Madison v.s The Travelling Ex...

By lily06ride

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BOOK TWO IN THE MADISON v.s THE HORSE WORLD SERIES It has been almost been a year since Siracusa Equestrian... More

Chapter One: Cross Country With a Bang
Chapter Two: The Meeting From Hell
Chapter Three: Who Is This Guy?
Chapter Four: Family Reunion
Chapter Five: Off We Go
Chapter Six: Nice Necklace
Chapter Seven: It Wasn't A Thing!
Chapter Eight: Stay Away
Chapter Nine: The First Ride
Chapter Ten: Planning In Secret
Chapter Eleven: Why Are You In Here?
Chapter Twelve: Are You Going To Help Me, Or Not?
Chapter Thirteen: I've Got A Plan
Chapter Fourteen: Who's Up For A Challenge?
Chapter Fifteen: The Aquarium
Chapter Sixteen: Deal's Off
Chapter Seventeen: The Bracelet
Chapter Eighteen: Up In The Trees
Chapter Nineteen: We're Sorry
Chapter Twenty: Moving On
Chapter Twenty-One: My Word Against Yours
Chapter Twenty-Two: I Don't Climb
Chapter Twenty-Three: Incorrect Leads and Secret Plans
Chapter Twenty-Four: Nightime Rush
Chapter Twenty-Five: So What Do We Do Now?
Chapter Twenty-Six: Do What You Need To Do
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Another Secret Meeting
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Dark Silent Night
Chapter Thirty: What Do You Think You Are Doing?
Chapter Thirty-One: How Could You Do This To Us?
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cheaters Don't Need to Explain Themselves
Chapter Thirty-Three: No Communication
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Plan
Chapter Thirty-Five: Do You Really Wanna Touch That Creep?
Chapter Thirty-Six: We Are Terrible Spies
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Boys To The Rescue
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Oh, Sienna, What Have You Done?
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Under The Waterfall
Chapter Forty: A Long Plane Ride Home
Chapter Forty-One: On With The Trip
Author's Notes

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Horse Hunt

17 3 2
By lily06ride

It wasn't until Antonio got a phone call in the middle of the day, that everyone found out that their horses had gone missing. 

Sacha had said there would be no way we would find the horses.

Katy had said that this would have to be the second-worst thing that's happened to SEC besides the horse thieves.

Will had said that with the missing horses and the deflated tires, someone must be targeting SEC. 

Sadly, Will is right; all this is happening because of someone wanting to ruin SEC. But what everyone doesn't know, is that the person ordering the attacks is standing right next to them, helping search for the horses. 

And, technically, I'm helping him.

"Majesty!" Lily shouts, cupping her hands to her face. "Where are you?"

She leads the way through the long grass, scouring the land for any trace of the horses. There were hoof marks and fresh poo lining the road where Elias and I set the horses free about two hundred meters down. Now the group has split into teams to search for the missing ponies. Lily and I are tasked with pushing through the grassy field on the right-hand side of the road.

"Majesty!" Lily calls again. "Come ou-"

"Oh, will you shut up!" Georgia shouts from my side.

Oh, did I mention Georgia decided to join us?

Lily halts, the yellow grass rising past her hips. "So sorry I'm trying to find the missing horses, Georgia."

"Well, we are never going to find them if you keep squawking like a Brazilian Green bird!" Georgia spits, wiping the sweat from her brow. "This heat is killing me and your shouting isn't helping."

Lily turns around, running her hand with a sigh through her sweaty roots. "Georgia, can you not complain like a toddler for two seconds? Is that so hard?"

I start to nibble the tip of my thumb.

Georgia sniffs. "Firstly you're the child in this situation, being all frantic, and secondly if we are going to find our horses you are going to have to shut up and be quiet."

"Georgia do you honestly think you are smarter than me?"


"Well, you aren't so shut up and just help for once."

The rest of their argument disappears as my brain blurs it out. It's insufferable. All I can do is stare at the stony ground, the thought of something terrible happening to any of the horses replaying over and over in my mind. Georgia and Lily's voices ring in my ears and my brain starts to hurt as images of Virgo start popping into my mind. My jaw clamps down on my tongue and I feel a piercing feeling rip through-

"Will you two stop it!" I shout, hot tears flowing to my eyes.

Georgia and Lily fall silent.

"My horse is out in a strange town somewhere and I don't know where he is! He could have been hit by a car for all we know," I continue. "Now Lily shut up because they are probably jittery and running around scared. Georgia you need to shut up as well and stop whining because we are also looking for your horse too. Okay?"

They both stare back at me, their mouths hanging open. I gulp.

Georgia's eyebrows shoot up after a painfully long pause of silence. "Wow... Hate to say it Maddie, but... you're right."

