James Phelps love story

By SpencerRiedfan24

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Based off my love for James Phelps and a dream I had. Wish he could be mine. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 43

345 2 0
By SpencerRiedfan24

(James POV)
So we have just arrived to our new house in the UK after a looooong flight with two anxious kids. I am so excited and look at my wife who was just smiling. "Well lets go." I say holding her waist gently and my older daughters hand. "Lets go." She says holding our youngest daughters hand and walks in with me and the girls. Once we walk into the house I can see my wives mind rushing around as she sees the layout and where everything will go. "Wow!!! Its so big!" My daughters say letting go of our hands and run around the living room giggling. "It is. Careful now you two." I say as they stop running and sit down on the floor. My wife smiles and looks around and looks relaxed for once. "Now what is that creative mind thinking of." I say kissing her cheek. "Just thinking of where everything is going to go. But first I need to get these two little ones to sleep." She says smiling. I nod and get their blankets and pillows before setting the girls on the couch. The girls lay down and fall asleep snuggling under their blankets. "Now that they are asleep lets go and unpack some boxes." I whisper to my wife and gently grab her waist. "Yeah lets go." She says walking into the new kitchen and starts to open up a box that was set on the counter. "When do you want tonto back?" I ask. "I say after the beds are in the bedroom." She says looking at me. "So in about an hour then." I say looking at her. "Yep in an hour." She says going back to unpacking. I smile and kiss her cheek gently before going to help my brother and his mates with carrying the beds upstairs while Katie helps my wife in the kitchen with everything as my daughters continue to sleep through all the noise. "Thanks for the help guys." I say to my mates as we finish bringing in everything and they leave. "Daddy I'm hungry." Autumn says sitting up from the couch tiredly. "Alright baby girl." I say smiling and stroke her hair gently. "Did someone say they were hungry?" I hear Katie say coming out from the kitchen. "Meeeee." Autumn says smiling at her aunt. 

"Well come on into the kitchen and I'll get you some food." She says smiling holding her hand out for autumn. "Okay. Thanks aunt kate." She says happily and takes her hand. "Your welcome honey." She says heading into the kitchen as my wife walks out with a glass of water. "Figured you could use this." She says handing it to me. "Thanks. Now what did you and Katie make?" I ask wrapping my arm around her waist gently. "I made nothing. It was all Katie. I just sat putting things in their place." She says smiling at me. "Alright." I say kissing her head and drink my water as she goes to wake up our youngest daughter. "You coming to eat James? Oliver went to go and get the dog." She says poking her head out from the kitchen. "I am. Come on baby lets go eat some dinner." I say picking up my still half asleep one year old.

"Okay daddy." She says tiredly as I carry her into the kitchen to see Autumn eating her food. I set her down and smile getting her food. Dahalia sits and smiles as she eats her food happily. "Thanks for making us dinner Katie even with your three kids at home." I say getting myself and my wife a plate. "Oh please anything to help you out. My kids are fine with their nan." She says smiling. "Katie really. You are amazing. Thank you." My wife says smiling. "Oh anything for my sister and brother -in law." She says smiling. I smile and eat my food and sit down with everyone. "TONTO!!!" Autumn says happily as she sees her puppy run into the room. "Hi bud. Oh I missed you." I say petting him. Tonto barks and wags his tail and jumps around happy to see us. "Hi boy." My wife smiles and pets him. Tonto relaxes around her and sits letting her pet him. I smile and go back to eating my food. "Thank you for taking care of him while we finished moving." I say looking at my brother. "Your welcome. We should get going love. Its time to pick up the kids from mums." He says looking at Katie. "Alright. Bye guys." She says grabbing her bag and walks out with my brother. "Bye." I say smiling. We finish eating and clean up then make our way upstairs to our daughters bedrooms and get their beds ready and unpack their stuff for each of their rooms. "This is so cool." Autumn says rushing to her window to look out it. I chuckle and go over to her and pick her up setting her on my hip. Autumn looks out the window and smiles trying to take everything in. "Okay autumn come back over here and help me finish putting your blankets on the bed." My wife says. "Okay mummy." She says getting down from me and goes to help her mum put the blankets on her bed. I smile and go over to my youngest who was sat playing with her mothers pant legs. "Dahalia lets go work on your room okay." I say picking her up and walk straight across the hall. "Yay." She says happily and looks at her room and smiles as I set her down. 

"This is your new room baby. Lets work on your bed." I say smiling and work on helping her make her bed. Dahalia helps me as best as she can and smiles enjoying it having a bunch of fun. "All done." She says as we finish making her room her own. "Yes all done. Good job baby girl. Give me five." I say holding up my hand. Dahalia smiles and give me a high five which causes her to giggle. I smile and then procced to gently tickle her causing her to giggle and fall into my lap. "Daddy." She squeals giggling siting in my lap and squirms. "What baby girl." I ask continuing my actions and kiss her head. "Stop." She says giggling and squirming. "Okay okay I'll stop." I say smiling and stop. She calms down and snuggles into me and lays against my chest smiling. "I love you baby girl." I say holding her and kiss her head softly. "Love you too daddy." She says smiling and snuggles into me. I hold her and smile as my wife walks in with our other daughter. "Its a good thing you are here now. Girls mummy and I have something to tell you both." I say as my wife sits down with our other daughter. "What daddy?" They ask curiously. I look at my wife who just smiles and nods telling me to go on. "Well you two are going to be big sisters again." I say looking at them. "What?" They asks confused. "Mummy is going to have a baby." My wife says. "Really!!!!???" They say excitedly. "Yep its right here in mummy's tummy." She says smiling pointing to her stomach. "Yay." They say excitedly and gently put their hands on her stomach.

I smile and watch the girls feel their mums stomach getting excited then look up at my wife who was watching them and smiling. "When will sissy be here?" Autumn asks. "Well your baby brother or sister will be here sometime in October." I say looking at them. "Wow." They both say. "I know." I say smiling and rub their backs gently. "So sissy will be here in October. I'm so excited!" Autumn says happily. "Well now honey we don't know if it will be a girl or a boy yet. We have to wait a bit till we find out." I say looking at them. "But I don't want a brother. I want a sister." Autumn say crossing her arms. "I know you do but we are just going to have to wait and see." I say setting her in my lap. "But I don't want to wait that long daddy." She says pouting and looks at me. "I know honey daddy can't wait either." I say holding her. She just lays against me and sighs getting warm. "Well then lets go and work on mummy's and daddy's room." I say standing up with her in my arm. "Yay lets go." She says happily. I smile and go with her and my other daughter and wife to our room. My wife and I work on making our room our own while having fun with our daughters. We finish our room then head downstairs to watch a movie before we get the girls ready for bed. "Alright my loves lets get you your baths and then into bed." I say seeing that my daughters were almost asleep as the movie ends. "Okay daddy." They say tiredly as I pick them up and head up to their bedroom to get them bathed and changed. I wash them both and then change them while my wife goes and gets their beds ready. The girls yawn and lay against me starting to struggle to stay awake. "Alright loves lets get you both tucked in." I say picking them up and laying them in their beds.

