Sorrow & Mercy: a Great Ace A...

By baroksfacescar

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[Contains major spoilers for the Great Ace Attorney Chronicles / Dai Gyakuten Saiban 1&2] Our tale begins 10... More

Folds of Scarlet
A Curtain of Mist
Faces Familiar and Strange
Matters of Blood
Strange Pity
The Shapes of Things
A Change of Circumstance
Truth and Misconception
The Heart of Things
Winter's Sudden Entrance
A Curtain of Scarlet
Soothing Conviction
In No Harsh Voice
Ventured Descent
Strange Shadows
That Black Shape
Violent Grief
To the Heart
Bleak Shores
An Entire Separation
PART II: Years of Ink
A Curtain of Sorrow
The Terror He Inspired
Swift Departure
Sombre Indignation
Those Who Return
Spasm of Agony
The Breath Before
A Curtain of Truth
Separate Paths
Inexpressible Sorrow
Reunited Blood
Slow Throb of an Old Wound
Our Final Resolve

Momentary Respite

23 2 0
By baroksfacescar

As evening breathed upon the sky, Susato left her room. She threaded her way down the stairs, into the smell of fragrant tea and the bright sound of voices.

She paused at the edge of the living room. Sholmes was tuning his violin, preparing to play, while Ryunosuke sat with Iris, drinking cups of steaming tea. She smiled, simply watching everyone for a moment, then stepped forward, feeling carved out and scrubbed clean from all of her crying.

"Oh, Miss Susato!" Ryunosuke said and lurched to his feet. He bowed to her.

Susato bowed back then clasped her hands together.

"Susie!" Iris said, jumping up as well. "Would you care to join us for some tea? It might help you feel better!"

Susato shook her head. "I will start working on dinner."

"Oh, there's no need! I've already got the roast in the oven," Iris said and smiled beatifically. "Why don't you join us for a spell?"

Susato drew in a breath then released it in a sigh, unsure if she could handle being around Iris when she was already in such a state.

"Are you alright, Miss Susato?" Ryunosuke said, looking at her with sincere concern.

"Our dear madam was out the door the moment the sun rose," Sholmes said. "Some mysterious affair undoubtedly caught her up in its most alluring grip. Perhaps a dance of deduction is in order?"

"Oh dear. No, there is no need for that, Mr. Sholmes. I assure you, it was nothing of interest," Susato said.

"But you've come home so upset!" Iris said.

"You went to see your friend, didn't you?" Ryunosuke said.

Susato hesitated then nodded.

" didn't go so well, did it?" Ryunosuke said.

"...Is there anything I can do to help prepare dinner?" Susato said, forcing a flimsy smile onto her face. She had no desire to trouble anyone with her burdens.

"You went to go see a friend, Susie? Oh yes, that's right! You used to live here," Iris said.

"Indeed. It would seem someone of great significance to dear Miss Susato lives within our little London town," Sholmes said. "But who could this mysterious figure be, you may wonder?"

"Mr. Sholmes," Susato said, a pleading edge to her tone.

"Based on your swollen eyelids and reddened face we can presume your meeting was not entirely a joyful one. Yes, perhaps you have been terribly rebuffed. Or else engaged in a lover's quarrel," Sholmes said, setting down his violin and rising to his feet.

"Mr. Sholmes. I don't think this is helping Miss Susato feel any better," Ryunosuke said, expression flat, shoulders hunched.

"The truth is incontrovertible, Mr. Naruhodo!" Sholmes said. "Rest assured, my dear madam. We will help you resolve matters with the object of your dearest affections."

Susato peered at him warily. "How do you intend to do that, Mr. Sholmes? He thinks me a traitor."

Iris gasped. "You have a man you like, Susie?"

"Well, I...."

"The solution is simple, dear madam! Elementary, even! You this scone!" Sholmes said, lifting up a plate with a plain scone on it.

Susato stared at it blankly.

"Yes! You see, dear fellows, Miss Susato's object of dearest desire is, in fact... world-famous detective Herlock Sholmes! Who has suffered immense offense ever since the dear madam rejected his kindly gift of a most delicious scone an entire decade ago!"

"You have a grudge against Miss Susato...over a scone?" Ryunosuke said.

"Indeed, I do! But I am willing to cast that aside," Sholmes said.

