Always and Forever

By stories116

169K 2K 171

Sophie Roberts. Arsenal Through and Through. 20 Years old. Arsenal Forward. Lioness. Sophie Roberts, hasn't h... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one


4.6K 57 4
By stories116

Today marked the start of my new Career. My new life away from home. My life without London.

Today, i was taking part in my first training session. Alexia drove me and Carol to the training grounds. We arrived, got changed and are currently sitting in the changing room, waiting for training to begin. I was sitting next to Alexia when Mapi approached me.

Caro/ Carol is Caroline Graham Hansen.

"Hey niña linda. Me temo que tienes que quitarte ese collar"
Mapi said this to me. This is going to be a long two years. I really need to learn some Spanish.

"¡Mapi! Cuantas veces. Sophie habla ingles"
Alexia responded to Mapi. I was just sitting there.
Mapi! How many times. Sophie speaks English.

"¿Cómo se dice niña bonita en inglés?"
Alexia whispered something into Mapi's ear.

"Thank you. Hey pretty girl. Im afraid you need to take that necklace off"

"Yeah, sorry"
I responded. I took the necklace off and held it in my hands. I looked at it and when i did, i thought of her.

"it's pretty"
Mapi said, sitting at the other side of me.

"Yeah. It really is"

"anyways and forever. That's cute"
Alexia said. I just smiled.

"Got a special someone?"

"Yeah. I do"


"Yeah. She plays for Arsenal. Her name is Leah Williamson. I met her at fourteen and we got together at eighteen. We haven't left each others side since fourteen so this is new for us"

"I see. That must be difficult"

"Yeah, of course. Some times it's fine. I just need to remind myself i'm doing this for myself and i need to do this"
The girls both smiled at me before Lieke came rushing over.

"Meisje, lerares?"
Girl, partners.
She asked me. I smiled while this time both Alexia and Mapi were sat confused.

"Natuurlijk, meisje"
Of course, Girl.

"Sophie. Translate"
Alexia said. I laughed.

"Lieke asked if i wanted to be partners and i said yes"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome, Putellas"

Training started. Training was going well. I have a good relationship on the pitch with these girls. It's like an instant bond. I know what they're going to do and where they're going to be and they know what i'm going to do and where i'm going to be. It's quite special.

Before training ended we did this quick game. We were in a line along the middle of the pitch and one of the trainers was going to shout either Left or Right. If he says Right we are to run Left and if he says Left we run to the Right.

We were stood in the line ready.


Well, the girls ran to the left, i kind of just stood confused but ran eventually. We then decided to do it once more.


The girls ran to their right and this time i just stood there.

"Poor Sophie. She doesn't understand"
Jenni stated. I just laughed.

"You will learn Spanish soon"
Alexia said, putting an arm around me.

"I hope so. This is a lot harder than i thought"

"At least we can speak English!"

"Thank god for that!"


Time skip a few days.

Today is the day. My debut day. Today we are playing against Granadilla Tenerife.

The game has just kicked off. I am on the bench but the manager promised that i will get some minutes today and i'm full of nerves and excitement. I am sat on the bench next to Carol.

She asked as we watched Barca majestically pass the ball about the pitch.

"Yeah but i'm excited as well"

"You will be fine"

"Thanks Carol!"

"Anytime, kiddo"

By the end of the first half we were 3-0 in-front. Lieke got one and Alexia got two.

It was maybe the 60th minute when i came on. I came on for Lieke which meant i was going to be playing on the right.

"Debutante, Sophie Roberts hará su primera aparición hoy. La afición del Barcelona aplaude por su nuevo fichaje"
Debutante, Sophie Roberts is making her first appearance today. Barcelona fans are clapping for their new signing.

I walked onto the pitch and wow. The reception i got from the fans was amazing. They were all up off their feet applauding me as i ran onto the pitch. My new teammates all had smiles on their faces. This is prefect.

It was the 68th minute when Alexia played a ball over the top which i got onto. I brought the ball down with an excellent first touch and hit the ball low into the bottom right corner. I had scored on my debut, Eight minutes after coming on. I ran and jumped into Alexia's arms who was congratulating me. The rest of the team rushed over and they all congratulated me. They all looked so happy for me. They each had this bright smile plastered on their face and it honestly warmed my heart. I already feel at home here. I knew i made the right decision. I'm so happy i did this.

We were passing the ball about trying to open their defence but nothing was working until the 81st minute. One of their players took a loose touch on the edge of the box. I took the ball off her and ran past. I was on the edge of the box when i thought 'why not' I leaned back and hit the ball with real power. I watched as the ball raced into the top left corner. A debut double. Wow.

This time i ran and knee slid at the corner flag. Towards the fans. I blew them all a kiss and smiled at them. I posited at the badge and then send a heart towards the fans. This is my new home. This is my new club. These are my new supporters.

This time the whole team piled ontop of me.

"Bet you didn't expect that?"

"No. Alexia, this club has brilliant fans!"
I said as me and Alexia walked back towards our half.