Both girls lay down and instantly go to sleep snuggling under their covers and holding their stuffies. My wife and I gently kiss their heads and head out quietly and make our way downstairs. "I can't believe we did it." My wife says looking at me. "I know this is a big step for us but at least we are starting a new chapter in our life and adding a new member to the family." I say holding her waist gently and smile down at her rubbing her stomach gently. "I know I didn't think that it could happen again. I mean becoming pregnant at my age and with the health scares I faced. God so much happened these past few years." She says looking at me. I smile and kiss her gently and hold her in my arms wanting to spend this moment with her for as long as I can. "Mmmm you know we are going to need a bigger car to hall three kids and a dog around." She says pulling away and looks at me. "I know. Tomorrow I'll show you what I have. For now lets go to sleep. Its late and we did a lot of stuff today." I say smiling at her. "Your right. I'm tired and sore." She says looking at me. "Go on up and get ready for  bed. I'll be up shortly." I say to her. "Okay. Don't be to long." She says looking at me and then heads upstairs to bed. "I won't." I say watching her go upstairs. Once my wife was gone I go and lock up the house and turn off the lights before heading upstairs with the dog. I walk in and see my wife was already in bed and sound asleep snuggled under the blanket and her pillows smushed against her. "Good night love." I say smiling and turn the light off and crawl in next to her gently holding her in my arms.

The next morning I am woken up by my daughters coming into our room and up onto our bed. "Daddy we are hungry." I hear my daughters say gently shaking me. "Mmmm girls its only six in the morning." I say tiredly and check the time. "So we just can't sleep." They say bouncing on my hip gently. "That's fine. Come lay down with mummy and I for a bit." I say laying them down knowing they would fall asleep. Both my daughters lay down and instantly fall asleep in my arms. I watch and smile tiredly then go back to sleep wrapping my arms around my entire family. A few hours later I am woken up to my wife suddenly getting out of bed and rushing to bathroom. I get up and go to her leaving my daughters to sleep in our bed and go check on my wife. "Love you okay?" I ask her gently knocking on the door hearing her throwing up. "Fine." She says once she catches her breath. "Want anything?" I ask. "No." She says sighing. "Okay. I'm here if you need me." I say sitting down on the other side of the door and wait for her to come out. About twenty minutes later I hear the bathroom door open up and see my wife come out in a new pair of pjs. "Hey honey you okay??" I ask standing up and look at her gently stroking her arms. "Yeah. I just need to go and get some water and to take an iorn pill." She says leaning against me and rubs her head. "Okay love come on." I say picking her up and lay her next to our daughters before grabbing her iorn pills and some water. She takes them weakly and sighs yawning. "Get some more rest love. You need it." I say looking at her as my daughters wake up.

My wife just looks at me and nods closing her eyes slowly. "Daddy?" Both my daughters ask waking up. "Morning my loves. Want breakfast?" I ask picking them up. "Yeah." They say excitedly and hold onto me as I take them downstairs. I set them down at the table and make breakfast. "Daddy how will we get around?" Autumn asks me as I cook. "What do you mean love?" I ask looking at her. "I mean we don't have a car like we did back home so do we walk everywhere right now?" She asks me. "Well this morning when mummy wake up we will walk but we won't be walking for to long. Daddy has something at Nan's." I say smiling and make breakfast for them. "Ooooo what kind of surprise daddy?" They ask excitedly. "You have to wait and find out." I say setting their food down in front of them. "But daddy that will be forever." They pout and look at me. "Eat your breakfasts love." I say chuckling and feed tonto. The girls sit and eat their food hungrily still pouting and wanting to know what the surprise is. I sit and eat my food smiling at their reactions and gently stroke their hair. "Why must you do this daddy?" They ask pouting. "Do what loves?" I ask looking at them. "Make us wait for a surprise." They says eating. 

I chuckle and eat my breakfast with them and keep them occupied. We finish eating breakfast and then clean up before heading upstairs and help them get ready for the day before I go and check on my wife. After I changed my daughters I leave them in their rooms to play with their toys while I go and check on their mother. "Love?" I ask walking in and see my wife wide awake. "Hey. Where the girls at?" She asks looking at me. "They are in their rooms how are you feeling love?" I ask her. "I'm feeling better now. Im just hungry is all." She says looking at me. "Alright I'll go get you some breakfast. Im glad your better because our daughters were getting antsy wanting to know what I have at Nan's house." I chuckling and kiss her head softly before going to get her breakfast. "Well yeah they are going to be like that." She calls after me. "Mummy your up. That means we can go to Nan's and see what the surprise daddy has for us." I hear my daughters say as they run past me and into their mothers bedroom. I chuckle and get breakfast for my wife and bring it to her and hear her talking. "Girls daddy did not make you wait months or weeks to show you the surprise at nans house. Relax." She says gently stroking their hair.

"Alright girls let mummy eat and then we will get ready to go." I say looking at them. "Okay daddy." They say sliding off the bed and go back to playing with their toys in their room. "So they were telling you about how I am making them wait for the surprise." I say sitting next to her as she eats. "They were. I love them so much but we need to teach them paitents." My wife says giggling slightly. "I know. They get that from you." I say kissing her head gently and chuckle. "How so?" She asks smirking and eats. "Well whenever we go somewhere and its a place you like you get impatient and make it seem like I am taking forever or I make you wait." I say chuckling. "Well yeah because if we are going out to eat or we are going shopping I want to get going. Do you want me to become hangry?" She states pouting and finishes eating. "No I don't want any of you to become hangry. However I do try and make sure you guys are ready to go." I say taking her food away from her. "I know and I love you. I'm going to get ready and then we can leave." She says getting up and going to change. "Alright. Girls come downstairs with daddy." I call leaving the room and wait for them. My daughters come out of their rooms and go downstairs with me while their mum gets dressed. "We going now daddy?" My daughters ask. "We will once mummy comes down." I say looking at them as I finish cleaning up. "Yay. Look mummy's here! Mummy's here. Lets go now daddy. Please." They say as they see their mum come down the stairs. "Alright Alright. Lets get your trainers on and then we will go officially." I say grabbing their shoes. The girls sit down and put their shoes on asking for our help. "Alright now lets go." I say smiling and hold their hands. 

The girls hold my hands as we walk out and head down the street to my mums house where I have the surprise waiting for my family. The girls walk with me and look around at how beautiful everything is. "Alright my loves we are here at Nan's." I say smiling and walk up the stairs as my mum opens the door. "NAN!!!!" The girls say running to her. "Hello my dears. I'm so happy to see you." She says hugging the girls and smiles. "We are happy to see the surprise that daddy has for us." My daughters say. "What surprise? I don't know what you are talking about." She says smiling. "Come here girls I'll show you." My father says taking them. I smile and go with them and my wife and head to the garage. "Here's your surprise." My dad says opening the door to the garage and shows the kids the car for my wife and I to drive the kids to school and two toy cars for the girls.

"Wow." They say walking over to their cars. "James you had this car the whole time?" My wife asks looking at me and walks with me to the car. "I did. I was working on it with my dad before I met you. I figured whenever I got married and had kids I wanted to have a car that would be able to fit my entire family. Once I met you and we got married I knew that one day we would move back here and we would need to have a family car to fit not just us, the girls and the dog, but for when we add onto the family." I say looking at her and gently rub my wives small baby bump. "You have really thought of everything James. Thank you for everything." She says smiling and looks at me. "You are so welcome. I love you." I say to my wife and kiss her softly. "DADDY!!!" The girls say excitedly and run over to me. "Yes my loves." I say pulling away and pick them up. "This is a cool surprise." They say pointing to the car. "Well I'm glad you two like it. It will be able to fit me, mummy, tonto, you guys and your new sibling." I say kissing their heads. The girls smile and hug me kissing my cheeks softly. "So what your telling me is that I am going to be a grandma again?" I hear my mum say causing my wife and I to turn around. "Yes mum." I say smiling at her. 