"Mr. Sholmes...I have made it clear on numerous occasions that I do not have any intentions towards you," Susato said.

"Ah! I am sorely wounded, dear madam! How ruthlessly you speak!" Sholmes said, dropping the plate and placing both hands over his chest.

"Hurley! You tried to woo Susie?" Iris said.

"Not all. Not at all, my dear Iris. I merely asked for her hand in marriage."

"You...what!?" Ryunosuke said, stunned.

Susato sighed and touched her fingers to her cheek. "It was not an earnest proposal. Nor was it out of any emotion. It was a matter of...well, convenience, I suppose. And something I could never accept."

"Do you hear how she casts further pain upon me, dear Iris?" Sholmes said, dramatically sinking to one knee.

Iris giggled. "Oh, Hurley. You're so silly sometimes. So, Susie! Who was this friend? Is it anyone I know? Maybe I can help you come up with a way to mend your bond!"

"I think it is best to let the matter go, Iris. I'm sorry," Susato said.

Sholmes popped back up to his feet, one finger lifted. "Was it a Russian man that earned your affections?"

"No, Mr. Sholmes," Susato sighed.

"Hmmm. Well, Susie, what kinds of people did you meet back then?" Iris said.

"...Members of the Yard and Judiciary. Some doctors. A student or two at the University of London. Some nobles..." Susato said.

"Nobles!" Iris gasped.

"The...Pineapple man?" Ryunosuke said.

"Mr. Naruhodo. I believe I told you exactly who this...friend of mine was," Susato said with a sigh.

"...Oh. You went to see him. I have to admit, it's hard to imagine you could have ever been so close with someone like him," Ryunosuke said a bit sheepishly. "I suppose he has changed a lot, though, surely?"

"Yes. Yes, I suppose he has," Susato said.

"Oh! Who is it? I simply must find out!" Iris said, and clasped her hands together while beaming.

A sharp pang. Susato looked away from the vibrant girl.

"Your most regrettable beloved is someone Mr. Naruhodo has had occasion to cross paths with then," Sholmes said.

"Oh yes! You're right, Hurley! Oh! Susie! Is it...Gregsy?" Iris said.

"What!?" Susato said, taken aback.

"Ah, Inspect Gregson. An inferior choice. You should really pine over my good self instead, dear madam," Sholmes said.

"Hmmm...Gregsy is a great guy, but he's a bit old for you, don't you think?" Iris said.

"No! Yes! I It is not Inspector Gregson. Although he is a friend I first made acquaintance with ten years ago," Susato said.

"He always calls me 'sunshine.' I don't understand why at all," Ryunosuke said.

"I am not entirely sure, either," Susato admitted, giving him a faint smile.

"If it is not the moderately-more-competent-than-the-rest-of-the-Yard Inspector Gregson...then there is only one other possible culprit...Yes, your ill-advised darling is none other than...Mael Stronghart!" Sholmes said.

"Huh!? Why would you even think that!?" Ryunosuke said, recoiling then slumping.

Sholmes burst out laughing.

Iris looked away thoughtfully then suddenly hopped to her feet. "Oh, Susie! I just realised that there is something I could use your help with. In the kitchen!"

"Oh, wonderful!" Susato said with relief.

She followed Iris into the kitchen and glanced around at the neatly arranged counters. "What do you need me to do for you, Iris?" Susato said.

"Oh, there's nothing!" Iris said. "But...I wanted to ask you something. Away from Hurley."

Susato tilted her head and waited for Iris to continue.

"You were here ten years ago. The year I was born. And you said you knew some doctors, so...I wanted to ask you...Did you know my daddy?"

Alarm clutched Susato's heart. She averted her face. Nodded.

"Oh, you did! Wonderful! He's overseas now, isn't he? I wonder if he'll ever come back..." Iris sighed. "And...Susie? Did you...Did you know my mommy, too? I don't even know what her name was. There was nothing about her in my daddy's reports..."

Dread. Cold and painful. Dug into Susato's heart like chewed fingernails. Pressed deep. "Iris," Susato said, and her voice was pitched low and smoothed over with ice. "My mother died in childbirth as well, you know. I would rather not talk about this."

"O-Oh...I'm sorry..." Iris said.

