The mysterious son of governo...

By MonkeyW33B

11.3K 173 27

You are the son of Azazel and his ever 1st love your mother died at childbirth and your father never knew you... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Part 2

1.2K 17 3
By MonkeyW33B

*The next day after your date with Grayfia you decided to take a stroll around town alone as you sensed some energy signatures which are common to fallen angels and you decided to investigate and as you walk around you stumble upon a brown haired kid with messy hair and a girl with black hair on their date and you bump into the boy by "accident".*

Y/N: Ah sorry my bad I wasn't paying attention where i was going.

Brown haired boy:It's alright are you alright Yuuma Chan.

Yuuma:yes I am alright Issei san.

Y/N:by any chance are you local here kid?

Issei:Yes I am sir why you  ask?

Y/N: It's just I am a new arts teacher in the Kuoh academy so I thought I'd look around town and search for some places where I can relax on weekends.

Issei:Seriously? You are a new teacher here damn I think girls in our school will be heads over their heels for you.

Y/N: *you chuckle* Oh I will make sure to apologise to them about breaking their hearts as I am a married man and you should continue your date young man. *You whisper to Yuuma* Don't even think about doing anything fallen.

Yuuma:*Suprised and quickly changes back to her smile* Let's go Issei let's continue our date.

Issei: Alright anyway have fun exploring the town sir.

*You continue to stroll around and notice Koneko spying on the two and you come up behind her and tap on her shoulder*

Koneko:*surpised but still keeps her stoic face* I didn't think you can sneak up on me like that Y/N san.

Y/N:Didn't mean to scare you Koneko chan also why are you spying on that boy?

Koneko:Rias orders as the boy has a sacred gear but we don't know what type and we noticed a fallen with him so we suspected he was working for them but now I think he is just going to get killed.

Y/N: I don't think the fallen will try anything as I gave her a warning but if I am wrong I am going to treat you snacks deal?

Koneko:Deal *both of you continue following them and you two prepare to intervene if the female fallen tries anything funny.*

Y/N:Wait for my signal to attack the fallen Koneko *you prepare your a weapon made of light and ready to throw it at her any second*

Yuuma:Issei this was a wonderful date I am going to ask you something.

Issei:What is it Yuuma chan?

Yuuma: will you die for me ? *she reveals her true self and has an evil smirk and attemps to stab issei but misses as he got pulled away by You and you knock him out and order koneko to take him away*

Y/N: Koneko take him away I will take care of her. *you pull out a sabre and a revolver*

Koneko: Got it Y/N san *she grabs issei and takes him away.

Yuuma:So we meet again who are you to intervene with my plans human!!!

Y/N:Human? I am only 50% human and the other half will stay a mystery for you. *as you dash towards her and start a series of attack with the sabre.*

Yuuma: WHAAT!!! so a half blood dares to attack me!!! *She charges at you with a ligh spear in hand and you destroy it with your sabre which is infused with magic*

Y/N:Uh so sad that you don't even know what you are fighting *You move swiftly and just leave cuts on her legs and arms so she can't move* Now I got questions to ask fallen why are you in devil territory of both gremory and sitri?

Yuuma:Why should I tell you? *she scoffs*

Y/N:Well one way to get anwsers is torture or just this *you pull out your wings to intimidate her and you notice fear in her eyes* I guess now you wish to talk? *she nods slowly*

Yuuma:My name is Raynare and I was here trying  to eliminate a potential sacred gear user who could be a danger to us to impress Azazel sama.

Y/N:And have you considered the consequences of your actions of commiting such actions on devil territory when all 3 factions are at a cease fire? Or need I remind you that Azazel was the 1st to offer it as he preffers to research sacred gears not kill their users.

Raynare:*Realises she fucked up* I am so doomed aren't I?

Y/N:Indeed you are but I preffer if azazel deals with you than me now tell me do you  have anyone else here with you?

Raynare:We were planning on doing a ceremony to extract a sacred gear from a ex-saintess who based on our info was excomunicated for healing a devil as her sacred gear allows to heal any members of all factions.

Y/N:I see well goodnight *you knock her out and contact Rias* Hey Rias I might need to ask you to contact your brother for this as we have a few fallen angels in your territory who wanted to kill a brown haired boy aswell as a excomunicated saintess of catholic church.

Rias:Understood Y/N san and also I thought about adding the boy to my peerage to you mind coming to my club room so we can explain the situation  to him?

Y/N:I will and Rias keep an eye around the boy as I sensed a really strong sacred gear and if he joins your peerage warn him that if he wanders around alone he might get killed.

