Iron Man Izuku

By AnimeEagleScout

930K 17.4K 11.4K

after drinking something from a "fortune teller" Izuku is transported into the Marvel universe as Tony Stark'... More

Iron Man comes home
Picking up the pieces
Back to School
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Prep Time
Ding Ding
Kings of Infinity
Christmas Party
Beyond the Stars
Sparks Flying
Iron Someone to the Rescue
Daddy's so Proud
New Beginnings
Break down [sorry]
School Supplies
Hights Aliance
Moving In and On
First Day
A Shocking Discovery
Class in session
Iron Man vs Explosive Queen
Mr President
USJ Part 2
Future Teasing [Not a Chapter]
Hard Work
Probing the stars
tournament: part 2
please read my other shit
Hammered Ice Sickle
Looking for Normal
Repeating History
Intern Prep
Blood Trust
Bringing Back Allies
First Day of Training
The Chapter Before Stain
Stained Night
Nomu's in the Hosu
Nomu in Hosu part 2
Art [not a chapter]
Nomu in Hosu part 3
New Light Old Solutions
A Playboys Wisdom
Gods and Monsters
Welcome to Midgard
Building Hardlight Bridges
Beginning to Learn
Idea i had [not a chapter]
Finals part 1
Finals Part 2
Olympus Starting to Notice
Don't Fist Android Girls
[Cut content chapter]
Really Anal about Science
Green Energy Convention
Green Energy Convention
King of the Ring
Wattpad weirdness
Officially getting back into this story

story ideas Please steal these ideas [Not a chapter]

4.3K 76 60
By AnimeEagleScout

December 2ed

December 6th

Today[December 8th]

Damn guys I wasn't expecting this.

Anyway I wanted to write this as maybe a tales from the cutting room floor kinda thing but didn't think people would read it as a stand alone story so it's going here.

Please anyone with more brain power to devote to these ideas please do.

The devils problem with Izuku

When Lucifer Magne had first gotten the notification of being summoned he had did it out of boredom.

"Holy shit it worked." A pink girl with horns said. Definitely didn't look like one of mine.

"Hello chil...dren." Lucifer looked around at the set up. Candles, properly drawn circles...

"You." He Pointed at the green haired one.

"Hello...Morningstar." Izuku said.

"You know each other?!" The rest shouted.

"Know him? He kept bugging me for the better half of his childhood." Lucifer said, his grin distorting into a frown. "I told you. No Demon powers. And it's Magne."

"I told them not to." The Quirkless boy said.

"Deku?" The spikey blonde asked.

"You see children this Young man had come to me about 12 years ago. He had kept calling me asking...begging...pleading for a quirk."

"You summoned the devil?!"

"Yep." Izuku said "Remember that priest back in Aldean?"

"No." Bakugou said.

"You see Mr Midoriya here had been told Quirkless Don't get into heaven." Lucifer said "Complete bullshit but none the less it was enough for our broccoli haired good boy to actually attempt to call me. Me the King of the Damned."

"Wait did you give him powers?"

"Fuck no!" Lucifer said "Do you have any idea how much that would set me back?"

"Set you back?" Iida asked.

"Yes. My last few plans to increase the world's Sin has failed." Lucifer said "I can't afford jolly green here pushing my plans back."

"How could Deku even-"

Lucifer summoned a chart. With a bunch of crossed out plans.

Make the Catholic Church homophobic. Failed.

Make it so Priests can't marry. Failed.

Making Hitler hate the Jews. Failed.

MeToo. Failed.

"You see all this shit? All the shit quirks have thrown a monkey wrench into? If I gave this prick even an ash of my power he'd ruin my work. So fuck you you freckle faced Fuck Shit."

With a tip of his hat the candles, the pentagram and everything to summon him was gone.

Return by Death

"Go to Recovery Girl." Aizawa pointed towards the school.

Izuku looked devastated the looks of smugness on Bakugou face and the pitty of the class.

The only one to stop him was Ochako.