Susato pressed a quick glance towards the girl and saw tears shining in her eyes. Guilt pitched through her. She forced her muscles to unwind, forced her voice to fill with some touch of warmth and life.

"Dinner smells wonderful. Let's get the table all prepared," Susato said with as much brightness as she could muster.

Iris sniffled and nodded glumly.

Soon, everyone had gathered for dinner. Conversation was short and fleeting, and long silences shrouded their meal. Iris was still rather downcast and Susato was struggling to pull herself out of her own pain. Sholmes and Ryunosuke both tried to get Iris to perk up, but her responses were short and distant. Susato tried to think of a way she could help the dear girl as well.

"...Are the shops nearby still the same?" Susato said.

"Quite so, I would wager. Unless some have closed their doors or else changed hands," Sholmes said.

"Very helpful, Mr. Sholmes," Ryunosuke said flatly.

"I have not done much shopping since we returned. The marketplaces and stores in London were always so fascinating! Iris, where do you like to shop?" Susato said.

"Hmm? Oh...well...I like that fancy herb shop. And the book store," Iris said, a hint of life starting to return to her voice.

"That sounds delightful! How about we spend the day out of doors together tomorrow? All of us?" Susato said.

"Oh...Oh yes! That sounds lovely!" Iris said, and her usual light jumped back into her face.

Susato smiled, deeply relieved.


Days passed. Days filled with kindness and company, like an echo of the past, yet entirely different. Susato felt the pain releasing its hold more and more each day, even if it swarmed her at night and twisted through her mind when she was alone.

She spent a great deal of time outside, exploring the city with her friends. Some days, all four of them went to various shops or visited the outdoor markets. Once, Susato even went to a comedic play with Ryunosuke while Sholmes was out investigating and Iris was writing. Other days, they visited Hyde Park and went for strolls, snow crunching beneath their feet while they talked about whatever topics drifted into their thoughts. They went for dessert a few times as well—Ryunosuke was stunned and thrilled by cheesecake—and they found some cat toys for Wagahai, Soseki's cat, left in their care now that he had returned to Japan.

Some days, Susato and Ryunosuke kept Iris quiet company while she wrote. They would play an adapted version of shogi using a chessboard, or else engage in studying, reading, drinking Susato's teas, and acting as test subjects for Iris' special blends.

Even though no cases came their way, Susato kept as busy as possible. She had missed London dearly and she was glad to experience everything all over again, through Ryunosuke's eyes, and to create new memories free of the shades of grief and loss. Even though Iris was a constant reminder of Lady Baskerville and the people Susato had loved living with so fiercely for those wondrous nine months, so long ago.


One day, Susato ventured to the East End with Iris and Ryunosuke. They journeyed there with the intention of exploring Soseki's old haunt: Yore Books.

After spending countless hours among the shelves and leaving with a stack of books, the three wandered outside and bumped directly into a certain street urchin—Gina Lestrade.

"Whoa, be careful there you daft bloke," Gina said, patting Ryunosuke's jacket as she pushed away from him.

"Oh hello, Ginny!" Iris called.

Gina flinched and stopped in her tracks.

"Hey! Where's my wallet?" Ryunosuke said, desperately checking his jacket.

Susato furrowed her brows. "Mr. Naruhodo. I have been carrying it this whole time."

"Oh. Oh, yes, that's right! What a relief," Ryunosuke sighed.

Gina spun around. "Got this 'ere though, I did!" And she held up the pin from his collar proudly.

"What!? How!" Ryunosuke said, utterly astounded.

Gina grinned and curled her hand tight around the pin. "Wot can I say. I'm a diver, me, an' a professional one at that!"

"Ginny. Give Runo his pin back, please," Iris said and beamed expectantly.

"Yeah, yeah, fine. Ain't worth nofin' anyroad." Gina flipped the pin towards him.

Ryunosuke stumbled and tripped, but caught it and swiftly affixed it back to his collar. Susato laughed lightly, her fingers pressed to her lips.

"Well, since we have crossed paths, why don't you join us, Gina? We were just on our way to tea and biscuits," Susato said.

"Eh...not really me style to 'ang out wiv grownups, innit," Gina said, shrugging. "...Wot kinda biscuits would 'em be though?"

Iris beamed. "Caramel biscuits!"

"Eh. Prefer chocolate meself," Gina said.

