The Wedding Planner's Affair...


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In this story, Katsuki Bakugo is a very well known and professional wedding planner. He's known for making su... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

1.2K 41 22

Don't play the song just yet!

With things running smoothly with the preparations, everything hasn't been all that hectic on the groom's part. As for the bride's, it mostly has been put on hold. Midoriya's fiancé still hasn't come back from her trip, which is putting a lot of things on hold for most people.

Midoriya did touch base with her a few days ago, and it was... how would he put it... he can't find the word for it.

Now taking place in his hotel room, he paces around in the room, awaiting for something anxiously. He keeps looking at the phone on the table while going left and right in his hotel room. Midoriya walked away for a moment and rushed back to that table. He groaned and slammed his head lightly on the table. "Come on, please call me back..."

Just as all hope was lost, the phone started ringing. He quickly pressed the call button and put the phone beside his ear, "Hello! Hey! How are you doing?"

"Izuku! I'm so happy to hear your voice again. Man, there's really bad reception in Africa. Heh."

"But, how did you get any signal? Aren't you in Kenya?"

"I was. We finally got to our goal and I plan on arriving back home in a few days. I'm in Paris right now."

"Really?" He sighed and kept the phone by his ear and sat down on the left side of his bed. "That's amazing. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, how was your trip to Africa?"

"Um, it was good. I met some wonderful kids and I'm glad the money gets to go to a good place. Especially since it's for helping these kids learn. I'm sure they're going to have bright futures!"

"I'm so proud of you. Oh! Do you have any photos?"

"Oh! Uh... yeah. They're in a scrapbook! I'm making a scrapbook. Hey! What do you think about getting married in Paris?"

Midoriya chuckled at her actions and shook his head, "Baby, we already talked about this. Besides, my side of the family can't afford a trip to Paris."

"Yeah, I know. But it's the city of love, romance, anything can happen!"

"I really don't want to have this conversation again. I still can't believe you're still on about Paris!" He spatted at the phone. "Our wedding is in about three months, and you haven't done a single thing to help out! I know you're busy with the charity, but you must've had some free time to help out."

"But I did! I called the seamstress about what color pink I wanted. Isn't that enough?"

"It's just one thing." A knock on the door could be heard from his room. "I don't want to have this discussion again. I'll see you in a few days, okay? You know I love you, right?"

"I love you, too... I better get going too. See you then." Call ended.

Midoriya tapped on his phone and put it aside from him. His hand reached for his hair as he combed through it and sighed to himself. The knock on the door became even louder than it was before, which made Midoriya quickly jump out of bed.

"Kacchan, I'm really not in the mood to-," he was about to tell what he thought was Bakugo to leave him alone, but it turned out to be someone else. "No way! No freaking way!"

"You better believe it, bud. Because your groomsmen have arrived!" They said as they busted in the room and more people started walking in and looking around. The last one to arrive turned out to be his best man.

"Shinso! Monoma! It's been so long since I've seen you guys, you too as well, Aoyama and Tokoyami!" He looked around and walked up to his other friends, "Hey, Ojiro. Shoji. Koda. It's good to see you guys as well."

"Same to you! Our beloved friend is getting married!" Monoma cheered and put his arm around Midoirya's neck.

"Please get off of him, the guy needs personal space." Shinso said as he grabbed Monoma's shirt collar from the back and pulled him away from the groom.


"Hi. I am the best man and it's very lovely to meet you all. Now, I didn't want to be the best man, but I agreed without knowing that sparkle guy wanted to be the best man." Shinso gave a blank look at the camera man. "Sorry, sparkles."



Aoyama was putting some natural blush around his face while holding a little mirror in his hand to see if he missed any spots. His eyes glanced at the camera and his hand closed the lid to the mirror. "Oh hello, viewers! I am Yuga Aoyama! The dazzling man of the hour. Since this is like those interviews where we vent, I'm just gonna say that we both know that I should've been the best man." His tone of voice was monotone and kept a smiling face. "I shouldn't get angry. Mother says that wrinkles don't look good on me."


Midoriya looked around the room and noticed that someone else was missing, "Where's Iida?"

