Our Story is Forever (Camren)

By lovenlike-camren

232K 4K 1K

Basic high school love story. Popular Lauren and basic Camila fall in love. What if love is the only thing th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Final Chapter 21

Chapter 16

6.5K 112 54
By lovenlike-camren

Camila POV

I finally got home from school on a Friday. The day Ryan and I are having our first date. Well only after I asked him out of course. I feel like I have every right to now that Lauren clearly doesn't want me in her life.

I found my mom in the kitchen cooking getting ready for dinner like always. Im assuming she is expecting my dad anytime soon. She's a good mother and a wife I guess. Which reminds me, a good daughter asks to go out right?

"Hola Mama" I kiss her on the cheek and figure out what smells so good.

"Hola mija, how was school" She asked as she set the table.

"Good, I have a date with Ryan tonight, I hope that is okay" I try easing into the conversation.

"I don't know Mila, You just got out a relationship" she explained.

"Mama, please, he is willing to meet you and I will be back before 11 I promise" I tried convincing. I saw the way she pondered on my offer.

"Okay, fine." I thanked her as I walked up to my room.

As I took off my shoes and sat on my bed I started to wonder whether or not she allowed it because I was finally going out with a guy. I remember how they felt about her when I first went out with her. But at the same time they always supported me.

I looked at the time and realized I only had 2 hours to get ready. I stared at my closet. What do I usually wear on a date? Well Lauren likes.. Lauren! In that same second I realized I still had no messages from Lauren. I don't understand why I keep waiting when I know she is not going to contact me. But my heart loves her too much. I keep thinking she is going to sweep me off my feet and say she wants me forever. That what she's done was stupid. If she did, I will take her back, no matter how much she has hurt me. I love her, more than anyone else.

I sound like a crazy woman. But Lauren is the love of my life. The heart wants what the heart wants. Then why am I going out with Ryan? Right; so I can move on. So I can get back at Lauren for all the pain she has caused me.

I find myself looking at my phone waiting for the call. I think in reality it's not to get back at her but to fill this empty space. This is for my benefit so I can feel love again.
I sighed. I got up and walked to my closet to look for the appropriate outfit for tonight. Is there an outfit that screams, I'm interested but only until my ex calls? But then again why would I want that?

I finally found the outfit for my date tonight. Peach color blouse and gray skinny jeans. Not to fancy but still very cute. I look a look at my shoes and I went with small heals to make it more fitting and not too causal. I took another look at the mirror and smiled at myself. Proud of my outfit.

I took another look at my phone, still nothing. I sighed.

I decided to put some music on to make me feel more relaxed. I went to my dresser and started to retouch my hair and make it curly. Then I started to apply some make up. Not to overdo it but just enough. About an hour past and I was just about ready for my date.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture and put it online. I was so proud of how I looked. I closed my phone and set it down. I went to my restroom to put on some perfume when I heard my phone ring. I wasn't a phone call but a text message. I felt my stomach turn into knots.

Could that really be it? Can it be Lauren? Maybe she saw my picture and wants to compliment me. Maybe she wants me back. Nervously I went back to my dresser and unlocked my phone.

It was just Ryan. I was disappointed but at the same time I knew it was too good to be true.

I opened Ryan's message. *On my way I hope you're ready :)*

I smiled slightly. I grabbed my purse and went down stairs to worn my parents.

"He should be here any minute" I said as my parents looked at me.

My father was on the couch watching television as my mom sat next to him reading.

"You look nice honey, I hope to meet this boy" My dad said as he mutes the tv.
Before I answer there is a knock on the door. Ryan.

I feel my heart pound a little. Why was I so nervous, I don't like him that much? Plus I'm still waiting for Lauren to call. But I know that is not happening.

My dad opens the door. "Hello sir, pleasure to meet you my name is Ryan."

My dad motions for him to come in. My mother walks up to him and shakes his hand.
"I want her back by 10:30 and not a minute late." My dad said somewhat intimidating.