"Oh yes! You and your brother are both very productive." She say smiling. "Mum." I say setting the girls down and shake my head. "Its okay mum." My wife says smiling and gently patting my arm. "Well then come on in and sit down my dears." My mum says taking my wife inside. I smile and head in with my daughter and my dad. "I just can't believe your going to have another baby. How far along are you? You can't be that far?" My mum asks setting my wife down gently. "Baby three is due in October. I am now about eight weeks along." My wife says smiling. "Good heavens. This is so exciting. I am going to take you and Katie shopping for baby stuff." My mum says excitedly. "Now mum please you don't have to do that. Katie's pregnant again?" My wife says laughing and smiles. "Oh hush up and let me get stuff for my new grand baby. No Katie's not pregnant again. At least I don't think so." She says smiling. "Fine mum. I guess I should ask her." She says smiling. I sit down next to my wife and hold her gently and my daughters play with their grandfather. My daughters continue to play with their grandfather and smile having fun.

I smile and kiss my wives neck gently and rub her stomach as my wife continue to talk to my mum and ask Katie if she is having another baby which in response she says she is not and that her and my brother agreed on no more kids after their third one. "So Katie is not pregnant mum. Her and Oliver decided on no more kids." I say looking at her. "Okay. Well I will have a total of six grandbabies and I couldn't be more excited for it." She says happily. "I'm glad that your happy with six grandbabies mum." I say smiling at her. "I'm an old woman James. I get excited when I get to become a grandma from either of my sons." She says smiling. "Alright mum. Alright." I say chuckling. "You guys must be thirsty. Want some tea or water?" My mum asks. "I'll take some tea please mum." My wife says looking at her. "Alright. What about you son?" She asks looking at me. "Some tea please as well mum." I say looking at her. "Alright and I'm guessing the girls are going to have water." My mum says. I look over at my daughters and smile nodding watching them play and learn with their grandfather. My mum nods and goes to get us our drinks. I look at my wife who was sitting and watching our daughters and kiss her neck softly again getting her attention. "Mmmm yes love?" She asks looking up at me. "I love you." I say smiling. "I love you too." She says smiling and kisses my cheek. I smile and hold her pulling her closer to me and gently rub her stomach. "Alright guys I have some drinks for you." My mum says coming back in and sets the drinks on the table. "Thank you nan." My daughter says going to grab their cups filled with water. 

"Careful loves." I say helping them. "Relax honey they are in sippy cups." My mum says as she hands me my cup of tea. I nod and relax and start to drink my tea. My wife sips hers slowly as our daughters drink their waters slowly. I let them and drink my tea watching my family and smile feeling relaxed and at home. "Oh I have to take this. Excuse me." My wife says setting her tea down and going outside to take a phone call. "Daddy where's mummy?" Autumn asks me. "She's outside on the phone baby girl. She will be back don't worry love." I say smiling and stroke her hair softly. "Okay daddy." She says drinking her water and crawls up onto my lap. I smile and help her up and hold her on my lap and kiss her head. "Sorry bout that." My wife says coming back in and sits down. "Its fine honey." My mum says smiling and plays with Dahalia. "Who was it love?" I ask holding Autumn on my lap still. "My doctor. She wants to see me in a week just to see how I'm doing and how the baby is doing." She says looking at me and smiles softly sipping her tea. "Okay. Let me know and we will try to find a sitter." I say looking at me wife. "I will." She says sipping her tea slowly. Autumn sips her water tiredly and slowly starts to doze off. "I think its time for a nap." I say looking over at my daughters seeing them getting tired.

"Yeah. Well it was a pleasure to see you guys again. Also if you guys need a sitter I'm not that far and would be willing to watch the girls and tonto." My mum says standing up. "I will mum thank you." I say smiling and set the cups down and situate Autumn on me. My wife smiles and picks up Dahalia who was sound asleep on the floor and heads out with me to the car. "Be safe." My mum says as we get the girls in their car seats. "We will. I will see you soon mum. I love you." I say finishing and hug her gently. "I love you." She says hugging me and then lets me go. I smile and get in and start the car up before backing out of the driveway and drive home. "Best surprises ever." My wife says looking over at me and smiles. "Anything for you love." I say parking in our drive and get out. My wife gets out and grabs our daughters slowly. I go and help her and carry Autumn inside and upstairs to her room and lay her down and tuck her in while my wife puts our other daughter to sleep. Once we finish putting our girls down for their naps we head downstairs and finish making our house our own. "What do you think about this right here?" My wife asks me. "I like it. Now step away from the heavy object and let me do it." I say gently and take the object off the floor before she does it. "James I'm only eight weeks pregnant. I can do stuff still." She says looking at me. "I know but love I don't want you to hurt yourself. We both aren't young as we were before our kids but I just want you to be okay." I say putting the object where she wanted it. "I know. Thank you for that." She says looking at me. I finish and go over to her and gently place my hand on her stomach smiling down at her. She smiles and holds my hand against her stomach and looks at me. "I can't wait to feel this little one move." I say looking down at her. "I can't either." She says smiling at me. "We going to try for number four or are we stopping here at number three?" I ask curious. "I'm going to let my body and doctor decide how many kids I'm going to have." She says shrugging. "You sure?" I say looking at her and kiss her head softly. "I am. Why?" She asks looking at me. "I just don't want you or me to be hurt if you can't have kids anymore or you have another miscarriage." I say rubbing her shoulders softly. "I know James. I know the risk of getting pregnant at the age I am now but I am willing to take life as it comes." She says looking at me. "I know baby. I know." I say looking at her. "Good. We should get back to work before our daughters wake up from their naps and want a snack." She says pulling away from me and goes back to working on our den/office. "We will just one thing I need to do." I say grabbing her arm gently and pull her into me kissing her softly. She falls into me and kisses back smiling holding onto me. I hold her against me and kiss her softly as I hear my dog come padding into our room and nudging me. "What boy?" I ask looking down at him.

Tonto just sits and wags his tail looking up at me. I go to say something but hear my daughters voices from upstairs. "Guess that's what you meant. Wanna go and bring them downstairs." I ask him. Tonto runs upstairs and goes to get the kids. "Why don't you finish moving some stuff in here while I go make them lunch." My wife says smiling and heads to the door. "Alright." I say going back to work as my wife goes and makes lunch for the girls as they come downstairs with tonto. "Mummy after lunch can we go outside to play a bit with tonto?" I hear autumn asks. "Well we have to see what daddy says but I don't see why not." She says giving the girls their food. "What's going on in here?" I ask walking out and into the kitchen to see my daughters eating their food. "Can we go outside and play with tonto daddy?" Autumn say sipping her water. "Well I don't see why not." I say smiling and stroke their hair gently. "Yay!" Both my daughters say excitedly. "After you guys finish your lunch." My wife says handing me a plate. 

