thirty seven

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"THEY'RE FANCY people. They've had like three governors in the family." Kiara informed the Pogues, having spent the journey into Charleston researching the Limbreys. "They've run Charleston for, like, 300 years."

Scarlett nodded. "They're powerful people, so we need to be careful." She said as Pope's truck pulled up outside what seemed to be a mansion. The house was so big, it made her grandmother's house seem normal sized.

"These Kooks make our Kooks look like Pogues." JJ added. "You sure this is the place, Pope?" He asked, looking up at the extravagant building.

"Pretty sure." The boy answered, staring in shock at the house.

JJ nodded, pushing open the door. "All right." He muttered. Scarlett climbed out first, stepping onto the pavement as JJ climbed out after her. Kiara and Pope followed, coming to a stop next to the couple in front of a high fence with spikes atop it.

"Twenty-seven King Street." Pope confirmed, holding up the letter.

"Talk about home security." JJ commented.

Scarlett hummed in agreement. "Not even the Kooks back home have security like this. Like, even my Grandmother doesn't and she's as much of a Kook as one can get."

"Are those spikes to keep people out?" JJ wondered aloud.

Kiara shook her head softly. "No."

"The slave quarters are over there." Pope gestured to their left. "These spikes were to keep people in." He said with a sigh.

The Pogues pushed open the gate, walking up the pathway to the front door. Scarlett wondered how this Limbrey person would react to them turning up almost a day late. She couldn't help but expect the worst from the situation herself and her friends had found themselves in. Pope stepped forward, using the door knocker to announce their arrival. Even outside the house, they could hear the knocks echoing. "You think that was too much?" Pope asked, taking a step back.

"It echoed the entire house. That's for sure." JJ commented. "So, they definitely heard it."

"Maybe nobody's home." Kiara suggested.

Scarlett folded her arms over her chest. "Maybe. Maybe they just don't like people knocking on their door."

Pope stepped forward, knocking on the door again when it swung open to reveal a man. He leant on the doorframe, his eyes scanning each of the teens before landing on Pope. "You must be Pope." The man pointed at him, a weird smiling tugging at his lips.

"Um..." Pope answered, not sure what to say as he looked around at his friends. "Are you Mr. Limbrey?"

"Ms. Limbrey was expecting you yesterday." The man corrected.

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "You can't really expect a group of teens to travel to the mainland and arrive on time when you give them hardly any notice." She pointed out.

Pope nodded. "Yeah. Um... I'm- I'm sorry. My car broke down on the way up here. Plus, I guess what my friend Lottie here said. She actually has a point."

"Carburettor blew up in the middle of Nowheresville." JJ added. "Sorry about that."

The man turned to look at JJ before turning his gaze back to Pope. "Yeah, she was, uh, real upset when you didn't show up." Scarlett frowned at how sarcastic he sounded. If they didn't want the teens to turn up, why invite them?

"We tried to call, but there's no number on the invitation." Kiara explained. "We got here as fast as we could."

"She also expected you to come alone." The man added, ignoring Kiara.

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