of things Taylor doesn't know about our family but that's for another day.. tell me about you"

"That's insane!! You jumped off a cliff!?", he says shocked by the story I told him.

"Imagine if you do dumb stuff for people you have crushes on .. imagine what you would do for people that you are in love with", I noted.. and he nods agreeing with me.

"Let's do this", he unexpectedly says. I look at him quizzically and he just gives me a big smile, I felt that on such a level, the butterflies already swirling all around.

"At a quarter past 9 PM the king and queen doze off and I'm sure you know they're heavy sleepers." His eyes sparkle wonderingly like the moonlight who has finally chased off the sun and begs to be seen, and I just can't help but get lost in them as he speaks

I nod and wait for him to continue, he lightly entices my hand with his

"The greenhouse near the blue orchids and fountain. The one with the perfect view from your sleeping quarters, can you meet me there tonight?" He asks hopeful

"How did you...?" I look at him questioningly

"Know?" He finishes the question for me and I nod

"You'll find out only if you meet me there tonight " he smiles that damn beautiful smile once again

"Will you?"

"Okay.. I'll see you tonight." I say as a smile draws itself out "you have some explaining to do Dylan and I for one can't wait to hear how you get yourself out of this one, it's a bit creepy you know? I laugh sort of half jokingly

"It's not like that.." he says the tips of his ears getting red but he laughs regardless too "you'll see tonight princess"

"Please, it's Yue.."

"Okay Yue, tonight. I'll see you tonight" he smiles as he slowly lets go of my hands and waves while he begins to make his way back to the kings side.


Taylor comes back into my room at half past 8 PM, she's the only one of my lady's In waiting that's assigned to help me get ready for bed

"I've warmed up your bath, I used lilac and peppermint lotions in it, your favorite so you can relax tonight" she says with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes

"I'm sorry.." I tell her sincerely. I know she must still be upset over my excitement with my secret love notes

"No Yue" she interrupts me "I shouldn't have acted that way, it was a normal reaction. I love Dylan he's more like my older brother more than he is just my cousin. It really did bother me how excited you were about your secret love letters when you had your soulmate right in front of you more so because..." she stops herself mid sentence

"Liam" I finished for her and she just nods with tear brimmed eyes

"He should have fought for us" she begins again... "why didn't he?!" She questions "every single day I have to wake up and remember that I'm worth a whole lot less than his riches and title

"No you're worth the world Tay, his actions do not define you. And you will get through this. Trust me... you aren't alone, you have us and we will always remind you your worth especially on the days where you can't." I say truthfully

She wipes tears from her eyes and finally nods

"Thank you" she says

"On another note" I say lightening the mood

"I'm meeting Dylan tonight , by the greenhouse near the orchids and fountains the one that overlooks my room

"Oh wow, wow, seriously?" She asks sincerely

I nod

"He's my soulmate and curiosity wins, we want to get to know each other, so I agreed to see him once my parents have entered their sleeping period"

She smiles excitedly unconsciously knowing I mean it

"And about the secret love notes they got me through a really hard year and a half so yes, they do excite me and the thought of knowing who sent them does because regardless of my soulmate the least i could do is finally thank them for saving me at a period where no one could.."

She nods because I know she understood

"Well hey..." she begins, changing the subject because we both know I mean what I say

"Let's make sure we make your braid crown is extra lovely for when you see Dylan huh?"

I smile thankful for one of my best friends, truly I love them all and I'm so grateful I have them


"You came.." Dylan smiles at me warmly

"Of course I did, I'm curious why you were being a little creepy." I smile playfully as I squint and point at him

His beautiful laugh erupts as he walks closer to me

"Me creepy?" He says "No way.." as he places his hand near the small of my back and pulls me close enough to him that his lips graze my ear

"I have a secret confession to make" he says in a more serious tone

My breath hitches at my throat and I'm unable to move.. what could he possibly confess more importantly my heart feels as though it is about to fall out of my chest.

Never have I been this close to a man especially not a man who has riled up my heart in such a way that I can't even begin to comprehend much less describe

"You can't cry even when you get hurt,

so I want to be the place you can relax your guard around

It's fine already if you confess

all the weaknesses you don't show anyone

The moonlight watching over us pierces through each day

I'll embrace you. Entrust everything to me

Cosmic Railway, go with these feelings

Cosmic Railway, towards my beloved you

The starry sky I look up at is connecting us

Let's meet by chance over and over"

My love notes... he just recited word for word my secret love notes..

