twenty eight

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Today was the day i went back home. I got off the plane and found Alexia and Patri waiting on me. I ran and i mean ran to them. I jumped into Patri's arms and she spun me around.

"Miss me?"
She asked, lightly smirking.

"More than you know"
i said with a light smile on my face. I stood in Patri's arms for a few minutes. It felt right.

"Hello. I'm here too"
Alexia said sounding offended. I laughed and let go of Patri. I jumped into Alexia's arms.

"I missed you Ale!"

"I missed you so, so much"

"Can we go?"
The girls nodded.

Today started of hectic. I arrived home and the first thing i done was put my Barcelona tracksuit on as today i was signing my extension. Mapi was now over so Alexia left Patri with Mapi and dropped me off at the facilities where i would be signing my new deal. I got out of the car and walked in. I was greeted by the boss, Jonatan Giráldez.

It didn't take long. I signed my deal and got photos taken. After that was done i took part in an interview for Barca. The interview was in English. Thankfully. I sat down on a chair across from the interviewer.

"Congratulations on the new deal Sophie. How does it feel?"

"I'm really happy and excited. This is a great club and this is where i want to be"

"You joined on a two year deal a few months ago and you have now extended for an extra year. What made you want to extend so early on in your Barcelona career?"

"Everything. I love everything about this club and i'm so happy here. I love the club, my teammates, the country, the fans and the staff. I'm enjoying my football and seeing how much this club believes in me makes me so happy. I want to commit my future to this club. This is my club now. My home. I love it here"

"How hard was it making the move from your childhood club?"

"It was hard, so hard but i knew i had to do it. It was a risk, a big risk but i took it and i'm so glad i did. I had never left England before and i was moving to a country that speaks a different language. It was going to be a real challenge but it was a lot easier than i expected. The girls are my family and i'm so glad they can speak English."

"How have the fans welcomed you?"

"After my debut, i met them for the very first time and i felt nothing but love and joy. I couldn't understand them and they couldn't understand me but i could feel the love. In that moment, i knew that i had made the right decision. I felt at home. The fans are absolutely amazing. Thank you"

"What do you want to achieve?"

"Everything. I want to win everything but the Champions League is probably the trophy i want most. It would be a great achievement"

"Lastly, how's your Spanish?"
I laughed.

"It's a lot better than it once was but it definitely still needs work"
The interviewer laughed.

"Thank you. Congratulations once again"

"Thank you so much"

Barcelona made an official announcement in their instagram and i made a post about it as well.



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