Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBX

By dont-lose-ur-head

31.9K 425 135

"rules were made to be broken" Scarlett Woods and her friends have a plan for the summer- relaxing and doing... More

part one
╰┈➤ ❝ [S̳c̳a̳r̳l̳e̳t̳t̳ ̳W̳o̳o̳d̳s̳] ❞
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
bonus (social media)
part two
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
part three
fifty two

forty five

193 5 3
By dont-lose-ur-head

"GUYS, THIS is from Denmark Tanny's diary." Pope told the Pogues as he stood before them on the porch. The others had taken to sitting on the various chairs scattered around the porch. Scarlett lay atop JJ on the couch, her fingers playing with his shark tooth necklace as she listened to Pope read out one of the extracts he had photocopied from the diary. "'August 15th, set sail from Port-au-Prince on calm seas. Came upon the Spanish ship San Jose on fire. The entire deck was aflame. And we could hear the screams of men trapped below. The Spanish captain cared about only one thing, his valuable cargo, the Cross of Santo Domingo and countless bars of gold.'" He paused, looking to the Pogues whose eyes were locked on him as he continued to read out the diary entry. "'Once the cargo was on board, we went to help the crew, but Captain Limbrey ordered us to pull bayonets and not to let any of the Spanish crew on board. He robbed them and left them to die.'"

"Holy crap." Scarlett breathed, watching as Pope handed the entry he had been reading to John B before sitting on one of the chairs next to him.

"So it didn't go down off Bermuda." JJ mused. In one hand he was flicking the lighter lid on and off while his other hand gently played with Scarlett's hair.

"And it was a Limbrey stealing shit again." Kiara pointed out, rolling her eyes.

"Should've known." Scarlett muttered, shifting slightly so she could wrap her arms loosely around JJ's neck.

Pope nodded. "This diary proves that both the gold and the cross of Santo Domingo were on the Royal Merchant."

"Why didn't we find it in the well then?" JJ wondered aloud. He sat up straighter, wrapping an arm around Scarlett so she wouldn't slip off his lap. "I mean, if Denmark was able to get this, like, bedazzled cross off of the Merchant to shore, why didn't he just hide it with the gold?"

John B held a finger out towards the blonde boy as his mind raced with a possible answer. "Because it was too big."

"You're right." Pope nodded. "He had to hide it someplace else."

"Then where?" Scarlett asked. She shifted her body again so she was more comfortable. She climbed across JJ until she was sat on the arm of the sofa, allowing JJ to lean back against her legs.

Pope looked over to her before turning his gaze to the rest of the group. "Right before he was hung, Denmark said he'd buried the treasure at the foot of the angel."

"Wait, I thought this was about the key." JJ said.

Kiara nodded, looking down at the paper she was holding. "Right. So what's the connection?"

"'The path to the tomb begins in the island room.'" Pope repeated the words in-scripted on the key he had found.

"But what is the island room?" Kiara stressed, leaning her head against the back of her chair.

JJ sat up suddenly, spinning his body around so he was no longer leaning against Scarlett's legs. "You know what helps me figure shit out?"

"Oh boy. Here we go." John B sighed, watching as JJ stood up from the couch and walked over to the other Pogues.

"Smoking beers and drinking weed." JJ answered. "The ideas just pour out of me. If we just sit here and try to figure this out, we're gonna get nowhere."

Scarlett nodded. "JJ's right. We're never gonna get anywhere just sitting around thinking."

JJ hummed in agreement. "But if we get creative and go to this bonfire tonight, maybe we get somewhere."

Kiara shrugged. "Well, I just got disowned by my parents, and I'm an official member of the I-have-nothing-to-lose club."

"Same here." Scarlett smiled sarcastically. "Absolutely parent-free."

"Pope?" JJ asked.

There was a moment of silence before the boy spoke. "We're so close."

"Look, look," JJ started, putting down the tapped together tower of beer cans he had picked up and kneeling down in front of the boy. "Think about how much you could think if you just gave your brain a rest."

"Okay, fine." Pope gave in. The Pogues let out a massive cheer as they jumped up from their seats. Kiara and Scarlett raced off to get changed while the boys slowly made their way towards the Twinkie. "Why do you wanna go to the bonfire so badly, anyway?" Pope asked JJ.