Izuku was ashamed he couldn't do it. Even when he put it into just his finger it wasn't enough.

Remembering how All Might gave him the quirk he bit the inside of his cheek. 'I hope blood works just as good as hair.'

His first kiss. Her first kiss. His last.

"Thanks for being nice to me."

Izuku hadn't stopped by Recovery Girl. He was headed for the roof.

He was finally done.

Ochako later watched Izuku swandive off the roof.

Crying over his dying body she watched the Life fade from his eyes but then felt her lips being pressed.

It was back on the field. She was in her gym uniform. Izuku was alive.


"Thanks for being nice to me." He said again.

Deja vu

Ochako had listened to Aizawa talk to the class again. The blonde one mocking the green haired boy again.

When Ochako was out of her frozen state she had been too late to stop him.

"Thanks for being nice to m-"

"Don't you dare!" Ochako shouted her arms going tense and her limbs shooting off her body.

As the blood was pooling she felt herself get kissed again.

"Thanks for-"

Ochako grabbed him and wouldn't let go.

"You...stop...don't jump."


"You were gonna..." water built up in Ochako's eyes.

" remember it?" Izuku asked.

"Remember you splattering on the sidewalk? Yes!" Ochako said.

"Wait you got-"


"Thanks for being..." He stopped this time.

The two just realized what Izuku's so called None Existent Quirk was.

Return by Death. And Ochako just got it with One For All.

Fight back

"Bullshit." Izuku said.

"Pardon?" Aizawa asked.

"I know I did better then at least the bottom 5." Izuku said.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


"Ok. You 6 are gonna repeat the performance. If Midoriya wins you 5 all get booted. If any of you win only he goes."

"Fine by me."

Izuku wins, and on the way out the 5 all are meeting him at the gate.

"You should be kicked not us."

"The world needs heros."

"Kill yourself."

Izuku smirks and chuckles.

Mika Jiro is called into the school the following day.

Bakugou, Mineta, Toru, Sero, Denki and all their parents were waiting in the meeting room.

A video. Something that looked like body cam footage.



"There's no way that's real." Bakugou tried to deny it but a hard drive was held up by nezu.

"This contains the last year and a half of Aldean security cameras. Any records dating further shows clean records but these all are Raw footage." Nezu said "Your teachers were doctoring records. Both Minoru and Katsuki have prior history of quite frankly criminals charges."

Jirou saw the narrow eyes of the boy. She realized she wasn't the first person to say that and unlike with the blonde boy he had officially run out of fucks to give about others.

The final kick in the teeth was he was wearing a shirt...a familiar shirt...a band T-shirt.

Of her first concerts with her parents as a fill in drummer.

She had just lost not only her spot in the school but a fan too.

Computer repair

Shigaraki had just gotten a new PC and needed help.

Since he would be busy with the USJ attack he called someone to work on it.

Cut to a green haired boy in a uniform he had jumped back.

The look the white haired young adult gave his guardian said the same thing. 'What the fuck?'

"So what's the issue?" Green asked.

"Uh...I got a new PC and they sent it in pieces." Shigaraki said.

Shigaraki watched the hero wannabe put together everything in no time.

"Ok it's all set up." Green said "If your upgrading screens the X345y is the better option. Also if you want a RGB keyboard I suggest the Pro7 not the Ultra5. My company says push the Ultra5 but the pro is the same shit with a lifetime warranty. Also I noticed your mouse was kinda decayed so I suggest finger tape to prevent a 5 point contact for your quirk."

" do you know my quirk?"

"I mean..." he held up the mouse "Kinda obvious unless your cooking meth. Which I highly advise not doing near a webcam."

"Riiiight." Kurogiri said.

"Also that skin issue. There's a cream called Eversmooth. The drug store sells the same shit for a 10th of the price."

Fast forward to Bakugou being kidnapped and having to be hidden because the villains wifi isn't working right. And now it's a mess of them trying to keep Izuku away from Bakugou, Dabi keeps getting asked about his quirk and Himiko keeps trying to set up porno scenarios about banging the IT guy.