"Yeah. They're pretty special"

"This is my new home"

"That it is. Welcome to Barca"
I smiled before running to my position.

The game ended. The final score was 5-0 to us.
Lieke 7'
Alexia 28', 42'
Roberts 68', 81'

After the game i immediately went over to the fans. Although i couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me, i took photos with them all and signed their stuff. I felt so loved by them even though what they were saying was a mystery to me and what i was saying was a mystery to them. I felt connected with the fans.

I was wanted for an interview which i went to but due to me only being able to speak English, Alexia came with me as there was no translators. So, for the next few minutes, Alexia was a translator.

"¡Como fue eso! ¡Tu primer partido con el Barcelona y anotaste dos goles!"
The interviewer said.

"How was that! Your first game for Barcelona and you scored two goals!"
Alexia translated.

"Amazing. I don't think it could have went any better than it did. I'm really happy with the result and the three points"

"Increíble. No creo que pudiera haber ido mejor de lo que fue. Estoy muy contento con los tres puntos"
Alexia said, translating what i said.

"Fuiste directamente a los fanáticos después del juego. Parece que ya ha establecido una buena relación con ellos."

"You went straight to the fans after the game. You seem to have already built up a good relationship with them."

"Yeah, they've welcomed me with open arms and i can't thank them enough. They're helping make this a whole load more easier. I feel at home here. These fans are brilliant, every single one of them and although i can't understand them and they can't understand me, i can feel the love and i feel like i've built a good bond with the fans which makes me happy"

"Sí, me han recibido con los brazos abiertos y no puedo agradecerles lo suficiente. Están ayudando a que esto sea mucho más fácil. Me siento como en casa aquí. Estos fans son brillantes, todos y cada uno de ellos y aunque no puedo entenderlos y ellos no pueden entenderme, puedo sentir el amor y siento que he construido un buen vínculo con los fans, lo que me hace feliz."

"Entonces, una última pregunta. ¿Cómo disfrutas estar en Barcelona con estos jugadores y qué emocionante es jugar con los colores del Barcelona?"

"One last question then. How are you enjoying being in barcelona with these players and how exciting is it to be playing in the colours of barcelona?"

"I feel amazing. These players are world class and have welcomed me brilliantly and i can't thank them enough. I've built a relationship with them on and off the pitch so quickly and i feel so loved and welcomed here. To play in these colours is amazing. Barcelona is the best club in the world, so it's fantastic. I moved to fall in love with the game again and I've already done that in my first game. Thank you Barcelona. I believe we can achieve so much together and i'll fight to win everything i can! Come on Barcelona!"

"Me siento asombroso. Estos jugadores son de clase mundial y me han recibido de manera brillante y no puedo agradecerles lo suficiente. He construido una relación con ellos dentro y fuera de la cancha muy rápido y me siento tan amado y bienvenido aquí. Jugar con estos colores es asombroso. El Barcelona es el mejor club del mundo, así que es fantástico. Me mudé para enamorarme del juego nuevamente y ya lo hice en mi primer juego. Gracias Barcelona. ¡Creo que podemos lograr mucho juntos y lucharé para ganar todo lo que pueda! ¡Vamos Barcelona!"

"¡Eres el jugador del partido! ¡Bien hecho!"

"you're the player of the match! Well done!"

"Thank you but i'm going to give it to Alexia. She scored twice and got two assists. She's the player of the match, definitely."

"You're so cute"
Alexia said, putting an arm around me.

"Gracias, pero se lo voy a dar a Alexia. Ella Marcó dos veces y consiguió dos asistencias. Ella es la jugadora del partido, definitivamente"
The interviewer nodded and i gave Alexia the player of the match award.

After a long, tiring, fantastic day i went home. I went for a shower, posted on instagram and hung out with the girls before going to bed.


Let's go team!! Good win and three points.
Really honoured to make my debut for the best team in the world and get two goals. The fans were awesome. Thank you Barca. Vamos💙❤️

leahwilliamsonn - so proud of you!!
^missing you🤍

viviannemiedema - Not bad👏
^Thanks, Viv. You're not too bad yourself😘

alexiaps94 - Ballon d'Or for you next?
^You will win again. Eres la mejor del mundo
You're the best in the world.

graham95 - two goals? Alright, Alright. Baller⚠️

liekemartens - You are so much like Viv🔝
^Thats a compliment i will gladly take!

daniellevddonk - My baller⚽️
^Always, Daan. I miss you, meisje❤️

jennihermoso - My favourite English player👑
^Ill take it. I'll take it😅

marialeonn16 - reina👑
^Mapi, English. Thank you though, Alexia translated again👑

janafernandez3 - youngsters✌🏻
^dream team😘


So proud of you Sophie. Just like Sophie said, she now plays for the best team in the world💔 She said she left to fall in love with the game again🤔 She seems so happy with her new teammates and i'm so happy for her. What a debut though⚽️⚽️. Missing Roberson content but i'm for Sophie and Alexia content. Dream team, they are👑

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