"We could get some of those too," Susato said.

"...Fine. But...only coz it's cold like, you know. Enough to take someone off their plates, right," Gina said.

"Um...yes. Right. It is pretty cold. And always so misty," Ryunosuke said.

"Part of London's dreary charm!" Susato said brightly.

"You say that as though it's a good thing," Ryunosuke sighed.

Susato smiled. "I wonder if my book says anything about why there's so much mist..."

"Oh, I could tell you about that!" Iris said as they began to walk down the street.

Susato pushed her hand into her sleeve. And her fingers groped nothing. She stopped walking and rounded on Gina. "There was a book in my sleeve."

"Yeah, uh, I may 'ave done more of a divin' then you lot realised..."

"Give it back," Susato said with intensity. "Right now."

"Alright, alright! Calm down. It ain't somefin' I can really fence anyroad. 'Ow old is this sorry thing?" Gina said, holding the book up.

Susato snatched it out of her hand and quickly flipped it open. Her heart palpitated and she let out a long sigh. "Oh, good. I was so worried." The pictures were still there, perfectly in place.

Susato stuck the book back into her sleeve and was careful to keep her arm close to her side during the rest of their visit with Gina, checking it constantly when no one was looking.

Despite Susato's worry and anger over the brief theft, they had a nice time with Gina. She was full of shocking and intriguing stories, which captivated Susato's interest, gave Iris ideas for her writing, and turned Ryunosuke's face entirely pale.

They made it home just in time—with a promise for Gina to come over for dinner one day—for shortly after she left, a storm settled over the world. An unexpected surge of snow rioted in. Winter's final dirge.

Susato stared at the thick patches of white, another dark and wintry night blanketing her mind. She thought of Klint and Lady Baskerville chasing each other through the snow, while Barok stood at Susato's side, reciting poetry as they watched the flakes tumble down. A tear caught in the corner of Susato's smile.

Is he lonely tonight? Is he cold? Will I ever cross this chasm between us? Susato wondered. And that was when she realised she had given up on trying to see him.

Her smile trembled away. She covered her face with her hands and breathed unevenly against her palms, the window radiating cold that sank heavily into her arms.


The next day, Iris and Ryunosuke played in the snow. They made a tiny snowman and showed it off to Susato and Sholmes with great pride and delight. Susato smiled, the pain from the previous night still throbbing within, but it hid behind a rush of warmth and fondness for her friends.

"You ain't gonna try to put my hat on that sad little snowman, are you, sunshine?"

Susato looked up, surprised to see Gregson approaching them. He stopped and took his hat off, bowing and smiling for both Iris and Susato.

"Gregsy! That's a great idea!" Iris said.

"Oh, uh, is it now?" Gregson said.

"Yes! Can we borrow your hat?" Iris said.

"Yes, of course, your ladyship," Gregson said and surrendered his hat—which was far too big for the tiny snowman. But Iris put it on its head anyway and beamed at her work, the top ball of snow now completely obscured.

"To what do we owe the particular displeasure of your visit, dear Inspector?" Sholmes said.

"Actually, I wanted to check in on the Gentlewoman," Gregson said, indicating Susato. They smiled kindly at one another. "After all, I did promise to take her out for fish n' chips again, whenever I was able to catch some spare time."

"Yes! We must go for the best fish and chips in town! Everyone should come along too," Susato said.

"Oh, I really wish I could! But I have to stay here and finish writing my manuscript so it can be published on time," Iris said.

"And I have no desire to be in the inferior company of an Inspector from the Yard," Sholmes said.

"You weren't invited anyway!" Gregson growled.

"Mr. Naruhodo? You must join us! Fish and chips...are so delightfully British!" Susato said with eager intensity.

"Alright! But...are you going to call me sunshine the whole time, Inspector?" Ryunosuke said.

"Got a problem with how I talk, sunshine?!" Gregson snarled.

"No. Not at all," Ryunosuke sighed.

Susato smiled brightly.


"I have to say, British fried fish is nothing like tempura!" Ryunosuke said and took another big bite of his fish and chips.

"Not at all!" Susato said.

"Right. I remember you tellin' me about that before. And about your, uh, raw fish," Gregson said with a small grimace.

"Yes! That was the first time we went for fish and chips. And the night that..." Susato's face fell as her voice withered to silence.

