A Hope In The Flame (Female O...

By ForteExe021

62.7K 1.1K 176

First my honkai impact fanfiction. All in the stories are non-canon, that is mean nothing will affect to the... More

Your Desire
Chapter 01.New Flame
Chapter 02. Vision
Chapter 03. Reason
Extra Chapter 1. The Truth
Chapter 04.Adlehyde
Chapter 05.Promise
Extra Chapter 2. True Feeling
Chapter 07. Home
Chapter 08.Ruin
Chapter 09.Sorrow
Chapter 10.Despair
Extra Chapter 03.Escape
Chapter 11.Hope
Extra Chapter 04. Break
Chapter 12.Past
Chapter 13.Wandering
Extra Chapter 05.Yandere
Chapter 14.Responbility
Chapter 15.Delusion
Extra Chapter 5. Love Is In The Air
Chapter 16.Step To Humanity
Chapter 17. Herrscher of Sentience
Final Chapter. Last Battle
Alternate Ending.Will Of Fire
Christmas Chapter. A Holy Night
Help... Me T_T
Special Chapter 1.Sick
Special Chapter 2.A Moment For Rest
Special Chapter 3.Devil Inside
Special Chapter 4.Working Day
Special Chapter 5.Kiana's Trouble
Special Chapter 06.Another Test
Special Chapter 07. A Duo
Special Chapter 08.Bloodlust
Special Chapter 09.Lab Incident
Status Update

Chapter 06. Desperate

1K 24 0
By ForteExe021

**Time 00:30PM (Afternoon, not night), Hyperion. Training room**
**Nadia's POV**

Nadia : Good, keep that up.

Kiana : *panting* Man... You are hard to read.

Nadia : That is why I do that. Making your movement hard to read will give you advantage to enemy. They will confuse and start aimlessly to target you.

Kiana : Dang. Sure you had more experience than me.

Nadia : Hmph, I ain't that lazy type person like you.

Kiana : Hey, What did you just-!

Nadia : *flick her forehead* Remember what I've said days ago?

Kiana : R-Right... Emotion.

Nadia : Good. Let's take a break now, you need more stamina tomorrow. If there is anything you need, call me. I'll help you up.

Kiana : On it. At least... You make me not to feel stress anymore.

Nadia : Don't mention it. Here *I gave her a bottle of water* I accidently bring more than one.

Kiana : *She take the bottle* Thanks

We both going out from the training room and from far away, I can see Miss Himeko. Seeing her right hand with handsign "come here" directly to me.

Nadia : Kiana, you can go back to our room. Miss Himeko call me.

Kiana : Okay.

Kiana went back to our room, to get some rest. While I go to Miss Himeko because she call me with her handsign to come. I arrive to her and start asking.

Nadia : Yes, Miss Himeko?

Himeko : How's her progress so far?

Nadia : She did got little improvement. But still, I can sense her worriness. Probably because of "that"

Himeko : "that"... Yeah, you right. Guess we can't lose our eye on her.

Nadia : Yes. Well, it is a life promise for protecting her until the time is come.

Himeko : Life promise? You mean?

Nadia : Well... Sorry if I said this. What I mean is... Sacrifice have to be make.

Himeko : ...Nadia-chan. You sure about this?

Nadia : Miss Himeko, you can trust me. I don't have any willing to kill her even she is being controlled. I never forget that words. The one who left their friends behind is worse than a scum.

Himeko just stand silent, her face is bit red... Hope she is not angry to me. Dammit... Why I have to say this out loud to her?

Himeko : Alright... But, you have to remember what Principal Theresa said to you.

When she said that, it really remind me what Principal Theresa said. "Mother"... She want me to call her like that if... My rank reach to S rank. Now, it is my turn to look down and feel bit shy. I know I lost my mother like 15 years. Miss Theresa did take care of me like my mother. I don't even care if Miss Theresa is human made of the legendary Valkryie named Kallen Kaslana and Honkai Beast Vishnu's genes by Otto Apocalypse or Miss Theresa's grandfather. As long Miss Theresa has a heart like normal human, Miss Theresa still a human. And of course, Miss Theresa power is more powerful than me.

Himeko : W-Well... This getting awkward.