The boy shrugged as he hopped down the porch steps, sparing a glance at the disappearing frame of his girlfriend. "I made a promise to take Red this year. And I actually plan on sticking to it. She needs a night to just relax and take her mind off everything." He looked between his two friends. "We all do. Anyway, we have a better chance of finding this cross if we get a bit creative." He grinned.


The bonfire, an Outer Banks tradition. It took place on the same weekend every year. Everyone went, Kooks and Pogues. It was probably the only time that both sides of the island tolerated each other. Scarlett jumped out the van as soon as John B stopped the engine. She locked hands with JJ as the two and John B made their way through the crowd. Someone handed John B a red cup filled with alcohol and the boy didn't hesitate to take it. Scarlett wasn't paying attention to the boys' conversation as they chatted about the situation between John B and Sarah, only tuning in as JJ picked up beers for the three of them.

"In the meantime, shotgun right now. Like old days-" JJ was cut off as beer can was thrown at them.

"Hey, derelicts!" The girl yelled, and Scarlett glared at her. She wasn't too familiar with the girl, having only seen her in a few of her classes. But she already knew she didn't like her.

"Hey, there she is." JJ commented. Scarlett folded her arms over her chest as she began to drink her can of beer. It's not that she was jealous, she was just a tad uncomfortable with how the girl was acting towards her boyfriend and her friend. "That's you." He pointed to John B. "We're out of here." JJ wrapped his arm around Scarlett's shoulder and led them away from the pair.

"Oh." Scarlett frowned. "That's the girl who asked JB to the bonfire."

JJ nodded. "That's the one. Wait, you weren't jealous were you?" He looked down at her, taking note of how tense she seemed to have become.

"No. I just- shouldn't John B and Sarah try to work things out before he moves onto someone else?" Scarlett suggested, looking over her shoulder in the direction of John B.

JJ simply shrugged. "You just gotta let him do his own thing. Stop worrying, Scar." He grabbed her hand, spinning her around and causing her to laugh. "Just relax tonight. It'll do you good."

Scarlett hummed as she downed the rest of her beer. "Fine. I'll try to relax." She followed him to a corner of the bonfire, picking up another drink as they went. They joined back up with Pope, talking about nothing in particular. Somewhere, a speaker was blasting out music and Scarlett pulled JJ a little further into the crowd. "C'mon, Blondie. Let's dance."

JJ laughed as he spun her around, the two of them dancing to the beat of the music. "You know, you're blonde too now. So, I don't think you can call me Blondie anymore." He joked.

Scarlett frowned. "But it's the only cute name I have for you."

JJ pulled her into his chest, leaning down and placing a kiss on her cheek.  "Fine, I'll let you call me Blondie." He smiled. Scarlett grinned, leaning up on her tiptoes and locking her lips with his. They danced for a while longer before JJ led them over to a quieter part of the party. The couple sat down on a low wall, Scarlett leaning her head on JJ's shoulder as she watched the teenagers of the island dancing and drinking. There was something about being at the bonfire, something they did every year, that calmed Scarlett. They weren't being chased, shot at or planning how to break their friend out of prison. For once they were able to be teenagers again, and it was this thought that made Scarlett smile. JJ wrapped his arm around her shoulder, noticing the smile on her face. "What's made you so happy, then?" He asked, his voice loud enough for just Scarlett to hear.

"Being here. With you." Scarlett answered. She paused, her head racing as she thought about how to word what she wanted to say next. "JJ-"

"Yeah?" He asked, smile still on his face as she sat up and span her body to  face him.

"I-" Scarlett froze. There had been something on her mind a lot the last few months- when they weren't running around after lost treasure. It had been burning at her insides, clawing at her to get out. But she was scared. Scared to say anything in case it caused her to lose JJ. And she knew she wouldn't be able to survive losing him after everything they've been through.

"Scar, what is it?" JJ asked. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in how worried she had become.

Scarlett shook her head. "Nothing." She forced a smile onto her face. "I just wanted to say, I love you, J."

JJ placed a hand on her cheek. "I love you too, Doll." Though he, too, was smiling, he couldn't help but feel worried for Scarlett. She had seemed scared, like she had been trying to tell him something but was scared of what the consequences would be. His mind started to race as he thought about what it could be, and for a moment he considered asking her. But he knew pushing her for answers would cause more damage than it would help. Scarlett would tell him in her own time, and he had to trust her on that. Whatever it was, he knew they could work around it. They were Pogues after all, that's what they did best.

