Danganronpa: Island Life

By fastreddragon

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(Second Entry in the Danganronpa Trilogy) The five survivors of the killing school trip that took place withi... More

Chapter 1: FREEDOM
Chapter 3: BABY STEPS
Chapter 7: NIGHT SHIFT
Chapter 9: JUST YOU & ME
Chapter 11: SMALL TALK
Chapter 16: RED LIGHTS
Chapter 17: BAD MEMORIES
Chapter 21: TRUTH HURTS
Chapter 22: YOUNG MASTER
Chapter 24: INTUITION
Chapter 25: ENTHUSIASM
Chapter 26: SIDE EFFECTS
Chapter 27: REST IN PEACE
Chapter 30: PROMISES
Chapter 31: INSIDE JOB
Chapter 34: REBORN
Chapter 35: DOOMED TO FAIL


90 3 0
By fastreddragon

Killing School Trip

Hajime: "The storage room?" This whole situation confused Hajime, he was basically brought here against his will. For some reason, Akane wanted to explore this room, and he was forced to come along. Hajime was just enjoying some early lunch in the restaurant before Akane came up to him and dragged him along with her. 

It was relieving to know that Fuyuhiko was recovering in the hospital on the Third Island, but the Ultimate Yakuza's mindset was too focused on Peko and her execution the previous day. Akane on the other hand, was mostly focused on receiving 'it' from Nekomaru. Even though people would assume 'it' meant sex, the truth was that 'it' actually meant a massage. Nekomaru has been giving massages to Akane when they were alone, a way to help her training.

Akane: "Monomi will let you in if you just ask her, she sure is a pushover. I made sure to ask her before I found you in the restaurant. I found out that there's canned food here, isn't that awesome!? Since there's no one here, you can steal... I mean, burrow as much as you want! Haha, it's a canned food party!" Akane's eyes lit up from being surrounded by food, she almost looked like a little kid.

Hajime: 'When she looks this happy, it's hard for me to want to stop her.'

Akane: "Haha, score! When things don't make sense, the only thing I can do is stuff my face! As long as I can eat and move my body, that's when I feel like I'm alive. That's all I need."

Hajime: 'That's very Akane... I think, she's come a long way since we first talked in Jabberwock Park, but is that really okay?' For people, things are never that simple. It's possible that she might have something on her mind, she sounds like she's trying to convince herself that nothing was wrong. "Are you... worried about something?"

Akane: "Huh? W-What are you talking about? I don't really worry about things, there's no way I'd ever worry about anything!"

Hajime: "Really? Everybody has things they worry about. People feel hesitant or uneasy, and sometimes you just need to vent about it."

Akane: "That's wrong! I'm not that weak!" Akane swung her arm and hit the light switch, it's only dim, but Hajime thought he should still be careful.


Hajime: 'Ow... and I've already walked into a shelf... hm? What's that white thing?'

Akane: "AAAAHHHH!!!"

Hajime: "Huh!?" Somehow, Hajime managed to turn on the light, and he saw Akane crouched on the ground, trembling next to a white sheet. It probably fell from the shelf when Hajime walked into it. "Akane, are you okay?"

Akane: "Gh... gh-gh... ghost."

Hajime: "That's not a ghost... it's just a sheet."

Akane: "Liar..."

Hajime: "I'm not lying. See? Look at your feet... right?"

Akane: "..." Akane's expression said it all, she was scared, shocked... and angry. It would seem that Akane has a fear of ghosts, and Hajime is the only other person who knows about it. "Forget about what you saw just now!"

Hajime: "Huh?"

Akane: "I-If you tell anyone, I'll kill you! If I even catch you thinking about it, I'll kill you! I'll... get you for this!" As quick as possible, Akane ran past Hajime and left the storage room, most likely heading for the exit of the old building. 

Hajime: 'I never thought I'd see Akane make a face like that.' She was blushing, something Hajime has never witnessed before, besides what happened when Nekomaru threatened to stop doing 'it' with her. but that wasn't all, while she was threatening him... his heart began racing. 'What is this? Why is my heart racing like this?'



Hajime: "Did Kazuichi say anything else to you?" Hajime asked Fuyuhiko before taking a seat next to him. He only shrugged his shoulders, turning his eye back to the bright red apple he was tossing up into the air as they wait.

Fuyuhiko: "He didn't tell me shit. Just said, 'wait for me at the hotel lobby', and ran off somewhere. I'm guessing he's telling the girls the same thing right now, he clearly wants to show something off though."

Hajime: "Could it have something to do with our friends? He does spend almost all of his time there." His interest had risen at the thought of news regarding their comatose friends. He let the idea float around in his head for a bit before dismissing it due to low probability.

Fuyuhiko: "I'd stop making fun of him forever if that were true." Fuyuhiko had seemingly dismissed the idea as well, but it was good to see that he had also considered it. "I'm just glad we have him around to keep things running."

Kazuichi: "Surprise!"