I move slightly back to catch his face centimeters away from mine

"You, this whole time... you.." i can't say more because I can't even wrap my head around the fact that those exact love notes played out so perfectly word for word in our current lives

"There were specific moments, moments when Taylor would leave your room to warm up the water for your bath every evening, you'd sneak out of your room to go to the balcony by the entrance of the kingdom, you'd stare so lovingly at the night sky and the stars and Moon that illuminates it so perfectly." I'm at a loss for words and his eyes tell me more than he could possibly explain, this wonderful man I only met a day ago but he has known me far longer than I him and he's fallen for me

"That was actually the first time I saw you." He continues as he breathes in and out deeply "i was so taken aback by you, not just your beauty but the innocence you displayed at such a vulnerable moment with yourself, I knew right than and there, I had to do whatever the cost to make sure you smile even if it meant me admiring from afar, at least until fate brought us together and now here we are..." he says

He continues "the moment you'd sneak off which I could tell from looking in through this greenhouse that overlooks your window... the one you always leave open, that's when I started to leave the secret love notes by climbing the latter with the greenery all around it, and I'd just leave it on your window sill and I'd wait in the greenhouse to make sure you got them, once I saw you did... I'd make my way back to the kings sleeping quarters after that I only wanted to make you smile, a princess life can be so demanding, I promise you I'm always going to make sure you smile no matter what...."


As time went on Dylan and I kept meeting for the following week. Every single night he'd wait until my parents, the king and queen would slumber off, and off we both went to meet in the greenhouse.

"Dylan?" I asked to make sure he didn't doze off under the bright lit stars we were gazing at as we meditated in silence

He propped himself up on his elbows from the blanket that laid beneath us and looked at me questioningly

"Everything okay?" He asks

"Of course, it's just I'm sure you know but my annual birthday ball is happening in two days time." I say matter factly

"Right." He says somberly "you're to meet prince Liam and attempt to get know each other right?"

I nod "yes it's just..." I look away from his eyes as I attempt to gather my thoughts on how to properly say what I'm feeling.

"It's okay Yue, tell me.. please" he looks at me pleadingly

"I don't want to... what I mean is I don't want to meet Prince Liam, I don't want to be courted by him or any other prince of any other kingdom, I just want to keep knowing you because I may be falling for you." I say and a deep breathe escapes my lips as I finish that sentence

"You don't have to right? I mean rules were meant to be broken..." he says confidently "the only thing you have to do is be yourself and put your foot down. When you're ready we can try to do it together. " he smiles and scoots closer to me

"Rules were meant to be broken." I repeat back as a smile draws itself out from my face and I too move closer to him

He kisses the top of my head lightly as I lay my head on his shoulder and he pulls me in tighter towards him

"I know tomorrow we can't see each other because of your preparation period before you birthday Yue, I'll be at the ball though and you can't miss me, I promise..." he smiles

"Okay" I say back "you reassuring me is enough..." I'll see you at the ball, I'll head to bed now Dylan and you should too, get some rest handsome"

"I'll see you soon my beautiful princess, dream sweetly darling..."

And with that we part ways

One more day after tomorrow, I'll finally be myself and I won't be afraid ever again, hope presides my thoughts and from the deepest part of my soul, I know now I am ready, ready for everything and anything.

I walk towards my chambers... and as I'm walking inside I'm met with none other than the king himself, my father.

"What are you doing awake so late, my love", my father said as he scratched his head.. he looked like he had just awoken.

"I was just getting some fresh air.. I couldn't sleep and I went out .."

My father wraps his arms around me and for a few seconds I'm left stunned by his actions. He hadn't done this in a very long time.. the last time he showed me any kinda affection when we were in private was him simply saying he hoped I rested well and patted my back.

"I worry especially with how late it is at night.. next time please take a guard with you", at the mention of guard I think back at the young guard who unexpectedly had started slowly becoming a big part of my life.

"Father I'm nervous",I find myself confiding in the serious man that was the ruler of this kingdom and whom was also my father.

My father hugs me tightly. "My precious love, I get it.. I am so sorry", he seemed to feel bad by my situation which I had never seen anyone before.. my mother would just tell me it was the burden a princess carried.