The couple sat together on the wall for a small while longer, just enjoying the company of each other as they chatted about anything and everything. Soon they were joined by Pope again and the three began laughing over nothing in particular. Their joking around seemed to end suddenly as yelling broke out not too far from the middle of the bonfire. Scarlett stood up on the wall, trying to see over the sea of people what was happening. A gasp left her lips as she spotted Topper, Sarah, John B and the girl from earlier.

"Shit, shit, shit." Scarlett whispered as she jumped down from the wall. She left the two boys and pushed her way through the crowd to see Sarah pushing John B's chest as she told him to go.

"I'll beat your ass." Topper threatened.

Scarlett could only stand in shock as waves of memory hit her. Memories from the fight that had taken place at the kegger. When John B nearly drowned and Topper had knocked her unconscious. There was no way she could let that happen again. "Hey, Topper! Just get out of here, man." She yelled, finally getting her feet to move as she walked to stand next to John B.

"No one asked you to be here, Pogue." Topper spat at her.

Scarlett glared at him. "Topper, just leave before I punch you real hard. And you don't wanna know where."

Sarah stepped away from John B, trying to make Topper walk away. "Don't even think about it."

"He started it, Sarah." Topper argued.

Suddenly Kelce appeared, stepping right up in John B's face. "Hey, she don't want you anymore, bro." Scarlett moved forward to try to push Kelce away, but before she could do anything one of the other Kooks had grabbed her by her arms and pushed her to the floor.

"Shut the hell up!" John B hissed, turning away from Kelce. He moved to kneel down next to Scarlett, wanting to see if she had been hurt in any way. But his movements paused at Kelce's next words.

"What you gonna do, John B, kill me like you killed Sheriff Peterkin?"

Scarlett could see the rage in John B's eyes. "No." She whispered, knowing Kelce was only saying that to provoke him. "Ignore it."

"Do something!" Kelce yelled. Scarlett blinked and suddenly John B was spinning around, his fist landing in Kelce's face. The crowd around them began screaming and shouting.

"Sarah, Sarah." John B called, moving towards her to try and talk to her.

Topper moved her further away before making his way to John B and grabbing a fistful of the boy's shirt. The two started violently pushing each other, falling to the ground. Topper was on top of John B landing punch after punch. Scarlett groaned in pain, unable to see what was happening as the crowd surged forward above her. A few people stepped on her as they tried to get a better view of the fight, phones in hand as they recorded it. Over the noise of the crowd rooting for the fight, Scarlett could just about make out Sarah's voice. "Stop! Stop!" She yelled.

Someone grabbed Scarlett's arms and hauled her back to her feet. Turning to the person, she realised it was Kiara who had come to the rescue. "Thanks." Scarlett shot her friend a small smile before the two began clambering through the crowd in order to try to help their friend. Suddenly more fights began breaking out as Kooks and Pogues grabbed and yelled at each other. Scarlett ran over to where Topper was pinning John B to the ground. "Get off him, you asshole!" She screamed, pushing the boy off her friend. Scarlett held her hand out to John B, helping him off the floor. "You okay?"

"Are you?" He asked her, noticing how shaken up she looked.

"We need to get out of here and find the others." She stated, shaking her head in answer to his question. Before either of the two could do anything else, Kelce had grabbed hold of Scarlett, wrapping his hands around her arms and allowing his friend to start punching her body at random. She let out a yell as she saw over the boy's shoulder, John B get shoved to the ground by Topper for a second time. A fist landing on her face pulled her attention back to the boy punching her and a groan of pain left her lips as she felt her lip split for a second time.

"Sarah!" Scarlett heard John B yell as the girl he had been talking to earlier pushed her off the wall. From the corner of her eye, Scarlett saw Kiara shoving the girl and yelling at her before jumping down to help Sarah.

Scarlett's vision started to blur as ringing sounded in her ears. She didn't see JJ as he ran up to her, pushing Kelce and the other boy off her. She fell into his arms, lifting a hand up to wipe the blood dripping from her nose and her lip. Pope ran forward, having been following close behind JJ, and tried to yank Topper off John B. "Get off of him!" JJ yelled. Quickly but gently he sat Scarlett on the edge of the wall before running over and helping Pope pull Topper away from John B.

