Danganronpa: Island Life

Af fastreddragon

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(Second Entry in the Danganronpa Trilogy) The five survivors of the killing school trip that took place withi... Mere

Chapter 1: FREEDOM
Chapter 3: BABY STEPS
Chapter 7: NIGHT SHIFT
Chapter 9: JUST YOU & ME
Chapter 11: SMALL TALK
Chapter 16: RED LIGHTS
Chapter 17: BAD MEMORIES
Chapter 21: TRUTH HURTS
Chapter 22: YOUNG MASTER
Chapter 24: INTUITION
Chapter 25: ENTHUSIASM
Chapter 27: REST IN PEACE
Chapter 30: PROMISES
Chapter 31: INSIDE JOB
Chapter 34: REBORN
Chapter 35: DOOMED TO FAIL

Chapter 26: SIDE EFFECTS

45 3 0
Af fastreddragon

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Chapters 26 and 27 take place at the same time, but through different perspectives. This one will be through Hajime and Nagito's eyes, while the next one will be through Sonia, Akane, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Mahiru, and Kazuichi's eyes.

Kazuichi: "Wait, you're not coming with us? But why?" Kazuichi was curious on why Hajime isn't going to the next island with them, he must have a good reason. 

After getting the barge into the water, Hajime went to the control room, where he would find Nagito snooping around on his own. It turns out that Nagito had a 'lucky hunch' and wanted to check on everyone who were still in their comatose state. Hajime chose to place his trust in Nagito, instead of doubting his intentions. Once Hajime left the control room, he returned to the airfield to retrieve his clothes, the same clothes that Kazuichi threw up on earlier. He planned on going back to his cottage and change into something... you know, cleaner than his current attire. The group planned on exploring the Second Island, the very same island where Nagito accidentally went to during his alone time.

Hajime: "I need a new change of clothes, I can't just walk around shirtless forever." Referring to his vomit-covered shoes and shirt. "While you're over there, I want you to be careful, okay?"

Kazuichi: "Okay."

Hajime headed for his cottage in order to get changed, but he was also wondering what he and the others can do to improve their lifestyle here on Jabberwock Island. Maybe they could make the cottages big enough so that two people can share it, but he wasn't sure if everyone else would be okay with that. He kept thinking as he made it back to his cottage, once inside, Hajime started getting undressed and replacing every piece of clothing with something not smelling like throw up. Hajime couldn't help but sigh as he was now wearing his signature attire again, no longer covered in Kazuichi's stomach contents. His dirty clothes would have to be properly cleaned later, most likely by hand, but Hajime had more important things on his mind.

His next objective was clear, check on Nagito and the rest of his comatose friends, he was secretly hoping that Nagito didn't do anything. He gave the Ultimate Lucky Student the shadow of a doubt, could that have been a mistake?


Nothing, this is definitely unnatural. No sign of movement since before, not from Mikan, or anyone else. Something needs to be done soon, whether it's Hajime that does something... or even Nagito himself. Maybe pressing the right button would work, but that's a risk not even Nagito was willing to take.

Nagito: "I wonder."

Hajime: "Hey, did anything happen?"

Nagito: "Ah, you're back. No, unfortunately. They've been completely still since you left, but I know I wasn't seeing things when Mikan moved." He was honest, Hajime could tell just by looking at him. "Do you think we should try waking her up? I mean, we'll have to do it eventually, might as well be now." Nagito brings up a good point, as worried as Hajime was, it was something they would have to deal with in the near future.

Hajime: "Yeah, we should do it now." He had to think about it for a bit, about the pros and cons of having Mikan with the group once again. Pros? They'll have an actual nurse, so if anyone got hurt, she could treat them. Cons? She's as crazy as she was before she was executed by Monokuma. "Actually, I want to try something I've been thinking about for a while now."

Nagito: "What is it?"

Hajime: "I want to see if I can get TWO people to wake up at the same time. Since Peko and Mahiru didn't pose a threat, the chances of waking two people up and both of them being hostile are very low."  All Nagito could do in response was smile, it seems that he approved of the idea. Sure, the chances are low, but it's still a possibility. "Do you have any suggestions?"