"It is fine father, after all it's but the duty and sacrifice a princess makes.. marry off to prince that would help our kingdom and I'd live well forever right?", my tears freely fall as I pull away from my father's embrace, a single tear rolls down his cheek.

He gently wiped away my tears and smiles weakly. "I love you so much baby, rest well and be assured you will be happy, I'll make sure of it"

He pressed a kiss onto my cheek and then walked away without saying another word.. and with his words I felt the comfort I had no idea I was yearning for.

"I hate corsets I feel as if I can hardly breathe in them mother", I say as the woman from the shop was tying the corset. My mother shakes her head. "As a princess you need to learn that a corset is a must and it makes a woman's body look poised"

I roll my eyes.. already hating every part of this preparation.. why couldn't I just wear a stupid dress and get it over with.. besides I wasn't the one that made this birthday ball a big deal it was always my parents. Every year it was the same thing. Everyone in the kingdom looked forward to getting an invitation and if you got one you were important or if you weren't wealthy and you got one people believed it was luck.

But this time even though I hated the preparation I thought back to the young guard and started to smile and which my mother noticed. "Whats got you smiling is it the fact that your father and I are going all out even more so since prince Liam and his family are coming?"

Oh mother.. it was nothing remotely close to that.. it was that a loving and caring man had brought so much happiness and joy to my life and I had no clue that it was missing. Dylan was going to be there so I had something to look forward to, and I would finally not have to fake a smile at all, it was that this time a genuine smile would be plastered on my face.. because the man I was falling for was going to be there and I admired not just his gorgeous face but his ever loving true heart.

"Mother, let's keep trying dresses but under one condition"

My mother looks up from her phone indicating I had her undivided attention. "No corsets.. they are literally pointless"

"Shen Yue.. you looked gorgeous in that dress!! , I already have planned the makeup you'll wear for it so you can leave a good impression on Prince Liam", my mother excitedly said.. Taylor stopped in her tracks.

Poor Taylor.. Joan and Anne smile at her trying to reassure her but Taylor was literally frozen in her spot.

My mother exits my room and Taylor falls on her knees. "I... I'm sorry", her voice breaks as she began crying silently and Joan and Anne were concerned not really knowing how to comfort her.

Prince Liam was something Taylor still carried in her heart although she wouldn't admit.. she had never gotten the closure she deserved.

I walk towards her and fall to my knees hugging her. "Taylor.. it'll be okay .. I'll help you"

"H-How", she asked.. she sounded so broken.. I hated seeing her that way especially when she deserved nothing but happiness. I gently stroked her hair. "You'll see, tomorrow everything is going to change", I say with determination.

Soon after Taylor drew my bath and I got ready to go to sleep I wait for her and the rest of my friends to leave and then I change into something that made me look more appealing and less princess like, my mother had no idea I owned regular clothes, she'd throw a fit.

I wore a beige sweater with some ripped jeans and some white sneakers and I put my hair into a pony tail and I leave towards the greenhouse, I know Dylan thinks I won't be there because of the preparation period but I'm glad I'm able to surprise him.


"Hey there stranger, I see you doing the usual and staring at the starry night." I say smiling at Dylan as he turnas around surprises to see me

"Yue?!" He seems pleasantly surprised

"Has anyone ever told you , you look amazing in a ponytail", Dylan complimented me.. and I thank God because he can't see how red my face is from his compliment.. gosh this man already has such an affect on me.

"No, but thank you", I thank him and he tightened his hold around me" he is definitely happy to see me as much as I am him I think to myself.. we were currently sitting on the grass watching the stars and in that moment I realized the immense happiness I felt being here watching the stars and in the arms of, Dylan Wang.

"So how did you manage to come see me?",he asks.. and mischievously smiles. "I was able to convince my mother that I didn't need the preparation and that I'd be fine tomorrow and able to get ready nonetheless since I've done it for years on end at this point"

"I won't get a chance to say it tomorrow,sorry happy birthday Yue", he says to me and pressed a small kiss on my cheek which caught me completely off guard.

"Close your eyes.. I have a surprise for you", he whispered in my ear.. this man is going to be the end of me.. damn

I close my eyes and I feel him grab my hand and place something inside of it. "Open your eyes"

I open my eyes and hold out my hand.