Nadia : *scratches my back head* I guess so... But thanks for reminding me about Principal's promise, miss Himeko. *smile*

We both then start to walk to our own room. While walking to my room, I'm still thinking... If Kiana turn into a Herrscher... Am I strong enough to stop? If Miss Himeko help me to stop her... I must help her. I don't want to see one of my beloving person is gone... Again. I have enough with this stupid sacrifice. Doing this to call victory? Nonsense. I stop my walking, not even close to my room.

Nadia : *punch the wall beside me with my left hand. I didn't realize my left hand is now bleeding* Dammit!

Mei : N-Nadia-san?

I didn't realize that Mei-senpai was right in front of me. I start to look away and holding my left hand.

Mei : W-What are you doing? Why you punching the wall until bleeding?

Nadia : I-It's... Nothing. I'm fine if you asking.

Mei : *sigh* Come with me *she hold my right hand, turn me to her and we both start walking*

**At canteen**
**Mei's POV**

Mei : Nadia-san... Can I see your left hand?

Nadia : I said I'm fine. Thanks...

Mei : *I insist myself to hold her left hand and Nadia feels bit hurt when I'm holding it* See, you are not okay. Here, let me help you.

I put a bit alcohol that I took from medical box into her left hand. Afterthat, I wrap it with bandage.

Mei : There you go. Looks better now.

Nadia : ...

Mei : You thinking something?

Nadia : ...Yeah

Mei : About this mission or something?

Nadia : It just... I don't know...

Mei : Worrying about Kiana-chan?

Nadia : ...Yes. Last night when me and Kiana have our training... Kiana's body got controlled by Sirin.

Mei : Oh my...

Nadia : I didn't hurt her, of course. But my question is, Am I capable to protect her? Even you, Bronya, Miss Himeko and Miss Theresa? I feel I just burdening you all.

Mei : Nadia-san... You never will. We glad that we have you on our side. Helping a friend is better than being alone and never care about everything. Let me ask you a question. Did you ever protect someone you love before?

Nadia : *she nod her head, saying yes* Miss Theresa. She is the first one who I protect.

Mei : Did she feel happy everytime you next with her?

Nadia : She feels comfortable and having someone to understand each other. She said to me

Mei : Would you like to tell me the story, how you protect her and why Miss Theresa love you?

Nadia : It was long ago, when I was 15 years old. That day, me and Miss Theresa practicing about tag team, fighting against A.I controlled Mech. Few minutes, we doing well but suddenly, one of the Mech is out of control, causing to lockdown in training room. I was panic and can't even move. Miss Theresa yell at me to keep calm and focus on the enemy. I tried... I tried. But... I fail. The Mech about to punch me when suddenly, Miss Theresa push me and she got launch to the wall by the Mech and knock her out. From that, I'm really angry and destroying the Mech with my Phoenix. It burn until explode into pieces.

**Nadia's POV**

I was panting after I use my Phoenix to burn and explode that Mech. The lockdown system got shutdown when the Mech is no longer in here. The door is unlock.

Nadia : Oh my... Miss Theresa!

I rush to her and she still unconscious. When I hold her back, I suddenly feel weird on my hand. When I look on it, it was... Blood.

Nadia : No, no, no, no! Miss Theresa... Miss Theresa! Wake up! Wake up!

I will not shake her because it will make the wound worst. I can't do anything except... Just holding her while crying.

Nadia : Please... Wake up... Don't die like this...

Himeko : Nadia-chan!

Suddenly, Himeko come to training room. Surprise what she saw right on her eyes, she suddenly rush to me and Miss Theresa.

Himeko : Let's bring her to medical bay.

Nadia : O-Ok...

**Timeskip, At Medical bay**

As the doctor checking her body with X-ray, the doctor just relax and didn't have any expression what he just see.

Nadia : H-How's Miss Theresa condition?

Doctor : Don't worry. Miss Theresa has ability to her herself. If you can see everything on X-ray, her bones are normal. You should see her now, she want to talk with you both.

Himeko : Alright. Thanks, Doctor.

We both went to Miss Theresa's room in medical bay. Miss Theresa just sitting on the bed and seeing outside view through the window. She heard the door open and turn her head to us.

Theresa : Ah, Nadia and Himeko.

I rush to her, hugging her while crying. She patting my head to calm me down.

Himeko : How you doing?

Theresa : Well, the wound is start to close by itself.

Himeko : Good to hear *sit on the sofa next to Miss Theresa's bed*

Nadia : I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Theresa : It's okay, Nadia. Look. I'm totally fine. That Mech won't even kill me. You did pretty well on this practice.

