Loving The Shadows (A Nico di...

By Demi_wizard8610

345K 10K 10.1K

My name is Alex Jackson. Yes. I am a Jackson. Yet I don't find that fact important. This is important: Only... More

1-Loving The Coffee
2- Loving the Blind Date
3-Loving the Past
4- Loving the Alleyway
5- Loving the Headache
6-Loving the Royal Jerkness
7-Loving the Truth or Dare
8-Loving the Nightmares
9-Loving the Free Time
10- Loving the Second First
11- Loving the Hour
12- Loving the Coincedence
13- Loving the Pictures
14- Loving the Sister
15- Loving the Emotions
16- Loving the Spar
18- Loving the Mother
19- Loving the Rerun
20- Loving the Girlfriend
21- Loving the Mortal
22- Loving the Movies
22- Loving the Beating
23- Loving the Introductions
25-Loving the Surprises
26- Loving The Identity
28- Loving the Tree Talks
29-Loving the House
30-Loving the Disappointment
31- Loving the Shadows
Help Us Write ( PLEASE READ )
The Epilogue: Written By FrozenImmortality

17- Loving the Kiss

10.1K 333 221
By Demi_wizard8610

.Nico 's POV

It was late at night again. The darkness was welcoming for me, and familiar. I couldn't sleep, it seemed impossible.

I had been laying, playing on my phone, wich probably didn't help my insomnia. But that was better then going into the land of thoughts.

I shuffled away and when I turned the corner out of Bianca's room I bumped into somebody.

"Not this again." Alex muttered under her breathe. Her hair was messy and she wore a sweatshirt with pajama shorts.

"Good morning," I greeted nonchalantly.

"Is this going to become a thing, death boy, meeting in the middle of the hall way in the middle of the night,"

"It could if you'd like, I don't sleep."

"Neither of I." she said and together we walked into the kitchen. Something different, she was acting tense or angry.

"What wrong, Alex," I said generously , a new found honesty in my voice.

"Cut it out di angelo, you were such a jerk today," she hissed.

I wasn't surprised, I was a jerk but only because she was being a brat.

"Like you were much better yourself," I retorted.

She sneered," I showed you something- I was a coward infront of you and then you're a jerk about," she said, flushing a dark red. Her eyes narrowed and her voice cracked.

"I'm Sorry- It's just-I'm bad with-I-" he said, but was forced to look away.

"Say a complete Sentence!" her voice was raising.

"I am a jerk. I'm a big fat effing jerk. I'm like Clarisse, I don't know how to react, I- do-I understand, Alex. I understand how you're feeling. I said something once, infront of a friend and it was very very private and then things were awkward. But now we're best friends," I was referring to Jason and my crush on Percy.

"What was it,"

I became flushed, my foot suddenly glittery. I did not want to say.

"Nothin'" I blushed.

"you saw me cry, you have to tell me, then we'll be equal."

"NOTHING," I shouting

I studied her and she looked slightly angry. .

"Fine. Want hot chocolate?" she asked.

"Sure." I shrugged. She got up and stalked into the kitchen.

despite being comfy on the couch I followed her.

"I know I'm an asshole."

"No I'm the asshole. I'm a jerk, your right, Im a coward and a wimp and-"
She said her look full of self rage, the words hurt me that she said that.

But then I inclined my head and saw something. My breathing swallowed and I took a gulp.

Cuts lined her thighs, thin red lines, horizontal.

I would have never guessed

Her green eyes widened as she followed my glance. She yanked down her shirt but it was too late and she knew it too.

She began trembling, shaking. Her eyes turning frail and broken.

"Don't worry." I whispered, my voice soft and flawless" I have my own battle scars,"

She seemed at ease for a moment and I felt relief swirl to me, hope fill my heart for a slight moment," Why?" she asked the one quistion that I wished to never answer. But I did. I answered for her.

I scoffed," I hurt everyone around me."