"It's not much, but I hope you like it", he nervously said and then looked away.

Inside my hand was a small thin silver necklace that had a small heart shaped locket hanging from it. "Are you kidding me it's beautiful, I love it!!"

"Could you put it on me?", he grabs the necklace from my hand and then puts it around my neck and clasped it shut.

"So you'll have a piece of me with you tomorrow, princess", Dylan pressed a kiss onto my shoulder and this time I'm not caught off guard by the gesture because now I'm not nervous anymore for what's coming tomorrow.

The morning was super busy and it was just everyone running around. Taylor ran a special bath for me to feel extra fresh. As for Joan and Anne they were getting my accessories ready and finishing up extra touches I would need.

As Taylor hands me my robe her eyes land on the necklace that rested on my chest and she smiles. "Don't tell me he gave you that?", she seemed pleasantly surprised but excited for me and Dylan.

What did the necklace mean?

"Why what does it mean?", I ask her as I tie the strings of the robe. Taylor shakes her head. "I can't really tell you what it means he needs to tell you himself"

I don't bother asking her any further about the necklace after that.. but I'm left thinking about what the necklace meant.. and why was Taylor so shocked by Dylan giving it to me.

"Yue.. You're naturally beautiful so I was thinking something light", Joan suggested.

"Definitely!!, I completely agree with you", Anne says agreeing with Joan. Taylor walks into my room.. and she seemed so lost in her thoughts.

It was probably her thinking about Prince Liam again... and how he was literally here and how he arrived this morning.. and she bumped into him by pure coincidence because Taylor was fetching something she needed for a bath.. and according to her Prince Liam looked excited yet ashamed when he saw her and when he attempted to strike conversation with her he was called by his mother.

"Are you thinking about him again?",Joan asks the question we were all wanting to ask. Taylor nods admitting that she had been thinking about the prince.

"But that doesn't matter right now does it?, Yue needs me to begin doing the makeup", she rushes towards the makeup and she gestures for me to sit on the chair and I do as she says, taking a sit and she begins doing my makeup.

"This is it... everything we've been working for", my mother began saying as she fixed the small wrinkles from my dress. As the seconds went by I felt even more nervous and anxious. But then I remembered his kind smile and in instant I was calmed beyond belief.

The large gates open up and then the music begins playing, as I am slowly walking and making my way down.. nearly the whole kingdom filled the giant ball room and I begin feeling self conscious by every single persons stares but then as I'm scanning the crowd of people my eyes land on him.. the young guard... Dylan Wang.

As soon as he smiles at me, I can't help but smile widely myself so instead of my feet carrying me towards prince Liam... I am walking towards Dylan. Unable to process any of my moves .. I felt courage at the moment to fight for my beliefs and to be with the man I so clearly choose and go against the entire kingdoms and ancestors rules.

Soon here I am in front of Dylan and he looks at me afraid.. "rules were meant to be broken", I mumble to him.

Dylan hesitated to reach towards me still.. but then I place a hand on his cheek and lightly caressed it, and that's all the courage he needed to grab my hand and press a gentle kiss to it.

Which left whole kingdom silent and others murmuring different things.. things that I could care less about.

"Shen Yue, what in hell do you think you're doing!?", my mother asks sternly and my father behind her doesn't utter a single word looking as stunned as my mother.

"I am doing what makes me happy mother, I don't want to meet any other prince, no offense to you Liam", I say looking towards him and he nods and I see him look up at Taylor.

"The rules the ancestors made were meant to be followed that is what keeps our kingdom in order", my mothers roared.. and what my father did next shocked me.

"Enough Liliana", he says to my mother and she falls silent. Dylan confidently grabs hold of my hand. "King Leon, I, Dylan Wang leader of the guards, want to announce to you, Sir and the entire kingdom that this woman and I are soulmates and we want to go through with being together and also I am falling deeply and madly in love with her", he proclaimed.

My father's stern look he held everyday softens and he smiles at me. "I admire your bravery Dylan and you truly are living up to be how your father was when he worked for us.. you've been loyal to me and this kingdom"

"As for you Prince Liam and the king and queen of Lyle, this meeting is dismissed, I am sorry for troubling you but my daughter's happiness comes first in this heart of mine", I felt shocked by my father's words.. I never thought I would see the day where my father would side with me.

