Danganronpa: Island Life

By fastreddragon

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(Second Entry in the Danganronpa Trilogy) The five survivors of the killing school trip that took place withi... More

Chapter 1: FREEDOM
Chapter 3: BABY STEPS
Chapter 7: NIGHT SHIFT
Chapter 9: JUST YOU & ME
Chapter 11: SMALL TALK
Chapter 16: RED LIGHTS
Chapter 17: BAD MEMORIES
Chapter 21: TRUTH HURTS
Chapter 22: YOUNG MASTER
Chapter 24: INTUITION
Chapter 25: ENTHUSIASM
Chapter 26: SIDE EFFECTS
Chapter 27: REST IN PEACE
Chapter 30: PROMISES
Chapter 31: INSIDE JOB
Chapter 34: REBORN
Chapter 35: DOOMED TO FAIL


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By fastreddragon

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This chapter is actually Danganronpa 2.5: Nagito Komaeda and the World Destroyer. I've decided to write it down, and I made it work with the entire timeline. Honestly, you could just watch the episode on YouTube instead of reading this, but that's up to you. I did make sure to add new stuff to this special episode, so reading this would still be beneficial to understanding the story better.

A beautiful day, he couldn't help but think that while heading to Hope's Peak Academy.

Nagito: 'My name is Nagito Komaeda. I'm just a run-of-the-mill guy who goes to a run-of-the-mill school. There's only one thing really exceptional about me...' He turned to his left and noticed a cat in a tree, smiling as he didn't pay attention to what was in front of him. Nagito was too slow to react when a girl ran into him, as he leaned towards the road... a truck came out of nowhere and sent him flying into the tree that cat was sleeping in, seed pods fell from the tree and attached themselves to Nagito's uniform and hair, the cat fell into his arms and felt threatened as it started to scratch his face. "Wow, I have the worst luck." He got up and headed back to the sidewalk, resuming his objective... heading to school. 'There are people in this world with talent great enough to shape the foundation of society, I'm not one of them, I'm just another face in the crowd. Which isn't to say I envy them though. No, it's much easier being a nobody. The star of the show is such a restrictive, demanding role.' Nagito was pulled from his thoughts when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder.

Kazuichi: "Hey, Nagito... you look like you got thrown through a woodchipper." Kazuichi appeared on his right while Fuyuhiko appeared on his left.

Fuyuhiko: "What the hell happened?"

Nagito: "Some chestnuts fell on me, that's all." Not the best lie he could've told, the others seemed unfazed by it.

Fuyuhiko: "You should stop by the nurse's office."

Nagito: "I will, thanks." Nagito was happy to see that Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi were worried about him, even though he felt like he didn't deserve it.


Class 1-B, loud as usual, everyone was occupied with something. the imposter and Ryota were talking while reading a magazine, Mahiru and Hiyoko were also chatting while Ibuki was adjusting her guitar. Akane was doing push ups while balancing on two chairs, Nekomaru was watching and counting as she did it. Teruteru and Gundham were feeding meat to a bear, shouldn't be a problem since Gundham is great with animals. Peko was minding her own business while Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko were talking, until they heard the door open.

Nagito: "Good morning, everyone."

Kazuichi: "Took you long enough-wha-aah!" Kazuichi screamed after seeing Nagito's face covered in bandages.

Fuyuhiko: "Is it just me, or are you even more beat up than before?"

Mikan: "I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" Mikan appeared from behind Nagito, tears running down her face as she bowed her head down multiple times.

Nagito: "Don't blame yourself, Mikan. If anyone's at fault here, it's me. While she was patching me up in the nurse's office, someone outside hit a home run... right through the window. The ball broke through the display of drugs and chemicals... releasing it all and making my wounds worse, and that was that. The guy who hit the ball autographed it as an apology though." He said as he held the ball in his hand.

Mikan: "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Mikan kept apologizing as if it would somehow make things better.

Fuyuhiko: "You got it pretty rough, don't you?"

Nagito: "Oh, I wouldn't say that. I believe that there's a fixed quantity of 'luck' in the world, which means that the more bad luck I have, the more good luck that leaves for others. Can you think of a greater honour than a nobody like me knowing they can still make the world a better place for everyone?"