Nagito: "Are you asking about who I think should rejoin the land of the living? Or are you just asking for my opinion on the matter?"

Hajime: "...A bit of both."

Nagito: "I can really pick? How exciting!" He seemed to be over the moon after he was asked that. Maybe letting Nagito choose the next one to wake up was Hajime's way of saying thank you, he kept that in mind while deciding who he would like to see alive again. "Him."

Hajime: "Are you sure? He might not be so happy to see us. You, specifically."

Nagito: "I need to apologize to him, that much I know. And if he does go crazy, I'll take full responsibility." He sounded sincere, like he meant every word. "Besides, I think I finally understand."

Hajime: "Understand what?"

Nagito: "A hope that can overcome any despair... that's you. I guess I owe you an apology too, I did treat you pretty harshly during the killing game."

Hajime: "There's really no need for you to apologize, everything Monokuma told us made it harder to trust each other. Speaking of trust, I want to show you something." Nagito was wondering what Hajime wanted to show him as he watched his friend approach the main computer, after typing a five-digit number password into the computer, a familiar face popped up on screen.

Usami: "Magical Miracle Girl, Usami, back and ready for more! Mahiru and Peko are awake and well, let's continue bringing my precious students back into the outside world, no longer confined to the Neo World Program."

Nagito: "Huh? Usami?"

Usami: "AH!!! Nagito! I wasn't expecting you, I thought it was only going to be me and Hajime."

Nagito: "I don't understand, can you please explain?"

Hajime: "Someone who worked on the Neo World Program installed Usami as an AI, but also an observer for the heart-throbbing school trip."

Nagito: "Does this have something to do with... the traitor?"

Hajime: "There were originally two observers, one was Usami, who played the role of teacher before Monokuma took her spot... and the second observer was one of the students, someone who basically just reported to Usami."

Nagito: "I get it now, all this time... I've been trying to expose someone who was no longer with us. Monokuma was very cruel, making us forget about Chiaki's death."

Hajime: "..."

Usami: "..."

Nagito: "That's inexcusable, but we don't need to worry about that bear anymore, don't we?"

Hajime: "No, never again." With that brief explanation out of the way, Hajime began working on having two of his friends wake up at the same time. Mikan was going to be one of them, but who would be the second?


It's been an hour since Hajime started working on waking two people up simultaneously, and Nagito's having an amazing time as he gets a front row seat to how everything works. Nagito now knows how Hajime was able to wake Peko and Mahiru up, but he didn't plan on spreading the method around, this was now something that he, Usami, and Hajime knew.

Hajime: "There, let's hope I'm not just testing my luck." He seemed exhausted, makes sense since he's been working all day. Whatever it was that Hajime did, it took a lot out of him. Not only did he work on the barge earlier, but he also woke up Mahiru and Peko not too long ago. He was exhausted, it felt like he didn't get enough sleep.

Like Peko and Mahiru, the lights seemed too bright for his eyes, he kept them closed until he sat up. The moment he opened his eyes and saw the two of them standing there, he almost jumped out of the pod, feeling nothing but fear and shock.

Teruteru: "HAJIME AND NAGITO!!!?" He looked terrified, being face to face with the man who tricked him into killing, and the man who put him in the hot seat during the first trial. His anger was understandable, it's felt like ages since Hajime was able to talk to the Ultimate Cook.

Hajime: "Hello, Teruteru, are you okay?" A pointless question to ask, but he had to get him to calm down, or he might get the wrong idea and do something he'll regret... again.

Teruteru: "A-Am I okay? WHAT HAPPENED!!!?" He's panicking, they need to think of something, And fast. "I should be dead, why am I not dead?"

Hajime: "We want to help you, Teruteru. We're sorry how everything went down. We'll explain everything."

Nagito: "I'm assuming the last thing you remember was the trial?"

Teruteru: "The last thing I remember... was Monokuma dropping me into a volcano! I don't understand, why am I here? Why is Nagito missing an arm? And why is your left eye red!?" Before another word could be said, Mikan's pod opened on its own. It was set to open moments after Teruteru's pod opened, a tactic that would give Hajime and Nagito some one-on-one time with Teruteru. Now it's her turn, or so they thought. Mikan sat up quickly, Hajime knew right away that something was wrong. Nagito caught on as well, Teruteru wasn't yelling anymore... but he was still panicking.