Fuyuhiko: "AH!!!" Fuyuhiko let out a quick and sharp scream as Kazuichi jumped out from behind them. Hajime was surprised as well, he just didn't show it as vocally as his friend did. Kazuichi laughed at the yakuza's reaction, making his face turn red in embarrassment. In the mechanic's hands, he held a trio of items stacked on top of one another. From bottom to top, he held a projector, a laptop, and what they could only assume was a DVD inside of a clear case.

Sonia: "Good morning, everyone!" Sonia announced as she and Akane walked down the stairs from the restaurant above.

Kazuichi: "All right, everyone's here! Hajime, think you can help me set up this stuff back here?"

Hajime: "We're watching a movie?" Hajime asked as he stood up and followed Kazuichi to the back wall behind them. Together, they quickly set up the electronics on a low coffee table against the wall. The whole time, Kazuichi was grinning, eager to unveil his surprise.

Kazuichi: "Well... you know how I've been digging through things left behind by the Future Foundation, right? So, in one of the computers... I found the surveillance records of all of our time on the virtual island!"

Fuyuhiko: "That's sick, Kazuichi." Hajime was taken aback by this as well, Fuyuhiko's statement bringing a mutual opinion to light.

Kazuichi: "No, no, no, I edited it!" Kazuichi defended himself, waving his hands in front of him as he spoke frantically.

Hajime: "Edited?"

Kazuichi: "Right! No murders, no crime scenes, class trials or executions!"

Sonia: "What about footage from inside the cottages?" Sonia spoke with an annoyed tone as she stepped forward. Her right hand was raised, prepared to smack him if his answer wasn't to her liking.

Kazuichi: "Of course not! I would n-never..."

Hajime: "So, what is on there?" Hajime interrupted, halting Sonia's brief threat.

Kazuichi: "I thought it'd be nice to have memories of the time we all spent together, seeing as most of the people in this footage aren't here... I thought it'd be nice if-"

Akane: "Well, what are we waiting for!? Let's watch it already!" Akane shouted from her seat, arms raised in the air. While the others were still somewhat hesitant, they had all decided to give it a chance. Everyone took their seats and waited for Kazuichi to dim the lights and get things going. 

The first thing that appeared on screen was Hajime and Gundham in the Funhouse, conversing on the third floor in Strawberry House, where the indoor park was located. Whatever they were talking about, it ended with Hajime and Gundham shaking hands, which somehow became a test of strength between the two.

Sonia: "I have not heard Gundham speak in so long, I forgot how odd he sounded." Sonia giggled as they saw Hajime converse with Gundham on screen. The footage was doing as Kazuichi had intended, raising everyone's morale by reminding them of the time they spent with their friends.

Chiaki, the imposter, Nekomaru, Hiyoko, Mahiru, Ibuki, Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, Mikan, and Nagito. Seeing all their friends on screen had everyone in a good mood, but it eventually ceased for Hajime as the footage continued. He noticed that some people had stopped appearing on screen, reminding him of all the needless killing that happened. Yes, it was 'fake' to a certain degree, but in a way, it was still real. Those who died in the virtual world were still unconscious inside of their pods, no sign of if they'd ever be 'alive' again. However, Hajime still took comfort in seeing his friends enjoy themselves around him.

Akane: "Hey! I said stop it!" Hajime was yanked out of his thoughts by the shouting occurring behind him. Glancing towards his right, he can see Sonia and Fuyuhiko, smiling as they continued watching the projection. Looking behind them, he sees Kazuichi, struggling to hold back Akane as she reached for the laptop that was playing the video, his hysterical chuckling heard while he did. "Wow, Hajime..." Hajime's head jerked back immediately at the sound of that voice. Looking back at the projection, he could see Akane and himself, they were talking to each other while in Akane's cottage. Her hand was being grasped by his, a blush taking over her face. "You... you're warm... this is the first time I've ever felt someone this warm..."

Hajime remembers that moment with her, it was when... things got intense.


Killing School Life

After the remaining survivors left the Funhouse and had the lunch promised to them by Monokuma, everyone separated and headed to their cottages. They just lost Nekomaru, and they found out that Gundham was the killer. Everyone had a reason to kill, Teruteru wanted to stop Nagito from killing someone, but he ended up killing the Ultimate Imposter in the process, not to mention that he wanted to go home and see his mother. Peko did what she had to do in order to protect Fuyuhiko, and it ended up with her and Mahiru dying. Mikan got infected by the Despair Disease and killed two people, Ibuki and Hiyoko. But Gundham didn't kill Nekomaru for a selfish reason... he did it to prevent everyone else from starving to death. He sacrificed himself and Nekomaru to help everyone else escape the Funhouse, telling everyone to not give up on life.

Even though his intentions were honourable, he still killed someone, a certain someone that Akane was close to. She and Nekomaru had a close friendship, he even took her under his wing and became her manager, which explains the Coach Nekomaru nickname. Hajime wanted to visit her and make sure that she was okay, because even though she was putting on a brave face during the trial... she was most likely keeping all the pain inside. Hajime approached her cottage door and knocked three times, waiting for her to respond.