Kazuichi: "Yeah, I can think of a thousand. Aah! Good morning, Miss Sonia! Fancy meeting you here! Oh, how fortunate I am!" Kazuichi was so happy to see Sonia enter the classroom, would it kill him to treat her like a normal person and not a princess?

Sonia: "This is our classroom. There is nothing fanciful about our encounter, you silly boy."

Kazuichi: "You got me there." He couldn't help but laugh as a response.

Nagito: "It's a wonderful thing to see someone find happiness when their dreams come true." Nagito and Fuyuhiko were watching the whole thing go down.

Fuyuhiko: "You got any dreams?"

Nagito: "Me? No, I'm a nobody. I'm too insignificant to have a dream." Nagito took a seat at his desk, which was not far from Fuyuhiko's desk.

Fuyuhiko: "Nice dodge. You know, if you dropped the whole 'nobody' act and showed your true colours, I bet you'd make one hell of a splash."

Nagito: "Oh, no. it's not an act, and I don't have enough talent to make even a tiny little ripple."

Fuyuhiko: "Have you ever actually tried?"

Nagito: "I'll leave the trying to those who have real talent." He just laid his head down on his desk, Fuyuhiko just stared at him.

Kazuichi: "Sup, losers? How's it hanging?" Nagito probably would've fallen asleep if Kazuichi didn't pat him on the back.

Fuyuhiko: "you're calling us losers?"

Nagito: "Did something happen?" Kazuichi didn't say anything, although the look on his face said it all... he was extremely happy.

Fuyuhiko: "You're giving me the damn creeps, man."

Kazuichi: "Well, I asked Miss Sonia to join me for refreshments after class. And guess what she said?... She said yes!"

Fuyuhiko: "Oh, good for you."

Nagito: "That's wonderful! Your lifelong dream has finally come true, Kazuichi! I'm so very happy for you!" tears can be seen forming in his eyes, he really was happy for him.

Kazuichi: "Y-Yeah... thanks, but I mean, we're just meeting up at a café, that's all." Kazuichi looked back at Sonia, she waved at him as he waved back. The teacher... Chisa Yukizome, Ultimate Housekeeper, greeted everyone then told them to take their seats for homeroom.

Ibuki: "ALL RISE!!! BOW, BE SEATED!!!" Ibuki was shouting as she played her guitar, it was an electric guitar, so it was very loud. Overall, things were pretty normal for the members of the seventy-seventh class.


Kazuichi was walking pretty weird as he made his way to the café, where he's supposed to be meeting Sonia. He then ran towards a street post, running past the café on purpose. He might be thinking about ditching, until he was startled by a familiar voice.

Fuyuhiko: "The hell you so relieved about? You're not planning to ditch, are you? You pussy."

Kazuichi: "Pussy? Guess I am." He admitted it without much hesitation.

Fuyuhiko: "Come on, man."

Nagito: "What's the matter? You seemed so excited this morning."

Kazuichi: "Can you blame me? You've seen how pretty Miss Sonia is. She may say some kind of bizarre stuff sometimes, but she's smart, and she's literally a princess on top of that."

Fuyuhiko: "So, what you're saying is she's too good for you?"

Kazuichi: "Damn straight she is! I'm just... I'm just a kid who likes to play with machines. Anyone could tell you I'm not worth a second of her time... so I can't-"

Fuyuhiko: "Why the hell are you worried about being suitable? You're not even dating! Social status be damned, a man doesn't back down on his word. Period."

Kazuichi: "You're right! You're absolutely right! But I'm not the kind of man you are!"

Nagito: "Kazuichi, it's talent that you desire, isn't it?" Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko didn't say anything in response, they wanted to know what he meant by that. "Compared to a princess like Sonia, you're inconsequential, and that makes you anxious... I understand that feeling."

Kazuichi: "Talent? Maybe you're right..."

Fuyuhiko: "For fuck's sake, grow a pair! Talent doesn't matter a damn bit!"

Nagito: "Your pride could be considered a sort of talent as well, Fuyuhiko."

Fuyuhiko: "That's being counterproductive here, man..."

Kazuichi: "All right, fine. So, what about us without talent? What do we do?"

Nagito: "Find happiness. I mean, look around. The vast majority of society consists of talentless nobodies, but they've still managed to find some degree of happiness. See? You don't need talent. Talent is merely a shackle, the greater it is, the more it obstructs your search for happiness. Sonia being a princess doesn't mean she has a perfect life."

