Best Friends Daughter

By sebbyswifee

1.4K 18 2

Obsidian vowed to never love again, not after one particular Slytherin boy. That is until she met Sirius Blac... More

Oh No
What now?
The Truth
Back Home
Last Night
The Beginning
Years Later
Authors Note
Moving on
Authors Note #2
Authors Note #3

Little things

121 3 0
By sebbyswifee

Obsidian ran down the hall to her room when she gets through the door way Ginny sat up.

Ginny looked at Obsidian and asked her "are you okay? What happened?". Ginny then took in the sight of Obsidian and noticed that sll she had covering her body was a thin white sheet.

Obsidian looked looked at Ginny and said "I'm fine just mortified." She got up from the door and went to get some clothes on. She finally finds her black pajama shorts and a sleek dark red crop top.

Ginny moved over on her bed making room for Obsidian to sit. Obsidian goes to where Ginny patted her hand and sat down. Ginny looked at her friend and said "Take a few breaths and start from the beginning". Obsidian nodded and said "okay here's what happened." And Obsidian told Ginny everything.

After Obsidian finished Ginny was beyond shocked at what happened. She looked at Obsidian and said "wow... that's alot of information. So you and Sirius huh? I mean I know that you said you had a slight crush on him but I never thought that he'd be the guy to take your virginity". Obsidian nodded. "I wonder what your dad did to Sirius..." Ginny said.

Obsidian looked at ginny and said "can we just go to sleep? I don't wanna think about this anymore." Ginny nodded and made room for Obsidian to lie down. Not soon after both girls were sleeping.

Ginny woke up and stared at Obsidian as she slept. She felt bad for the girl. She had been through so much in her young life and now when she awoke she would have to face her father and Sirius. Ginny watched as Obsidian tossed and turned. Ginny tried to wake her up but couldn't. Obsidian went still as a plank then she started screaming "NO!" Sirius can running in to see what was wrong. Ginny cast a silencing charm so no one else would be woken up by Obsidians screams.

Sirius look at the girl he thought he might love and saw he screaming. He ran over to her sat on the bed he pulled her into his arms, holding her. Ginny watched as he whispered in her ear "shhh little one, it's alright love. I need you to wake up."  She started to stir. Sirius watched as he eyes started to flutter open.

Obsidian sat up, she was breathing heavily. She had awoken from a memory.

'She was in Malfoy Manor, she had been there for two weeks. Sitting in front of Bellatrix Lestrange. Her wrist were tied down to the arms of a chair. Bellatrix used her nails to cut Obsidians wrist. She was making cuts all over Obsidians body.

She hears someone yelling. In comes a group of people. Obsidian looks at the three she could have sworn she had seen somewhere. Then it clicks. They're the golden trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry's face was a bit messed up but Obsidian knew it was him. Obsidian never talked to any of them, except for the simple hello passing by that is, seeing as she was in Slytherin and they were Gryffindor.

Hermione looked at the girl tied down. It was Obsidian, Hermione saw Obsidian shake her head. As I she was saying "don't tell them anything".

Ron looked at the girl tied and wondered how Malfoy could let Bellatrix Lestrange do this to the girl he was supposed to love. Ron thought back to the years before and remembered how she use to be out going and always had a smile on her face. He never understood why she was in Slytherin instead of Hufflepuff.

Harry looked around the room, he saw Malfoy standing in the corner looking away. He looked to where Bellatrix was and saw the girl.  Harry wanted to lunge  forward but he had a wand at his throat. Harry kept screaming "leave her alone!" Over and over again.

Eventually they put her down in a dark cellar. She heard a voice that said "Hello, don't be afraid. It is a bit dark down here but everything will be fine, Obsidian knew the voice instantly, it was Luna Lovegood. Everyone knew who Luna was because even though she was a Ravenclaw she was a bit kooky. Obsidian was always in awe of Luna, even if she was a year below her. She admired how free Luna was.

The door opened and in came Ron and Harry. They both looked around when Luna said "hello Harry". Ron took something out of his pocket and next thing we knew we had light.

We all heard screaming from upstairs. It was Hermione and Ron was yelling for them to let her go. For them to let him take her place.

They all got got because of a brave elf named Dobby. Obsidian only met this little elf once, she didn't know how brave he was until that day. He gave up his life for Harry and his friends. It took TWO WEEKS for Obsidian to get out if that horrendous place. She was only there because Malfoy was weak, he could've stopped the torture at any minute but he didn't. Instead she was saved by the golden trio and a brave elf. That's who she has to thank for being alive, and if Harry needs her she will whatever she can to repay him since she couldn't repay Dobby.'

Obsidian took in her surroundings, she wasn't in that cellar anymore. She was safe and alive. She began to cry. At first it was a silent cry with a single tear but after she realized who was holding her she let it all out. He rocked her back and forth saying things like "it's alright, I'm right here" and "let it all out" while rubbing her arms with his thumbs.

Ginny watched as Sirius held Obsidian. She saw the love in his eyes. She saw the pained look on his face when she started to cry.

*Ginnys memory*

Ginny remembers the first time she met Obsidian, it was after Harry and co. saved her. She was torn up, literally, she had all kinds of bruises and cuts on her body. Her clothes were torn, parts of her hair ripped out. She had a massive bruise on her throat with a couple broken ribs. Ginna didn't understand how someone could do that to such a frail looking girl. Obsidian looked like she hadn't eaten in a while. It was Ginny and Molly who nursed her back to health.

At the time neither of them knew that she was Professor Lupins daughter. All Ginny knew was that she was a Slytherin girl a grade above her who needed help. Obsidian spent weeks just lying on Ginnys bed after she came to be at the burrow.

When Obsidian first arrived at the Burrow she didn't sleep. She was too afraid that she would be taken back to the Manor. She would get up in the middle of the night and roam the property. She found all the good hiding places. She realized that these people didn't know who she was but helped her anyway. It was Harry and Bill who brought her here. She couldn't believe that a that Gryffindor boy was willing to help this Slytherin girl. Their houses have been at eachother throats for decades and yet there he was helping her.

After the third night of being there she met the twins, Fred and George. She could instantly tell which was which and they did not like that. They made her laugh and smile for the first time in years.

After a while Obsidian started to talk again. Ginny asked her was her name was she said "my name is Obsidian, Obsidian Lupin". Ginny just stared at Obsidian which made her look away. Ginny then said "you mean you're Professor Lupins daughter?!" Obsidian just nodded and watched as the girl left the room. About twenty minutes later Ginny came back into the room with Molly.

Molly looked at the poor sweet girl, she wondered why this girl was ever sorted into Slytherin. Molly went to sit beside Obsidian and asked "dear, do you know where your father is now?" Obsidian shook her head as a tear fell onto her pale bruised cheek. Molly pulled Obsidian to her hugging her. Molly knew she wasnt this girl's mother but she knew that a hug from a mother would do her good.

After the hug Molly stood up and said "we'll dear I'm going to find him for you." and left the room. Ginny watched as her mum left and wished there was something more she could do.

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