Teruteru: "What's up with her?"

Nagito: "Is she okay?"

Hajime: "No, she's not."

Mikan turned towards the guys once she heard their voices, her eyes reminded Hajime of the time Nagito went crazy during the first trial, as if hope and despair had been crudely mixed together, definitely not a good sign. It was as if she was in a trance, Makoto did mention that the seventy-seventh class was brainwashed by Junko Enoshima, but that doesn't really apply to Hajime, since all Junko did to him was convince him that despair was more superior than hope. Mikan was drooling and laughing to herself, it looks like she remembers the third trial, and how it ended with her getting executed.

Teruteru: "Seriously, what's up with her!?"

Mikan: "S-She's gone." That's all that came out of her, until she got up and out of the pod. Her eyes never left Hajime, Teruteru, and Nagito. "You took her away, my beloved."

Hajime: "Mikan, please listen to what we have to say." He had to say something. pleading with her seemed like the only option he had... for now. Without saying a word, Mikan reached into her nurse uniform and pulled out a syringe, it was filled with a weird pink liquid. She kept it behind her back and out of the boys' sight, whatever that liquid was, it couldn't be anything good. In an instant, Mikan screamed as she pounced towards Teruteru, trying to inject him with the syringe. But there was something in the way, something that prevented Mikan from reaching her target.

Nagito: "Ah... that stings."

Hajime: "Nagito!" Hajime couldn't help but be worried. Mikan's syringe penetrated Nagito's left shoulder, he put himself in-between the needle and Teruteru... on purpose.

Before she could do anything else, Hajime quickly grabbed her arms and squeezed them tight enough to make her let go of the syringe. Nagito grabbed the needle and pulled it out of his shoulder, worried about what it'll do to him. Hajime waited for Mikan to speak, but he was more focused on how she was reacting to all this. Mikan looked completely shocked by her actions, it was as if her previous attitude was a lingering side effect from the Neo World Program.

Mikan: "I... I..." Mikan started to cry, she completely broke down in front of the three boys. If she was going to explain herself, this would be the right time. "W-What have I done?"

Teruteru: "She's crazy..." Teruteru couldn't help but say it, no one else was going to, probably because they knew about her malice, but he didn't. "I don't get it, I don't remember her being like that!"

Mikan: "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." The crazy look in her eyes disappeared completely as she fell to her knees and began wiping away her tears, Hajime leaned down and placed his hand on her head, lightly patting her as she started to regain her composure. 

Hajime: "What was in that syringe, Mikan?"

Mikan: "I... don't remember... it could've been anything." She seemed very apologetic after what transpired, let's hope that her malicious side doesn't show itself again anytime soon.

Nagito: "It's okay... I don't feel anything." A confident remark coming from a guy who hardly reacts to anything bad.

Hajime: "Are you sure?"

Nagito: "Yeah, I feel totally fine. Maybe it was a dud, pretty sure those exist. I don't think it's something to worry about." Hajime had no choice but to believe him for now, Hajime can't really do anything since Nagito doesn't feel any type of pain or side effect. Besides, if something does happen, he was sure that Nagito would tell him.

Hajime: "Come on, let's head for the marina. Everybody should be back by now." Nagito agreed right away, Teruteru was hesitant at first, but he slowly agreed as well. Mikan felt guilty, but it didn't stop her from following the boys outside.

Mikan: "B-By everybody... you m-mean-"

Nagito: "Kazuichi, Sonia, Akane, Fuyuhiko, Mahiru, and Peko."

Mikan: "Mahiru... Peko! They're alive!?"

Teruteru: "Alive? Wait, you mean Mahiru and Peko were killed!?"

Nagito: "It appears that we need to explain a few things."

Hajime: "You think?" Things got pretty worrisome when Mikan attacked Nagito, but it's not like the others went through anything worse while exploring the Second Island... right?

Teruteru Hanamura (Ultimate Cook) ALIVE

Mikan Tsumiki (Ultimate Nurse) ALIVE

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