Kazuichi: "That's a good point. Yeah... you're right." After hearing Nagito say that, it made Kazuichi happy.

Fuyuhiko: "Now go on, don't keep Sonia waiting."

Kazuichi: "Yeah. Thanks, man." Kazuichi ran off towards the café, while Nagito and Fuyuhiko headed off in the opposite direction.

Fuyuhiko: "I'm impressed. Guess not everything that comes out of your mouth is noise."

Nagito: "Now that's harsh."

Fuyuhiko: "Have you heard yourself when you start rambling? You're so far off the wall it's scary... but you landed this one perfectly."

Nagito: "Thank you, I suppose?" The two boys fist bumped after clearly showing respect to each other. "Ah, if only the world were free of talent."

Fuyuhiko: "Huh?"

Nagito: "Think about it... if Sonia weren't a princess but an ordinary girl, Kazuichi wouldn't have had anything to worry about in the first place."

Fuyuhiko: "Uh, I guess?'

Nagito: "I... I despite talent. Were I able, I would erase all talent from the world entirely. Without talent, everyone would be able to lead modest lives, find a modest amount of happiness. Don't you think that would be wonderful?" Nagito backed Fuyuhiko into the wall, but Fuyuhiko wasn't too worried... since Peko was watching over them, hiding in the bushes.

Fuyuhiko: "Back off."

Nagito: "Huh?"

Fuyuhiko: "I said back off already. I take it back, you're still a creep."

Nagito: "Oh, uh... I'm sorry."

Fuyuhiko: "I mean, it's fine, it's who you are. Anyway, what do you say we grab a drink, get a head start on celebrating for Kazuichi?" He said as he walked away.

Nagito: "Uh... we're still in high school though."

Fuyuhiko: "They're non-alcoholic... if anyone asks." Nagito smiled as he ran to Fuyuhiko's side, but he ended up tripping on a bottle, he then began rolling down the path at lightning speed. He ended up crashing into someone, Mikan Tsumiki. He found himself seeing a pair of panties, Mikan's to be exact.

Mikan: "I'm so sorry..." Nagito got up and quickly noticed that Mikan wasn't alone, Hiyoko was there too.

Hiyoko: "Did you not get the memo, Nagito? I'm the only one who's allowed to beat up on Mikan." She said as she cracked her knuckles.

Nagito: "Geez, I really have the worst luck."

Fuyuhiko: "I'm tempted to call 'that' its own kind of talent." Fuyuhiko said as he watched.


At the top of a building, somebody appeared out of nowhere. They looked like Hajime Hinata, but BOTH his eyes were red... like Izuru Kamukura.

Hajime?: "It would seem this is as deep as I can go. So, this world then, is the lowest stratum? There is no saving this... I have no choice but to destroy it." He suddenly felt like he wasn't the only one there, so he turned around... with his fingers in the shape of a gun. He saw police officers, but they weren't normal. For that reason alone, the mysterious boy used his fingers like a gun and shot the officers in the head one at a time, killing them. "How dull." The more he killed, the more appeared... he just kept shooting them. "How dreadfully dull."


Sonia was by the window in her bedroom, she seemed happy as she looked at her phone to see a picture of her and Kazuichi taking a selfie together. It looks like they had a great time at the café.


A funeral? And not just anybody's funeral, it was Kazuichi Soda's funeral. How did this happen? Everyone was speechless. They all stood there, mourning their loss. What hurts the most is they don't know how he died. Everyone was depressed... all except Fuyuhiko, who was just mad and frustrated. But he wasn't mad at what just happened, he was mad at what Peko was whispering into his ear.

Peko: "That's what I've been told."

Fuyuhiko: "And you're sure that's the case?" Peko just nods in response as Fuyuhiko turned around and left the room. "Goddammit." Nagito noticed Fuyuhiko leave the room and followed him, seeing the look he had on his face, Nagito couldn't help but be concerned.

Nagito: "Is something the matter?"

Fuyuhiko: "I just got word... Kazuichi was murdered."

Nagito: "No way... I thought it was an accident."

Fuyuhiko: "Nope. They messed him up really bad too. I gotta go, you take care of things here." Fuyuhiko tried to leave, but Nagito grabbed his arm before he could.

Nagito: "Go where? The funeral's about to begin."

