Forever To Be Loved

By _TaLeyahLOVE

36.5K 996 209

When Sah'nai Huntley was diagnosed, the doctor said she had six months left to live. Sah'nai had one wish tha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twent Two
Pick the Story That You Want To Read Next
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Fourteen

1.1K 30 4
By _TaLeyahLOVE

Hey Guys, I know that this is about three days late, and I'm sorry, but please ENJOY!

“Sah’nai!” I hear my Mother shriek and I stumbled a few steps back because she was supposed to be at work and I didn’t know that she was home.

            I watch as she runs into the foyer and I frown when she throws her arms around me and squeezes tightly. I pat my Moms back awkwardly; unable to move my arms because hers were on top of mine.

“I’m okay Mom,” I say feeling a little guilty for making her worry about me, but at the same time, she was supposed to be at work. If I would have known she was at home and waiting for me I would have called and told her where I was. “I was with Aiden.”

“Oh?” she asks finally letting me go and moving back.

“Yeah. Rhianan didn’t tell you?” I ask looking over her shoulder and into the living room entrance where Rhi stood, shrugging when I gave her a look.

            I knew what that shrug meant. She had tried to tell my Mom but she was too worried about my where abouts that nothing could get her to calm down.

            My mom looked sheepish, and I grinned because I was right.

            As I was about to move out of the foyer and into the living room with Rhianan the front door opened and I looked over my shoulder to see Jasmine, who glared at me before slamming the front door shut, and stomped pass us and up the stairs to her room; slamming that door also.

“What got into her?” Dad asked coming from out of nowhere.

“I don’t know but I’m about to find out,” my mom says moving away angrily with a scowl on her face.

“No Mom, let me go check on her,” I say putting my hand on her shoulder.


“And let your sister know that she’s in trouble.”

“Yeah Dad,” I said while walking up the stairs to my little sister’s room.

            Jasmine and I had always been close, and we used to tell each other everything. But that all changed after my first year of high school. We’d become more distant everyday and it wasn’t until recently that we’d begun to get close again; like how we used to. And now that things were like how they were before I wasn’t going to let us drift apart again. In this time now, I needed her in my life more than anything.

“Jasmine?” I asked knocking on her door.

“Go away Sah’nai.”

I opened her door anyway, and peeked around the corner to see that she was lying on her bed, her back to me.

“What’s wrong Jazz?” I asked moving to sit next to her on the bed.

“I want to be alone right now Sah’nai. I’ll talk to you later,” Jasmine replies in a dismissive tone.

“You know I’m not going to leave you alone until you answer me and you know that.”

            She sits up and frowns at me.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked, because I was curious and I wanted to know why she would be mad at me.

            I think that it might have had something to do about us not hanging out so much anymore. To be honest, if I was in her position I would have felt the same also.

“A little bit,” Jasmine said as she grabbed the pillow from behind her back and began to pull against the strings of the fluffy case.

“Why? What did I do?”

“It’s stupid.”

“You can tell me Jazz, you know that,” I say wrapping my arm around her shoulders.

“Can I? Because you haven’t really been talking to me the past couple of weeks,” Jazz said pouting while looking at me out of the corner of her eye.

“I’m sorry,” I say feeling honestly bad for not being a good sister. “My life has been hectic these past three weeks.”

“I wouldn’t know because you don’t tell me anything anymore,” Jasmine says with an eye roll. “I didn’t even know that you and Aiden had went on a date, let alone dated.”

I got tingles in my stomach when she brought up Aiden, and I remembered what he’d told me, not even half an hour ago. “I wouldn’t call a week and a half dating.”

“Yeah, but you still went out with him; and you didn’t even tell me. Nobody tells me anything. I didn’t even know that Robert and I had to get tested for bone marrow to help you while you’re in remission. I’m lonely all the time and you never even asked me how my date went. You just ignore me, and whenever I’m in the room with you its like I’m not even there. I just want things to go back to the way they were. Before you were sick and we were a happy family without having to worry about you dying in a couple of months.”

