The Cure For Depression | Tok...

By Toadmuncher

56.5K 1.8K 2.8K

CRINGE WARNING⚠️ Chifuyu👼 DORITOS NAW IM NEVER EATING THOSE AGAIN Baji🔥 Why tf were you eating the coo ran... More

The Gang's All Here🤚
Takemichi...more like Thiccimitchy😩
I still need your profile pics!!!!
Slumber party!! Draken has a secret?
Update- apologies🦋
The Park Bathroom
Girlboss ✨💪😼
Sun and Sandwiches
Man, fuck them kids bru😒
😈Thing 1 & Thing 2👿
Mini Chapter- My Name in Ur Phone🥸
Dawg imma need that hair routine
New year new me😜
Fuck around & Find out
Shits and giggles

Slumber party pt.3- Well that was akward...

2.3K 77 136
By Toadmuncher

"HAHAHAAHAH YA'LL IM PLAYIN .....not." I laughed off the silence and stood up. I forgot how dark it was in the house when all the lights are off. Draken reached over to the table and felt around for his phone. He squinted at the light from the screen illuminating his sharp features."it's only 10:15 Pm. Since theres no power...theres no TV. We don't know how long it's gonna be out, so...anybody got any ideas!"




Mikey shot up from the couch, milk from his cereal bowl slightly spilling onto Chifuyu's head. "AH COLD!"

"You hear that ken-chin? They said it's marvelous. That means we are required to hear it. Go on Y/N!!" Draken sighed deeply as he placed his phone in his pocket. "Fine. Go on."

"I have a flashlight in the garage, I was thinking we could playe hide and seek in the dark." I said with a sly tone, trying to seem as creepy and mysterious as I can.  I pressed my fingertips together. Deep down I only wanted to get the chance to scare one of the guys. Hakkai? No. Chifuyu? Takemitchy? No their too easy. I need to try to scare someone who likes to act tough. Hmmm... Mabye baji? He was trying to hard to be the tough guy during the movie, so it should be fun to get a rise out of him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of harsh hiccups. "Aft- hic* after a horrror -hic* movie? N- hic* No way!" Hakkai shivered and wrapped himself in a fuzzy blanket, immediately gluing himself back onto Mitsuya.

" I think that sounds fun actually." I still couldn't see shit, but I could tell who's voice it was, it was Draken's. I was honestly shocked at his words. "I figured you would immediately start complaining or saying "oh, hide and seek's for kids Y/N." I said in a dumb mocking voice.


"You such a fucking bully, Y/N L/N" Draken sank into the couch further.

"Thank you bby gorl. So who's gonna be it?"

Baji stood up and raised his hand in the air "1-2-3 NOT IT!"

Unanimous "Not it's" filled the air, but Takemitchy was in in lala land on the floor. Probably thinking about Hina's ass or something. "WAIT WHAT?!? NO RESTART! I WASN'T READY!"

"Sucks to suck asswipe! Your it!" Baji nudged Takemitchy with his foot to get him off his ass.

Takemitchy put his hands up in defence "Aagh fine! But get your cheesy carpet clenchers off of me!"

"Let me go get the flashlights." I stepped over chifuyu and stuck my arms out to try to feel around. Fuck... it's so dark. Shuffling my way through the darkness, I made it out of the living room and past the kitchen. The distant thunder rumbling through the walls only creeped me out more. And other than the muffled chatter of boys, the silence was thick. It felt like the air was more suffocating. And since the power is out, I can feel it getting colder in the house by the minute.

I eventually made my way to the hallway that leads to the utility room. keeping my right hand on the wall, I guided myself through the seemingly endless halway. I hope mike myers doesn't pop out the fucking dryer and paint the walls with my guts. I just did a load of whites.

After what seemed like an eternity of trying to move my blind ass through the house I made it to the garage. I slowly twisted the doorknob, making a clicking sound. The hinges of the door let out a long, ear splitting screech as I stepped into the much colder room. The sound of howling wind and heavy raindrops cascading the metal garage door reverberated in the room, making me shiver. I let out a deep sigh and crossed my arms over my torso. "If it wasn't pitch black, I could probably see my breath."

The cold concrete pressing against the bottom of my bare feet as I approached the work bench only raised my goosebumps even more. I snatched the small flashlight off the bench and swiftly walked back into the hallway. I never wanna do that shit again.

"Hey! I got the flas- AHHH!!"  I stepped on what I think must've been a toy car. The wheels swept under me and slung me onto the cold wood floor, the impact making a loud thud. I heard an array of footsteps swiftly running in my direction. "Oh my God Y/N are you alright?" I grabbed the elbow I landed on as Chifuyu knelt at my side. "HOLY MOTHER OF PUSSY GODDAMNIT KATO!" I let out with a strained yell, the radiating pain in my arm making me roll around.

Baji picked up the flashlight on the floor and shined it down on me. I blinked furiously from the sudden light "Well thats what you get for being a dumbass. Why the fuck didn't you use the flashlight as soon as you got it?" Draken snickered from beside him, earning an annoyed growl out of me.