Fuyuhiko: "Where the hell do you think? To catch the bastard who did this."

Nagito: "You can't... it's too dangerous. Let the police handle it." Fuyuhiko shook his head in response.

Fuyuhiko: "He was like a brother to me."

Nagito: "...Please be careful."

Fuyuhiko: "So, you coming or not?"

Nagito: "I wouldn't be any help... I'd only get in your way." He was quick to refuse, he really thought there was no point in him going with Fuyuhiko and Peko.

Fuyuhiko: "Well, that's your choice." Fuyuhiko started to leave after Nagito let go of his arm... but stopped after hearing another voice call out.

Sonia: "Wait a second! I shall accompany you."

Fuyuhiko: "Now, now, little lady, you don't have any place where I'm going."

Sonia: "Hold your tongue, no one tells Sonia Nevermind what she can and cannot do. And that includes you." Her mind's made up, and nothing can convince her not to go.

Fuyuhiko: "You wanna tag along? Be my guest." Fuyuhiko didn't put up much of a fight, it almost looked like he was impressed by her determination.

Sonia: "That I shall." Nagito stood there, dumbfounded. Wanting to tell them it was a bad idea, but somehow, he knew nothing he'd say would stop them from leaving. He looked into the room where the funeral was taking place and just stared at the coffin carrying Kazuichi's lifeless body.

Nagito: "How... how could this happen?"


The funeral was over, and everyone started heading home... everyone except Nagito.

Nagito: 'there are people in this world with talent great enough to shape the foundation of society. I'm not one of them, I'm just another face in the crowd. Which isn't to say I envy them though. No, it's much easier being a nobody. The star of the show is such a restrictive, demanding role. Were there no talent, everyone would be able to lead modest lives... find a modest amount of happiness...'


Once again, the mysterious figure was atop a building, one that was under construction. He stood upon a steel girder hanging off the side of the building, extremely dangerous, but it looked like he didn't care. Doing nothing but staring off into space, until he heard someone trying to get his attention.

Fuyuhiko: "Hey, Asshole!"

Hajime?: "Right on time." It seems he was expecting Fuyuhiko, Peko, and Sonia to show up and confront him.

Fuyuhiko: "You got some balls laying a hand on my brother!" Before he could say another word, the figure leaped off the edge and landed on his feet a few meters away from them. His landing caused such an impact, smoke formed around him, It definitely gave the others goosebumps. "So, who the hell are you!?"

World Destroyer: "The World... Destroyer."

Fuyuhiko: "World Destroyer? Lose your head up there in the clouds, did you?"

Sonia: "Was it truly you who killed Kazuichi?"

World Destroyer: "From your perspective, that would be the case." He didn't beat around the bush at all, he was blunt about giving them the answer.

Sonia: "Why would you do such a thing?"

World Destroyer: "In order to destroy... this world."

Sonia: "Why did Kazuichi have to-"

World Destroyer: "The 'who' was irrelevant, any of his friends would have sufficed." Sonia tried to fight back her tears, she couldn't let herself get distracted.

Fuyuhiko: "You're just a damn terrorist with a dozen loose screws." That's all Fuyuhiko said before pulling out a small revolver, but Sonia stepped forward before Fuyuhiko could make the first move. "H-Hey!" Sonia aimed a rocket launcher at the mysterious figure, which she got from Fuyuhiko and Peko.

Sonia: "Strike first and strike hard!" She said as she pulled the trigger, and a rocket flew out and hit the figure.


Nagito was in his bedroom, sitting on his bed. He felt terrible that he let Sonia, Peko, and Fuyuhiko go without much of a fight... maybe if he tried harder, then they wouldn't've left the funeral so soon. He thought along those lines when his phone rang, it looked like Fuyuhiko was calling him, Nagito felt relieved as he picked up the phone and held it to his ear.

Nagito: "Hello?" but he immediately felt uneasy when Fuyuhiko didn't answer. Instead...

Peko: "Nagito... good, you're safe..."

Nagito: "Peko?"

Peko: "Please... listen carefully... there's not much time... the man who murdered Kazuichi... is after you..."

Nagito: "W-What!?"

Peko: "He has short hair... and red eyes..." Peko was hurt badly. The fight must not have gone well, if the mysterious figure survived that rocket, then beating him would've been impossible.

Nagito: "Where are you?" He was clearly worried about her, but she just dodged the question.