"Okay mummy." They say eating their food. I smile and eat my lunch watching the girls talk and eat. "Alright we are all done mummy. Can we go out and play now? Please?" They ask. "Yes. Let me get ready to go out with you." My wife says cleaning up and get ready to take the girls and tonto out back. I eat and watch my wife and daughters go out back with the dog. "Wow this is so big mummy." The girls say happily as they run around playing with tonto. I walk out after I finish eating and smile wrapping my arms around my wife as we watch our daughters play. "So what should we name this little peanut?" I ask my wife. "Mmmmm don't know." She says looking up at me smiling. "Well I have two names." I say kissing her head. "Lets hear them." She says looking at me smiling. "Well I was thinking if it is a boy I was thinking of George and for if its a girl I was thinking of the name Olivia." I say telling her my names. "I love those names." She says smiling up at me. "Good. Now all we gotta do is wait to see what the gender is to use one of those names." I say smiling and look at him. "I have a really big feeling that this one will be another girl." She says looking at me. "I think that this one will be a boy." I say looking at her. "Mummy look what I can do." I hear Autumn say happily. "What can you do baby?" She asks looking at her. Autumn giggles and shows her what she can do. "Wow baby girl. You did a good job." I say smiling and clap. "Thank you." She says going back to play with her sister. I smile and hold my wife and watch my kids play with each other and look around at the environment that my wife and I were in and sigh feeling at home and complete. "You enjoying being home?" My wife asks looking at me. "I am. I feel at home with you and the girls with me." I say kissing her head again softly. "I'm glad. You know I feel at home too even though I wasn't born and raised here. There are still many things that I have to get use to here in the UK." She says looking at me.

"What is there you have to get use to?" I ask as our daughters come over to us. "Well learning how to drive a car and learning what things mean." She says looking at me. "Well that I can teach you." I say smiling at her and the look at my daughters who come over to us. "Daddy come play." They say grabbing my pant legs and try pulling me with them. "Go have fun with your daughters. I'm going to head inside and sit down." She says smiling letting me go play with my daughters. I go and play with them laughing and having fun with them for a bit longer before we get tired. "Oh man daddy's tired." I say sitting down on the grass and lay down. "Hehe we aren't tired daddy. Come on play some more." Autumn says crawling over to me and kneels next to me. "How bout we all go inside and play with your toys inside?" I ask looking at her still laying down. "Okay." She says standing up with her sister. I smile and get up and head inside with them and see my wife was no where to be found. "Where's mummy?" Dahalia asks looking up at me. "She might be upstairs sleeping. Remember how she wasn't feeling to well today?" I say looking at her. "Yeah." They say nodding. "She might not be feeling well still so she is probably napping meaning we need to be quiet." I say looking at them. "Okay daddy." They say smiling and go play with their toys. I smile and let them play with their toys and sit watching them. The girls play for an hour downstairs before going upstairs to play in their rooms while I check on their mother. "Love?" I ask gently knocking on the door and walk in and see her sound asleep. Sneaking in quietly I go over and check on her to see if she needs any water or any food and to watch her sleep. I smile and sit next to her and kiss her head gently and play with her hair. "Mmmmm where are the girls?" She mutters tiredly and stirs slowly waking up. "They are in their rooms playing love. You hungry?" I ask her. "I'm starving I didn't eat lunch today and aslo I'm eating for two now." She says sitting up and stretches. "Alright I'll go get you some food." I say smiling and go get her food. My wife sits up slowly and stretches her body waiting for me and relaxes a bit as she situates herself. "Lunch for you my love." I say coming in with some food causing her to smile and laugh. "Well thank you my love." She says taking it and giggles and eats her food. "Your welcome. I'm going to go check on our daughters." I say going to our children's room and see the girls playing with each other. "Hi my loves. What's going on in here?" I ask seeing them.

"We are playing daddy." Autumn says looking at me smiling widely. "I can see that. I'm glad you two are playing nicely together. I can see that you two dragged tonto into this as well." I say seeing the dog laying in between the girls as they play. Tonto just lays there and lets them looking up at me smiling enjoying it. "Alright well daddy is going to be in his room so if there is a problem come and get me or mummy. Okay?" I say gently patting their heads. "Okay daddy." They says smiling and go back to playing. I smile and walk out going back to my room and see my wife sitting on the bed doing some work. "Hey love." I say going over and sit next to her. "Hi. What were the girls doing?" She asks looking at me. "They are in autumn's room playing tea party with each other and tonto." I say gently rubbing her stomach. "Okay. Tonto should be the barrier between the two of them incase they start to argue which we both know they are bound to do." My wife says placing her hand on mine. "That is for sure." I say smiling and lay my head gently on her shoulder and look at her computer seeing she was busy hunting for jobs. "You know we are going to have to start looking at schools soon for Autumn." I say looking at her. "I know I know. I'm just trying to process her going to school." She says looking at me. "I know but she will be going to the best school in England." I say looking at her. "And what school is the best school in England? Hogwarts?" She asks playfully and laughs. "Nooooo. Gloucester is the best because that's where Oliver and I went." I say pouting playfully. "I know love and besides if Hogwarts was real she wouldn't be going till she was eleven anyways." She says smiling and kisses my head. "I know. I am going to call the school Oliver and I went to to set up an appointment to meet with the headmaster or headmistress." I say calling the school. My wife smiles and works while I set up an appointment with the school. "Alright we have an appointment with the headmaster tomorrow afternoon." I say looking at her. "Okay. Well we need to tell your mum." She says looking at me.

"I'll let her know and see if she is free tomorrow." I say sending a quick text to my mum telling her about our meeting. "She says she can watch the girls tomorrow." I say reading the message she sent me. "Great." My wife says going back to work. I smile and watch her do what she does best as a mum and as a person who works on planning events. My wife works focused on what she was working on and I just lay there and watch her do what she does and admire her. "Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear my daughter call. "What autumn?" I ask standing up and go to her to see what is going on. "Sissy stole my doll." autumn whines pointing. "Dahalia can you give your sister her doll back? We do not take our sisters toys without asking nicely." I say looking at my youngest. "NO!!!!!" She says shaking her head. "Dahalia I am going to count to three. You better give your sister her doll back before I get to three. 1. 2. 3." I say starting to count. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" She yells trying run out of the room but I stop her and take the doll out of her hand and hand it back to autumn. "Dahalia calm down. Stop it. Listen to me. We do not take stuff that is not ours. We ask the person first before we take it." I say kneeling in front of her and hold her shoulders. "NOOOOOO!!!! WET ME GO!!!!!!!!!! MUMMY!!!" She cries fighting me and hits me. "Owww! Dahalia we do not hit people. You are going into time out." I say picking her up and set her in a corner. Dahalia continues to cry and scream hitting me over and over again then decides to bite me. "Owww. No biting. You are going to stay in this spot for a minute because you didn't listen to daddy and you bit him and hit him." I say setting a timer on my phone before leaving. Dahalia sits in the spot crying and screaming kicking the wall. "What's going on here? Why is Dahalia going balistic?" My wife asks hearing everything as she walks out and over to me. "Dahalia is in time out because she not only hit me but she bit me as well and tooks autumn's doll from her without asking." I say looking at my arm. "You okay? I'm glad you disaplined her. Let me see your arm." My wife says looking at my arm. I let her and ignore Dahalia's cries and screams as she sits in timeout. "Well good thing is she didn't break the skin. However you will have teeth marks for a few days. Stay here." She says heading to the bathroom and comes back with a towel and some ointment. I let her and watch her get to work as Dahalia continues to cry and kick the wall screaming for her mum.