Rias:Understood Y/N san.

*You teleport Raynare to Rias and decide to head home for tonight as you are mentaly exhausted after this because of how big of a gimmick Raynare caused to you and as you return home Grayfia welcomes you home but notices you are tired aswell.*

Grayfia: Is something wrong dear? *she has a look of concern*

Y/N:It's nothing just some fallen angels who wished to impress Azazel and fastest way to get info out of her for me was to reveal my wings. *you pinch the bridge of your nose and sigh* if Sirzechs asks me to join the meeting to testify I will.

Grayfia: I see *she wraps her arms around your neck and hugs you to ease your worries* whatever happens I am with you until the end of the world.

Y/N: I know hey atleast If I meet Azazel I might ask him help find my father as a favour if he is still alive. Anyway what's for diner?

Grayfia: Your favourite for tonight *she kisses you on the cheek and goes to the kitchen and you follow her to help her out*

*Timeskip next day*

*You are walking around the corridors of Kuoh academy and many students notice you and look at you with different glares females keep whispering about how hot you are while boys are being jealous and you just ignore their comments as you walking to class 2-B and notice Issei.*

Y/N:Greetings students I am your new  arts teacher Y/N L/N *you write your name on the board* and I hope we all can get along here so let's spend this lesson to get to know each other better.

*Girls squeel at how handsome you look and boys look at you with jelousy*

Random girl 1: Sensei are you single?

Y/N: *you show your ring finger and you prove you are married* sorry to break your hearts but I am married.

Girls:ooh *all become really sad*

Boys:*cheer and are happy*

Y/N: Any other questions?

Random boy 1: why did you choose to teach art class?

Y/N:Good question at 1st art was like a hobby of mine but later on became my passion and I will gladly will help anyone who is interested in it to learn anyway now tell me class which type of art supplies you preffer to use it does not matter if you use graffiti, pencils, oil or other types what matters is your dedication and focus on the art itself and how much effort you put into detail or to beutify certain aspects sculptures are art aswell I know all types of art so I can help you find your own style but I can only guide you to the right path but to find it you must do it yourselves.Anyway my asignment for this lesson is try to experiment with different types of art supplies to see which one suits you. *you offer them art supplies to choose from and each student picks one they like* Ok as you chose your supplies try to imagine something and make it live through your art it does not matter how it turns out just try.

*as lesson was going on you hear a knock on the door and you see Kiba*

Y/N: What is it Kiba-kun?

Kiba:Ah president wanted to get Issei Hyodou for a club meeting.

Y/N: I see Issei Hyodou Kun you are free to go.

*As issei left you continued with your lesson and before the bell rang you left the class giving them the asignment before the bell rings and that they are free to go after the bell rings and that if they had questions they can go to teachers office later to ask him anything teleported to ORC as Issei and kiba where still walking towards it*

Rias:AAAAAAH Y/N san you arrived at the wrong time !!!! *she was covering herself with a towel before heading to shower.*

Y/N: Sorry didn't know your club house had a shower so I wanted to properly introduce myself to Hyodou kun. *you close your eyes immiediately and let Rias to change clothes*

Akeno:*Walks in* fufufu~~ Didn't know our sensei can be a pervert.

Y/N: Oh nonono I am not and I am devoted to my wife! *You start stuttering a bit*

Rias:Akeno you should stop teasing Y/N san I am really sorry Y/N san about her behaviour.

Y/N: It's alright Rias tho Akeno please stop it it's bad for my health.

Akeno:No promises~~

Kiba :*knocks on the door* President I brought  Issei Hyodou.

Rias: Come in Kiba kun

Issei:*as both of them walk in Issei sees you sitting on the couch opposite of rias* Y/N sensei? how are you here? we walked here and you are here? *he keeps mumbling how you could be here*

Y/N:Issei sit down as we are going to explain what happened yesterday between you and Yuuma Amano or her real name Raynare.

Rias: Yes please sit down Issei kun let us explain to you who Yuuma Amano truly is or as Y/N san said Raynare. *she starts explaining about factions*

A/N: I am skipping the whole explanation part as we already know this.

Issei:So everyone here except me is a devil?

Y/N:not exactly I am a *you reveal your wings* a fallen angel hybrid tho I am not affiliated with the Grigori faction as I lived most of my life isolated from it among humans and then I met gremory's around 500 years ago and we became long time friends so now I can be considered allied to Devil faction as I am allied to the family of the Lucifer.

Issei:Wait Lucifer? like the devil king?