"Let me help you up Y/N." Hakkai leaned down and stuck his long arm out. I firmly took his hand as he hoisted me into a standing position. My vision went blurry and my head felt like it was gonna fall off for a second. Fucking low iron. "Thanks hehe." I massaged my arm for a moment.

Mitsuya placed a hand on his hip and another on my shoulder "Wow our Y/N is SO smart and graceful!" He had an annoying and sarcastic tone that made me want to commit capital murder.


Baji busted out in laughter "FISHY QUEEF?"


Draken let out a deep sigh "this bitch really didn't think about using the flashlight they got two seconds ago. You are so pitiful Y/N." He pinched the bridge of his nose before tossing the flashlight to Takemitchy, who barely caught it.

"What the fuck ever. Start counting, Thiccymitchy."


"You thought wrong, head to the utility-room bitch boy... and count to a minute!" I said as he began to walk off, earning a stifled laugh from Baji.

"Fine." He clicked the light on and continued to mope down the hallway.

As soon as I turned around I noticed a few missing figures. "Wait. Did someone already go to hide?" I lowered my voice down to a whisper.

"Yeah, Hakkai and Mikey did." It was quiet, but im pretty sure the voice was mitsuya.

"Wow im surprised Hakkai went without you, let alone by himself." I rolled my eyes sarcastically, obviously no one noticing.

Mitsuya chuckled to himself. Our hushed giggles were interrupted by the sound of the utility door closing. Takemitchy began counting. And frankly, none of us knew if he was a fast counter or not, so as soon as the door shut, we scattered. I didn't care where the others were hiding. I already knew my perfect spot.

I placed my hands on the wall as I guided myself through the darkness. With Kato's death traps placed around, I wasn't gonna take any chances. Eventually, I shuffled to the stairwell and got on my hands and knees.

I galloped up the stairs like a fuckin horse girl before pausing at the top. Takemitchy should be at about 15 counts about now. Ive got time.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a shuffling sound coming from the bathroom. It startled me a bit considering it was pitch black, but I knew it had to be one of the guys. To the right of the stairs was my room, and further down the hall was my bathroom then Kato's room. But, at the very end of the hall was another door. The office.

Inside the office was my hiding spot. I placed my hand on the wall and tip-toed down the dark corridor. I memorized where all the creaks in the floor where so my mom wouldn't catch me when I snuck out, so the chances of Takemitchy hearing my location was slim.

When I made it to the end of the hall, I slowly turned the knob and walked in. To my left was a closet. No too obvious.

To my right was a large wooden desk. There was a door on the side of it that is disguised as a set of drawers. Inside was a space that was just big enough to fit a person. However, the last time I crawled in there was when I was nine.

I knelt down on my knees and slowly squeezed my shoulders into the opening. It felt like every joint in my body popped as I contorted my body to try and fit. I cursed under my breath "Fuck, why is this so hard?"

I eventually rotated my body into the fetal position and shut the door from the inside. At this point I was out of breath, but I couldn't afford to give away my position with heavy breaths, and the stuffy smell of cobwebs and childhood trauma made it even harder to get oxygen. I wonder if Takemitchy is done counting.

There was a moment of stillness. Despite being cramped inside a desk, I still felt a draft sweep under the door. But the silence was interrupted with another loud, vibrating bang of thunder, making my ears ring a bit. I will admit, this was pretty scary, I can't even see my hand in front of my face until a brief flash of lightning illuminated the room. Then, darkness again. I hugged my bruised knees tighter, and folded my head over my lap.


I popped my head back up a bit. That was Takemitchy. Did he find someone in another room?


Yep. I know that voice; he found draken. I knew his big ass would get found.


Shit. How long has it been? 20 minutes? I can hear them downstairs waiting. But where's Takemitchy? Fuck, its so cramped in here, im suffocating. This is taking too long, Im gonna piss myself.

I felt my bladder cramp every time I shifted in my spot. The competitive side of me says to stay here, but i gotta pee so bad im sweating. Ok. The bathroom is down the hall. I know where the creaks in the floor are so I have the advantage. I just gotta time it right.

Just then. As if it was on cue, I heard Takemitchy walk down the stairs whispering to the others. "Hey guys I think Y/N is down here. Can you guys help me look?" This is my chance.

I slipped out from under the desk and briefly sprawled out on the floor. "Yes. *huff* Oh fresh air!" I placed my hands on my knees to hoist myself up. I felt like some grandma when every joint in my body cracked. My abdomen twisted with pressure once again. "Oh shit."

I knew time was running out. I placed my hand on the knob and cracked the door open about an inch. Scanning the hall and living room below me for anyone. The coast is clear. I slipped out of the room and ran to the bathroom. Every step I took felt like my bladder was gonna pop.

I swiftly went into the bathroom and locked the knob. "Oh fuck fuck fuuuuuuck." Thanks to the candle by the sink, I could faintly see what I was doing. I wasted no time to drop my shorts and slam my ass onto the toilet. I sighed with relief as Niagara falls poured into the toiled. (If you pee standing up just pretend you did that!) "Fuck. One more second and I would've been toast."

"I'd say...."

At the sound of a deep voice next to me, I came to the sudden and horrific realization that I had to piss so bad, I never checked the bathroom for other people.

I slowly turned my head to see a certain raven haired man staring back at me from on top of the counter. For a second, no words were exchanged between us. Just the dim flickering of the candle and the sound of my own piss filling the porcelain bowl beneath my naked ass cheeks.

"AAAAAAGHHH WHAT THE ACTUAL SHET BAJI?!!?!!?!" I folded my arm over my lap and rapid fired toilet paper rolls at him with the other. Baji threatened to fall off the countertop as he deflected the rocketed shots of TP.




I felt my face get hot. What the fuckkkk why didn't he say anything when I walked in? I quickly wiped and shot back up, fixing the waistband in my shorts. I heard a groan from Baji. "UGH can I turn around now? Your taking forever."

"Bitch you've been facing the wall for ten fucking seconds. Grow up you sound like a little girl. And get those fugly, rancid floor slappers off my counter."

Baji turned to jumped off of the sink, shooting me a scowl. "DAMN BITCH YOU DIDNT HAVE TO DISS MY FEET..."

I returned the look and "angerly" flushed the toilet.

I guess I didn't realize how loud we were until I noticed a rumbling sound resonate in the walls. I thought it was thunder until it stopped right before the door flung open.

"ARE YOU OKAY I HEARD SCREAMING AND BANGING?!" Takemitchy panted with his hands resting on his knees. He was the only one who genuinely looked worried. It was hard to see everyone, but Draken had a horrified look on his face, and Chifuyu's hand was glued to his mouth.

I stood confused. "What? Whats with the look?"

"Y/N... what the fuck happened in here? Baji why are you in here too?" Mitsuya peeked over Chifuyu's shoulder and scanned the room. It wasn't until then that I realized the bathroom was a disaster. Towels and toilet paper littered the floor and everything by the sink had been knocked over. Even my clothes and hair were disheveled.


Before Baji or I could even get a word in, Mikey blurted out in a tired voice. "They been fuckin..."

"OH NO. NO NO NO! That is NOT it." I saw Baji almost gag. Damn well you didn't have to be like that...

Mitsuya crossed his arms and cocked his brow, clearly curious about this... predicament. "Well what WERE you doing?"


"Peeing......with Baji in here?"

I heard a snicker out of Draken. That bitch ass. "Yeah....BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! I was hiding and Thiccymitchy was taking for-fucking-ever so I had to pee super bad.... so bad that I kinda ran in here and didn't see Baji."

"Yeah, then they freaked the fuck out and started throwing shit at me." Baji added giving me a side-eye.

It seemed our explanation was accepted other than earning a chuckle or two out of Takemitchy. I was honestly expecting them to blow it way out of proportion. I mean... if I were in their point of view, I sure would.

I was about to move my way towards the door when the lights finally flickered back on. My eyes had been so used to the dark house that it felt like hot needles bore into my sockets for a while. I rubbed my eyes and blinked away the spots in my vision. "Thank God. The power's back."

"Does that mean we can finish the movie?" Takemitchy said excitedly. Damn, just an hour ago this kid would be scared of his own shadow.

"Uh, sure. Hey DORKen, whats the time?"

"Like 11:25. And don't call me that, nasty ho."

Mikey yanked on Draken's shirt like an annoying little kid. "Ken-chin im tired." He let out a rather aggressive yawn. Man, he looks like he's gonna collapse.

"Ugh fine...lets go down and finish the movie..." Draken groaned as he hoisted the smaller boy onto his back, who appeared to have almost instantly fallen asleep. Is that even possible? I can't even fall asleep without my damn antidepressants...

We did end up finishing the movie. Just when Hakkai would het his hiccups to stop, another jump-scare would set him off again. I try to savor the moments where we can just laugh it up and screw around like kids, because a part of me constantly reminds me that it won't always be this way. A part of me doesn't want to grow up.

Theres something about laughing till you can't breathe over some silly shit that is so relieving. It's a better high than any drug, or medicine could possibly ever deliver. I haven't known them long, but I can already tell that these goofy ass boys are the ride or die type. To me, thats worth more than life itself.

Dammit Baji, I was gonna scare you...but I guess it ended up the opposite.



Im so sorry ive been literally ghosting y'all, but i needed a short hiatus due to a severe mental burnout. Im doing better tho!

I hope you enjoyed this 3000 word chapter! I'm terribly sorry if the end felt a little bit rushed and there's a few typos. I love you all so much and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the love and support I've been getting! I love reading your hilarious comments and seeing that I get to make you guys laugh. My purpose is to make someone's day at least a little bit better and I hope that I get to do that for you.


Thank you for 4000 reads❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭

This chapter was brought to you by my toad, Patti❤️

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