            I hold my sister as she cries and I can’t help but feel horrible. How could I be so wrapped up in myself, and being sad about Aiden and me not being together that I neglected my little sister? The one who looked up to me and though that I was her role model? It wasn’t until now that I realized that since my time was limited, that I had to be there for everyone in my life. This was the time where I am supposed to get closer to my family and be prepared to follow through with God’s plan; whether to die in less than two months or to have a successful chemo and surgery, and to go on with the rest of my life. No matter the outcome, I had to be the best that I could be now; the best daughter; the best sister; the best friend; and the best mate. It was never too late to start over.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper quietly, tears threatening to fall. “I promise that we will hang out more often. Whether it’s with Rhianan and Daniel, or with Aiden, or even all of us, you can come. I never did properly introduce you and Aiden to each other,” I grin.

“Yeah, you didn’t.” Jasmine grins back.

“So…” I poke her in the ribs, my grin getting wider.

“So what?” she asks smiling.

“How did your date with Jared go?”

Jasmine laughs lightly. “Sah’nai that was two months ago.”

I frown. It had been that long? “I’m sorry,” I say for about the fourth time that day. “But it’s never too late to catch up. How was it?”

“It was great. We had a lot of fun together,” she answers with a smile.

“Are you two still together?”

“Yup,” she grins, popping the p. “It’s been almost three months.”

“Aww, I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you,” she says and I smile as he blushes.

“Does he treat you good?”

“Of course,” she scoffs.


“What about Aiden and you? How did you guy’s date go?”

I sigh. “It was great. He took me on my dream date. We had a picnic on the beach and they we just lay there watching the stars afterwards.”

“Aww, that sounds so romantic.”

“It was,” I say reminiscing with a smile.

“So what happened? Why’d you two break up?”

“Because,” I think about what I can tell her and what I can’t, though it was obvious about the latter. “He wasn’t always honest with me. He was cryptic. And then I realized how selfish I was being because I knew that the situation I was in didn’t call for me to fall in love at this time in my life. I couldn’t do that to Aiden, because I knew that if he fell in love with me, it would all be over because of my cancer. I couldn’t bring him into that situation without letting him know the outcome.”

“Wow. So where do you two stand now?”

“Honestly, I don’t know.” I sit there for a minute and think about it.

            Just because we’re mates didn’t mean anything. Well, it did- a whole lot- but like I said before, he knew the outcome, and I didn’t want to put him through that. Especially now that I found out what being mates was about, and how our connection is so strong. I couldn’t bear to think what it would feel like for him to loose me, because I couldn’t do the same for him. I liked him, but my body loved him instinctively. It had no option in the matter at hand. The heart wants what the heart wants because the body has no force to deny it.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Jasmine asked.

“That’s what I’m supposed to be figuring out. I want to be with him so much it hurts, but I’m not the selfish type of person.”

“I understand.”

I yawn loudly. “I’m sorry. I just suddenly got tired.”

“It’s okay. You can go and lay down. I understand.”

“You sure?” I ask.

“Yeah. We’re talking again and you need your rest. Go sleep.”

“Thanks.” I say standing up and stretching. “Oh, Dad wants to let you know that you’re in trouble.”

She laughed. “Goodnight.”

“You mean Goodnap?”

“Yes Goodnap.”

I smile at her before turning to walk out the door.

“Hey Sah’nai?” Jasmine calls after me.

I turn at the waist and raise my eyebrows. “Yeah?”

“Give Aiden another chance.”

I smiled one last time and then walked out of her room and into mine to find Rhianan sitting on my bed.

            I yawn again.

“Whoa,” Rhi says smirking. “I see you don’t want to talk to me right now.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just- yawn- I’m so tired.”

“It’s okay. You need your rest,” she walks over to kiss me on the cheek. “I’ll go hang with Robert for a while. Come and get me when you wake up. I’m staying for dinner.”