And Izuku had no idea what is happening.

It isn't me but I think I'd be in more trouble if I tell you exactly what I was doing.

"No I haven't been giving information to the villains."

"Truth. Have you come in contact with anyone from the league of Villains?"

"Shigaraki at the mall but other then the times at camp..."

"Truth. Half truth."

"What are you not telling us?" Aizawa asked coldly.

"Does anyone have my phone?" Izuku asked.


"I'll show you but please just read the whole thing."

After Izuku unlocked it it was handed to the police chief.

"Look under 'Vampire FB'. Read the backlog." Izuku said. Head down in...shame? embarrassment.

"Wait..." the police chief was looking more and more shocked.

Aizawa took the phone and read them.

"Oh I need eye bleach." Aizawa said.

"What is it?" The detective asked.

"Porn. A lot of pictures with Tokage." Aizawa said grabbing the flask out of the Police Chiefs hand knocking it back before it was taken back.

"I've been dating Himiko for...I'd say 3 months now."

"True. When did this truly first start?"

"She found me after the Stain incident. She had watched the news and apparently when she learned I was responsible for it she already had a crush on me from the sports festival."


"But I swear we don't talk about anything about UA." Izuku said "We have a rule that if it's ever brought up either about the league or UA the ball gage is-"

"Truth. Truth." The detective said.

"Midoriya are you seriously not able to get ANYONE from the school? Hell I'd rather you be dating Melissa." All Might said.

"Well actually..." Izuku started.

"Ok many people have you slept with?' Aizawa asked.

"I think 20 different but at least 10 of em have called for another round." Izuku said.

"Is this serious what you've been hiding? We've had you in that cell for a week." Aizawa said.

"I recently found out my dad Hisashi Midoriya was sterile." Izuku said.


"Please don't tell me your 'HiS' kid." All Might begged.

"I'm not..." Izuku said "...I'm actually Eri's half brother. Apparently my uncle Kai changed his last name and faked his death because Overhaul is my biological father who donated since dad was shooting blanks."

"Truth. Truth. Truth."

Aizawa was slamming his head into the wall.

"It that all?"



"What now?!"

Izuku and Kota

"Kota. Ko *burp* Kota wake up." Izuku entered the boys rom.


"Come on I wanna show you something."

"It's the middle of the night."

"Come one." Izuku said grabbing his ankle.

"I...I had to make a bomb Kota." Izuku said.


"I I had to Kota. Drop it a ma make a whole new start." Izuku said as they flew over Japan.


"Wipe the slate. But first we'll pick up Eri. I I don't want you to be alone."

"Eri?" Kota asked.

"Gonna create a whole new world Kota. Adam and Eve. Your gonna be Adam and Eri will be Eve."

Eri was picked up and the ship crashed.

Izuku was passed out.

"Neutrino bomb armed." The ship said.

Kota had jumped to hug Eri. "Eri I've had a crush on you since we were kids!"

"Me too Kota." Eri shouted.

The bomb had been rewound to before it was even armed.

"So...wanna catch a move later?" Kota asked.

" action movies." Eri said.

"You did it buddy." Izuku said "Er Eri I I'm pro *belch* proud you got it."

"Oh this was a test?"


Izuku drunkenly leaned on the bomb and a click was heard.

They all looked at one another.

"Into the car!"

"Shit." Izuku said looking around the now leveled planet. And undamaged car.

Izuku rolled his eyes and reached into his jacket.

"Let's go." Izuku said dropping the object on the ground.

The raw earth warped around the orb as the 3 flew out of the atmosphere.

"What the fuck is going on?!" Eri shouted.

"I put a spacial void inside a temporal field until life formed inside." Izuku explained "When I uplifted them into their space age they build dyson spheres which I use to charge my phone or run the car."

Space program

Izuku gets picked for the first extended space trip. Either he has a quirk that would be beneficial to this, he's quirkless so they don't have to worry about any incidents or the government have a spartan program and he was 6 when he was first enlisted to joint the mission.

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