"Um, he had some family issues to take care of. I don't know much about the details, but it sounded like it was a personal family business thing." Tokoyami rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as he told everyone. "But, he did want me to say congratulations and he'll be here when it's time for the wedding."

"It's okay, I understand if it's a family business. I just wished he were here with us..." he sadly sighed and sat back down on his bed and laid down on it, staring at the ceiling.

Ojiro spoke up, "Is something bothering you? Or better yet, how are things going with your fiancé?" He then walked up to him and sat next to him on the bed. "You know we're always here to help you out with relationship issues." He looked around the room, glanced suspiciously at Monoma and back at his friend. "Most of us can help you out."

"Hey, I saw that eye look!" Monoma shouted and pointed at Ojiro. Everyone arched their eyebrows and mentally believed he's the most likely to fail at relationships. "Okay, I get it. I'm not the best at relationships." He crossed his arms and looked away at everyone.

"How about we try to come up with something that would get our minds off of this whole wedding? I think it would do everyone good to let it all out." Shoji suggested.

"Oh yeah, and what do you suggest?" Shinso inquired and looked back at Shoji. To which he gestured everyone to follow him and leave Midoriya alone in the room to think about things, or to just let him be. Everyone except for Midoriya left the hotel room and walked out and headed to the bar.

"So... why are we at the bar?"

"Because, judging by the way he was laying on the bed, it sounded like he and she were fighting something that involved the wedding." Shoji replied and took a sip of his drink and exhaled. "I think he needs to be alone with his thoughts for a moment."

"Oui. I agree. But, what else should we do to help him? Also do you think there will be a cheese platter at the wedding?" Aoyama interjected as his eyes were sparkling with hope.

"From what I've heard, the chefs have a lot on their plate. This wedding in particular is going to be one of the most busiest times out of any wedding I've ever seen," The bartender said and wiped the table off with the tablecloth in his hands. "You know, if I were you, I'd say he needs a distraction."

Koda raised his hand to get the bartender's attention, "Uh, when you say distraction, what do you mean by that?" He nervously asked.

"Yeah, that's what I want to know too! Are we talking strippers?" Monoma grinned, which received him a slap on the back of his head by Shinso.

"Forgive my single friend. He's very desperate at this rate." Shinso said and slid his drink away.

"No worries. And to answer your question, shy one. I was going to say throw some kind of party." The bartender tapped his chin with his finger and looked back at him, "If I recall, he hasn't had a bachelor party yet. Has he?"

Ojiro pushed him out of his chair and slammed his hands on the bar table, "That's it! We'll throw him a bachelor party! Maybe that'll take some of the wedding off his mind, and before Monoma says anything else we are not hiring strippers." Ojiro finished what Monoma was about to say and he watched as his friend gloomily looked down at the table.

"Okay then, it's settled. We'll throw him a party tonight. So, who should we invite?" Tokoyami pondered and noticed a chef coming out of the kitchen with dishes. "Why not the staff?"

The bartender fondly smiled at that idea. "I think you're gonna need more than staff. You're gonna need everyone contributing to  the wedding, music and most importantly... a secret hang out. There's a basement that's the perfect place for the party."

"Um, if it's alright. You guys don't mind if I just stay until Midoriya gets to the party. Mainly because I just wanted to relax," Koda added to the group.

"Me too. I needed to call my girlfriend and I promised we would FaceTime each other and it would take hours till we fell asleep." Ojiro asked.

"Hmm.. I agree. But we need at least two or three people to keep an eye on the party," Shinso said. "Let me, Aoyama, and Monoma look after the party. Everyone cool with that?" He asked them and they all shook their heads yes. "Good. Party starts at seven. Let's all tell the news and invite everyone in the hotel to attend, but make it all guys since it's a bachelor party." With that, they all left and started talking to people about the party.


Midoriya was dragged out of his hotel room by his friends and Bakugo was behind him. They actually found Midoriya and Bakugo talking about the wedding and dragged them out of the room and brought them to the basement.

At first he didn't want to go, but he never got a say in it because he was confused as to why they were in the basement. The two guys walked up to a door and looked at one another and nodded. One of them opened the door and the other pushed them inside the room and it turned out to be a party.

