Descendants 4: Heros and Vill...

By evanswritingarden

6.2K 33 34

Taking Place After D3, Auradon Prep is having a Heroes and Villan Kids day which is meant to bring the VKS An... More

Meet Amelia
-Meeting The Heroes-
Fairy Godmother's Success
Building Relationships
Crossing The Line
Starting a New Life
A Million To One
Who Am I?
Rescue Mission
A Shocking Reveal


210 1 2
By evanswritingarden

Well this is it. My official princess coronation and my parents's official crowing of king and queen. I never expected my life to go this way...then again I never expected to leave the isle.

Me: "how do I look?"

Evie: "hmm...your almost there but there is one thing missing..."

Me: "What?"

Evie turned me to the mirror and then grabbed my tiara and put it on my head. I looked at myself in my purple and green sparkly dress.

Evie: " look perfect..."

My bedroom door opened up and Dad stepped in.

Dad: "Is my precious little dragon ready?"

Evie: "yes your highness. She is perfect."

Dad: "Indeed she is. Hey...Someone's here to see you Mal. I debated weather or not I should allow it but after some convincing from your new mother and Hercules...I looked and he seems commuted and a actual good parent unlike your...biological mother. Hades you can come in!"

Then as things couldn't get any better, my biological dad stepped in, here in my bedroom, here for my coronation. Even though he left me when I was a baby (granted when you factor in my lunatic of a biological mother into it it's kinda understandable) I still want to make things work with him. He not only saved Auradon but also my now sister and he promised to be committed in my life

Dad (Hades): "Hey kiddo..."

Me: "Dad!"

I ran and gave him a huge.

Me: "I didn't think you would show up."

Dad: "yeah well you are one of the very few people I can absolutely bare. Ben being the other."

Me: "you like him?"

Dad: "it's a bit early to say like....right now I can...tolerate him. He can get annoying and he has a irritating voice sometimes but he's pretty alright."

Me: "so are you gonna stick around?"

Dad: "hard to say. My brother, your Uncle Zeus invited me to binge sports, wings and beer with him. I'm not one hundred percent sure yet but dang it that big chubby guy knows what I like."

Me: "well...I think you should."

Dad (Phillip): "(mumbles) Damn...I wasn't invited?"

I giggled a bit.

Me: "so what do you think of my new parents?"

Dad (Hades): "They're fine...a bit vanilla but fine. A lot more cooperative then Maleficent that's for sure."

Flora: "'s time."

Me: "I should probably go..."

Dad (Hades): "of course.."

I followed Flora down a hallway into the main throne room where all the residents of Auroica and other residents were sitting down, including Belle, Beast, Ben, Evie, Doug, Snow White, The Seven Dwarfs, Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Abu, Jasmines Father (the former Sultan), Jay, Lonnie, Anita, Roger, Chad and Carlos. Aurora, Audrey and Stefan stood by Fairy Godmother, Fruana, and Marryweather.

Dad and I walked up to the front.

Stefan: "Mal..."

Me: "yeah..."

Stefan: "I would like to apologize not only for my blatant inaction but for my now deceased wife's actions."

Me: "I'm really sorry. I didn't wanna resort to murder, really I didn't but we had no other choice. We had to fight to survive."

Stefan: "I know and I completely understand."

Me: "do you miss her?"

Stefan: "that's incredibly hard to answer. I obviously don't condone the lengths she went but at the end of the day she was still my wife and I loved her. I hope there isn't any bad blood between us now that we're family and all that."

Me: "No...of course not."

Flora: "Citizens of Auroica and beyond, I am proud to crown the new Queen and King of this wonderful state along with a brand new princess. Aurora, do you solemnly swear to rule fairy as a benevolent queen?"

Mom: "I do..."

Flora: "and you solemnly swear to rule fairly as a benevolent king?"

Dad: "I do..."

Flora: "Auroica, I am proud to declare Queen Aurora and King Phillip as your new rulers!!"

Everyone stood and applauded. Then there was a ball with a buffet and everything was perfect. It was like a redo of the last party except without the wicked old bag.

I walked out on the main castle balcony with Evie, Jay and Carlos. The sky was was glimmering with stars and pink and blue fireworks exploded in the sky.

Evie: "so this is definitely a step up from our old life..."

Carlos: "Yeah no what now?"

Me: I guess we finally reached Happily Ever After..."

The four of us wrapped our arms around each other as the pink and blue fireworks continued to explode.
Hi Everyone! Thank  you so much for Supporting this story. I really appreciate all of you  and glad you are all liking my content. If you like my content then make  sure to follow me   and check out my alt  for original stories. If you wanna follow me on my socials for updates  and process status and other content that'd be appreciated

Twitter: @Pot37120787

Instagram: evanppotter101

Deviantart: EvanArt888


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