Inhuman Love

By daisyjohnsons_gf

9K 309 50

On a typical Saturday Leah decides to go to a grocery store. Fun, right? But if she would've known how this c... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 4

726 22 2
By daisyjohnsons_gf

It's around 5am. I'm lying on Alicia's couch. Trying to sleep. Clearly it's not happening.

I found out so much tonight. Alicia told me everything that had happened in Afterlife after I left.

That Daisy is Jiaying's daughter.

It makes sense. She seemed to have a personal connection to the place. But she couldn't have lived there, I definitely would've noticed that.

I told Alicia everything about the place I had escaped from. About how her name was on the list of Inhumans. Apparently she knew. I still don't get it, how is she okay with being on there? I didn't ask about it though.

I wonder if they've already discovered my disappearance. Of course they have. I hope they won't come look for me.

* * *

I feel a faint tapping on my arm. Opening my eyes, I find Alicia smiling at me.

"Good morning. I wanted to make you breakfast but I don't have any food supplies. So I thought maybe you want to come with me to the grocery store?" she asks.

I nod. Fresh air sounds good.

I change into some of Alicia's clothes. I hope they sell cellphones in the store. Mine got taken when I got kidnapped. Suppose they didn't want me to livestream in their secret base. Pity.

Alicia grabs the keys and a bag. She opens the door and steps out.

Then there's an explosion.

Right by the doorway.

Alicia falls back into the house. I try to catch her but too late. Her body lays on the floor unconscious.

I freeze.


I can't move. My vision gets blurry. What in the world is going on? Focus. I need to do something. I push myself back to reality.

I turn to Alicia and check her pulse. She's alive, just knocked out. Thank god.

I pull her unconscious body away from the doorway. Away from whatever the hell is out there.

As much as I'd love to stay here hiding, I have to do something. Staying here would put Alicia into danger too. And I can't risk it.

I look around. And see a knife lying on the counter in the kitchen. I grab it without thinking.

I peak out of the doorway, ready to kill anyone on the other side. I see 2 men. And 3 more men. They're all wearing masks and holding guns.

Holy crap. I try not to think. Just act. You can do it. You got this. I'll have a lot of time to think when I'm dead.

Using my powers I take down 3 of the men. I can't really feel the capacity of my strength right now, they could be dead. But I don't really care at the moment.

The other 2 guys realize what's going on. They yell something and aim their guns at me. I take cover behind the door.

There are shots. I wait for them to stop so I can attack. Once the quiet comes I go at one of the men and stab the knife through his right hand.

I grab his gun and throw it as far as I can.

The other man aims his weapon at me.

I freeze for a second before quickly throwing a strong punch towards his face. He catches it and twist my arm. I try to slip out of his grip but his hold is tight.

His fist connects with my face. I feel blood dripping from my nose. It hurts, but I don't really notice it.

I swing my elbow planning to hit his jaw. He grunts and lets go of my arm.

I don't have time to run as he hits me with the gun right into the face. I yell and grab the gun from him. I try to shoot but nothing happens. Shit shit shit.

He aims another punch, this time to the stomach. My vision gets blurry and body numb.


He grips to my hand even stronger than before and twists it abruptly. I feel my bones crack. This has to end. Now.

Gathering all of the energy I have left I take them down with my powers. At least try to. I don't know if I succeed or not.

Because I black out.

* * *

My head is pounding. And whole body hurts. I try to listen to my surroundings. There are birds chirping. And the wind blowing.

I slowly open my eyes. Ow. It's so bright. So beautiful.

Suddenly I remember.


I quickly push myself up. Too quickly. Black dots appear in my vision. Whatever. That's nothing.

I look around. All of the men are laying on the ground, passed out. Good.

I hurry back to the house where Alicia is. Just as I get there she opens her eyes.

"Hey," I try to smile at her, glad she's okay.

She gives me a small smile which quickly turns into worry and horror.

"What happened to you?!" she gasps, staring at my face. And then my hand.

Oh, right. My hand.

I try to lift it up and show Alicia that it's fine. But it does not move. Crap.

I don't know what to say.

Alicia quickly gets up. She grabs my other hand and pulls me towards the couch.

"Come on, we gotta get you cleaned up. You can heal them all, right?" she points to my injuries.

I just nod, too tired to think. A nap doesn't sound too bad right now.

Just as I'm about to doze off I hear voices right outside. Did they already wake up? Should've killed them when I had the chance.