"Alright all done." She says finising up. "Thanks. Dahalia's time is up. Time to go and talk to her." I say hearing my alarm go off. My wife nods and cleans up as I head to Dahalia who was sitting in the corner calmed down a bit. "Dahalia do you know why daddy put you in the naughty corner." I ask. Dahalia looks at me and nods. "Why did I put you in. Can you tell daddy?" I say looking at her. "Becawys I bit u and hit and didn't wisten." She says looking at me sniffling. "That's right. Can I hear you say sorry?" I say looking at her. "I sowwwy." She says looking at me snifling. "I forgive you. Now come give daddy a cuddle." I say holding my arms out for her. Dahalia falls into them and hugs me tightly and sniffles. I sit on the ground and hold her rubbing her back. "Daddy loves you." I say holding her and rub her back. "Wuv you too daddy." She says holding me. I hold her and sit her in my lap and pull her close to me. "What's going on honey? Wanna talk to daddy about it and tell him? You never bite me." I say sitting against the wall and hold her turning her towards me. Dahalia just sits in my lap and plays with my shirt staying quiet. "Does it have something to do with having a new sibling?" I ask looking at her. She just continues to play with my shirt and nods. "I figured. Honey look at daddy please." I say gently and hold her. Dahalia plays with my shirt and looks at me with puffy cheeks. "You know mummy and daddy will love you and your sister just as much as your new sibling." I say looking at her and stroke her cheek. "Otay daddy." She says hugging me and nuzzles into my neck. I sit and hold her rubbing her back and rock her gently. "When you are feeling upset or angry come talk to mummy or me and we will listen and help you. Same thing with your sister. Come out here Autumn. I know your listening." I say to my second daughter as my eldest comes out of the room. Autumn walks over to me slowly and then sits down next to me. "Now you two I know a lot of things are going to change when mummy has the baby, but I want you both to know that no matter what mummy and myself will love all of you equally. Also when mummy has the baby she is going to need a lot of help for a bit. Think you two can do that?" I say looking at both of them. "Yes." My youngest says nodding and lays against him. "Autumn what about you?" I ask looking at her. "I'll do it daddy." She says nodding. "Great. Now let's go see if mummy needs help?" I say setting dahalia on her feet and stand up from the floor. "Daddy uppy pwease." She says holding her arms up. "Alright." I say picking her up and hold. Autumn holds onto my hand that was free and walks with me as we go find their mum. "Mummy where are you?" Autumn calls. "What is it loves?"
My wife asks walking out of the bathroom. "We found you." Autumn says smiling.

"Why were you looking for me?" She asks. "Just cause." Autumn says. "Hmmm would you like to play hide and seek girls?" My wife asks. "Yeah!!!!!!" The girls say excitedly. "Alright then lets all go downstairs and play some hide and seek before dinner." I say smiling and head downstairs with the my wife, daughters and tonto so we can all play hide and seek. We play hide and seek for about an hour before our daughters start to get hungry for dinner. I smile and go make dinner for my family letting my wife relax for a bit since she is working super hard right now. "Alright loves dinner is ready." I call finishing and put their food on the table. "Yay thank you daddy." They say happily and get up and onto their chairs with my help and start to eat their food slowly but hungrily. I smile and get mine and my wives plates ready as she comes in with tonto. "For you my dear." I say handing her her food. "Mmmm thank you. Do we have any pickles." She asks. "No why?" I ask looking at her confused. "I'm just really craving pickles right now that's all." She says shrugging. "I see." I say confused and eat my food. My wife just sits and eats her food as if the conversation of having pickles ever happened. "So you two ready to spend time with Nan tomorrow?" I ask my daughters. "Yeah." They say happily and eat. "That's good. I know Nan is excited to hang out with you two tomorrow." I say smiling and watch them eat their food and look at me happily. "I wonder what nan has for us tomorrow?" Autumn asks eating. "I don't know. What do you and nan usually do?" I ask smiling and look at them. "We always play with magic socky and tea party and hide and seek." Autumn says listing off all they do. "What's magic socky? I've never heard of that game." My wife says. "Oh. Nan has this sock and we travel back to whatever time we choose. Its so fun." Autumn says happily. "Oh that does sound like fun." My wife says smiling. "It really is fun mummy." Autumn says happily. "Hmm maybe I can ask Nan how to play and we can do it here sometime." My wife says. "Yeah that would be fun. Its fun with nan but it would be sooooooo much more fun if you and daddy can do it too." She says happily and eats. "Yeah we will definitely play magic socky." My wife says smiling. "Yay. Thank you mummy." Autumn says as her and her sister finish eating. I smile and finish eating and clean up the empty plates and look over at my family and watch my wife and my daughters talking about useless stuff. "Alright my loves its time for bath." I say looking at the time. "Okay daddy." They say excitedly and go to me. I smile and take them upstairs and get their clothes then start the water. "Daddy after bath time can you tell us a story?" Autumn asks as I undress her and put her in the tub. "Of course I can. Thank you for asking me nicely." I say doing the same thing to her sister.

Both of my girls sit and play in the bath while I bathe them letting my wife eat and get time to herself. I smile and bathe them letting them play for a bit before I wash their hair and dry them off. "What story do you want daddy to read tonight?" I ask changing them. "Can we read spot the dog?" Autumn asks. "Sure. Is that what you want love?" I ask my youngest. She nods and smiles at me. "Alright you two are ready for bed. Lets go say goodnight to mummy before story time." I say smiling and walk out with them and go find my wife. "Mummy." My daughters call as we look for her. "Yes my loves?" She asks coming out of the office to see us. "Night night." Autumn says going to her. "Goodnight girls. Come give mummy a cuddle." She says smiling and hold out her arms for them. They run to her and hug her tiredly before coming back to me. "Alright lets go have a bed time story." I say walking upstairs with them slowly. They go with me and crawl onto my lap as I sit on the floor. I smile and situate them both and then start to read. The girls lay against me and listen slowly starting to fall asleep in my arms. I finish reading and smile gently putting the girls to bed and tuck them both in and kiss their heads softly before heading downstairs to where my wife was. "The girls down?" She asks as I walk into the office. "Yes they are. They were really tired." I say rubbing her shoulders gently. "Mmmm well we did have an eventful day today. So much playing games and reading. Its enough to tire a one year old and a three year old out." She says smiling and looks up at me. "And a 34 year old child." I say kissing her head. "No I would not have thought that." She says sarcastically and rolls her eyes going back to what she was doing. "Why don't you come to bed love. Its late and I want to cuddle." I say closing her laptop. "Alright alright I will come to bed." She says turning the lamp off and walk out of the room with me and locks up. "Mmmm lets go out and look at the stars for a bit. Its a nice night." I say as we go upstairs to our room. "Mmmm lets go." She says opening the window. I smile and go out on to the roof and then help her out and stand outside with her looking up at the sky. "Wow it's so beautiful here." She says looking up. "Yes it is." I say looking at her. "Not me. The sky honey." She says looking at me and gently hits my arms. "But you are the sky love. Your my sky." I say smiling and kiss her head. "Mmmm and your my star." She says smiling up at me. I smile an hold her then look up at the sky watching the stars for a bit longer. "We should head to bed. I feel like I'm going to be up very early in the morning with morning sickness as per usual." She says looking at me. "Alright love." I say nodding and go inside the window then help her in slowly. She climbs through the window and then shuts it making sure it was locked.

"Ready for bed now?" I ask looking at her. "Yeah. God I'm tired. Having two kids and being pregnant again really wears you out." She says crawling into bed. "You will get use to it my dear. For now rest and take it easy." I say laying next to her. "Alright. Goodnight." She says turning her lamp off and lays down falling asleep right away. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist gently and pull her into my chest gently once I turn my lamp off.

