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Ginny shook her head. She hated remembering how she met Obsidian, it pained her to remember there was nothing Ginny could have done to help her.

Obsidian started to calm down. She didn't fully comprehend that it was Sirius holding her. She sat up looked at Sirius and said "thank you but I think you should leave." A pained look crossed Sirius's face but he nodded anyway, got up and left.

Ginny looked at Obsidian "How can you do that?! He came rushing to your side and you send him away?!" she exclaimed. Obsidian turned her head and said "DO YOU THINK I WANTED TO DO THAT?!" Obsidian yelled. "Sorry I didn't mean to yell and in any case it's better this way, if we don't see eachother we won't get attached."

Ginny flinched when Obsidian yelled at her. She had never heard Obsidian raise her voice let alone yell. Obsidian was a soft spoken girl and it took alot to get under her skin, especially after the torture she endured by the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange. Ginny admired how strong this girl was. She wore her scars like war paint. Ginny knew Obsidian didn't like talking about her scars but she wore them with pride. Obsidian never covered them up.

Obsidian got up to go change. She picked out her leather pants and a yellow tube top witha blue butterfly in the center. After she was dressed she grabbed her makeup. She put on her foundation. Then she did a dramatic winged eyeliner with a pair of fake eyelashes. Once she was done she put her hair up in two buns. She looked at Ginny and noticed she was wearing a purple-ish top with a pair of jeans.

It was then after Ginny left the room that Obsidian decided to leave. Sh grabbed her bag and threw clothes, books, money and other things in it. She walked to the door with her wand in hand and disappeared. She didn't know where she would stay but she needed to get away from everything. Away from her father's disappointment. Away from Sirius. Just away.

Remus was at the table when Sirius walked in. Seeing Sirius made his blood boil, he couldn't get that image from last night to leave his mind. Ginny walked in and Remus asked "is she awake?" Ginny nodded. Remus got up and headed upstairs. He got to her door and knocked. No answer. He knocked again and still no answer. He knocked for a third time and nothing. He opened the door to see an empty room. He went to that bathroom to see if she was there. He knocked, it was Harry's voice that followed.

Remus ran downstairs and searched every room. She was no where to be found. He ran back up to her room to see all of her things gone. He sat on the floor and screamed "DAMMIT!"

Sirius heard Remus scream he ran up stairs as fast as he could. He got to the room to see Remus crying. Sirius went over, sat down and held him.

Remus fought Sirius at first. He didn't want him to hold him. He just wanted his daughter. After what this world had put her through he needed her to be safe. After an hour he and Sirius just sat there. Remus was numb, first it was James and Lily, then he was pissed at Sirius for sleeping with his daughter and now said daughter was missing. She ran away. He couldn't help but ask himself if it was his fault. Did he push her? What could he have done differently so she would still be here?

Obsidian disappeared to a place she knew no one would look, America. She looked around to see her in a city. She didn't know exactly where she was but it was far from home and that's all that mattered. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay away from Sirius. But she also knew she could do what he father would ask of her. So she left. She was used to being alone. Obsidian saw a girl and asked "would you mind telling me where I am?" The girl said "San Diego, California." Obsidian nodded and said "thank you" and the girl went on her way.

Obsidian walked. She walked for what seemed like hours. She came upon a beach. She didn't knew where she would be staying but looking out on the horizon she didn't care. She saw some guys surfing. She always wanted to learn but with everything going on in her life she never got a chance. She found a place to change and put on a dark red bikini. And walked over to the guys.

Jack sees a girl in a dark red bikini walking towards them. He alerts his friends and they all look. His friend Blake said "damn she fine" and the guys agreed. She reaches them and says "hi" in a sweet gentle voice. Andrew's the first to talk, he says "sup, what can we help you with?" Jack watches as the girl turns to Andrew and says "well you see I just got here and I have no friends, I just wanted to know is there any way you guys would be willing to teach me how to surf? And maybe tell me where I should stay?" She says in her gentle voice.

Andrew smiled at the girl and said "well let's exchange names first, my name is Andrew." He points to the blonde boy and said "this is Tyler but everyone calls him scooter. Then he gestures to the black haired boy and said "this is Blake and next to him is Jack". He watched the girl smile, she laughed and said "well my name is Obsidian, I ran away from home and have no idea what I'm doing".

Obsidian wondered what he father was doing and how he was taking her leaving. She wondered what Sirius and Ginny were thinking. She shook her head to get those thoughts out of her mind. It was too late. She was already gone.

*meanwhile at the Burrow*

Remus was pacing the living room asking himself "how could I have not seen this coming?"

Ginny was tearing up her room for any clues that Obsidian could have left as to her where-abouts.

Sirius was sitting lying on his bed with whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He was looking at the ceiling thinking about what happened the night before. He wondered why she left and where she went.

Molly was in the kitchen making Remus a cup of tea to help calm him.

Ron and Hermione arrived early that morning. Them, Harry and the twins were trying to locate where she went. Hermione pulled out dozens of books from her bag in hopes to have a solution to finding her.

They were all worried for Obsidian, when all of a sudden there was green fire in the fireplace meaning someone had arrived. It was Luna who stepped out, with two envelopes in hand.

Luna looked around and said "hello everyone".

Remus stopped pacing.

Sirius came down stairs because of all of the commotion. When he saw it was Luna he went to go back up to his room when she said "Sirius stop." He paused and turned back around.

Luna addressed everyone "I know you're all looking for Obsidian but she doesn't want to ne found. I have two letters one for Sirius" she looked at Remus and said "and one for you professor." She turned back to everyone and said "Obsidian is going yo be just fine. She asked me to tell you all to stop looking for her. She feels it better for her to be gone, for now that is." Luna gave Remus and Sirius their letters and left. There was no goodbye from her she just disappeared in green fire.

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