The Beginning

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"Now Harry, Hermione, Ron and and I will flash ourselves into Aberforth's place. Once we're there we will use the tunnel to get into Hogwarts." Obsidian said. Everyone nodded, Fred said "and when do we come in and what do you want us to do?" Obsidian unfolded the map and said "you will pop in here with everyone else. Seeing as there's no way to track this spell it's best if this is the way everyone gets into Hogwarts" she then pointed to the map "and twin you will need to help get everyone who doesn't want to stay and fight. You'll wait thirty minutes before you pop in, there's no doubt that Snape has everything on lock downand defense mechanisms in place for when Harry shows up."

Obsidian lifted her head and said "is everyone ready to do this? Once we start there is no going back." Everyone nodded. "Alright let's do this." she said.

Obsidian and the golden trio got ready to do the spell when Sirius came rushing down and kissed her. "See you in a bit" he said and backed away allowing them to leave. Next thing Obsidian knew she was in Aberforths home. She looked around but didn't see Harry, Hermione and Ron. Aberforth came walking in when he asked "where are the other three?"

"I'm not sure. They were supposed to land here" Obsidian replied. Then there were siriens blasting from everywhere. "Dammit" Obsidian said as Aberforth left his house to retrieve the trio. About ten minutes later the door opened and it was Aberforth with the three kids.

Obsidian looked at them three, she had been sitting reading a book she had stashed under the table two years prior. "About time, what happened?" She asked. Ron and Harry shrugged their shoulders, it was Hermione who answered "I have no idea, maybe it's a faulty spell? Or we weren't picturing this place. But it doesn't matter all that matters is that we get to Hogwarts."

Aberforth looked at Obsidian and ask "why exactly are you here? I knew you guys were coming but I didn't know ow why." Obsidian stood up and walked to the painting of Ariana and said "we need to use the tunnel." Harry then said "we've come to complete the job Professor Dumbledore sent us on."

Aberforth looked at Harry "it's not a job it's a suicide mission. Go home, live a little longer." Obsidian spoke and said "I know you don't like your older brother but we do need to use the tunnel." He nodded and said "you know what to do" and the painted lady disappeared. A few minutes later the painted lady was walking back to them with someone else. It was Neville Longbottom. The painting opened and there he was.

Neville greeted us and brought us through the tunnel. While we were walking Neville was explaining what hogwarts has been made into since Snape took over as Headmaster. How they're trying to get the higher years to use an Unforgivable Curse on the first years. Obsidian couldn't believe what she was hearing.

They get to the end of the tunnel and Neville opens the door. He said something and it was Seamus who responded. They could hear quite what he said but then Neville climbed out allowing us to climb out too. Ginny came rushing up all she said was "Harry". Obsidian watched as this couple was reunited. They would protect eachother to the end. Obsidian heard Ron mumble something but she wasn't listening.

A kid came rushing in saying that Snape knew they were here. She recognized the kid but didn't know their name. Snape called for all the students to dining hall. The students did as they told, for fear of punishment. Harry put on one of the Gryffindor robes to hide in the crowd. Snape demanded that if anyone knew anything about Harry being back to come forward. Everyone in the Order appeared. When no one did it was Harry who stepped forward.

"How dare you stand where he stood!" Harry yelled. "Tell them how it happened that night. Tell them how you looked him in his eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. Tell them!" Harry was over come with emotion. Snape raised his wand and McGonagall stepped in the way. She had her wand raised.

Obsidian watched the show unfold before her eyes. She saw Snape waver for a moment when McGonagall got between him and Harry. It was then that she realized it was history repeating itself. Snape had already experienced this with Lily. A woman stood in the way to protect this child. She never realized the parallel between this night and the night James and Lily died. It was sad to think about.

McGonagall started shooting spells at Snape, he deflected them easily. Obsidian noticed that Snape was deflecting them to the other deatheaters. Once Snape went crashing out the window McGonagall went up to Harry and asked what he needed he simply said "time, as much as you can give us." Obsidian was too far away to hear what McGonagall said after.

Students started scrambling, the twins got out the younger students. It was time to fight. McGonagall sent the Slytherin house to their dormitory in the dungeons. It was out of character for her but she didn't want the students to have to fight their parents if it came to it. Harry went running off to find the lost diadem while Hermione and Ron went to find something that could be used to destroy it.

Obsidian always wondered why Harry could see into Voldys mind, and knew what items were a horcrox. It wasn't until that morning when she connected the dots. Harry was a horcrox. What other explanation could there be? Although she knew he was she didn't know how he became one. She had a feeling it was when Voldemort went after James and Lily but couldn't be sure.

Light sparks get sent up to the sky to create a sort of dome shape force field to protect Hogwarts. After the force field is up the deatheaters send off sparks to try to forcefully take it down.

Obsidian runs to find Sirius. She finally finds him, he's watching intensely as the deatheaters try to take the force field down. "Hey" She says. He turns around and say "hello love" he took her hand and said "After all of this we'll have a life together. We'll get married, start a family and go anywhere in the world together. I'll take you anywhere." She smiled and said "as long as we're together I don't care where we are. All I need is you." He leaned in and kissed her. "How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?" He asked.

Then the barrier fell and deatheaters swarmed in. Obsidian ran down to help defend Hogwarts and Sirius chased after her. This school was like a home to her. It was the only place she felt safe. She got down stairs when she saw a giant spider attack a student. She took out her wand and set it on fire. Side by side they fought. They fought for freedom and peace.

It didn't matter what house you were in or what your blood status was. All that mattered what which side of the war you're on. Are you fighting for what right? Obsidian saw Draco and ran after him. "You coward!" She screamed and he froze. It was his fault Bellatrix tortured her. She pointed her wand at him as he turned around. "What? You got nothing to say?! I went through all this shit because YOU are a coward."

"Obsidian put the wand down." Draco said. He couldn't believe that she was here. Alive. Auntie Bella had told him she'd been captured and killed in the escape. "No. You are a coward. You think you're so high and mighty but what will happen when your precious dark lord is dead? Who will you hide behind then?!" Obsidian screamed.

They both knew she was stronger than him. He took his wand out and said "I don't want to hurt you but I need to get the Slytherins out of this buying before they're faced with choosing a side." Obsidian didn't care. She wanted him dead. But she lowered her wand anyway and let him run off to the dungeons

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