Kiara then came running over as Pope began fighting against Kelce and JJ pulled Topper into a headlock. "It's not worth it!" She cried over the noise of the various fights. She pulled Scarlett into a standing position, letting the Woods girl lean her weight against her. "We gotta get out of here! Come on!" She yelled at the boys. By now John B had lifted himself from the floor and was aiding JJ in his fight with Topper. The boys fought until the Kooks fell to the floor in exhaustion, jumping off the wall and helping Kiara support Scarlett as they made their way back to the Twinkie.

"You good? You good?" JJ asked them.

John B nodded, wiping a hand over his face. "I'm good." He answered.


"Well, that was a little unexpected." JJ groaned, crushing his now empty beer can as he leaned against the Twinkie.

Scarlett shook her head, wincing slightly as she did so.  The Kooks had done a number on her. The side of her lip was spilt open, her nose had only just stopped bleeding and she was sure she had a few bruises forming on her cheek. "I think it was expected a little." She mumbled. "Kooks and Pogues just can't exist peacefully." She sighed. She was laying on one of the backseats, her head resting on an old jumper.

John B had taken to lying on the seats behind them, a cold beer can pressed to his face just above his eye. "Hey, maybe she'll come around." JJ tried to reassure him. From the front seat, Kiara and Pope shared a look, unsure how true it would be. Especially after the fights at the bonfire.

"It's like everything that happened to us didn't matter." John B spoke, the hurt obvious in his voice. Silence fell over the group until JJ jumped back in the van, suggesting that Kiara drive them to the Château. John B's house was a safe place for the Pogues, even after everything that had happened to them in month or so. They knew that they could relax and take their minds off the bonfire and anything else the island decided to throw at them.


Back in the garden of the Château, the Pogues sat around the small campfire they had built. Scarlett rested the non-bruised side of her face against JJ's shoulder as she toasted a marshmallow on a stick. "I've had more black eyes in the last month than I've ever had." Pope mused as he took a seat around the fire.

"Wish I could say the same." Scarlett shrugged.

"That was building up for years. Rumble in the jungle." JJ joked as he picked up the plate filled with more marshmallows.

Kiara took a seat between John B and Pope, fixing the hat on her head. "Hey, did you really stick up for Sarah?" John B asked her.

"Of course I did." Kiara answered, taking a bit out of the sandwich she had brought herself. "She's not a real Kook."

From across the firepit Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, she's a Pogue now. One of us." She smiled softly at John B.

"Right." The boy muttered. "Yeah, tell that to Topper."

"Lottie, your marshmallow is burning." Pope pointed out to the girl.

Scarlett frowned, pulling the stick away from the flames and picking up the sweet treat. She shrugged, taking a bite out of it. "Still tastes good." She chuckled.

Quiet fell over the group for a moment, other than the hiss Scarlett let out when the marshmallow burnt her tongue. "I just want one bite." John B said, leaning over and lifting Kiara's sandwich to his mouth.

"What are you doing? No, stop!" Kiara protested, trying to take her food back. It fell out of their hands and onto the grass, causing Kiara to frown.

"You're not having any of mine." JJ called.

"I thought you were gonna share." John B told her honestly.

"I spent the last of my money on that." Kiara complained. "I'm stealing your marshmallow." She announce, leaning down and picking one from the plate. John B slid off the bench, crouching down as he moved to pick up the remains of Kiara's food.

Pope shook his head at her. "I believe that's a... not even a fair trade."

"It's not at all. Not even close." Kiara agreed. Scarlett leaned forward, watching as John B froze. His gaze fixed just beyond the chicken coop. Her eyebrows furrowed as she wondered what he was doing.

"Hey, hey." John B whispered, patting Kiara's back as he shushed them. With the group silent, Scarlett finally heard the rustling John B had picked up on. "Somebody's here."

"You don't think Topper would..." Kiara voiced her worry, looking warily between the Pogues.

Scarlett shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past him. He's a Kook and he absolutely hates us."

"Do you have your gun?" Kiara asked JJ as the rest of the Pogues stood up from their seats, preparing for a possible fight.

JJ pulled a face at her, responding with heavy sarcasm. "Oh, now she wants the gun."

Scarlett rolled her eyes at him. "Well, it might actually be useful tonight. Who knows what's gonna happen."

