Descendants 4: Heros and Vill...

By evanswritingarden

7K 33 34

Taking Place After D3, Auradon Prep is having a Heroes and Villan Kids day which is meant to bring the VKS An... More

Meet Amelia
-Meeting The Heroes-
Fairy Godmother's Success
Building Relationships
Crossing The Line
Starting a New Life
A Million To One
Who Am I?
Rescue Mission
A Shocking Reveal


236 1 1
By evanswritingarden

JAY P.O.V head. That was a big bash. The last thing I remembered was being in a call
With Amelia before being knocked out from behind.

Dad: "we'll finally your up.."

I turned and saw Dad sitting in a chair watching me. Great. Dad is totally the person I wanted to see right now..not. I tried moving but my ankle was chained to a pole. This day really couldn't get any worse can it?

Me: "dad!?? Where am I and why am I here?!!"

Dad: "You should know exactly why your here. You disappointed me son. All you had to do was help steal Fairy Godmother's wand for Maleficent and obviously you failed."

Me: "Whatever....I'm sure the others are on their way right now. Amelia must be worried sick about now."

Dad: "oh...Someone begs to differ."

Two doors flung open and Amelia stepped in with a evil smirk. My heart crushed.

Me: "A-Amelia?!"

Me: "Hello...Jay."

Me: "I-I Don't understand.."

Dad: "well let me explain. Amelia really is Aladdin's sister, that part was correct however she was a very good spy of mine. She manipulated you into a false sense of security and I am impressed how good of a actor she is."

Amelia: "yes..."

Me: "I...thought you loved me."

Amelia: "(laughs) that's the funniest thing I heard recently. I used you, I never loved you at all. How could I possibly ever love you?!!!! Quite a pity what happened with your black and white doggy friend.."

Me: "Carlos...what did you do to him?!"

Amelia: "nothing yet but I can promise you he will be delt with."

Me: "why?! Carlos didn't do anything to you!!"

Amelia: "he didn't but his backstabbing sister did.

Me: "Claire?"

Amelia: "Yes....she single-handedly ruined MY life for her own selfish reasons!!!! For years I been tossed aside while everyone else got their happy endings!!!! I was overlooked, forgotten and tossed to the side by everyone including my older brother!!!!! I did what I had to do!!!! You don't know how it feels to be overlooked by everyone and stuck in the shadows!"

Me: "Amelia-"

Amelia: "SHUT UP!!!!!!!"

Then as things couldn't get worse Queen Leah and Cruella walked in with Claire tied up with a tape on her mouth.

Amelia: "Speak of the devil....she's finally here."

Cruella tossed Claire to the ground next to me.

Amelia: "I guess karma came back to bite you huh?"

Amelia ripped the tape off of Claire's mouth.

Claire: "Amelia...please don't do this!"

Amelia: "Why not?! I'm everyone's useful tool and as soon as I'm no longer useful they throw me away!"

Claire: "he...he cheated on me too!!"

Amelia: "(laughs) finally!! Karma finally hits you! For once I thought I would have a perfect life until you ruined it...everyone just loves you don't they?"

Me: "Amelia..."

Claire: "MY GOD SHUT UP!!!!!!"

Claire took a green dagger and stabbed me in the start-Yahn...I feel sleepy-(crashes on the ground)


I lead the others through the dark tunnel confident I know where Amelia and Jay are. To be honest I was relieved I finally let my secret come out. It was eating me alive.

Aladdin: "no offense Carlos but are you sure you know where your going?"

Me: "Uh I'm a half demon with supernatural powers including tracking a person via being able to see and smell traces so yeah I know what I'm doing."

Aladdin: "Fair enough..."

After walking down a extremely long and dark hallway we finally approached the door. Lonnie drew her sword just in case and I opened the door to see Jay passed out on the floor. The almost castle like walls had thorns with roses on them.

Me: "oh no Jay..."

Lonnie rushed over to him.

Lonnie: "no pulse..."

Another door bursted open and Queen Leah entered the room with a smug look on her face. I swear I wanted to literally rip her apart

Queen Leah: "ah welcome! Oh him...I found him passed out and was gonna take him out for some fresh air. Lonnie...he's fine...he's fine."

Then Amelia and Jafar entered the room pretty much debunking Leah's lie.

Queen Leah rolled her eyes

Queen Leah: "Imbeciles..."

Evie: "what are we gonna do?!"

Me: "I don't know...I can check to see what's wrong with him.."

I knelt down to Jay and glowed his body and smelled it. It was a sleeping curse...not really surprised if we're being honest considering this is sleeping beauty's mother.

Mal: "so what is it?"

Me: "A sleeping curse..."

Queen Leah: "That's ridiculous. I mean why would I go after some idiot that isn't even apart of my story....why..."

Aurora: "Silence!!! You murderious, bigoted old witch! When we return all of Auroica including father will know about your despicable crimes! Your days as queen are over!!"

Queen Leah: "take my crown? Don't you think that's a little mellow dramatic dear?"

Aurora: "I swear to Zeus mom I will remove you from the crown! I will see to it!!"

Queen Leah: (hiss)

Evie: "how do we even break the spell..."

Audrey: "True Loves Kiss..."

Snow White: "of is the most powerful thing in the world..."

Amelia: "(laughs) like I'd ever kiss that freak!"

Me: "Maybe it's not's..."

Everyone looked at Lonnie.

Aurora: "Lonnie it has to be you..."

Lonnie: "I-I....I'm not sure it's gonna work.."

Mom: "it's still worth a try..."

Mal: "Lonnie...please..."

Lonnie nodded and got on the floor next to Jay.