"You okay, Gentlewoman Mikotoba? Oh, sorry. I mean...Gentlewoman Naruhodo. It is that now, isn't it?" Gregson said.

Ryunosuke choked on his chips.

"No! No. We are not married," Susato said, face flaming.

"But you're about to be?" Gregson said.

"No, not at all. Inspector should not make assumptions!" Susato said with intensity.

"Sorry, madam. It's just...a woman your age is usually wed by now. And travellin' like this with a man who isn't family...Well, it's natural to think you're beholden to one another, you know?" Gregson said.

"...Yes. I do know," Susato said. "This is not exactly what we had originally planned. But I am so glad to have Mr. Naruhodo at my side."

"I know Kazuma should be here instead of me," Ryunosuke said quietly. "And I swear to do all I can to honour his plans."

"I know you will, Mr. Naruhodo. You are already doing such a wonderful job as a defense attorney!" Susato said.

Ryunosuke smiled a bit sadly.

They were silent for a moment, and then Susato finally found the courage to ask what was weighing on her mind.

"Inspector you still bring Lord van Zieks here sometimes?"

"The Reaper of the Bailey eats here!?" Ryunosuke said, eyes widening.

"We used to all go together, yeah. Haven't for a long time, though. He's not exactly the same he used to be, now, is he?" Gregson said, crossing his arms and looking away.

"Oh...But...You have been looking out for him, haven't you? Like you swore to me you would?" Susato said.

"As best as I can. Hard when I'm so busy. And when he locks himself away like that," Inspector Gregson said.

"You didn't see him much during his five years away from court?" Susato said.

"Well...sometimes, but not much. He doesn't do social outings anymore. Just Church and those vineyards of his, really. From what I know. And it's hard to know much about Lord van Zieks these days," Gregson said.

"Why did he isolate himself?" Susato said.

"Shouldn't you ask him that, yourself? If anyone's gonna be able to get close to him, gotta be you, right?" Gregson countered.

Susato stared at the table, utterly dejected.

"Um...Inspector Gregson...Lord van Zieks doesn't seem to particularly like us Japanese," Ryunosuke said.

"Let me guess, he wouldn't even see you, would he?" Gregson said.

"Well...I did call on him at his office. But..." Susato touched her fingers to her cheek. "He did make it rather clear that he has no desire to see me again."

"Yet he decided to be actin' prosecutor for both trials of that little hunchback friend of yours. Just to duel you both, I would wager," Gregson said.

"Yes, that's true...Why does he hate the Japanese so much, anyway?" Ryunosuke said.

"That's...really not for me to say," Gregson said. "Well...I gotta go soon, you know? Gettin' pretty late and a Yard Inspector always has a lot on his plate. So to speak."

"We did have a lot on our plates. I haven't even finished my chips yet!" Ryunosuke said.

"An expression, sunshine."

"I know. I was just...trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit," Ryunosuke said, glancing at Susato.

She sighed heavily. "Must you leave so soon, Inspector?"

"'Fraid so. But we can meet again soon," Gregson said.

"That would be nice," Susato said with a solemn smile.

Gregson stood.

"Inspector? May I ask you just one final thing?" Susato said, standing up as well.

"Yeah. Alright. Don't see why not," Gregson said.

"It's...about Lord van Zieks. How did he get that scar? Is...Is his life still in danger?"

Ryunosuke reeled with shock. "In danger!?"

"Oh. He got that...a while ago. 'Bout ten years now, wasn't it? Did you ever see the newspaper about the attack?" Gregson said.

Susato frowned. "You mean...when he was getting bandaged up...after...only a few days after..."

"Yeah. That was...when it happened." Gregson averted his face suddenly, a shadow flickering across his features. "As for your other question, yeah. Yeah, he is. More so than ever, even. Dunno if it's cuz he's got those Reaper rumours hovering around him or because he's a right talented prosecutor. But a lot of criminals and the like want revenge when he sends their family and friends to the gallows—rightly so, as it is."

"Wow. Being a prosecutor sounds dangerous," Ryunosuke said. "I have to admit, Auchi was really infuriating. But I couldn't imagine anyone actually attacking him. Could you, Miss Susato?" Ryunosuke said.

"Thank you for your time, Inspector. It good to see you again," Susato said.