"Take care of my little girl"

"Will do sir, thank you, goodnight" He smiled.

Ryan walked me outside and hold the door open to his car. Such a gentlemen. He slightly jogs to the driver side. "I hope you're hungry beautiful" He smiled. We drove to a nice restaurant. Not too fancy but nice.

"What you like to eat?" He asked once we were finally sitting and looking at our menu.

"Uhm.. Pasta sounds good what do you think?" I smile at him.

"Pasta it is." He motion the waiter to come. He ordered for the both of us.

"So Camila beautiful Cabello" he looked at me. I put my hands together and blushed. Here he go. Starting with the compliments.

"Yes?" I answer innocently.

"Sorry, I just feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I didn't think you were interested after you said no to the fair at school." He explained.

"Flattery will get you everywhere" we laughed together.The food came. It was surprisingly good. Amazing even.

As we ate he talked about embarrassing moments in his life and for once, I wasn't forced to laugh. I genuinely enjoyed his presence. I felt like a girl on the first date all over again. Smiling and flirting, well if I even call it flirting.

That didn't stop me from checking my phone occasionally. Yes, I'm having a good time, great even. But I keep thinking Lauren will know something and come back. But still; nothing. I'm such a fool.

"Would you like desert?" he asked after we were both done eating.

"Uhm, no not right now I'm full."

"How about we walk around the park and get some icecream?"

"Deal" I smiled. He paid as I grabbed my purse.

We walked to his car and like a true gentlemen he held it open for me. We arrived at the park and grabbed icecream. As we walked and talked and are our ice cream I suddenly felt semi-rough hands slip into mine, giving permission to interlace our fingers. So I let him.

As the night went on he drove me to my house and walked me to my door.
"Thank you for tonight." I smiled at my fingers. Why am I suddenly so nervous?

"Anytime beautiful. Sleep well."
But before I answered I felt his hand cup my cheek and pull me closer. The next thing I knew he connected his lips with mine. I didn't resist. The kiss wasn't too long but just enough to feel his emotions. It was nice.

"Goodnight" I let out as soon as we broke the kiss. I went inside to my room and touched my lips.

I saw my phone had a notification. It was a tweet from Ryan.

"Great night with the beautiful @Camila97 :*"
I smiled and retweeted it. This might actually work, this with Ryan.


Lauren POV

Seriously how long has I been since I talked to Camila, a day, maybe a week or more. Who knows. It felt like years. I hate what I done. It's the only way though. Her friends know whats best for her since they are actually with her all the time.

Camila is all I think about especially at night. What is she doing, what's going on in her life. I feel like she's been gone for ages. There are times I sit and think about the times we had, like our first kiss to our first date. How did I ever get so lucky to get a girl like that to fall in love with a girl like me?

Im sitting on my bed covered in a small blanket watching t.v. I decide to go on twitter to see what the latest news is. Maybe I can distract myself from missing the love of my life so much.

I open up the app and start scrolling through my dash. The same old news, people and their boyfriends and how in love they are. I like to convince myself that its overrated but the whole reason I'm on twitter in the first place is because I miss my love.

Suddenly I saw Camila on my dash. No not her, but of her. She reclogged it. Its true.
She went on a date.

My heart sank. It was crushed. I know what was coming. I know she wanted to move on and the whole reason I broke up with her so she can do so. But I cant take it. I broke into tears. It was real. I was holding her back from what she really wanted. Her friends are right.

The only thing I can think of at this moment, is how hurt I am to see her happy with someone else.

I give it everything in my power not to comment on it. Its now not my business.
I close my phone. That night I sent in tears.


I spent the day at school sad, mad, isolated from everyone even my dearest friends. Even Ally. She noticed.

I got home and she texted all day tried contacting me every ways she could but I ignored every one of her messages.

Sitting on my desk finally done with my homework I decided to take a shower to relax from all the hard work. But suddenly there was a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Ally.