“Alright, see ya.”

“See ya.”

            When I had awakened from my nap, I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that it washalf past four. To me it seemed as if I’d slept much longer than an hour and a half. I felt well rested, and I was positive in knowing that I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep until the early hours of the morning.

             I got out of my bed and stretched before going to open my room door in search for Rhianan. I was ready to get this talk out of the way because I knew that once again I would be talking about me and Aiden and what we talked about after we left from the hospital.

            I knocked on Robert’s door seeing as it was closed and I didn’t want to walk in on anything important because I would literally be scarred for life and thoroughly disgusted. I absolutely didn’t want to see my best friend and brother doing anything inappropriate.

            A few seconds later my brother popped his curly brown head through the door and I glared at him, pushing the door open all the way. Rhianan sat on Robert’s messy blue bed with her legs crossed and fully dressed (thank God).

“You’re grumpy when you wake up,” mumbled Robert moving back to his bed and sat next to Rhianan and gave her a kiss on the lips.

“Ugh,” I groaned a little disgusted turning my back on them. “Rhianan will you please come and talk to me so that I can get this conversation over with and you can come back and kiss my brother.”

“Sorry,” she said to me. “I’ll be right back Robert.”

“Okay babe,” Robert replied and after a few more kissing sounds, Rhianan got up and poked me in the back.

“Let’s go.”

            I nod and make the way back to my room and sat on my bed, my legs criss crossed. Rhianan sat opposite me, copying my posture.

“Are you and Aiden back together?” she asked right away.

I blinked. “You and my brother seem to be getting closer and closer.”

“Sah’nai! Don’t try to change the subject. What happened with you and Aiden today?”

“Nothing,” I answer evasively. “We just talked.”

“Stop being so dense Nai. What did you guy’s talk about?”

“We just talked about us. One of the reasons we had broken up is because obviously I was being selfish as I explained so many times before to everyone. But another reason I couldn’t deal with the relationship before was because he lied to me. I’d ask him things and he would always make what we were talking about into something else, and come up with excuses. I couldn’t be with him if he couldn’t tell me things. But once we got over all of that we talked. He told me why he couldn’t tell me the real reason why he kept things hidden from me, and after that we just sort of talked about what would be next for us, but I couldn’t give him an answer then so I’d told him that I would have to think about it.”

“Is that it?”

“Yes, what did you expect? Me to come here with an engagement ring?” I asked sarcastically with a smirk.

“A little bit. I mean, you and Aiden is so cute together and you guys are like the perfect couple.”

“We’re not the perfect couple. Trust me.”

“Is it because you have cancer?”

“No. Aiden has a secret that I will never share with anyone, including you, because if I was in his position I would want the same respect given to me. But just because we might seem alright on the outside, the inside and the truth are so much different.”

“Okay… I don’t know what to say to that.”

“Just know that I don’t know what to do with mine and Aiden’s relationship. I’m confused and I… I just don’t know what to do.”

“Do you like Aiden?”

“Of course.”

“Do you think you’re in love with him?”

“I was in love with Aiden the first time I saw him. I have no choice in the matter,” literally.

            I didn’t realize how much everything that I was saying was true until I saw Aiden in my dreams and then that day at the mall. I might have not realized it then, but once I saw him I felt that connection, that pull towards him. He was that shining light in the darkness that had been bestowed upon me. If I didn’t have Aiden with me right know and if I didn’t know him, I don’t know how upset and depressed I would be after finding out about my cancer.

            Aiden showing up kept me from going the wrong way, and instead I kept going on with life. I was happy, I found love and most importantly, Aiden was here and he wanted me. He was my mate and he supported what I wanted to do, while pushing me to do Chemo at the same time.

            Right then, I knew my answer to whether or not I was still going to be with Aiden, and it seemed perfect because it was the right choice.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little boring guy's, but this is just a filler chapter. I didn't really know where to go with this one, but I hope that you all enjoyed it despite it being boring!





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