Hajime: "Akane? Are you in there?" Without saying a word, Akane unlocked her door and opened it, letting Hajime inside while sitting on her bed... which was just a mattress on the floor. Each member of the class had a custom-made cottage, Hajime's cottage was pretty average, nothing about his talent or background was decorating his room. Akane's cottage on the other hand, was pretty messy. She had empty cans of food scattered all over the place, and even boxes full of useless junk. All she was doing was staring off into space, while blushing up a storm.

Akane: "Uh... um... Hajime? You made sure to forget what you saw... right?" Hajime nearly forgot about the storage room incident, after all, they did spend three in the Funhouse. All their focus was on not starving to death or succumbing to taking another's life, it felt like it happened so long ago.

Hajime: "What I saw? Oh, you mean when we were in the storage room-"

Akane: "I'll kill you." This anger is the real deal, she's clearly not just embarrassed about what happened.

Hajime: "S-Still... I think everyone is scared of something. Plus... it's normal to be scared."

Akane: "Stop it! Just... stop it. Don't treat me like I'm weak..."

Hajime: "Huh?"

Akane: "I... I'm not weak, being weak is bad. If you get kicked around and beat up, or cry and scream that there's no food or medicine, no one will help you. And the next time I say someone's name... I might be talking about a dead body. That's... the kind of place I grew up in. Weak people die and there's nothing you can do about it! No matter what happens, you can't complain!"

Hajime: "What's... wrong with being weak?"

Akane: "..."

Hajime: "It's normal to be weak, humans feel overwhelmed sometimes and even cry. I know I do, so what's wrong with that?" The image of him sitting next to his mother's hospital bed came to mind in that moment, that was the last time he remembered crying over anything. "I don't think real strength means you don't accept your weaknesses... I think real strength means you overcome them."

Akane: "...It's weird... when I talk to you... I feel like... I'm getting weak or something. I was much stronger when I was alone, stop saying things that don't make sense!"

Hajime: "Akane..." How could he get through to her? He needed to explain in a way that Akane would understand. "Um... how should I put this? You know, as long as we all run a red light-"

Akane: "You can't do that! That's dangerous, you'd get run over!"

Hajime: "Y-You're right..."

Akane: "But... I get what you're trying to say. When everyone's together, they can make up for their weakness... that's what you mean, right? But you can't run a red light, not ever!"

Hajime: "Y-You're right..." She's probably sensitive about stuff like this because she has younger siblings. "You're not weak at all, Akane. You don't need to try so hard by yourself."

Akane: "..."

Hajime: "Especially in this situation, we should all work together and do our best, right?" Hajime offered his hand and Akane cautiously gripped it. 'Just as I thought... her hands are very warm.'

Akane: "Coach Nekomaru... said something similar. But I didn't understand so I didn't listen, but... somehow... I understand now. Your words make sense to me. Wow, Hajime... you... you're warm... this is the first time I've ever felt someone this warm." Akane gripped his hand tightly, Hajime felt a strong bond forming between them.

Hajime: 'That's right, we're not alone. We can move forward and overcome our worries and hesitations. I hope Akane, who's been living alone her whole life, is able to understand that, even if it's just a little.'



Kazuichi: "Aw come on!" Kazuichi groaned as Akane slipped past him and disconnected the laptop from the projector before quickly knocking it off the table. The video on the wall was halted and replaced with static.

Akane: "I'll kill you! That was none of your business, you idiot!" Akane now had Kazuichi by the collar and was shaking him violently back and forth, his mood unwavering as his laughter continued.

Sonia: "Hajime, I believe you are the only one who can help him at this point." Sonia spoke up from her seat. With nervousness piled atop embarrassment, Hajime stood up and walked towards Akane. As she pulled back to punch Kazuichi, Hajime had entered her line of fire. The point of her bent elbow struck Hajime in the head, sending him falling back as fast as he was hit.

Fuyuhiko: "Well, this went south fast." Fuyuhiko said as he watched Hajime hit the floor. "This was a great idea, Kazuichi. It went pretty well."

Sonia: "Oh dear... you knocked him out." Sonia and the others were now standing around Hajime's limp form.

Kazuichi: "Lucky me, eh?" Eyes were now on Kazuichi after that tasteless joke.

Sonia: "Akane, knock him out!" Sonia commanded, pointing at Kazuichi.

Akane: "I'll beat him to death!" Akane shouted at the top of her lungs, chasing the now fleeing mechanic out of the building. Sonia rushed out after the two of them while shouting various obscenities. Fuyuhiko was the only one to stay behind, laughing lightly as he gently prodded Hajime's body with his foot.

Fuyuhiko: "Oh well, at least it's never boring around you." It would seem that Hajime has gotten closer to Akane without anyone knowing, but it's not like he didn't spend time with anyone else while the killing game took place. 'After everything I said to you, you still went out of your way to lend a hand whenever possible... thank you, for not giving up on me.'

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