Overwatch High A.U

By SailorMoonClan

949 13 1

Tracer, after being affected by the slipstream project, is enrolled in Overwatch High. A school for the gifte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Update and notice
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 12

37 1 0
By SailorMoonClan

The class was silent, Akande stood up, his face contorted with anger. "You think you won huh!" He yelled at Genji. Genji laid on the ground unconscious, "Wake up! I'm not through with you!" Akande raised his fist preparing to hit him again, before being launched by a massive hit from Winston. Akande hit the wall and fell to the ground. Winston approached Akande, His fur bright red, "Get healed from Angela, then go to Morrison's office now." He demanded. Akande stood up, looking at the class and back to Winston. "Fine" He muttered leaving the class. Winston calmed down, retrieving his glasses before addressing the class. "The rest of the class is a study hall." He said, his voice was calm, but he was still angry.


Ana pulled out the needle from Tracer's arm, "It's a relaxer, it'll make you a bit woozy but you'll have an easier time staying at the right time." She said throwing the needle away. "Thank you, Ms.Ana," She said. Ana laughed "it's just ms." She said. The door opened and Angela came in holding Genji, his arm and leg being carried by Eric. "What the hell happened!" Ana screamed as she saw the boy, Eric set the metal limbs down on her desk as Angela set Genji down on an empty bed in the large room. "Take a wild guess" Eric spat. Ana slammed her hand into her desk "You two stay here, work on them. I'm going to go have a word with Akande".

Morrison's office felt packed, Morrison, Reinhardt, Reyes, and Ana were standing, while Akande sat in the chair in front of Morrison's desk. The room was quiet until Morrison spoke "What the hell were you thinking?" He asked. Akande sighed "I got ahead of myself" He started, before being interrupted by Ana "You cannot be serious, you ripped a student's prosthetic limbs off" The office was silent again. Morrison sighed "Look, Ana, you can handle Akande's punishment but in the meantime, I need to contact Genji's family, and Reyes, you need to talk with your Talon students about their behavior". Reyes nodded and left the room. Morrison was about to pick up his phone to call Genji's family before Reinhardt stopped him "I'll do it! Take a break Morrison, you need it after today." He said leaving the office. Morrison sat back down, "Thanks". "The first on your list of punishments is that you're gone for the rest of the week," Ana said. Akande nodded "I'll set up my ride and leave immediately".

Reinhardt left the office and opened up his phone and dialed Brigitte's number. She picked up the phone immediately "Hey Reinhardt what's up?". "Genji got hurt today, like seriously hurt", sounds of garage shuffling could be heard "How bad one to ten?" She asked. Reinhardt sighed "ten" he admitted, "I'm about to call his family and tell them but I just thought you should know". Brigitte stayed silent for a few seconds, the two's conversation in the theater flashing before them, her just now realizing that she never told Reinhardt that it was Genji's dad that caused his "Accident". "Reinhardt you cannot call his family!" She exclaimed. Reinhardt was puzzled "Why not?" He asked, Brigitte took a deep breath "Well when I said that someone caused his accident, I didn't tell you it was his dad that did it". Reinhardt stayed silent for a few seconds pondering the new information, "It's adding up now" He said "I'll find a place for him to stay, but this secret stays between us" He said hanging up, "I'm going to have a talk with Zenyatta, and see what he thinks we should do" He thought to himself.

Ana entered the nurse's office again, Angela was working on the arm and Eric the leg. Genji was awake now, talking with Tracer, "I'm glad you're awake Genji" Ana said relieved. She went over and checked the progress on the prosthetics "When will they be done?" She asked, Angela, looked over at Eric's progress, "A couple more hours and then the major repairs will be done, but it's going to take about a day to retrieve some supplies to replace the synthetic muscle that was ripped. Genji groaned "Damn that sucks," He said "I'm supposed to go to rehearsal after school, as well as my counseling," He said. Ana laughed "I have a wheelchair, I can take you to both," She said. Genji smiled weakly "Thanks", "Tracer, how are you?" Ana asked, "I'm alright! Just a little woozy" She said. "That's to be expected" Ana replied "The relaxer is pretty strong". Winston entered the room carrying a fixed Chronal Accelerator. He approached Tracer and started attaching it to the metal base around her chest, "Luckily he didn't destroy the main components, so I just had to get some spare parts to fix the surrounding" Tracer let out a relieved sigh "Will I be ok to return to class?" She asked. Winston sighed "I'd like you to take it slow, That influx of energy was a lot," He said "Let's take it slow, treat the rest of the day as a free day" Tracer smiled "Sweet, no class," She said giggling. Ana tapped Winston's shoulder "She's a bit out of it, give her an hour or two.". Ana's phone buzzed, she picked it up and responded quickly "I need to handle something, are you three good to watch over them?" She asked, They all agreed, and Ana left the room.