Gregson smiled. "It was nice seein' you too. Try not to frustrate her too much, sunshine. You hear?" Gregson said, glaring at Ryunosuke.

"Believe me, I avoid that. Her takedowns hurt!" Ryunosuke said.

"Oh? She's done one on you, eh? Just like that time with that gunman," Gregson said.

Susato blushed. "You heard about that, Inspector?"

"Yeah. It was the talk of the Yard for some time. Course, a certain friend of ours was to blame for that. He was so proud of you boldly protecting his little brother like that," Gregson said.

They smiled at each other sadly.

Then Gregson bowed and left. Susato watched through the window as he shoved his hands deep in his pockets and hunched his shoulders against the wind, walking briskly away.

"Did you enjoy the food, Mr. Naruhodo?" she said quietly.

"I did. But I have to admit...I want to hear about you taking out this gunman!"

"Perhaps one day," Susato said and did her best to smile.


The final dusting of snow melted beneath a sharp rain. And then a peaceful but cloudy Sunday arrived.

Iris skipped along happily as Susato, Ryunosuke, and Sholmes accompanied her to the market to get groceries—and some special treats. Outdoor stalls had been set about, filled with fruits and jams and desserts, vegetables, fish, and cheeses. Susato walked beside Sholmes while Iris and Ryunosuke went on ahead. Iris was chattering happily and then grabbed Ryunosuke's hand and dragged him towards one of the stalls.

Susato pressed her fingers to her lips, restraining a small laugh. Ryunosuke was tripping over his feet as Iris tugged him along, and there was a gleam of sweat on his forehead. It was a sweet and heartwarming sight and the day was truly beautiful, the sun burning the clouds to a featureless white above, the world full of motion and colour and happiness below.

"Miss Susato, there is a question I posed to you some ten years ago. It has come to my attention that you never truly answered me," Sholmes said. "Distracted, as you were, by your father's most callous treatment."

"I can scarce remember, Mr. Sholmes," Susato said, looking away from the scene with reluctance just as Iris began to shove a bunch of potted herbs into Ryunosuke's arms, spilling soil onto his sleeves and feet.

Sholmes smiled at Susato and her own smile settled firmly onto her face.

"Was it worth it?" Sholmes said.

Memory touched upon Susato's mind. She looked at Iris. Her smiling face, the glow of joy and innocence in her eyes.

"Yes. Yes, it was," Susato said.

"Indeed," Sholmes said.

Susato peered over at him. He was staring at Iris as well, a truly paternal and loving expression on his face as he watched her. Susato's heart surged with warmth.

"Now, no more distractions, Mr. Sholmes! I need to find the perfect fish to make a Japanese dish. Iris did request it, after all!" Susato said brightly.

"Dear madam, you do not suggest that I—the world-famous detective, Herlock Sholmes—am an obstacle to your aspirations?"

"Indeed, I fear you are!" Susato said.

"Blast! You think you know a woman!" Sholmes said.

Susato laughed quietly. She moved away from his side and began to wander towards the merchant who was selling fish.

"Ah! Lord van Zieks!?"

Susato's head whipped in the direction of Ryunosuke's voice. And sure enough, there he was—Lord Barok van Zieks, dressed very finely, in a top hat of matching quality. He looked incredibly handsome, Susato thought. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. But the feeling shrivelled as his glacial eyes flicked towards her and then away again.

"Wh—What are you doing here?" Ryunosuke said.

"It may be difficult to believe, but even the Reaper of the Bailey requires nourishment," Barok said. The words were sardonic to a fault, but there was nothing overtly hostile about his tone and his expression had not changed.

"Y-You mean you're shopping?" Ryunosuke said.

"Whoever knew our dear Reaper could move during the daylight. What an unexpected development," Sholmes said.

"If I do not find shade soon, I am liable to burst into flame," Barok said.

"Wait? R-Really?" Ryunosuke said.

Barok stared at him. Ryunosuke flinched. Then those frigid eyes shifted to Susato once more. Lingered. Something seemed to shift in Barok's face, although Susato could not determine exactly what it was.

"May I have a word with you, Miss Mikotoba?" Barok said.