Peko: "Listen, you made the correct call. You wouldn't stand a chance against him... you were right to run."

Nagito: "Tell me! Where are you!? What happened!?"

Peko: "Fuyuhiko said to tell you... not to blame yourself..."

Nagito: "Not to blame myself? For What!?"

Peko: "Keep yourself alive... so that one day... you can avenge Fuyuhiko for me..."

Nagito: "Avenge him!? What's that supposed to mean!?"

Peko: "That I... I failed to protect him..." Peko looked towards her to see the mysterious figure slowly getting closer, she put down her phone without hanging up. Peko got into a fighting stance while holding her sword with both hands. Even with a sore arm... she refused to back down. After taking a deep breath, she ran forward and swung her sword, hoping to wound him. But he moved out of the way, Peko couldn't believe it. Before she could attack again, the figure made his fingers into a gun and shot her in the head. The blood splattered onto the phone, Nagito was shocked after hearing all that happen... he heard his friend die over the phone while she was talking to him. Nagito felt like hanging up until he heard a voice.

World Destroyer: "Am I speaking to Nagito Komaeda?"

Nagito: "Who are you?"

World Destroyer: "The World... Destroyer." The moment Nagito heard his voice, images started appearing in his head. An island, somebody on the beach, and he even saw himself lying on the ground of a burning building. He was covered in very deep cuts, there was even a spear impaled into his stomach... he was dead. "Has your world crumbled yet?"

Nagito: "Huh?" He was brought back to his senses when the figure spoke again.

World Destroyer: "It would seem not."

Nagito: "What are you talking about?"

World Destroyer: "Then I shall proceed until it has... one by one, piece by piece, I will tear it down. I will leave nothing behind, I will offer no mercy, I will spare no one."

Nagito: "I'VE HEARD ENOUGH!!!" He hung up and threw his phone onto his bed, clearly fed up with what just went down. Nagito then got a message, telling him to meet the figure at the construction site...


Nagito couldn't believe what he found, the bodies of Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and Sonia Nevermind. Both of them appear to have bullet wounds in their heads. Nagito knew the 'World Destroyer' wouldn't be far off, he picked up Fuyuhiko's gun and headed into the building. He was right, Nagito was face to face... with him.

World Destroyer: "I did not anticipate you would show up so soon. I expected I would have to delete another ten of your friends."

Nagito: "Neither Fuyuhiko, nor Peko, nor Sonia were by any means pushovers. You must possess a great deal of talent to be able to take them out so easily. You see, I... I despise talent. Were I able, I would erase all talent from the world entirely. And I've never felt so strongly about anything. So, you... have to go."

World Destroyer: "And how do you plan to get rid of me with no talent of your own?"

Nagito: "I won't deny I'm just a regular guy with a bit of an unlucky streak, I don't belong anywhere near the spotlight." Nagito took out a seed pod from his pocket and threw it at the wall behind the figure. It bounced off the wall and then bounced off a girder, finally landing in Nagito's hair. "See? Anything I do turns out badly for me. I could never come out of this on top. But you know what? Even though I lack any real talent, I can't see myself losing to you either." He then took out a ball from his other pocket and threw it at the wall, it bounced off the wall like the seed pod. The ball came back to Nagito, it would've hit him in the head if he didn't catch it.

World Destroyer: "What you're feeling is called hope." The figure smiled, an image that gave Nagito a strange realization. 

Nagito: "Hope? Hope... what a peculiar sounding word. Although, I feel like I've heard it before... all right then. Let's see what that hope can achieve!" Nagito shouted as he threw the ball as hard as he could. It bounced around the whole building, all the screws came loose and fell to the ground. "I have such terrible luck, I couldn't possibly defeat you. But maybe I can take you out with me. Imagine how incredibly unlucky you'd have to be to make a whole building collapse by merely throwing a ball, even if it was already falling apart." Nagito pulled out the gun he picked up earlier and pointed it at the figure, but then he aimed it to his right and pulled the trigger. "Fuyuhiko, thank you." The bullet bounced off the girders and eventually making it back to Nagito, going right through the side of his head. His lifeless body fell to the ground.

The building came apart and started to collapse, within a few seconds... everything was in ruins. However, the mysterious figure was perfectly fine, no scratches at all, but he wasn't the only one. Nagito pushed a girder off him and got back on his feet, his attire changed somehow, but he wasn't thinking about that. He was going to say something before the 'World Destroyer' spoke first.

