A Hope In The Flame (Female O...

By ForteExe021

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First my honkai impact fanfiction. All in the stories are non-canon, that is mean nothing will affect to the... More

Your Desire
Chapter 01.New Flame
Chapter 02. Vision
Chapter 03. Reason
Extra Chapter 1. The Truth
Chapter 04.Adlehyde
Chapter 05.Promise
Chapter 06. Desperate
Extra Chapter 2. True Feeling
Chapter 07. Home
Chapter 08.Ruin
Chapter 10.Despair
Extra Chapter 03.Escape
Chapter 11.Hope
Extra Chapter 04. Break
Chapter 12.Past
Chapter 13.Wandering
Extra Chapter 05.Yandere
Chapter 14.Responbility
Chapter 15.Delusion
Extra Chapter 5. Love Is In The Air
Chapter 16.Step To Humanity
Chapter 17. Herrscher of Sentience
Final Chapter. Last Battle
Alternate Ending.Will Of Fire
Christmas Chapter. A Holy Night
Help... Me T_T
Special Chapter 1.Sick
Special Chapter 2.A Moment For Rest
Special Chapter 3.Devil Inside
Special Chapter 4.Working Day
Special Chapter 5.Kiana's Trouble
Special Chapter 06.Another Test
Special Chapter 07. A Duo
Special Chapter 08.Bloodlust
Special Chapter 09.Lab Incident
Status Update

Chapter 09.Sorrow

832 25 1
By ForteExe021

**Two days later, at Hyperion. Medical Bay, 8AM**
**Theresa's POV**

It has been two days, Nadia still not wake up yet. It really worries me now. Not only Nadia got heavily injured... Grandpa, he also took Kiana. Himeko also got captured by him. Bronya and Mei are doing good only got minor damage. Now my head feels dizzy. What should I do? Do I have to do this by myself? Or... I got no choice. Asking Anti-Entropy for help, it would make things easier.

Theresa : Kiana... Nadia... Please, hang in there.

Guard : Excuse me, Miss Theresa. You got a call from Dr.Einstein and Tesla on the bridge. They want me to call you.

Theresa : Alright.

I went to the bridge and start talking to both genius in Anti-Entropy... Dr.Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. Hope they can lend me a hand to bring Kiana back.

Einstein : Pleasure to meet you, Miss Theresa. We receive a request from you to help bringing back Kiana Kaslana.

Tesla : Heh... I wonder what is The Overseer gonna with do her.

Theresa : He will infuse honkai energy to Kiana and make her as Herrscher of the Void. The long known Herrscher who died and left the core on Otto's hand.

Einstein : With that, The Overseer doing his crazy experiment again. The Herrschers are powerful. Not a single strong human can stop them.

Tesla : So, what do you want?

Theresa : We have to bring Kiana back to us no matter what. I hope you can understand my request and gladly lend a hand for Schicksal.

Tesla : Ehhhhhh... Even tho we have bad past memory, because some of you almost destroy whole place just to get Raiden Mei.

Einstein : It did but all that fault was Cocolia's work. She really can't thinking about getting Herrscher of Thunder gems.

Theresa : We can ditch that and start it from fresh, if you want to.

Tesla : Hmph, I guess I take that. How about You, miss genius?

Einstein : There is no option to say no. Your request is accepted. We will prepare our best Mech to lend you a hand. Anything to say before we end this up?

Theresa : I... Deeply saying, Thank You. We will also prepare ourself. Good luck and see you tomorrow.

I end up the call and I can finally catch breath. They accept my request and this could be easy to get Kiana back.

Nurse : Miss Theresa, Nadia is awake. But, there one bad news about her.

Theresa : I rather not hear it.

Nurse : Well, I am afraid I have to. She didn't want to eat or drink her medicine. It is best for you to talk with her.

Theresa : Alright... Lead the way

**Timeskip, Medical bay**

We arrive at Medical bay. Before we enter the room, the nurse warn me not to make Nadia feel down, or she will have trauma and her back will heal slowdown. I open the door, Nadia sit on her bed with... Blank face and hopeless eye.

Theresa : Nadia... You finally awake.

Nadia : ...I fail.

Theresa : Huh?

Nadia : ...I fail to protect her. If I dodge the attack, I can defend Kiana last longer but... I didn't.

I walk to her and hold her right hand.

Theresa : There's no one in there have to blame. I know... My grandpa make you losing your patience. I didn't blame you as well because Kiana and Himeko got captured. We also surprise that Fu Hua... Also working with him

Nadia : ...Do you think she betray us?

Theresa : I don't know...

Nadia : ... This is... So stupid.

Theresa : ... Nadia.

Nadia : Would you please... Leave me alone for awhile?

Theresa : But, Nadia...

Nadia : I said LEAVE, dammit!

I'm shock that Nadia yell me to leave. I got no choice and left her bedroom. I close the door and start to walk to my room. Before I arrive to my room, Mei came to me.

Mei : Principal Theresa... You Okay?

Theresa : P-Probably...

Mei : ...Okay. Is Nadia-san already awake?

I nod my head saying yes to her. This is my second time that Nadia angry with me again. What am I doing wrong this time?

Mei : Can I... Visit her?

Theresa : You could...

Mei : Something wrong with her?

Theresa : N-Nothing. If you need me, I'm in my room.

