Switching Directions {Complet...

By pasfeatvic

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Hazel and Rose are two normal girls. They're twins, but first they didn't know of each other excistance. When... More

Switching Directions
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 7

83 7 0
By pasfeatvic

Hazel's pov

I need Harry's headache pills, mine are gone. I bet Louis stole them. I walk out of the bedroom and I see Niall in the bathroom. I remember our talk.


Niall and I sat on the couch, alone. I'm nervous as hell.

'Why did you did it?' Niall asks me.

'I already told you, I didn't want to hurt you' I say.

'But you did, more than you would have when you just told me you didn't love me anymore. I can't believe you'

 'I'm so sorry Niall. I didnt mean it, I love you and I didn't realise it was gonna be this kind of mess'

'Well I think it's better if we just break up. I wanna stay friends, but you basicly cheated on me and I on you, so I think it's better' he says. My heart flies to thousand pieces and I just nod slowly.


I walk into Harry's room.

'Harry I need your.. What are you doing here Rose?'

'I didn't want to go back to LA. Me and Taylor broke up but we're still friends but I just can't go back' she says.

'Okay let me tell you something'  I see her turn all her attention to me.

'I want you to stay, You're my sister and I love you, but we need something to have a difference between us' I say. She nods with a smile.

'We'll go to the hair thing tomorrow okay?' I nod.

'Good night Rose, Haz' I say. They say it back and I walk to the couch. I sit down. I need to sleep on the couch, till I have my own place. I lay down and close my eyes, feeling tears roll down my cheeks. It's 12 and everybody slept only Harry didn't, with Rose. I feel like being dead. Then the lights flicker on. I get up and I see Zayn.

'What are you doing here?' I ask him.

'Well I heard you sniffing' he says.

'Oh, Sorry'

'Doesn't matter, you wanna talk about it ?'

'Niall and I broke up and now I sleep on the couch till I have my own place'

'Come on, sleep in my bed'

'No, you're not gonna sleep on the couch'

'Then I sleep next to you, I have a big bed'

'Okay sure' I say and I walk with him. We both get in the bed.

'Good night Hazel' Zayn says.

'Good night Zaynie' I say.

I wake up, feeling actually good. I look next to me to see a peacefull Zayn. I smile. I get out of bed but feel someone pulling me back.

'Don't leave' Zayn says soft. I giggle.

'Zayn, I'm hungry' I say.

'Ugh fine' he says and he lets me go. I smile. He's the best. I always was really close to him.

I walk into the kitchen and I see Harry, Rose and Niall. I smile.

'Good morning Hazel' Rose says. Harry says it too. Niall only looks up to me.

'Morning guys' I say back.

'Where did you sleep?' Harry asks.

'Zayn's. He heard me last night, and he offered to switch, and I said that he shouldn't sleep on the couch, cause its awefull so we slept in his bed' I say. I see Niall tense up.

'So, anyway, what are we gonna do about our looks?' Rose asks.

'Well, what about different hair colours ?' I ask her.

'Well, I want dark brown / Reddish with violet' she says. I nod.

'I think I'm gonna go with reddish too' I say. She nods.

Rose and I come back from the hair dressers and we look awesome. I now have really long reddish hair and Rose has a bit short hair with reddish, violet, brownish hair. We walk in and the boys all become quiet.

'YOU LOOK AWESOME GIRLS!' Louis yells. Louis and his hyper moods.

'Thank youu Lou' we both say. We look at each other and giggle.

'So, Hazel has red hair and Rose the different colours?' Liam asks and we nod.

'Cool' Harry says. He walks to Rose and kisses her cheek.

'Have you actually spoken to Taylor recently?' I ask Rose. She shakes her head.

'Can I have his number, I wanna talk to him' She nods and gives me his number.

To Taylor; Hey, It's Hazel. How are you doing ? I actually miss your laugh ;) hahah xx

From Taylor; Heyy, I'm fine thanks, you ? Hahah, I miss your kiss ;) xxx

I giggle.

'I need to start looking for my place' I say. Rose, Harry, Louis, Zayn and I sit down on the couch. Niall and Liam are going somewhere.

'Why?' Harry asks.

'Because Niall and I broke up, why would I stay here?' I say.

'Because we care about you' Zayn says. I smile.

'And I don't wanna miss my sis' Rose says.

'You can sleep in my room' Zayn says again.

'And you saw it this morning, Don't worry about Niall' Harry says.

'You guys are the best' I say. They smile proudly.

'We're back guys' I hear Liam's voice. He comes in with Niall.

'Guys, are you allowing Hazel to stay here?' Zayn asks. Liam nods. Niall just walks away. I walk after him.

'Niall, why do you mind me staying here?' I ask him.

'I don't, but I do when you're with Zayn' he says.


'Because I care about you. Zayn is just gonna comfort you but as soon as he can have someone else, he just dumps you'

'And why would he do that?'

'Because he always wants someone better'

'Niall you have no right to say that. You lied to me too you know. You might have forgot, but when I called you you basicly begged me to come home, why? And don't say to talk' I say.

'Because I love you okay, but I just figured that if I'm in love with you, I'm also in love with Rose and I can't do that to you' he says.

'But since you were with Taylor and didn't think about cheating, I wanted to be normal and don't do that'

'So you say that I'm not normal'

'Well yeah you cheated, it looks like you're a slut' he says. I feel tears forming in my eyes.

'Well thanks for telling the truth' I say. I walk away and I bump into Zayn.

'What's wrong?' he asks him. I just shake my head and I feel the tears roll down my cheeks.

'Shhh' Zayn says and he let me cry. He holds me and my head rests on his chest while I cry. After crying for like 5 minutes, with Zayn comforting me, my tears are gone.

'I'm sorry for ruining your shirt' I say. He just chuckles.

'Don't worry about it' On that moment, Niall walks back in.

'Im so sorry Hazel, I didn't mean it, I just snapped' he says.

'Have you been crying?'

'No my eyes are red because I like it that way' I say sarcasticly. I nods and walks away. Ass..

'Hey babe, do you wanna go out tonight with Harry and Rose?'

'Yeah, I would love to, where are we going?'


Heyyy :D I hope you all like the chapter. Pic of Hazel's hair colour on the side :)

xoxo ~ Pascalle <3

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