Nadia : But... Nadia didn't do anything except... Panic.

Theresa : It is your first time you have to face that situtation. Remember, you have to stay calm, make a plan and keep focus on your enemy. We won't know what they will do

Nadia : *I nod my head, saying yes* I will...

Himeko : Because you only have one free day, try not to push yourself. Nadia-chan, Can I leave this to you?

Nadia : ...You sure?

Himeko : Well, just help when she want to eat and accompany her all the time.

Theresa : Hey, I'm not a little kid, you know. I can eat by myself.

Himeko : Doctor said don't move too much.

Theresa : Really? *sigh* Fine.

Nadia : ...Okay.

Himeko : I'll bring your stuff to here, Nadia-chan. I leave you both for ten minutes.

Himeko left the room and she went to my bedroom, to take few of my stuff so I can sleep here. I'm still sitting on her bed, didn't let go the hug.

Theresa : You become more clingy this time, eh?

Nadia : Miss Theresa... You are... Warm. Like my mom...

Theresa : *smile* I see. Nadia, I can say the same to you. With you around, I feel comfortable and able to talk with someone that can understand each other.

Nadia : You think so?

Theresa : Yes, I am. I would never lie to you.

Nadia : ...Yeah. I promise, I would do better next time.

Theresa : I hope to see it soon. So far, you're doing great.

Nadia : Thanks, Miss Theresa.

Theresa : You're welcome. Why don't you take that apple, peel it off, cut it and eat with me?

Nadia : E-Eh?

Theresa : Sharing is caring, hehehe *smile with cute happy face*

Nadia : O-Okay.

I let go from the hug and start doing what she said. When I try peel the apple slowly, I feel bit shaking on my right hand. Suddenly, Miss Theresa pat my head.

Theresa : Calm down. If you keep doing like that, you will cut your own finger.

As she said that, I feel bit calmer and continue peel and cut the apple without being worried. I put all sliced apple to the plate.

Nadia : It's done.

Theresa : Nice girl.

I take one of the slice and feed it to Miss Theresa slowly.

Theresa : Mmmmmmm... Sweet. Why don't try it?

I try the apple and Miss Theresa is right... It taste sweet and juicy. Miss Theresa take another slice but this time, she want to feed it to me.

Theresa : Say ah~

I feel bit shy and slowly open my mouth, bite the apple and eat it.

Theresa : *giggle*

Her giggle... Always make me even more calm and I start to smile.

Himeko : Well, well, well. Isn't this a cute reunion?

Suddenly, Himeko appear right behind me with smug face and holding my stuff.

Theresa : Hi.Me.Kooooo~

Himeko : Hahaha, just kidding. Here you go, Nadia-chan. I'll put your bag on the table.

Nadia : Thank you, Miss Himeko. Sorry if I bother you.

Himeko : Anything for cutie like you, I'm always fine. Oh well, I got job to do. If there is anything you need, call me.

Nadia : Okay.

Himeko left the room and waving goodbye to us.

Theresa : Nadia, soon you will learn everything about battlefield, Honkai's history and more in Saint Freya. I can't wait to see you grow like your father.

I just silent, feeling even more shy and bit not confident.

Nadia : I... Don't know if I... Can become strong like... Papa.

Theresa : You will. You must keep your dream inside your head. Always believe in yourself. Do not let your emotion control you. Remember, me and Miss Himeko always on your back. We will help you to achieve your dream.

As she said that, I start to get my confident back and reply her with smile.

Nadia : Thank you... Miss Theresa

**Flashback End. Back to Present time. Still at Nadia's POV**

Nadia : ...That's all.

Mei : *she pat my head* See? Miss Theresa give her trust to you. Even us as well. So, don't give up hope. Well, I'm afraid that Kiana-chan waiting for you. Why don't you check up on her? I have to help the chef in here to cook a meal for tonight. I'll see you at 7P.M

Nadia : Alright... Mei-senpai... Thanks for letting me to hear my stories and patching my wound.

Mei : It's fine. *smile*

Her gentle smile... That also make me feel bit comfortable. At least, Mei-senpai understand me more. I left the canteen and heading back to Kiana and my room.

Nadia : *chuckles* Now look at me.. Being cheered by Mei-senpai. Better keep clear in my head.

**Chapter 06 is done. Yeah, lot of flashbacks on few chapters. There is one point I did that. Is to make you deeper to know about Nadia. Enjoy :)**

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