The next morning I wake up around nine in the morning and see my wife was still sound asleep in her pjs still. I smile and gently kiss her cheek before standing up quietly and go check on my daughters and see them still sound asleep. Taking this opportunity I go and get ready for a run before we head to see the headmaster of the school and leave a note for my wife telling her where I am incase she wakes up while I'm gone. Once I finish doing what I need to I take tonto with me and we go on a run around the neighborhood. I finish running and head inside and see my wife and daughters sitting at the table eating their breakfast tiredly. "Well goodmorning sleepy heads. How are my beautiful daughters and wife doing this morning?" I ask walking over to them and kiss their heads gently. "I'm tired daddy." Autumn says yawning and eats her oatmeal. "Why's that baby? You went to bed early yesterday so you shouldn't be tired." I say looking at her and then kiss her mums head. "I don't know." She says tiredly and eats. "She's fine. She is just upset because mummy won't give her bacon." My wife says eating her breakfast. "Autumn, Honey you don't need bacon every single day." I say looking at her. "But daddy bacon is life." She pouts. "Honey having bacon everyday isn't good for you. There are other types of meat to eat love." I say looking at her. "And also a lot of fruits and veggies too." Her mother adds. Autumn groans and sighs eating the rest of her breakfast. I chuckle and kiss her head gently then go and take a quick shower. Once I finish my shower I change and head downstairs to see that my daughter were in the living room playing with their toys and that my wife was still at the table nibbling on her breakfast. "You feeling okay love?" I ask her and grab my breakfast then sit down next to her. "I'm okay. Just tired." She says looking at me and nibbles her food. "Okay. Mum should be here soon to watch the kids." I say eating my food. "Alright." She says nodding and eats. I nod and eat my food as we hear a knock on the door.

"SHE'S HERE!!! NAN'S HERE!!!!!" Autumn says happily and rushes to the door with her sister. "Girls wait. Ask who is it first before opening the door." I say rushing after them. "Who is it?" They ask when they arrive. "Its Nan." My mum says. The girls squeal and open the door letting in their grandmother in. "Hi girls. We ready to have a fun time?" She says hugging them. "Yes!!!" They say excitedly and hug her. I smile and go back to the kitchen leaving my mum with her grandkids. "Well then the girls are happy that their nan is here." I say sitting down and eat the rest of my breakfast looking at my wife. "Good." She says smiling and cleans up. I nod and eat my breakfast and clean up my area then head over to my wife. "Lets go get change and then head out to go meet the headmaster of the school so we can see what it looks like and so you can get a feel for school life in the UK." I say taking her upstairs. "Alright." She says going and getting changed. I smile and change waiting for her to finish. My wife walks out fully dressed and looks at me putting her hair up. "Alright lets go." She says looking at me. "Alright." I say heading downstairs with her. "Alright girls we will be back soon. Please behave and listen to your nan while we are gone." My wife says looking at the girls. "Yes mummy." They say looking at her and hug her. She smiles and hug them before grabbing her phone. "See you in a bit my loves." I say hugging them and kiss their heads. "Bye daddy." They say hugging me and smile as they skip back to their nan. I smile and head out with my wife grabbing my keys and my wallet then get in the  car with my wife. "Alright lets go." I say driving to the school. "This is so exciting and nerve wracking. I've never seen a school in a different county before." She says looking out the window. "Its basiclly the same as the schools in the states but we learn about our history. Our school curriculm is structured a different way." I say arriving at the school. "Okay." She says nodding as I park. I get out with her and take her hand making my way to the front of the school and walk in going straight to the office and meet the secretary. My wife goes with me and holds my hand standing next to me. "Ahh James Phelps, I was wondering when I would see you or your brother again. Welcome. Come on back." I hear the headmaster say walking out and shakes my hand. "Hello headmaster." I say shaking his hand and head back to his office. "Please have a seat. I don't think we met. Hi my name is Headmaster Jones." He says shaking my wives hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Hadaza Phelps. I'm James wife." She says smiling and shakes his hand. "Well its a pleasure to meet you. Your not from around here are you?" He says. "No I am from the states so I'm a new person here." She says smiling.

"Well welcome. Now lets get talking. So you two want to know about the school and what to expect." He says. "Yes please." I say holding my wives hand. "So who is attending the school and how old are they?" He asks. "Well the child attending is our oldest daguhter Autumn and she is three years old and will be four in four months." I say looking. "Alright. Has she gone to any day care or preschool before?" He asks. "No she has not." I say. "Alright. Does she know the alphabet and how to read basic words?" He asks. "She does know the alphabet, how to read, and how to count to the number ten." I say. "Impressive. Who taught her if she didn't go to preschool?" He asks shocked at our three year old daughter. "I did sir." My wife says looking at him. "Well that's amazing. Are you a teacher?" He asks. "No I'm not. I am a certified event planner and I just have an AA in Education." She says. "Would you like to work for us?" He asks. "What? But I only have an AA in education. I didn't go for my masters or bachelors degree. Also I don't know the Europe school systems at all. Let alone what to teach." She says shocked at the proposal. "That's alright. We will be willing to train you for your Bachelors degree. We need some more teachers. Especially to teach the third and fourth year students." He says. "I'll have to think about it. I mean I am a mum of two and have another little one on the way. I just don't know." She says. 

"Well please think it over and talk to your husband about it." He says. "I will thank you." She says nodding. We dive back into the conversation of the schooling and what we can expect when Autumn starts. "Thank you so much for everything. I can not wait to start Autumn in this school." I say standing up and shake his hand. "Anytime. I cannot wait to see autumn here. And please Mrs. Phelps think about my offer." He says standing up and shakes my hand. "I will. Thank you for your time Headmaster." She says smiling and shakes his hand. "Anytime. Let me show you out." He says showing us out. We follow him out with a folder full of paper work that we need to fill out and send back. I walk out of the building holding my wives hand as we walk to the car. "So what do you think about the Headmasters offer?" She asks looking at me. "I think that it would be a great opprutunity for you, but its completly up to you." I says starting the car. "I don't know. Its such a hard decision to make." She says thinking. "How bout when we get home you and I can go over everything." I say driving home. "Alright." She says nodding and sits. I smile and take her hand and hold it driving. She holds it and smiles looking out the window and relax.

We arrive home and park. I get out and head inside with my wife and hold onto the folder and walk inside seeing our daughters reading with my mum. "Hey you two we are back." I say heading to the office and setting the papers down on the desk. "Hi mummy. Hi daddy." They say looking up and smile at us. "Did you guys behave for Nan?" My wife asks kissing their heads. "They did. They were very good. They haven't eaten lunch yet and they are just reading to get themselves ready for their naps." My mum says standing up. "Alright. Thanks mum." I say hugging her gently. "Thank you so much. Alright girls do you want to eat lunch or do you want to nap?" My wife asks. "Can we have a bit of our lunch before nap time mummy?" Autumn asks. "Sure. Come on you two lets go wash up." She says smiling. The girls get up and head with their mum to the kitchen. I smile and show my mum out and thank her again. "So how did the meeting go with the headmaster?" She asks. "It went well. He's super excited to see autumn. Also Hadaza was offered a teaching job." I say smiling. "Well what she say?" She asks. "She has to think about it. I mean it's a huge step for her and she would have to leave dahalia at home. Also she is pregnant and she doesn't really know about Europe fully other then what she was taught in school." I say. "Well you two will figure it out. You always do. Have a good one son." She says smiling and kisses my check. "I will. Love you mum." I say kissing her head watch her leave. 