As suborn as she is, she shows up at my bed room door and the first thing she does is she hugs me. I broke down crying.

We sit on my bed and she waits for me to gather my thoughts and catch my breath.
"Thank you and sorry" I finally look at her.

"Yeah you better be. So tell me"
I start talking about the beginning. She knows I broke up with Camila but I told her the whole story up until the point of last night and Camila's date.

"Laur, it's going to be okay. It's going to hurt for a while but that's why I'm here to help you get through it. Come one, let's watch a movie and cuddle. You look like you can use some company."

Then I see her reaching for her bag and pulls out wine. She looks at me raise my eyebrow at her. Questioning her.

"What? I know it's not much but might help you sleep better." I return her smile.

Next thing I knew the bottle was 3/4 gone and we are laughing, talking, and keep drinking. The pain finally felt numb until I look into Ally's beautiful eyes. They are brown just like Camila. I felt myself drawn to her. I don't know if I was caught in the moment or the alcohol we been consuming but I leaned in and connected my lips with hers.

She didn't resist. I couldn't find myself to stop. Something about it felt so right yet so wrong. Suddenly the drink, the movie, the laughs didn't matter, just her lips. I wanted more. This was pushing my pain away. I finally felt wanted again.

Spilling the rest of the wine on my bed to get on top of her as she removes my shirt. Both egger, suddenly we were naked kissing on my bed.
It was all lust, nothing like Camila. But in that moment that's all I wanted.


Its Saturday afternoon 2 days after I slept with Ally. We came to visit my cousins who live in Camilas neighborhood, for their birthday party.
Ally and I know we need to address what happened that day but so far we are doing a good job ignoring the topic.

While my family sets up the party I'm running around doing errands for everyone. Last minute food and party supplies.

In the local store I was about to pay when my mom ask me to get some pain killers. I walk to the nearest worker and asked if they had any in stock. Directing me to the aisle I thank them and turn around and bumped into someone.

"I'm so so sorry, let me help you" I say as I pick up her stuff.

"Thank- Lauren?" She questioned.

Camilas POV

"Camila" Lauren answered shocked.

"What you doing here" I asked.

"Luis Party" she simply answered.

"Tell him Happy Birthday"

"I will"

There was silence. There is so much I want to say but at the same time I want to get out of here as fast I can.

"How long will you be staying, maybe we can catch up, if you want I mean" I sound so stupid trying to set up a date with my ex and the love of my life.

"You might play Ryan like that but you won't play me."

"You know about Ryan?"

"Because it's not all over Twitter" She answered harshly.

"Are you mad, jealous because I went on a date with him?"

"It wasn't even 2 week later Camila" I can see the hurt in her eyes.

I should be the one hurt right? She broke up with me. I didn't want this situation. I would have just stayed faithful to her.

"You have no reason to be mad, you broke up with me Lauren!"

"Its fine, we both got what we wanted anyways." She answered coldly.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"What do you think it means Camila?" What is what Lauren wants most?.. Oh, no could it be?

"I didn't want this Lauren, I went out with him to get back at you. You broke up with me"

"Oh so you sleep with a guy to get back at me? Let me tell you something Camila that makes two of us"

What? No. I stared at her. Hurt. She slept with someone else? Other than me? Wasn't it just me? She's been my one and only. Tears start building up in my eyes. No Camila don't. But I can't help it. Tears fall over my cheeks.

"You slept with someone else?" I all that came out of my mouth. I didn't know if I was more mad or hurt.

"I only did it because I thought you did it first" guilt was in her eyes. I know she isn't lying, regret maybe, but she did it. That can't be changed.

"Well maybe I should do it" I fought back, what is scary is that I meant it.

"Camila don't" She said just above a whisper.

"No, I'm not yours, you clearly moved on. Goodbye Lauren"

"Fine, maybe you should!!"

Without an answer I just walked away.

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