twenty six

323 3 1

PAIN CONSUMED Scarlett's body and she doubled over. Sarah was quick to grab her, holding the girl upright so she didn't collapse. Scarlett placed a hand over the fresh wound, her fingers quickly becoming covered in her own blood. Words formed in her mouth, but she found herself being unable to speak- only staring in shock at Rafe. Sarah held her hand over Scarlett's, pressing into her side as to put pressure on the open wound.

Their attention turned to Sheriff Peterkin, who was still collapsed on the ground. By now, the Sheriff's sleeve was coated in blood, as the woman lay almost immobile on the ground, coughing and spluttering.

"We've got to help her." Scarlett muttered, still in shock from what Rafe had done. She leant all her weight on Sarah, thankful that the girl was holding her up despite also being in heavy shock.

John B rushed forward, kneeling down next to Peterkin. "Hey. Hey. Hold still. Hold still." He fumbled with the woman's shirt, trying to find the location of her wound so as to put pressure on it and attempt to stop the bleeding. "It's okay. Where is it? Where is it? Oh, my-"

Scarlett tore her gaze away from the scene, barely unable to watch as John B ripped his bandanna away from his neck and tied it around the wound to stop (or at least slow) the bleeding. Her eyes met with Rafe's and fear began to eat away at her as she watched him point the gun directly at John B. Rafe began screaming at the teen, who was picking up the Sheriff's radio- going to call for help just as Peterkin was asking him to do.

"Don't try it, asshole." Rafe warned, moving a few steps closer so the end of the gun was in direct line with John B's head.

Ward stood up from the ground, standing in between his son and John B. He held his hand out towards his son and then to John B. "Rafe- John B, give me the radio."

Scarlett stared on in shock, wishing there was a way for her to help. "No." John B stated, refusing to listen to the man.

"Come on." Ward persuaded, kneeling down to John B's height and holding his hand out. "Give me the radio." He grabbed the radio from John B's hand, pulling it out of the boy's grip. The whine of feedback could be heard from the device as Ward took it into his hands. "The damn radio." He muttered angrily.

Peterkin began gasping for air as she writhed around on the hard floor in pain. Tears pooled in Scarlett's eyes as she watched the scene, her hands gripping tightly to the open wound under her ribs. With her free hand, she hugged Sarah, who was sobbing- barely able to look her brother in the eye.

Rafe held the gun back up, pointing it back and forth between John B and Scarlett. Before he could do anything else with the weapon, Ward spoke to him. "Rafe, I've got it. Calm down." He stood up, holding his hands up to show he had the radio as he walked over to his son. He put one hand on Rafe's forearm, attempting to lower the gun. "Rafe put the gun down. I got it."

Scarlett tore her gaze away from the two Cameron men, her eyes flicking over to John B. The boy was still kneeling down next to Peterkin, his hands covered in blood as he held pressure over it. She watched as Peterkin whispered something to him. It was barely audible, but she was just able to make out what had been said. "Run."

"I'm not leaving you." John B promised her. He looked up, making eye contact with Scarlett for a brief moment before looking back down at the Sheriff. "We're not leaving you."

"Run!" Peterkin repeated, knowing that something terrible would happen to the teenagers if they stayed.

Scarlett could feel her heart breaking as she realised that they were going to have to leave the woman behind. Worry filled her veins as she knew that these were Peterkin's last moments. She didn't want to leave the Sheriff to die- as she assumed she would, knowing that Ward wouldn't call for an ambulance. But she also knew that if they didn't go now, they wouldn't survive either. Rafe had shot Scarlett, and Ward would presumably place the blame on the Sheriff's and Scarlett's injuries on John B. And even if he didn't, the Cameron's have more than enough money to get out of prison and afford the best lawyer in state.

Gold Digger// JJ Maybank- OBXUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum