The Baker and the Basketball...


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Sōdai Kessaku's family owns a small bakery in Tokyo, life is ever unchanging and she's happy with that. That... Еще

Chapter 1 - The Magnificent
Chapter 2 - My Bakery
Chapter 3 - New Hair?
Chapter 4 - Welcome Home
Chapter 5 - Our Date
Chapter 6 - Batsu
Chapter 7 - Rooftop Romance
Chapter 8 - The Ace of Teiko
Chapter 9 - Generation of Miracles
Chapter 10 - Confessions of the Heart
Chapter 11 - Another Chance
Chapter 13 - A kind voice
Chapter 14 - Seirin?
Chapter 15 - Date
Chapter 16 - Aomine vs Kise
Chapter 17 - Sit Out.?!!!
Chapter 18 - Tōō vs Rakuzan
Chapter 19 - Determination
Chapter 20 - Goodbye Tokyo
Chapter 21 - Winter Tournament
Chapter 22 - Twisted Words
Chapter 23- Feelings Change
Chapter 24- My Worth
Chapter 25- The End
Extra- Sōdai's Middle School
Extra - Honeymoon 🍋

Chapter 12 - Sit and Look Pretty

3.6K 102 25

"Why do you insist on coming to my house every night these days." I sighed looking at Aomine's drenched body.

"I wanted to try those things you were making with the butter."

"Croissants, and go take a shower!"

He laughed and disappeared into my house. "I swear moms gonna kill me for the water bill." Most nights my mother is out singing at this supposed famous adult club, she gets paid but mostly she does it for fun. Luckily for me she's never been here when Aomine comes..

I wiped down the counters and washed the dishes, finally I took the croissant dough out the freezer and the butter out of the fridge, I had to wait for the both to get softer. I preheated the oven to 350° and got out some chocolate as I waited, carefully shaved off a few dozen chocolate curls.

I heard the door going into the house open and saw Aomine with MY towel over his head. "That's mine."

"Yeah I could tell, didn't peg you for a pink kind of person." He said walking over to see what I was doing.

"Only pastel pink." I said grabbing the towel off of his head and snapping it at him, he jumped out of the way but it still knicked him.

"Ye ouch Kessy that's dangerous." He fake pouted.

I tossed it back to him and began to roll the butter into the dough, to make sure it stays in you fold the dough to where no butter can be seen, once rolled out fold it again on its long side and then once more.

"So why do you gotta fold it so many times?"

"So it will get layers."

"I've never had a croissant before."

I stopped rolling and looked up at him, he was standing behind me watching what I was doing carefully. "Yes you have, but prepare to be amazed." After rolling it out thinly a final time I cut the dough into triangles, I held one of the triangles up to Aomine's head and then threw it at him, it stuck to his face with a slapping noise. I burst out laughing as he slowly peeled it off.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny."

I gestured for him to stand beside me, I moved half of the dough in front of him and showed him how to roll the chocolate curls into the dough.

By the end, all of the croissants were made. Aomine's were a bit funky looking but they all taste the same.

"Into the oven they go.

After about 30 minutes of me and Aomine arguing which popsicle flavor was the best the oven beeped, I took them out carefully as the smell wafted through the bakery.

"That smells so goooood." Aomine said.

"Careful they're hot." I plated one for Aomine and gave him a fork, as he tried it, a euphoric smile entered his face. "These are the best things I've ever eaten."
Kuroko's POV

"Kuroko I can't believe you went to meet your old teammate and that girl without me!"

"Sorry, maybe next time. Besides we're bound to meet them on the court someday."

"You're impossible."
Sōdai's POV

"So let me get this straight, you're asking me if I want to sit with the Tōō team during all games?" I asked the handsome basketball coach, he had stopped me outside of my classroom right after the end of the day bell rang.

"Yes.. well, we've all seen how Aomine is when you're involved and I think it could be a good experience right? Plus you're not in a club."

"Well, I did plan on going to all of Tōō's games but the ones that are far away might be a problem."

"No worries! You can ride on the bus with us!"

I sighed. "Okay fine I'll do it, let me call my mom real quick."



"Hey mom, I just wanted to let you know that I've decided to uh... kind of help manage the basketball club during their games, I won't be able to work for a while if that's okay with you."

"Oh course it's okay! You're finally making friends!!!" Mother cheered happily.

"Ehh, I never really had much of a problem with that in the first place."

"Non sense, bring that cute boy over more often!" She yelled before hanging up, how'd she even know about Aomine coming over?

"Okay, it's settled."

"Great! We have another game tomorrow."

"Okay I'll be there."
"Uhm, Sōdai, what are you doing here?" Aomine said as he saw me walk into the locker room the team was in, I looked up to see a bunch of tall males staring at me with curiosity and confusion.

"..Ohh that's right, your coach told me to sit on the bench during the game!" I said cheerfully, "You know, to make sure you behave." I shot a look at Aomine, who quickly averted my gaze.

"Pfft, hello Kessaku, I'm Imayoshi." A slimy looking snake man with glasses said walking up to me and bowing.

I introduced myself back. Immediately I could tell that this man in front of me was fueled by pure selfishness and desire. Perhaps they all were.

"I-I'm Sakurai!!" An adorable nervous boy said bowing to me.

"Haha, nice to meet you." The rest of the team got acquainted with me, and finally the coach said we should head out to the gym. I followed beside Momoi, not wanting to catch too much attention. As we neared the gym I heard the announcers say Tōō's name, bright lights and cheering filled my senses as the doors opened, I quickly followed Momoi to the bench as the team began to warm up.

"This is so exciting!" Momoi said happily.

I laughed. "Yeah it is."

As the tip off began Wakamatsu caught the ball and immediately threw it to Aomine who had a crazy smile on his face, wow.. his gameplay is completely different than what I saw last time, so much more passion and flow, it was amazing to see!

Quickly the score gap widened, everytime the other team tried to score Aomine would jump unbelievably high and block them.

"Isn't he doing too much? Will he run out of steam?" I asked Momoi who had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Normally he would.. atleast the old Aomine would, but this new Aomine seems to have unlocked something deep down within his body allowing himself to reach new heights, I doubt he'll be losing steam, if anything he's just getting started." She smirked evilly.

"He's, amazing.."

She giggled at me.

By the end of the first quarter an amazing 76-4 lead was at way, the boys came to the bench and inhaled water.

"You guys are doing incredible! You're scoring over 6 points a minute!!"

"Yeah but it's exhausting trying to keep up with him." Wakamatsu said through gasps.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" Aomine smirked at him.

"I guess, who knew you were capable of this though.."

"That IS crazy, it's not like the other team is bad either, you guys are completely destroying them though."

"Instead of trying to keep up with him, continue to pass Aomine the ball." The coach said.

"What! That's ridiculous!" Wakamatsu yelled.

"Okay then don't complain." He said smiling.

Yeesh... the buzzer rang and the boys went back out.

Just like Momoi said, Aomine still hasn't ran out of gas, in fact I think he's going even faster now.

At the end of the second quarter the score was 160-13.

"And now for our halftime show!!!! Would anyone like to volunteer?"

"What? do they seriously want to improvise that.?" I said judgingly, unfortunately the man heard me and pointed towards me to go into the middle of the court.

"You there! Do I see a volunteer?"

"No! No! No-AGH"

Before I knew it, Aomine had pushed me off the bench and I was in the middle of the court..

"I'm going to kill you." I hissed at him.

"Coach let's stay up here during halftime." Aomine said smirking.

"No problems here."

"Now young lady, I'm going to turn on a song and YOU'RE going to dance to it!!!"


"You heard me!! Play the music!" He yelled.

"Don't use me as a scapegoat for your bad plannning!" I yelled as he ran off court.

"Well either dance or sing doesn't matter to me!!"
I could hear Aomine burst out in laughter, the man tossed me the mic and I caught it, regretting my life choices, as the music began to play I realized I knew the song.

Oh's the song my stupid brother listens to in the shower every day, Readymade by Ado, all of a sudden like it was second nature I began to sing the lyrics.. I'll admit listening to the song everyday for the past month got it stuck in my head.. and I liked it a lot, though I'd never admit it to my brother.

As I sang my surroundings began to blur, I got so into it that I didn't even notice people filming me, I had a deeper voice than most people so it was more unique, making it perfect for this song (the song at the beginning of the chapter)

As I sang the last note I came back to my senses realizing everyone was staring at me in shock.

"Surprise... I like to sing yay." I said trying to offset the awkwardness.

The crowd abrupted in cheers as everyone was screaming with adrenaline at my performance, my face got beat red and I slowly walked back to the bench, I sat down. They all turned to look at me with their mouths open.

"Don't even mention it." I said as they quickly looked away, the game started back again and they went back on court, I held my breath as Momoi was still looking at me.

"Sōdai.." She said while moving her eyebrows up and down with a stupid look on her face.

"Ahh watch the game!"

"No! Tell me why you've never mentioned you're a good singer!!!"

"It wasn't relevant! Besides I only sing for fun while I'm at home, it's not like I'd do it for sport."

"Hmm okay..."

The final score ended up being 303-32 it was an overwhelming victory, "Oh great this'll be on the news again.."

"Not just them but you too!" Momoi said pulling out her phone showing me a video of me singing surfing the internet.

"THAT WAS FAST!" I scanned the crowd glaring trying to find the culprit. "Great! It hasn't even been 30 minutes and it's gone viral!"

"Haha I wouldn't be surprised if you got scouted by the jpop companies."

"No way."

"Sōdai!!" Aomine said running up to me with a bright smile on his face, I smiled back and gave him a hug, a slightly sweaty and smelly hug but it's the thought that counts.

"Ewwwwww." I said jokingly.

He tapped my forehead. "You didn't tell me you could sing."

"You didn't ask."

"True I guess."
Kise's POV

Ugh I'm so bored, I can't believe I have to wait two days till our game.

"Whatcha doin." My teammate said looking over my shoulder.

"Scrolling through insta, mind your business!!" As soon as I said that a video with a familiar looking girl popped up.

"What the fuck? SHE SINGS?!!!"
Sōdai's POV,

"SŌDAI YOU'RE VIRAL AGAIN LOOK AT THIS" My brother said attempting to run into my room, I threw a pillow at the door shutting it on his face.


"I can't delete others posts sorry! Besides there's hundreds of videos from different perspectives uploaded of you! You're famous!"

"Shut up!"
Aomine's POV

"Poor Sōdai, she just can't catch a break." I chuckled as I saw our game on national television, again.. it wasn't just me they we're talking about though. It was also "mysterious girl who dragged star basketball player off court sings too?!"

"Looks like you really were destined for magnificence.."

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