Ana checked her phone again, the text was from Reinhardt, "Meet us in the counselor's office, we're having a meeting". She opened the door to see Reinhardt, Morrison, and Zenyatta. Reinhardt smiled "Ana! Welcome!" He exclaimed "Happy you could make it!". Morrison got up from his chair, "Now that we're all here, what's this issue that was so urgent." Reinhardt looked at Zenyatta and nodded. "It's about Genji" Zenyatta stated, "It seems he is currently homeless," The omnic said, Ana and Morrison looked shocked. "Seriously!" Morrison exclaimed "What about his family?" Ana questioned. "His family is why he's homeless," Zenyatta said, "With the information, me and Reinhardt have gathered, we can confirm that someone in his direct family caused his accident". Ana processed the information as best as she could, while Morrison sat back down. "Do we know who?" Morrison said, fuming with anger. Zenyatta shook his head, "No we do not" Zenyatta said, Morrison sighed "We'll have to open an investigation as soon as possible", Zenyatta interjected "No, I say we leave this be for the moment" He said "If we open an investigation then it'll put Genji in danger, as I assume we all know the shimada clans influence. Not to mention, if they truly wanted him dead he would be. It's by someone's grace that he's still here, and I don't want to test their patience with an investigation. " The room was silent Until Ana spoke up "I agree, now the more pressing issue is what do we do about his homelessness," She said. Reinhardt scratched his head, "We could do what we're doing with Tracer?" He said unsure about the possibility. Morrison shook his head "I just doubled the security, I doubt there's room there," He said. Ana stepped forward, "He could stay at my house," She asked. The other Teachers looked in astonishment. "Seriously?" Morrison scoffed "You're ok with having a trouble maker like that?". Ana nodded "Fareeha doesn't stay with me anymore so I have plenty of room," She said pacing the room, "And I'm sure all of us wouldn't complain about having some more surveillance on Genji" The group looked at each other and all came to agree that was the best plan.


November 14 Afternoon

Tracer left the school building, her now being given the all-clear that she was ok, Genji stayed behind as the school bell rang. She took a right out of the school doors to hike up the hill nearby to get to the parking section for the school. Right at the base of the hill, she heard someone call out her name, "Hey Tracer! Wait up" Fareeha called out running towards her, Tracer turned around and stopped. "Hey, what's up" Tracer called out as she approached, Fareeha slowed down to a walk to keep in pace with Tracer. "Hey, so I was just curious if Angela told you about what happened with me and Genji." She said Tracer nodded "Yeah, and just so you know, I don't mind that you lied. You were trying to make sure Genji had someone to look after him." Fareeha took a second, "Yeah! That's what I meant!" She exclaimed, "I'm glad you're cool with it, but don't worry I won't do it again". The two walked up the hill, chatting on the way. A loud yell came from a few cars down, Fareeha immediately seemed intrigued, "Hey that sounded like Hana" She said, already walking that way. Tracer blinked her way to catch up, as they passed a large truck they saw Hana yelling at a guy they didn't know. "You asshole give it back!" She yelled, the guy was holding her game in his hand making Hana reach for it. "Aw you want it? Then fetch!" He mocked, proceeding to throw the system underneath a car while walking away. Hana scrambled to try and reach it but the car was just too low for her to fit. Fareeha and Tracer tried to help but with no luck.

"Damn, our best bet is to wait on the guy who owns the car" Sighed Fareeha. The three sat in front of the car intending to wait. "Hana, why was that guy doing that?" Tracer asked, Hana, sighed "He found my streams and was giving me shit about it," She said. Fareeha cracked her fingers "He's gonna get it next time I see him pulling that shit" She muttered, Hana smiled "Thanks but I'd rather you not, he'll stop, just give it a week" She said seemingly with experience. Fareeha leaned back "Suit yourself, Hey do you guys have any plans after this?" she asked. Hana thought for a second, "No, not really why?" She asked. Fareeha pulled out her phone and pulled up a Chinese restaurant for them to see "It just opened and it's a buffet, wanna try it?". She asked, The two other girls agreed, "Sweet" Fareeha said, "Don't worry about money it's on me". Before they could argue on payment, the three got interrupted. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" Mako asked. Hana stood up "Oh hey Mako! We're waiting for the guy who drives this to come up here". Mako adjusted his mask "Why?" He asked. Fareeha let out a sigh "Some dick threw her game under the car" She said annoyed. Mako's head perked up "Oh I can help," He said almost proud that he could be of help. "How?" Hana asked. Mako let the three girls step away from the car, getting on his knees he placed his hand underneath the car and lifted it with one hand. Hana excitedly dashed to grab her system while Fareeha looked in fearful awe. Mako set the car down gently, standing up dusting his hands off. Hana hugged Mako, "Thank you, Mako! Hey, do you wanna come with us to eat?" She asked, Mako shook his head "Nah I've got to meet with a... Friend," He said after thinking about it.". A surprisingly loud voice came from the other side of the parking lot, "Mako! Where are you, you cheeky bugger!". Mako's face flashed with annoyance. "That's him, I'll see you guys later," He said waving goodbye, Hana brushed off the dust on her game system and started to check if anything was broken.