"You haven't hurt me yet. And you won't hurt me," she said. An edge to her voice, an edge of admiration and respect.

"Alex, you are the most brave and courageous girl I know. As a reward you brought people alive, you gave up a chance of immortality to save them. " and I was being honest, the truth stayed in my words rhe whole time.

"I was lonely, therefore I was selfish." she responded.

I sighed, ignoring her"your skilled and -and pretty."

"I thought you didn't like girls,"

"For gods sakes I'm bi, not gay."

"Well, your not to bad yourself. Sure your rebellious and attend to ignore rules, but your bad ass and courageous." she said. A sense of unease spread through me. This sounded dull and stupid, trying to boost each other's esteem. But it wasn't working.

"This feels forced." I mumbled.

She laughed," Let's start this night over alright, forget everything that has happened. Yet I was being honest."

"I know, so was I. So we'll forget his whole night?" I asked, a tingle running through me.

"Yeah." she said, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"Alright then."

I did something I will never forget.

Alex's POV
He kissed me.

Yes he kissed ne. The kiss you should never mention again. The kisd that never happened.

You want the dirty details the description. The smuty details.

But nothing smuty ever happened . Nothing dirty or detailed.

It was one simple kiss. One that should have never happened.

(a/n: Sorry I'm writing like this, I finished 13 Reasons why and this is really how it was written)

Her ducked forward his cold hands grabbing my shoulders pulling me forward.

I leaned in until our lips met, his lips were light and soft.

My mind began screaming in happiness. A boy was kissing me, and I liked it. Even if it wasn't a deep kiss it was memorable.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. The tips of my fingers pricked as they touched his bare eck.

I leaned in farther, deepening the kiss slightly. Our lips meshed together as he pulled me into his warm chest.

And for the first time in forever, I finally felt happy


No not now. I can't go into a flashback now.

"Allleeexxx," I heard a distant voice. Unmistakable as my brothers.

"Alex! Wake up, it's our birthday." I felt my bed slide up and down as my brother rocked the board.

At that note I shot right up, my birthday. August 18th.

I met my brothers glistening eyes wich were the size of saucers. And I wasn't surprised to see him wearing
his favorite aquaman pj's.

"Percy, stop shaking," I giggled as my bed rocked back and forth.

"Wake up. wake up. Mommy made blue pancakes. Blue!" he whisked (a/n:I think I'm using the word wrong but who cares)

"Blue?!?! I'm up, I'm up." I said and leaped from the bed and Percy and I raced to the living room.

It was early morning, a pale color shimmering through the windows. Despite the early hour mommy was in the kitchen making pancake.

She grinned as we approached, "Good morning, birthday kids,"

"Mommy!" we exclaim. She picked both of us up at once, and it felt good to be close to her.

"Presents!" Percy yelped, eyeing the boxes on the kitchen counter.

Mommy smirked, "Fine, if you insist."

We ran to the table and Percy began unwrapping a box that had his name on it.

I settled in my seat and grabbed for the rectangular box that was covered in pink wrapping paper.

I grabbed it and ripped it open until pieces of paper were scattered all over.

It was a doll, one that looked just like me, black curly hair and green eyes. It was my doll. And I held on to that doll until the day I got taken away.

I woke wirh a start, sitting bolt up. Above me was Nico his eyes clouded with concern.

"Alex? Alex?" he said shaking me. My vision was still coming back into focus.

I sat up, Nico's hurried questions playing back ground to the thumping in my ear.

That was the best day of my life, why was I remembering it now, why was I?

The doll, I forgot about it, and despite being seventeen there was a knawing in my stomach. It represented my past, playing with Percy, we'd pretend to be the parents and the doll, her name was Luna, was the baby.

I began crying again, my vision blurring. I felt odd, strange, yet soothing having Nico here.

"Did I do something wrong? Alex, talk to me." he said.

"I'm fine," I choaked.

With that I ran.

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