twenty two

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I was about to walk down the tunnel but i was pulled aside by Jordan....



"Do you have a problem with me?"

"A problem? Not that i know of"

"I know you do. No point lying. Why though because last thing i remember is you leaving Arsenal and we were okay?"

"Oh no, we were okay when i left. We were perfectly fine when i left"

"Then what's changed?"
I seen Leah and pointed at her.

"Ask her"
Jordan looked to where i was pointing and didn't look too happy when she turned around to face me again.

"This is so pathetic. It's life. Move on"

"Easy for you to say. You haven't been dating her for three years and you haven't known her for seven"

"It's not my fault that she picked me over you. Unlike you, i don't revolve our relationship around myself"

"It's not no but it is your fault that you were trying to get her while i was in a relationship with her! Oh and i did? Sucks that i had a rough life. Sucks doesn't it? Not my fault she couldn't handle it. Easier choice i guess?"

"I'm the easier choice? I get you're jealous but this is a bit ridiculous! You can't hate her forever you know!!"

"Never once said i hate her. Because, i don't. As much as i should, i don't. I hate what she done to me and right now, i don't like her. No, you know what, you're right. See right now, i hate her. Of course i do, i have every right to hate her. She broke my heart on more than one occasion. She made promises that she couldn't keep and while i was missing her she was moving on with you but i won't hate her forever because i can't. But right now, of course i do!"

"You're causing problems in our team! Viv and Leah don't get on and it's affecting us"

"Not my problem. Jordan, a little reminder that i no longer play for Arsenal so that's nothing to do with me. Plus, what Viv does isn't up to me. I can't help if Viv hates Leah or not but she's not the only one"

"Leah doesn't care if your new teammates hate her or not!"

"Cool. I don't care if you hate me or not!"

Mine and Jordan's pitch side argument was brought to an end by Leah who angrily walked over, standing beside her new girl. I just rolled my eyes. But, on the inside, my heart was torn to prices and this wasn't helping. She knows what she's doing. They both do.

"Everything okay, Babe?"
I stared at both of them.

"I was just leaving. Bye Jordan"
I began to walk away but i felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back.

"Get off me!"
I yelled.

"Shut up! Let's talk!"

"I have nothing to say to you anymore Leah. My feelings are clear as are yours"

"I said shut up! We will talk and you don't have a choice!"

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