I continue to walk to my room. I'm sorry Mei... To be honest with you, I lock my room. I try to calm myself. It really reminds me back that Nadia first time yell at me because... I was lying to her. In my entire life, I never lie to her. No... She's not a monster. Her power is just amazingly powerful but... She still need to learn more back then. Right now... She still can't let "blaming myself" out from her mind. The mission was failed. Fu Hua joined The Overseer. Himeko and Kiana got captured. Bronya and Mei are the only two who only get minor injury. Nadia nearly got killed by the Ruin Guard. She did well to protect Kiana but she wasn't expected that the Ruin Guard has massive power. I never will blame her for this failure. Now, we are the edge of being frame. Grandpa said to me if I dare land a attack or doing something without his knowing, he will destroy Saint Freya. But, I brave myself to get Himeko and Kiana back. Even it will take high cost, losing Saint Freya or even my life. All of them are so meaningful in my life.

Theresa : ...This is so... Hopeless.

**Incoming Transmission From Mei**

Mei : "Principal Theresa, Nadia-san want to talk with you... Again"

Theresa : Eh? N-Nadia.

Mei : "Yes. She said, she want to apologize about what happen earlier"

Theresa : ...Alright. I'll be there in a minute.

**End the transmission**

Nadia... I unlock my room door and walk out from it. I rush to the medical bay with tears on my eyes. Why am I crying? Am I... Feeling sorry to myself and Nadia? It could be it. I finally arrive at Medical bay. Before I enter the room, I wipe my tears from my eyes and collecting some confident. Theresa... You got this. I open the door and seeing Mei sitting next to Nadia.

Nadia : Miss Theresa.

Theresa : Nadia...

**Nadia's POV, Before Theresa Being Called by Mei**

As soon I let my anger to Miss Theresa and she left the room... I look down with full of regret. Why I have to yell again to her? Why... I can't control my emotion... It is my fault that Kiana got captured. If I dodge it quickly, I can help Kiana bit longer. I was still distracted by that damn Otto. And... Class Monitor... Now she joined The Overseer. She probably have meaning all of this. "Order is a order"... Sound like a soldier that really bow down with their General.

Nadia : ...I suppose to be dead when Sirin left me hopeless.

Mei : You shouldn't say that.

Nadia : ...Mei-senpai?

I'm surprise that Mei-senpai is inside my room.

Mei : Apologize if I come in without permission.

Nadia : It's... Okay. I think you overheard what I just said.

Mei : Yes. Nadia-san, you just want to give up on your hope because you fail to protect Kiana-chan?

Nadia : ...I don't know.

Mei : *sigh* I know our mission is failed. Miss Himeko and Kiana-chan are captured. Fu Hua did attack us but she left a graceful mercy and she joined The Overseer because she is following an order from Otto. Only you that make me so worried. You almost got killed by the Ruin Guard. But I'm happy that you still manage to protect Kiana-chan. I know it is painful to let someone sacrifice for protecting who they love.

Nadia : ...I'm sorry

Mei : You don't need to apologize. It wasn't expected. It isn't your fault that Kiana-chan got captured. I heard that Principal Theresa asking a help from Anti-Entropy. They will help us to get Kiana-chan and Himeko back.

Nadia : ... It's good to hear. Anyway, can you call Miss Theresa? I... Need to apologize that... I yell at her again.

Mei : Ah, no wonder she's bit weird when I met her. Alright, let me call her

**After Theresa got called by Mei and Arrive at Nadia's Medical Room**

We both looking down at same time and our face start to go red. Mei-senpai only watching us and she does give me more pressure. Just apologize and say promise to be more stronger... Come on Nadia, you can do it. We both clear our throat and ready to speak.

Theresa & Nadia : I'm sorry-Eh?

Nadia : Well... That was something.

Theresa : Haha, we both say it at same time.

Mei : Well, it is nice to see you both are happy. Come on, finish it up, Nadia-san.

Nadia : Right. Miss Theresa... I apologize that I yell at you earlier. I shouldn't say that loudly on you. This time, I will make sure I bring Kiana and Miss Himeko with all of my power. And I better learn from what Kiana said to me. I must start to believe in myself and stop thinking too much.

She smile and went to me. She hug me and crying. Eh? This is my first time seeing Miss Theresa crying on my shoulder. I smile and gave her a hug as well.

Theresa : It's okay. I believe in you. Let us fight our way to bring who we love and care all this time.

We both looking at each other and giving smile at the same time as well.

Nadia : Now, I will call you mom if.. You are not bother by that.

Theresa : E-Eh!? *blushing*

Nadia : I know it is bit earlier but... How should I say. I'm really thankful that you have taking care of me from first day we met until now. I want to keep this bond until the time is come. But, a promise is always a promise. I would never cross it. Am I right, Mom?

Theresa : *smile* Correct. And yes, I allow you to call mom from now on.

We both hug again while Mei-senpai still watching us and giggling. I'm not feel bother by Mei-senpai existence. She really the one who helping me as well.

Nadia : Mei-senpai... Thank you. Hope you won't be bothered by all of this.

Mei : It's fine. Everything for you Nadia-san, I will gladly to help you. We are friends. Friend always helping each other.

Nadia : Yeah. Friends.

With that, all my burden have been lifted up. I feel better by all the help from my friends and Miss... No, Mom Theresa. This time, I will make sure... Otto, he will eat his own dirt and bite the dust. Kiana... Miss Himeko... Hang in there. We will come to rescure you. Fu Hua, I will not thinking that you betraying us. I believe you have some sort of good reason why you did this.

**Chapter 09 is done. Two chapters in one day, why not? Hope you guys enjoy it :)**

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