Once my mum left I head inside and see my wife was sitting on the couch with her laptop. "Hey love. The girls asleep?" I ask sitting next to her and kiss her head. "Yeah they are. Is mum gone?" She asks looking up from her laptop. "Yeah mum's gone. So what do you think about teaching?" I ask her and gently rub her stomach. "I am not going to take the job." She says looking at me. "Okay. I will support you no matter what." I say looking at her. "Yeah. I just can't see myself teaching and to have that stress of teaching kids. Also I don't want to have to be off for a bit with me being sick due to being pregnant and I don't want to leave your mum home alone with Dahalia." She says looking at me. "Alright love I support you no matter what. I love you." I say smiling down at her. "I love you too. We make a great pair." She says kissing me gently. "That we do." I say kissing her softly. She pulls away and smiles going back to work on what she was doing before I came in. I sit and let her do what she needed to while rubbing her stomach and wrap my other hand around her waist. My wife lets me and continues working but stops and sets her laptop of to the side and rubs her head. "You okay?" I ask her. "Yeah I'm just hungry and have a headache. Do you know where my glasses are?" She asks looking at me. "They are in the den. Do you want me to go get them?" I ask. "Yeah." She says nodding and rubs her eyes. I go and get her glasses and give them to her. She takes them and puts them on before heading into the kitchen. I go with her and get lunch for us both and let her sit down and relax. She sits down and lays her head on the table and sigh trying to block out the lights. "Honey are you getting a migraine again or are you just having a headache?" I ask setting her food down. "Yeah." She says nodding. 

"Alright let me check your medication to see if you can take it and make sure it doesn't affect the baby." I say grabbing her medication and read it. "God I think I'm going to be sick." She says rushing to the bathroom and throws up. I set the bottle down and go after her and hold her hair and rub her back gently. My wife sits and throws up but gets a breather in and lays against the tub. "You want water?" I ask taking her hair tie of her arm and tie her hair back. She just sits and nods and throws up again. I rub her back gently and stay with her till she was done. "Alright I'm going to get you some water. Why don't you clean up and go upstairs and relax. I'll be upstairs in a few moments. Alright love?" I say helping her up. She nods and cleans up then goes upstairs and takes care of herself. I get her some water and a cold cloth and head upstairs setting the water on her bedside table then go into the bathroom to see if she needs help. "Love you doing okay in here?" I ask knocking before walking in. "Yeah just can't see at the moment." She says looking over at me trying to find her glasses. I chuckle softly and put her glasses on for her and then grab her clothes. "Thanks for that." She says looking at me and dries off before changing. 

"Alright you ready to lay down love and relax?" I ask as she walks out. She nods and crawls into bed and lays down snuggling under the covers. I smile and sit down on the bed and put the cool wash cloth on her forehead and give her water. She takes it and drinks it then decides to take a nap. I let her and leave the room going to check on my daughters. "Daddy?" They say waking up and rub their eyes as I walk in. "Yes my loves?" I ask going into the room. "Hi." They say getting up and hug me. "Hello loves." I say sitting down and hug them gently setting them in my lap. "Is mummy feeling okay?" They ask looking at me. "Mummy is feeling fine. The baby is just making mummy feel ill." I say looking at them. "Okay." They say looking at me. "Do you two want to go downstairs and do some crafts for a bit before mummy wakes up and we eat dinner?" I ask looking at them. "Yeah." They say standing up excitedly and take my hands trying to pull me up. "Alright Alright. Easy you two." I say chuckling and stand up going downstairs with them and work on some crafts. The girls work on some crafts and color as I sit with them and help them out and smile. "Daddy look I made a pink lady bug." She says showing me. "I see. Good job Autumn. What did you make Dahalia?" I ask looking at my other daughter. "Heart." She says showing me a bunch of scribbles. "Wow that's a beautiful heart." I say smiling. Both my daughters smile and continue doing their crafts. "Alright you two. You guys ready for dinner?" I ask looking at them. "Yes daddy." They say smiling. "Okay. Well lets clean up our crafts then wash up before we get dinner." I say helping them. They nod and clean up their craft table then go and wash up before meeting me outside the door. "Okay daddy can we eat now?" They say standing in front of me. "Yes my loves. Lets go make dinner." I say going with them to the kitchen and let them help me make the dinner. We make dinner as my wife comes in. "Hey guys. You two helping daddy with dinner?" She asks seeing them. "Yes mummy." They say smiling and run over to her and take her hands trying to bring her over. "Alright alright I'm coming." She says giggling and walks with them. The girls walk holding her hands and places her in front of me and giggle. 

"Well thank you for bringing mummy over to me. Now why don't you two little monkeys go and take a seat dinner is almost ready." I tell my daughters. "Alright daddy." They say going to the tables and get into their seats. I smile and get their food and set it in front of them and let them eat. "Careful girls its hot." My wife says getting them something to drink. "Yes mummy." They say being carful as they eat their dinner. I smile and finish cooking mine and my wives food and set it on the table. My wife sits down and starts to eat her food talking with our daughters. I smile and sit down with a drink for my wife and I and start to eat my dinner. "Mummy will you read us a story tonight?" The girls asks looking at her. "Oh of course you two." My wife says smiling. "What? You don't want daddy to read you a story tonight?" I ask playfully hurt. "No daddy. We want mummy." They say looking at me. "Okay." I say playfully pouting. "Awww babies you made daddy sad. Can he stay with us while I read to you?" She asks. "Okay. We sorry daddy. We love listening to you read. We just want mummy to read to us this time." Autumn says coming over to hug me. "Okay. Daddy's all better now." I say picking her up and kiss her head holding her. "Hehe daddy you tickle." She says giggling and squirms. "Alright alright. Go on back to eating." I say laughing and let her go. Autumn giggles and goes back to her seat and finishes eating her dinner. I smile and eat and look at my family and can't help but feel so greatful for my wife and daughters. "Tonto no you can't have this." I hear my wife say. Tonto sits and whines looking up at my wife. "Alright boy come here." I say going to get his dinner and a bone for him. Tonto follows me and then eats hungrily. 

I let him and go sit down and continue eating. "After dinner I think we should let him out in the back yard to play." My wife says. "Yeah. I'll take him out after dinner and go on a walk. Unless do you guys want to go on a walk with me?" I ask. "Yes daddy." My daughters say excitedly. "Alright. What about you love?" I ask looking at my wife. "I don't think I'll go today. My stomach is still not feeling good and I am feeling a bit worn down." She says looking at me. "That's fine. Tommorrow maybe." I say gently rubbing her back and look at her. She nods and cleans up her food and goes to sit down on the couch. I finish eating dinner and clean up mine and my daughters areas then get their shoes on and jumpers then get Tonto's leash. Tonto pads over to me and sits letting me leash him up. "Alright you guys ready?" I ask them. "Yes daddy." They say smiling. "Okay. We'll be back soon love. I love you." I say smiling and kiss her gently. "Alright. Have fun you guys. Now you two behave and listen to your father on the walk." She says smiling and kisses me before looking at our daughters. "Okay mummy. Bye." They say smiling at her. I smile and head out the door with them and go for a walk around the neighborhood with them and Tonto. The girls walk a bit in front of me and giggle stay close to me and tonto. I walk with them and the dog enjoying the nice spring evening with my daughters but kinda wish my wife came with up but know she needs to rest and relax as much as possible. "Okay girls lets head back home and get changed into our pjs because it is almost bedtime." I say looking at them. "Okay daddy." They say listening to me and head back to our house. I walk behind them with the dog and smile watching them talk to each other. We arrive home about ten minutes later and head inside to see that my wife was on the couch reading. "Hey love." I say unhooking tonto from his leash. "Mummy." The girls say running to her. 