Susato's heart clenched. She stared up into Barok's face, bewildered and more than a little apprehensive. Then her stunned stare fell away, her gaze growing sharp and pointed. "...You wish to speak with a lowly, traitorous judicial assistant, Lord van Zieks?" she said, voice encased with steel.

Barok said nothing. He simply stared back unreadably.

"What do you want with Susie?" Iris demanded, scowling up at him.

"...Only to offer my condolences," Barok said at last.

"What?" Susato said.

"My deepest sympathies, for losing someone you considered as a brother," Barok said with a polite bow.

"You...You care that someone so important to me passed away?" Susato said guardedly.

"Regardless of what crimes you have committed, I see no justice in what happened. His was an innocent life," Barok said.

"...Thank you, Lord van Zieks," Susato said. "If only I had been able to stand by your side when...when your own...when that happened...I would have never left. And perhaps...things would be different. Perhaps he would still be with me now. I am certain you would have become fast friends."

Barok stared into her eyes. She felt his gaze fasten with hers for an instant, like she was being held. And then he crossed his arms and the ice returned. "I do not know who is the bigger fool. You, for trying to trying to convince me of your innocence. Or myself. For wanting to be convinced."


"I wonder...were you apprised of such plans from the outset? Is that why you arrived when you did? Perhaps it was all part of a ruse to draw near to us. I have to wonder if your feelings towards me were ever true, even if only for a time," Barok said.

"How...How could you say that!" Susato said, anger plunging sharply through her confusion and sadness. "You accuse me of perfidy when you have lied, yourself!"

"Have I?"

"Yes! I sent you those letters. But you choose to act as though they do not exist so you can twist me to fit this...this...strange truth you have created in your mind! Like I'm some evidence that can be tampered with!"

"And here I thought you had innocently presented forged evidence," Barok said, his eyes tightening.

"Of course it was unintentional! I would never do something like that!"

"I cannot trust you to do anything. Other than betray those around you," Barok said.

"Stop being mean to Susie!" Iris shouted.

"Lord van Zieks. I don't know why you're so angry with Miss Susato. But I can guarantee that she is the most honest and hardworking judicial assistant in all of London," Ryunosuke said, stepping forward, his anxiety replaced with resolve. He stared up unflinchingly at Barok. "More than that! She is a kind and honourable woman. I would trust her with my life! In fact...I would be lost without her!"

"...Then perhaps I am not such a fool. If you all have fallen for her deception," Barok said. "Although, I suppose deceivers attract other deceivers to themselves. Nipponese."

Iris growled. "I don't care how scary you are, Reaper man! You stop talking to my friends like that right now!"

Barok glanced down at Iris. Suddenly, he stilled. Susato tensed, her breath vanishing in her throat. Did he see it? He must. Or perhaps he already had. Was this the deception of which he was accusing her? But what made him think she knew anything about Iris' true parentage?

"You know, Lord van are nothing like what Miss Susato described. She said you were a warm and kind person. Someone anyone would want as a friend. But I see now she was either sorely mistaken...or you have changed completely!" Ryunosuke said.

Barok looked away from Iris and his stare settled icily on Ryunosuke. "One day soon, we will duel each other again in the courtroom. My learned friend."

With those words, he bowed and walked away.

Susato's throat pinched shut, tears burning in her eyes.

"What is the matter with that man? He looks like a corpse and has all the manners of one!" Iris said, pouting furiously.

Susato simply stared down at the street, trying to control her emotions.

"I fear our dear madam has just undergone a most harrowing experience," Sholmes said, tone soft. "Perhaps it would be best if we saved our shopping adventure for another day."

"But...the fish..." Susato said.

"Now, now...we live upon a dreary little island, do we not? Fishmongers can be consulted at any time. Let us return to our abode and have some delicious tea, shall we? Iris, could you procure a most heartwarming blend for our dear Miss Susato?" Sholmes said.

"Oh yes, of course!" Iris said. Then she frowned at Susato. "I'm so sorry that happened, Susie...He was your friend, wasn't he?"

"Yes, Iris. He was," Susato said. "He dearest companion."

"It's really hard to imagine he was ever anyone's friend," Iris said. "You must be so sad..."

"He is quite the churlish man, is he not?" Sholmes said.

Susato smiled sadly.

"Come on, Miss Susato. Let's go home," Ryunosuke said gently.

And the four of them returned to Baker Street.

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