"Oh, now you don't have the gun?" Kiara fired back at JJ. "Isn't that your 'secret' weapon?"

"Shut up." John B hissed at them.

JJ rolled his eyes as the Pogues moved cautiously across the garden in the direction of the chicken coop. "Goddamn, now she wants the gun." The blonde muttered harshly under his breath.

"Hey, who's out there?" John B called out, walking just ahead of the others.

"You Kooks better not try anything." Kiara added.

JJ, holding a long stick out in front of him as a makeshift weapon, gently stepped in front of Scarlett. He wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt again that evening if something else happened. "Who's there?" He yelled out.

Scarlett immediately took a step backwards as the person walked around the chicken coop and into the Pogues' view. "No, no, no." She whispered. "What's he doing here?"

"How y'all doing?" Renfield greeted the teens.

"It's this piece of shit." Pope muttered, shaking his head slightly. He stepped forward next to JJ as the Pogues came to a stop, the two boys forming a sort of protective barrier in front of Scarlett. It was something they didn't even realise they were doing.

JJ clenched his jaw. "You gotta be kidding me." He mumbled angrily.

"Lovely evening we're having." Renfield spoke, walking towards them with his hands raised in the air, showing that he was unarmed- something Scarlett couldn't help but feel suspicious about. "Look, I, uh... I don't hold a grudge with any of y'all, all right?" He lowered his arms, patting down his jacket to further prove that he wasn't carrying any sort of weapon. "But this can go hard, or this can go easy. You know what I'm here for." The Pogues all shared a wary look as the man walked closer to them. "Let me give you a little demonstration. You see that swing?" Renfield pointed to the swing that was hanging off the tree branch next to JJ. Big John had built the swing years ago, as a Christmas present for both John B and Scarlett. The two of them used to spend every afternoon swinging back and forth on it. And even as they grew older, Scarlett would often find herself sitting on it to read her books on a warm summer evening.

"I got the best bow hunters in the Army Rangers with me." Renfield continued, still walking towards the teens. JJ lowered his stick, keeping it close to him as he leaned on the rope that held up the swing. "Hidden." Renfield added, whistling. There was a whizzing noise as an arrow flew through the air. It shot past both JJ and Pope's faces, landing in the bark of the tree behind them. All the Pogues stared at the arrow in shock, not knowing how to react. Renfield clearly had some powerful friends. "Now, they're out there. They'll stick you just as soon as I say so." Renfield threatened, taking a few steps closer.

Scarlett looked around worriedly, wondering where Renfield's men could be hiding. JJ took hold of her arm, pulling her closer to him while also keeping himself in front of her in case Renfield signalled for his friends again. There was another whistle as JJ held his stick up ready to attack Renfield, who had moved to standing in Pope's face. A scream caught in Scarlett's throat as another arrow landed near them, this time at JJ's feet. "Uh, uh, uh." The man tutted, turning briefly to face the other Pogues. "We clear?" Slowly, JJ lowered the stick, his jaw clenched tightly. Scarlett placed a hand on his upper arm, to scared to move anymore than that for fear of a third arrow flying at them. Renfield turned back to Pope, talking clearly to just him. "Now, I'm not gonna give you a countdown or any bullshit like that. I'm just gonna whistle."

A tense silence fell over the group as they watched Pope reach into his pocket for the key. It was what Renfield was there for, and Pope knew that the only way he could keep his friends safe was to give in to the man. He held it tightly in his fist as he pulled it from his pocket. "This key belongs to my family."

Renfield laughed, though it was obviously forced. "I'm losing my patience with you, Pope." He held his fingers up to his mouth, preparing to whistle. But before he could, Pope reluctantly handed the key over to him. "Did the right thing, kid. Knowing when you don't have a choice is an underappreciated talent. You be safe." He turned around, walking away from the Pogues and back to wherever it was he had appeared from. "Y'all have a good night."

"I'm so sick of this shit." Pope panted. He turned around and walked away, needing to be alone for a small while. Scarlett shook slightly, her gaze fixed on the arrow stuck in the ground next to JJ's feet. Sensing an oncoming panic attack, JJ dropped his stick to the ground and wrapped his arms around Scarlett's frame. He held her close to him and they stayed like that for a few moments before heading into the Château where they curled up next to each other in the spare bedroom.



Edited: 07/12/2021

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