Tracer and Hana jumped in Fareeha's car. It was a classic muscle car, It seemed new though like it was just restored. Fareeha started the engine, as Hana buckled up in the front seat. "So anyone else you guys wanna invite?" Fareeha asked, turning out of the school, "Uh maybe Mei?" Tracer asked, Fareeha perked up "Ooo yeah! The Class president! She said, "Yeah ask her and we can pick her up". Tracer racked her brain for someone else while she texted Mei, "Uh Brigitte? Do any of you know her?" Tracer asked, Fareeha shook her head. "I know her, but we don't get along too well," Hana said, pausing her game. "Bad blood?" Fareeha asked, "You could call it that" Hana replied "I don't wanna get into it". The two left it alone as they got on the highway, "Hey just got a response! Mei's down to come!" She said Fareeha smiled "Sweet send me the address".

Mei's apartment was pretty close, only about a mile and a half away from the school. She was already prepared, waiting outside wearing a thick jacket with leggings. She hopped in the car saying hi to everyone, "How are you guys?" she asked buckling up. "Doing good! Just got a raise!" Fareeha replied. "Woah! By how much?" Tracer asked, Fareeha smiled awkwardly "Just a couple of dollars, They liked how much initiative I was showing, by practicing with my equipment". Fareeha seemed happy but a part of her statement felt disingenuous. "Where do you work?" Mei asked, "Helix security," She said, "It's a private security contracting company.".

The group was closing in on the Restaurant, keeping the idle chit-chat going, "So Mei what do you do in your free time?" Tracer asked, "Oh, I mainly study and write" She replied. Tracer's interest peaked, "What kind of writing?" Tracer asked. Mei sighed "I like to write Academic theories and journals," She said, seemingly waiting for critique. "That's cool!" Fareeha interjected. "Can you give us an example?" She asked. Mei's face lit up "Oh well my favorite is a device I was thinking about, In theory, it should be able to refreeze the ice caps! Preventing rising water levels!" She said excitedly. Tracer was happy to see Mei opening up, all she needs is just a small push.


Genji sat back, Mercy and Eric had already gone home, now he was just staring off into space while he sat in the school's theater. The rehearsal just ended and as everyone packed up Brigitte sat beside his wheelchair. "Hey, Genji you ok?" She asked. Genji snapped back to reality as she spoke "Oh yeah! I'm fine, just upset that I can't walk right now". He sighed. Brigitte put her hand on his shoulder "Genji, why did you continue to fight if you were already badly injured?" She asked. Genji looked downward "he deserved to lose and I didn't want him to win". Brigitte sighed "Where are you going to stay?" She asked, Genji thought about it for a while genuinely stumped about where he could go. "Genji will be staying at my house" Ana interjected. Genji looked baffled "what do you mean?" He questioned. "Brigitte can you give us some space?" She asked, Brigitte nodded saying bye to Genji before leaving. "Genji, The staff knows about your predicament." She said being as delicate as possible. Genji groaned, "How did you guys find out?" He asked. "Zenyatta told us, how he found out I have no idea". Genji sighed "I guess I don't have any choice"

Ana had wheeled him to her car and helped him in. The drive was surprisingly long, Ana living about a half-hour away from school. She pulled into her driveway to see a very nice house, a two-story building with a decent amount of yard. Ana helped Genji inside, guiding him through the door, passing the living room to get to her kitchen. "Alright, since you're going to be staying here for a while, I have a few house rules." Genji sighed "Great an hour-long lecture," he thought to himself. Ana began "I keep alcohol in my fridge, If any goes missing you'll be punished, you can stay out until 12 no later, and if you need anything specific just ask". Ana finished her speech and looked towards Genji for comments. "That's it?" He asked, "Well I expect you to keep your room clean and treat my home with care but I figured that was a given". Genji was surprised, he expected her to run her house like a battle station, but she was pretty fair. "I'll order some food, if you want to, you can look at your room. It's the one down the hall to the right.

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