Y/N: Yes Issei but now it's Rias's brother Sirzechs who is the current Lucifer after the war *you get a message from Grayfia's familiar (ima just make it a white owl) Oh it seems I am needed elsewhere it seems I have to attend the Satan meeting I will see you all latert.

Rias:ok Y/N san I will continue with our explanation then.

*Timeskip underworld you teleport right next to the door and you see grayfia ready to guide you*

Y/N:So It seems I am needed here oh Grayfia so you will be my guide here.

Grayfia:Yes Y/N also be carefull as I don't know what this meeting ensues afterwards.

Y/N:Don't worry Grayfia me and Sirzechs have it under control so lead the way.

*you two proceed to follow and grayfia opens the door and she introduces you*

Grayfia: Dear satans and Faction leader this is Y/N L/N.

Y/N:Greetings faction leaders *you bow slightly* some of you may know me some of you don't I am just a halfblood of a fallen angel affiliated with Devils.

*both Michael and Azazel look at you in suprise slightly*

Michael:A fallen affiliated with devils well that's new maybe we can actually co exist.

Azazel:Didn't think I'd live to see one of the fallen angels side with devils but anyway why do I feel like we've met somewhere.

Y/N:I don't know as my mother died at childbirth and my father was a fallen angel who I've yet to find.

Azazel:Well damn seems like your father is an irisponsible idiot.

Y/N:So it seems tho I don't know which fallen angel it is but my rough guess he is among the cadre.

Michael:Why do you think he is among the cadre?

Y/N:well probably that's why *you show all 10 of your wings* I only found out about my wings 500 years ago as I spent most of my life living among humans.

Azazel:Damn didn't think there was a cadre fallen angel on the loose.

Y/N:On the loose is a wrong term I preffer more like traveling. Anyway to the main point Azazel does (M/n) ring a bell from 2800 years ago??

Azazel:*Suprised* How do you know that name? *he said with caution in his voice*

Y/N:That's because that is my mothers name.

Sirzechs and other satans with Michael:Azazel can you explain to us what's going on?

Azazel: *he starts laughing* AAHAHAHA Damn didn't think Fate can  twist like this to think woman I fell in love with had my child.

Everyone(except you): WHAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!????

Y/N:well it seems I found my father tho you did skip 2800 years of my life.

Azazel:Well there is no way I can make amends for that I didn't even know she was pregnant.

Y/N:I know I've met many people in same predicament so I hold no grudge.

Azazel: I thought you'd be more like punch me in the face type a son for abandoning you.

Y/N:Well I lived long enough to think about it and I lived among humans for centuries so I realised no one is perfect no matter what.

Azazel:well let's catch up after this meeting ok? because we do have kinda of an issue.

Everyone:yeah let's continue

Sirzechs:so as I was saying there was a fallen angel reported attemting to kill a human with potential sacred gear in him but was stopped by Y/N san here.

Y/N:well she wanted to kill the sacred gear user to impress my fathere there *points to azazel*

Azazel:I only ordered observation as I have no intention of killing sacred gear users I prefer to research them

Y/N:Well she got her orders wrong it seems but I prefer we wrap this meeting as the her friends were planning on killing an excomunicated nun for her sacred gear.


Y/N:from what I've gathered they were supposed to pick up a nun soon and do somekind of ritual to extract her sacred gear in process killing the nun.

Azazel:Damn it I need to ask Shemhazai to keep a better eye on those types of fallen as i really don't like dealing with aftermath

Y/N:that's why I was planning on straight up getting rid of those fallen and save the nun.

Azazel:How about you just capture them for an interogation?

Y/N:Well I can handle that then just a fair warning I may or may not be a little brutal depends on how mad they can get me as I hate innocent bystanders getting hurt.

Azazel:Just bring them in condition where we can get info out of them everyone else agrees?

Sirzechs:I agree

Serafall:I agree

Falbium:I agree

Belzebub:I agree

Michael:I agree but please make sure that Asia Argento lives as I didn't wish to harm her when we excomunicated her

Y/N: I will make sure she is safe maybe if she wants offer to stay under my wing you don't mind Grayfia do you?

Grayfia:I don't mind at all.

Azazel:So this is the woman that captivated my sons heart huh maybe we can have a family talk later what do you think fancy a drink or two??

Y/N:I might take you up on that offer a bit later when this mess is cleaned up father. *you say it with a smile and teleport to your apartament and head to bed*.

A/N:DAMN 2650 words I pulled effort into this oneI hope you enjoy this story people I like to see some opinions about it if I am rushin the plot a bit also if you noticed I am uploading a 3rd chap this week it's just me writing this while I still have the general idea of where the plot is going and while I have inspiration.

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