World Destroyer: "World destruction complete." The scenery changed around them, it looked like they were inside a computer program. Maybe some kind of code? Or something more elaborate. 

Nagito: "At last, free from that illusion. We're inside the Neo World Program, aren't we?" Nagito didn't seem to be fazed by It, almost like he knew where he was all along.

World Destroyer: "Indeed. That was definitely a world in need of destroying."

Nagito: "And you're Izuru Kamukura, I take it?"

World Destroyer: "More precisely, I am an Alter ego modified to perform psychodives. After your death within the Neo World Program, the data containing your psyche was successfully restored. However, the traumatic circumstances of your death caused psychological instability. My task was to eliminate that instability."

Nagito: "So, what you're saying is... everyone in there was all in my head?"

World Destroyer: "Yes. Your fourteen classmates were each a fragment of your psyche which also served as psychological defence mechanisms, hence ten more friends to delete."

Nagito: "Tell me... was all of that being monitored from the outside?"

World Destroyer: "No, your personal privacy is of the utmost importance."

Nagito: "Thank goodness, I can't believe I actually said I wanted a world without any talent if it meant everyone could find happiness. That's just not who I am."

World Destroyer: "That world and the people inhabiting it were a reflection of your own desires, one of many possible outcomes." Nagito turned around and saw all his classmates standing there, excluding Ryota, Chiaki, and Hajime. "What might have been if one Nagito Komaeda lacked his good fortune and led a quiet, uneventful life." Nagito turned back around to face this strange individual again, an Alter ego, designed to manage the Neo World Program within the human brain. 

Nagito: "I'll pass on that possibility. What the world needs is hope, immense hope born from equally immense talent."

World Destroyer: "Alter ego, all assigned tasks executed successfully." The moment he said that, everything went dark.


Nagito woke up to a familiar face, Hajime's face.

Hajime: "Hey! Can you hear me?"

Nagito: "Hmm... Izuru Kamukura? No... you're, uh, Hajime Hinata, right?" He extended his arm, he was surprised that somehow, he could move his left arm, it surprised him more when he noticed his left arm wasn't missing anymore. Hajime took his arm and pulled him out of the pod he was sleeping in.

Hajime: "They're both me." So, the answer had finally been revealed, Hajime uses an AI version of himself to enter the minds of everyone in their comatose state, find the problem, and eliminates them. Everything Nagito just went through in his head, everyone else went through the same thing.

Nagito: "I suppose I should thank you for waking me up? I knew you'd make it to the lowest stratum... I believed in you. How are the others?"

Hajime: "You're the last one out." The wall behind them split in half, revealing the outside, the others who came to check on them. The secret hangar door opened because Kazuichi used the little remote he had with him since Nekomaru and Gundham went crazy.

Nagito smiled as he looked at his arm, wondering how he was able to move it. He had a mechanical arm, it moved perfectly, as if he never lost his left arm.

It would seem that Nagito remembers everything that happened the last time he woke up from the simulation, but this time felt very different. He felt calmer, no killing tendencies whatsoever. This is what Gundham and Nekomaru would've felt if Nagito didn't inject them with that despair drug that Mikan made during her time as a Remnant of Despair.


Everything was ready, they were about to head to the Future Foundation's headquarters to help Makoto Naegi and his friends.

Fuyuhiko: "You were in there long enough, what kind of dream were you having?"

Nagito: "Sorry to keep you waiting, I guess I overslept a bit."

Kazuichi: "Dreaming about a bunch of pretty girls, were you?" Nagito didn't say a word, instead, he hugged Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi out of nowhere. "WHOA!!!"

Fuyuhiko: "THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!?"

Nagito: "It wasn't a bad dream at least, thank goodness."

Kazuichi: "HEY, GET OFF ME!!!" Kazuichi shouted as Hajime, Peko, and Sonia watched them. Hajime couldn't help but laugh at them. "You're breathing all over me! BACK OFF!!!"

Fuyuhiko: "You damn creep!"

Hajime: "Let's get going then, shall we?" Hajime extended his hand, waiting for Nagito to take it. And he did it with his new mechanical arm.

Nagito: "Yes, let's set off... in the name of hope."

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