Maybe it's just the heat getting to her, but I'll take it. 

Wiping away the tears forming in my eyes I look over to Lily. To my surprise, she isn't red in the face or looking at me like she's pissed off. Lily smiles at me softly instead, the pain showing in her eyes. With her arms outstretched, Lily strides over to me. I let out a small laugh as Lily reaches up and throws her arms around me to hold me in a tight embrace. 

"Let's go get our horses," she mumbles in my ear.


Georgia wraps her black locks in between her hair. "See, the hoof marks track left."

I stop by her side and squat in the long grass. The midday heat is really starting to affect all of us and our sadness has now turned to frustration. Where are you, you stupid horses?

Stretching my hand out in front of me I trace my fingers over the horseshoe print left in the dust. A trail of them swerves off, leading into a rocky patch of land. Wiping my moist brow, I stand.

"Yep, they went that way," I say.

"Wow... thanks, Bear Grylls," Georgia scoffs. Didn't know you were an intrepid explorer, Maddie?" 

My nostrils flare and I roll my eyes.

"Quit it, Edward and Jacob," Lily grunts, walking past Georgia and I.

Georgia flicks her hair, taking off after her. "I'm Edward in this case."

"Okay then, you're pale and crusty while I can bite your face off," I snort, walking quickly to catch up to Lily.

"Oi!" Georgia shouts.

I shrug throwing a smirk her way.

"Sometimes, I just think-"

"Both of you can be quiet now," Lily interrupts, her voice low.

Suddenly, I'm stopped in my tracks by Lily's back as I run into her. I let out a grunt, trying not to topple over her.

"Shh," Lily hisses. "They're there."

My eyes snap up. About ten meters away from us stands a small group of horses all tucking into the long grass. My heart swells and I grab Lily's hand. She squeezes mine back.

"I can see Aviation, Majesty, Romeo and Virgo," Georgia murmurs, joining my side. 

"I'll call Alex," I smile, reaching to pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Wait a minute," Lily says, "how are we going to get them all back? We only have three halters."

I glance at the blue halter in Lily's hand and then at the two others in Georgia's. The Bull swears under her breath.

"Surely, if we lead three, the other one will follow," she mutters.

Lily nods. "Romeo probably will. Probably."

I look back out at the small herd of horses and breathe deeply. "Then let's do it."

Slowly as to not disturb the horses, the three of us make our way through the long grass. Every time the pale grass rustles, I cringe, praying the horses won't think we are a threat. As we continue to approach I start stepping towards Virgo. Outstretching a hand, I motion for Lily to toss me a halter. One comes flying my way and I catch it. 

Creeping towards Virgo, I outstretch a hand with a carrot in my grasp.

"Hey, bud," I murmur.

Virgo snaps his head up, his eyes wide, and shies away from me. The other horses flick their ears forward and lift their heads up too, sensing Virgo's distress.

"It's only me silly boy," I whisper, keeping my voice deep.

Virgo doesn't move but allows me to approach with care to secure his halter to his head. His lips snuffle at the carrot in my palm and a wave of relief washes over me as I run my eyes over his body. Not a scratch on his chocolate brown coat.

Take that, Elias.

I run my hand over Virgo's cheek, him flinching slightly away. His eyes still have a manic glint in them and his ears are still pinned right up.

"Had a stressful night, hey?" I laugh, stroking Virgo's neck.

Virgo shoves his head into my chest, pawing at the ground.

"You guys good to go?" Georgia asks, keeping her voice still low.

With Virgo's lead rope in hand, I turn around and see Georgia walking Aviation up to us. I almost see a trace of a smile on her face.

"Yeah, let's get them home," I reply, patting Virgo's shoulder.

Georgia flips her hair over her shoulder and leads Aviation off into the long grass. I give Virgo a small tug and he strides through the grass at a quick pace.

"You good Lily?" I call over my shoulder.

Virgo and I keep walking, following Georgia, but there is no reply.

"Lils?" I ask again, this time halting Virgo.

"Oh, what now?" Georgia complains, stopping Aviation.

Rolling my eyes, I turn around to see where Lily is at. To my surprise, her face is red as is she leads Majesty around in a small circle. To my shock, I see that the grey is limping.

Damn it, she's lame.

"What's wrong, Lily?" I call.

Lily mumbles to herself before replying to me. "I don't know. She's lame."

Lily kicks at the rock surface we are standing on. I fidget with the lead rope at Lily bends down and runs a hand over the back of Majesty's right leg. The mare picks up her hoof and Lily goes silent as she inspects the sole.

"Damn," Lily mutters. "She has a stone bruise."

Georgia and I exchange a glance and I can't ignore the pain in my heart that reminds me that I did this to Majesty. I injured my best friend's horse.

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