Lonnie: "Jay....don't leave me..I-I love you..."

Lonnie leaned down and kissed him releasing a massive pink blast. Jay woke up.

Jay: "wait...Lonnie..."

Lonnie: "oh my god...Jay!"

The two hugged.

Audrey: "True Loves Kiss..."

Evie: "Works every time.."

Queen Leah finally snapped and grabbed Lonnie's sword

Queen Leah: "AHHHHHH!!!!!! The most powerful thing in the world? Ha! I don't think so. You have no idea who you're dealing with. You want a villain? I'll give you a villain. Back up and get ready for the final boss!"

Aladdin: "oh no you don't..."


Aladdin and Dad tried to run to Queen Leah but got knocked back by a blast of magic surrounding her, Amelia and Jafar turning Jafar into a giant snake, Amelia a demon with wings and horns, and Queen Leah into a giant black and pink dragon.

Queen Leah: "Agh....All this talk about true loves kiss coming from children of heartless really does bring out the worst in me. You know I was thinking...if I'm going to remain Queen...I'm gonna need a cover story for when I return...let's see what if a giant dragon killed everyone and the old and the defenseless Queen Leah couldn't save everyone. Let's begin with Dragon Girl shall we?"

Aurora, Ben and Evie stepped in front of Mal to protect her

Ben: "over my dead body..."

Evie: "Go ahead...give us your are not hurting her..."

Queen Leah: "alright...I'm flexible."

Amelia lifted Evie up with magic and flew away

Evie: "AHH!!!!!"

Queen Leah: "Hurry up do not wanna miss this ending..."

That's when the whole room transformed into Bald Mountain, where my dad lives.

Me: "oh no...."

Mal: "wait are we-!?"

Me: "yep. Yes we are."

Welp looks like I need to go in full demon mode. Queen Leah flew up to the top along with Amelia and Evie.

Me: "Everyone stay here!!"

Jay: "wait your not actually going after them alone are you!?"

Me: "yeah I am..."

Mal: "no your not! Leah went after all of's gonna take all four of us to take her down."

Me: "fine..."

I opened my wings.

Me: "everybody get on my back!!"

Everyone climbed on my back. I prepared to fly.

Me: "and hang on!!"

I flew up and super fast...maybe a bit too fast but Evie's life depended on it so whatever. As we flew through town, the windows and doors of the houses opened and bats started flying out causing Mal and Jay to panic. The bats were also messing my flying as well.

Mal: "Ahh!!! Get off!!! Get off!!!"

Jay: "Shoe!! Shoe!!!! Get out of here!!"

We finally made it out of the town only for skeletons to come out of the ground

(Skeletons from Disney's The Skeleton Dance short)

Jay: "great...Skeletons now."

One Skeleton reached up and grabbed my ankle. I tried flying away but the skeleton started pulling me down and then more started grabbing me

Me: "(grunt, grunt) Let go!!! (Grunt grunt)!!"

Evie: "NOO!!!"

Amelia: "YES!!!!!"

I kept struggling until the skeletons melted away from water thrown by Magic Brooms.

Jay: "huh those brooms are finally useful for once."

That's when Mickey Mouse appeared in his Sorcerer outfit alongside Yen Sid and all of the other fantasia characters.  More skeletons and bats started coming but the fantasia characters fought back and the brooms splashed more water at them causing them to melt.

Yen Sid: "go!! Go!! Evie needs you! We got this!"

I nodded then flew fast into the sky towards the mountain dodging bats and thunder strikes

Me: "Leah, We won't let you hurt her!!"

Queen Leah: "oh my...this is a twist in our story! It's the Villians coming to the rescue! Catch up's time to take our tale to new heights, are you at the edge of your seat VKS?"  

Queen Leah tried knocking me over with her tail but I dodged it. I look down and see Aladdin standing on the cliff. I told them to stay but I guess Aladdin doesn't listen.

Aladdin: "Hey!!! Over here!!!"

Me: "Aladdin no!!!"

Jafar knocked Aladdin off the cliff with his tail but he managed to hang on thank God.

Amelia: "Look at the favorite child now you stupid pathetic waste!!!!!"

Amelia stompt on the floor making the cliff crumble

Jasmine: "NO!!!!!!"


I swooped down and knocked Amelia off. Yeah it was that easy.

Amelia: "AHHH!!!!!!!!!"

We watched as Amelia fell to the ground and exploded into sparkles.

Aladdin: "oh my gosh..."

Me: "Hey Al...maybe next time...LISTEN when I tell you to stay out!!!"

Aladdin: "Sorry..."

But that wasn't it. Then Jafar started trying to hit us with his snake tail


Jay: "yeah no thanks not interested...."

Jafar tried hitting us again but Jay kicked his tail knocking it back to Jafar wrapping around him causing him to tumble and fall off the cliff and blow into sparkles too.

Jay: ""

Queen Leah: "(laughs)!!!! And they all lived Happily Ever After!!! Or least I did!!! (Laughs)."

That's when thunder struck the the tower causing Queen Leah to loose her balances.

Queen Leah: "wha?!! Wha!!! Ah!!! Agh!!!! Speciosus, formosus, praec-Gah!!! Ahh!!!! Ahh!!!!"

Queen Leah finally lost her grip and fell with the top of bald mountain falling too.

Queen Leah: "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

Queen Leah fell to the ground injured as a dragon and then the boulders fell on her crushing her into sparkles.

Evie: "Guys!!!!"

The magic barrier holding Evie started to break.

I swooped in and caught her the moment the barrier broke.

Mal: "We...We did it...she's gone..."

Jay: "yeah...finally."

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