A light was then suddenly shun on Midoriya. "Alright! The man of the hour has arrived!" Someone shouted on the microphone. "Izuku Midoriya, welcome to your very own bachelor party. This is where you get to loosen up and not feel at all stressed about your wedding. And frankly. You need to loosen up." The guy chuckled and resumed playing the music.

Both Bakugo and Midoriya were both astounded that the whole place looks so lively. Someone gave Midoriya some beer, which he gladly took in his hand and got lost in the crowd. Bakugo on the other hand was the opposite on how he should react.

He looked around the room to find some of his friends and saw both Kirishima and Kaminari just laughing and talking. He walked up to them and grabbed them by the shirts to get away from the conversation they were in. "What the hell is this?" He glared at the both of them as he gritted his teeth.

"It's ju-just a bachelor party! There can't be a wedding process without a bachelor party!" Kaminari quickly said loudly as the music was playing.

Play the song now!

"Come on, man. Just live a little..."

"Yo, yo, yo! We're about to make this even better that'll allow this party to be poppin'!" The singer chuckled and had the microphone by his mouth, "Party in the Ipanema, baby!" That led the music to be even louder than it was before. "I wanna party..."

"Forget it Dumb hair, I'm leaving!" Bakugo rejected the idea to party and went into the crowd, "Right after I find Deku and get myself a beer." He said to himself as he took a beer from a table and started gulping it down.

"Will he be okay?" Kaminari asked Kirishima.

"Most likely. You know he has a very high tolerance when it comes to alcohol." Kirishima responded as he watched his friend get lost in the crowd.

Bakugo kept on walking into the crowd and skimmed over it to find his friend. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see Sero sweating like crazy from all the dancing. "Hey man! Great party, am I right?"

"Where's Deku?" "HEY!"

"You mean Midoriya? He's right over there!" He pointed to the right and it led Bakugo to the stage. He immediately left Sero by himself and headed towards the stage and found him dancing like crazy.

"Guess he can't handle alcohol that well, he only had one drink and it's empty..." he mumbled to himself and snickered at Midoriya dancing and swinging his jacket around the room. "It's quite amusing." Midoriya was laughing and dancing and having a blast. Guess he really needed to loosen up a bit.

He then saw Bakugo standing with a drink in his hand and walked up to him as he got himself another beer and handed it to him. "It's party time! Come on!"

"No way in hell, Deku, I don't da-." He was pulled to the stage and Midoriya was smiling as they continued to dance. To which he started to join in with him. For some reason, the two of them felt in sync and Bakugo was having a great time as they were on the dance floor. Then all of a sudden, Midoriya stopped dancing and looked at Bakugo's eyes.

His eyes moved to make Bakugo look at the exit, "Let's get out of here."

"You read my mind, you damn nerd." He said as the two of them left the crowd and out of the basement.

Bakugo took the lead and took the stairs to the second floor that led to his room. Once inside they dropped their beer cans. Midoriya pinned Bakugo by the door and pressed his lips on Bakugo's.

He responded by kissing Midoriya back and pulled away, "We really shouldn't be doing this," Bakugo said. "Are you sure?"

Midoirya grinned at Bakugo and loosened his tie, "I don't care. I want this." His hand reached into Bakugo's shirt as it went up to feel his chest. "Your heart is beating so fast, I could feel it."

"You know you can take the shirt off, right?" He interjected as Bakugo buttoned off his shirt and led Midoriya to the bed. "I locked the door so no one could disturb us."

"My, my..." Midoriya whispered into his ear and that left Bakugo to kiss him on the cheek, then his jaw, then his neck.

The party that was supposed to relieve him from his stress, would be turned into an absolute nightmare to handle.

Author Interview: Hey everyone! I'm sorry about all the build up of the chapters, but now is the part where the drama begins to stir. I'm really grateful you guys are reading this, even if there's not enough reads that's fine, as long as someone likes it, that's what keeps me going.

I have work this Sunday so again no update. But the next week after I don't have work. But I'll be more busy during the holidays since I'm only hired for the holidays, so yeah.

Anyway, have a good day or night, take care of yourselves, wash your hands, wear a mask, stay safe, eat plenty of food, drink lots of water, and get a good night's rest. Bye!

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