I take a small moment to gather my strength and stand up. But my whole body is like jelly. I desperately try to warn Alicia.

Someone barges through the door. I grab the flower vase, ready to throw it at the intruder.

Unfortunately, my vision is still blurred out and I can't aim straight. The vase falls and shatters into pieces.

Whoever just came in turns their head straight towards me.

It's Daisy.

The last thing I see is the worry in her dark brown very pretty eyes.

* * *

I feel a heavy blanket lying on my body. Besides a small beeping sound there's only silence.

I don't feel like opening my eyes. This is the most peace I've felt for some time now. Yet I do the exact opposite.

I find myself in a dark room. I don't recognise the place, but based on that big eagle symbol on the wall, I know exactly where I am.

I try to remember what had happened before I blacked out. It's a struggle.

I see someone entering the room. They turn on a small light.

"Hope it's not too bright," she says, an apologetic smile on her face. Jemma.

Man, didn't think I'd miss her.

"It's alright," I nod.

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"A couple of days. Don't worry, you didn't miss out on anything," she says jokingly.

Then she starts talking about my injuries. And how almost most of them have healed by themselves. Except the broken arm. But it's fine. Fractures take a lot more time to heal.

"Well. That's it. I also spoke with Coulson, he promised to wait with the questions until you've healed," Jemma closes up.

I knew this was coming. Obviously they're not going to let me go without an interrogation. Not when I've escaped their secret base and ran off to another Inhuman.

"Thank you, Jemma. I appreciate it. Really. I'm sorry for running away, by the way. I just-" I stop mid sentence. I don't know what to say.

"It's okay, I get it," Jemma reassures me. "If I was forced to stay here like that, I'd get the hell out too," she jokes.

I smile.

Although I'd love to ask, why are they forcing me to do something that they themselves wouldn't want to do then.

But I leave it. Jemma has been the sweetest to me this entire time. And I'm sure it wasn't her idea to imprison me here.

"Everything alright?" she asks with a concerned look.

I must've fell into my thoughts for too long.

"Yes. Thank you. May I ask, where's Alicia?" I suddenly remember to ask.

"She's good. We looked over her injuries, they were minor. At the moment she's at Coulson's office. But if you want to see her, I can tell her to come by later?" Jemma looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks," I reply, eager to speak with Alicia.

"Okay. I'll come to check on you later. Bye!" Jemma says, leaving the room.

I'm alone with my own thoughts again.


I wish they hadn't found us. I mean, I could've healed myself within a couple of days. And we wouldn't be stuck in this rat hole.

I hear the door open. That was quick. Alicia hurries in and hugs me. I smile. I missed our hugs.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Not gonna lie, you looked pretty dead when S.H.I.E.L.D. came," she jokes.

I laugh but then catch a new word.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" I look at her, confused.

"Yeah. You know, Coulson and the others?"

"They're called S.H.I.E.L.D.? Why didn't you tell me that before?" I look at her, as if I just found out something extremely valuable.

"Yup. It's like a secret organisation or something. I don't know much. But they protect our kind, don't worry," she adds.

Makes sense.

"But why did they keep me locked in here? You all are safely at your own houses, why did I have to stay here?" I want to know.

Alicia shrugs.

"You should probably ask Coulson that. I'm not one of them."

"But you know them. And have contact with them..." I trail off.

Suddenly something clicks.

"Alicia, how did S.H.I.E.L.D. know when to come?" I quietly ask.

She struggles to find the words.

"Did you call them?" I ask a little louder.

Alicia looks down.

"I did. I didn't want to, okay, but you escaped from them, Leah! They had to know. You can't just run away! They're trying to help."

Whoa. I really hoped I was wrong. The one person I thought I could trust.

She wants to say something more but I stop her.

"Not now, Alicia. Just go. Please."

She nods understandingly and leaves, closing the door behind her.

I want to scream out of frustration.

I don't get it. She trusts them. But she knows me better than them. If she told me she escaped from a spy organisation I would not go call them behind her back. This is not right.

I play this conversation in my head over and over again till I fall asleep.
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this story for like a month, I had busy time w school and then Christmas. I know it's going kinda slow rn but I don't want to just jump into everything. And there isn't very much Daisy here but there'll be, I just don't know how to get it going rn. Also sorry if something doesn't make sense in this story whatever it may be, i'm not the best making an entire story up. Hope you all had an amazing Christmas time!!

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