"This ball is canceled.. I have important matters to attended with the official board of the kingdom", Dylan let's go of my hand and turns towards the group of guards and ushered them to make sure everyone made it out of the ball hall.

"You and I are going to have a serious conversation, daughter", my mother says sternly.. and walks away.

I can't believe all that just happened. Dylan walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. "That's my girl, also that was so unexpected!"

"Dylan I was scared I didn't even know how I went through with all that", I was beyond shocked by my own actions just now.

"Whatever the king and the board decide, let's right for us", he said as he pressed a kiss on my head. "I look towards where Taylor was and notice her and Prince Liam were having a serious conversation about something.

So I let pull away from Dylan's embrace and grab his hand. "How about we go to our place, I have something I want to give you"

Another surprise? What kind of tricks did this man have up his sleeve?!

A few weeks go by and the board was completely against the absurd rule but my father fought hard every day for my happiness and he always assured me that he'd do whatever it took for me to be happy and that I would be free to see Dylan when I pleased.

"That food was Devine", I said as held my stomach from all the delicious food we had just eaten. "I can't believe you've never had pizza in your life, princess"

"It's hard with the strict diet princesses are required to have", I explained to him.

"Things are less lenient now with how much your father has been arguing with the board"

"How are things going for my cousin?",Dylan asked as he took a seat on the bench.. I take a seat next to him. "Seems like she found closure now, things with her and Prince Liam didn't work out but Taylor left the lady in waiting system to start her own business"

"Good for her, I am so happy for her", he says and grabs my hand in his. I feel my phone ding in my pocket and dig into my pocket and see a message from my father. Come home, I have some news for you.

"Hey my father has some news now after such a long time, do you think it's good or bad news", I ask him. He squeezed my hand , "let's stay positive, just know that no matter what , I will always love you baby"

Did he say he loved me?

"You don't have to say it back right now don't feel rushed to", he added.

"But I do love you... I fell in love with the man behind the letters long ago and when I discovered it was you who was my soulmate it made me feel happy because you gave me hope in my life that felt like routine"

"Can I kiss you, baby?", he asked for my permission in which I found so endearing. I grab his face and gently press my lips against his.. our lips molding perfectly together.. even though It was a simple kiss, I felt time had stopped because every moment I was with this man felt like a dream come true.. he was everything to me now.

Soon after we arrived inside the kingdom and this time I didn't feel any nerves like I had before that time a few weeks ago.

"So here is the deal , in their eyes you started a rebellion at which point it has already started in other kingdoms who have the same rule we do, prince and princesses are doing the same thing you did and they have agreed to dismiss your actions and get rid of the absurd rule as long as whoever your with if they end up marrying you agrees to take classes to learn about the kingdom and how things run so things always run smoothly"

I rush towards my father and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you father for standing by my side this entire time"

He hugs me back tightly. "Believe it or not your mother has been by my side the last two weeks fighting for your happiness, she's slowly warming up to the idea of you being with Dylan"

I pull apart from my father's embrace And Soon after he says that my mother comes through the large gates. "Come forward, young man, join us in celebrating your happiness with my daughter"

Dylan walks towards the throne. "Sir, thank you so much for everything you did , I am forever in your debt"

My father laughed. "Young man, I've known you since the day you were born , I know exactly what kind of man your father raised you to be, which is a great man"

"Indeed, your mother would be happy to see what kind of man you turned out to be", my mother added.. unexpectedly she wraps her arms around him.. In which it catches him off guard.

"Although I didn't agree with this absurd idea of my daughter being with her soulmate, I'm glad she fought for her happiness along with my happiness because then I know she'd live without regrets"

And in the moment I am happy and I was glad I broke the rules and that my future children would be able to choose whoever they wanted to marry whether it be lower rank or high rank.. what mattered was being happy in the end and that sometimes rules are meant to be broken for you to be able to be happy and have a voice.

Authors' Note

Hi everyone, Ella and Marie Holland here..

it was truly an amazing experience to be part of this project and get out of our comfort zone after so long and write something together.Thank you, Lucrezia for thinking of us and asking us to participate in this wonderful project
Please look forward to our writing journey and happy writing and reading to everyone, stay safe and healthy!!!Anyway all the love , Ella and Marie xx

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