"Hi guys. How was your walk?" She ask looking at the girls. "It was so much fun. Wish you could've come." They say pouting. "Awww I know loves but mummy needed to rest because of your baby brother or sister." She says looking at them. "Oh okay." They say nodding. "Alright you two lets go wash up and get changed into pjs because it is bedtime." I say smiling and look at them. "Okay daddy." They say going upstairs with me. I go with them and get them ready for bed then head to mine and my wives room with them. "Alright loves come on over and we will read." My wife says smiling. Both our daughters crawl onto the bed and over to her and snuggle into her as she starts reading. I smile and lay on the bed with them and listen to the story. My wife reads to them and smile. My daughters lay against their mother and fall asleep by the time that she reaches the end of the story. I smile and gently pick up my daughters after. My wife gets up and heads to their bedrooms with me and tells them each goodnight and kisses them then heads back to the bedroom. I tuck them in and then head to the bedroom with her and see her sitting and reading a book. "So my dear what do you want to do?" I ask sitting next to her. "Well I want to read a bit and cuddle then go to sleep. I'm getting tired and I have a doctors appointment tomorrow." She says not looking up from her book. "Alright. I'm coming to that appointment by the way." I say looking at him. "I would hope so. This is for our baby." She says setting her book down and laughs. "Well I hope it would be mine. Also you haven't learned how to drive yet." I say chuckling and kiss her head. "Well ya." She says looking at me. I smile and kiss her gently and pull her into me. She kisses back and moves into me. "So about that reading?" I ask pulling away. "Forget reading. Just kiss me." She says gently tossing her book to the end of the bed and kisses me again. I chuckle and hold her waist gently and kiss her. We kiss for a bit before we need air and look at each other. "Lets get some sleep." My wife says getting up off the bed and head to the bathroom. "Alright love. I'll be back shortly. I'm going to take tonto out back one more time tonight and lock everything up." I say going downstairs with tonto. Tonto goes with me and goes out back and sniffs around and uses the bathroom before we head back inside. I go inside with tonto and lock up before heading upstairs. "To bed tonto." I say pointing to his bed. Tonto pads on over to his bed and lays down. I smile and turn the light off and crawl into bed next to my wife who was already sound asleep. "Goodnight love." I say softly and kiss her shoulder gently and lay down holding her against me. We sleep peacefully through the night and have the best night sleep that we can.

The next morning I wake up and see that my wife was already awake and was playing with my hair. "Good morning love. Sleep well?" I ask kissing her nose gently. "I slept okay." She says shrugging. "What's wrong?" I ask sitting up and look at her. "Nothing's wrong James. I just had some cramping and it was just a restless night for me." She says sitting up. "Love why didn't you wake me? Where was the cramping?" I ask looking at her. "Mainly my legs." She says. "Okay. Do they hurt now?" I ask. "A bit." She says shrugging. "Well let me help you. Love you gotta tell me if your in pain or not." I say gently rubbing her legs. "I know I just didn't want to wake you." She says letting me. "I know love but you can wake me anytime." I say continue to rub her legs. "Okay." She says yawning and sits. "Why don't you lay down and try and get some more sleep." I say looking at her and rub her legs still. My wife nods and lays down and closes her eyes falling back to sleep. I smile and let her and continue to rub her legs making sure I get out all the cramps. "Bloody hell love your legs are super tight." I say feeling her legs. "Shut up I know they are." She mutters in her sleep. I chuckle and continue to rub her legs making her feel better. 

Once I knew her legs were better I stop and go to check on my daughters seeing that they were still asleep. After I checked on my daughters I head downstairs with the dog and take him out letting him run around and use the bathroom. I stand outside and wait for tonto to finish and enjoy the morning air debating if I should go for a run this morning. Tonto comes over to me and nudges me wanting to go in and wake up the family. "We will go in but you gotta promise to not wake up the family." I say talking to him. Tonto sits and looks at me wagging his tail. I open the door and tonto rushes in and upstairs causing me  to run after him. "Tonto! No." I say rushing up the stairs and grab his collar before he gets to the top. Tonto looks at me panting and wags his tail. "I said don't wake the girls. Come on. Its to the crate for you." I say taking him downstairs and put him in the crate. Tonto sits and whimpers a bit wanting out as I make breakfast. "Sorry bud but you are in time out." I say cooking and look at him. Tonto lays down and accepts his punishment as I cook breakfast. "Daddy?" I hear my eldest daughter say as she comes downstairs slowly. "Hey baby what's wrong?" I ask meeting her at the stairs. "Nothing I just couldn't sleep." She says grabbing my hand as I help her down the last three stairs. "Alright. Wanna come help daddy finish breakfast." I ask walking with her to the kitchen. "Sure." She say smiling at me. "Good lets cook. Are mummy and sissy still sleeping?" I ask helping her up onto a stool and stand behind her making sure she doesn't fall. "Yeah. Sissy is still sleeping and mummy is crying." She says helping me. "What do you mean mummy's crying?" I ask finishing up breakfast. "She was saying she was hurting." She says as I plate everything. "Okay. Come upstairs with me. I wanna check on mummy and can you please go and gently wake up your sister?" I ask heading upstairs with you. "Yes daddy." She says going to her sisters room as I go to the bed room. "Love you okay? Autumn says you were crying cause you are hurting?" I say walking in and see my wife crying. 

"My legs are killing me James. They hurt so much." She says crying holding her legs. "Are they cramping or are they numb?" I ask going to her and massage her legs. "They are cramping." She says crying. I massage her legs and grab her water. "Drink this. I am going to get you a muscle relaxant." I say going to the bathroom. "I-is i-it s-safe for th-the baby?" She calls stuttering and crying. "It's okay love." I say giving her one. She takes it and cries in pain sipping her water. I let her and stay with her till her legs have relaxed and continue to rub them. "Okay." She says finally calm. "You sure?" I ask looking at her. She nods and stands up slowly. I help her up and head downstairs with my daughters to eat breakfast letting tonto out of his crate. Tonto comes out and stretches going to eat his breakfast. My wife and daughters eat their food hungrily as I sit and sip my coffee. "So mummy and daddy are going to go to the doctors today to see how your baby brother or sister is doing. You two will spend time with Nan for a bit." I say eating my food. 

"Okay daddy." They say smiling and eat their food. I smile and eat watching the girls. "You two okay?" I ask looking at them. "Yeah." Dahalia says nodding and yawn. "Awww well how bout after breakfast you and autumn go upstairs and go back to sleep?" I say looking at them. "Okay." They say nodding and finish their breakfast. "Lets go upstairs." I say going upstairs with them and let them sleep some more. "Hi mum. The girls just went back to sleep." I hear my wife say as I come downstairs. "That's alright. Go on and get ready for your appointment." She says looking at us. "Thanks mum." I say going upstairs with my wife and get dressed. My wife changes and yawns tiredly as she struggles to pull her shirt over her head. I help her knowing she is super sleep deprived and then go and grab her hair brush and brush her hair for her. "Thank you." She says yawning and sits putting her shoes on. "Your welcome. We need to talk to the doctor today about the cramps you are having and how to improve your sleep." I say finishing brushing her hair. "Yeah." She says nodding. "Alright lets go my love." I say finishing. My wife gets up and heads downstairs with me as we grab our stuff. "We will see you later mum." I say as we head out the door. "Drive safe." She calls as we leave. We get into the car and head to the doctors for Hadaza's check up for the first time in a new country. My wife sits in the car super nervous and tired looking out the windows as I drive through town. 

(Here is chapter 43. Sorry its late. I had a lot of stuff to put in. This is the longest chapter I think I've written for this story. Anyways hopefully you enjoy. If you can please leave a comment and vote on it. Your participation helps me a lot to come up with more chapters.) 

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