✔️ | 🎄 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 �...

By byMegFischer

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𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 on @Romance @YARomance @ContLit profile @TeenFiction 𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐒 Coming of age, winter roma... More

| dedication
| crush
| coffeehouse
| nerves
| dinner
| family
| decorating
| passed notes
| dancing
| bonus
| bonus: nosicles
| second chance series
Art and edits

| bonus: christmas surprise

316 33 28
By byMegFischer

Linney waited outside the apartment, the bag of groceries in her arms crinkling and growing heavier every second. She had a key to the apartment, but it was buried somewhere deep in her heavy purse.

With three rapid kicks, she announced her arrival. Heavy footsteps thundered before the lock slid open, revealing Dave with Snoopy wagging her tail in the background.

Dave waved a hand. "Hey, Linney, come in, come in."

"Thanks! How are you?"

"A lot better now that Jim's fiancée is home. He's been unbearable."

She tipped her head back, cracking up as she entered her new home. "Merry Christmas, roomie," she said, pausing to kiss his cheek.

With lighthearted chatter, Dave helped her unpack the groceries, and Snoopy danced around their feet until Caroline stooped to greet her.

The dog's tail thwacked the cupboards until Dave laughed and tucked her under his arm. "Okay, the two of us are gone. Have a good night!"

"Thanks again! See you tomorrow."

Dave clipped the leash to Snoopy's jangling collar before they jetted out the door. Linney tied her thick chestnut curs hair back and surveyed the kitchen, hands on her hips. "Time to get to work."

The smile on Jim's face when he walked in an hour later was everything she hoped for. The door clicked shut behind him, and he found her near the dining room table. With her fingers interlaced, she turned to face him. She dipped her hip to the side, holding her arms out in a bashful gesture. "Surprise."

Sucking in a breath, he removed his coat. Caroline was wearing a deep green turtleneck that barely grazed the top of her tight jeans. "Damn, you look gorgeous. Hi there."

She quickened her steps as she ran toward him and leapt into his arms. He was nearly six inches taller than her and swept her up for a long kiss hello. "Hey, sexy. Merry Christmas. You look like my Christmas present."

He hummed in happiness, walking them over to the couch, then paused as he recalled he had wet shoes on. Holding her higher, they laughed as he stumbled his way through removing them, then strode over to the couch.

"Mmm, I missed you," he said between kisses. They had been apart for eleven days. It was their second Christmas together, and they had been engaged for a couple of weeks. "How was Christmas in California?"

Caroline's eyes slid shut at the heat and taste of Jim's mouth on hers. "Stupid," she whispered, fisting his hair in her hands. "How was your holiday?"

In a single, fluid motion, he was on his feet, gripping her body while carrying her to the bedroom, his mouth seeking hers with hot pursuit. "Mine, too."


The next half hour was a delicious Christmas gift delivered painstakingly slow. Everything about Jim Garrett was familiar and warm, and yet the way he always took charge spread warmth inside her in a different way. His scorching kiss was like flames licking her body, and she lived to burn bright under his touch.

When he watched her, she felt safe and sexy. He held her securely, like the most precious thing in his life, but he was anything but a gentleman in those private moments. And she loved it; she welcomed him leaving his mark everywhere.

Everybody knew that while she was soaking up the sunshine in California, that Jim, Dave, and a few of their buddies would move Caroline into their apartment. They officially worked and lived together as of that day, and had secretly been making plans even before they were officially engaged to get married that following summer.

"I made us a little Christmas surprise," she said, stroking his chest. She rolled over on her stomach under the sheet, and he marveled at what she did to him as his stomach flipped. He knew this was his forever, and he hated closing his eyes to miss a single minute. "It's just waiting for us in the kitchen."

"This must be heaven. Right?" he whispered, running his thumb along her jaw. Linney's round face was his favorite sight; her stunning blue eyes his favorite jewel.

"Must be," she said, scooching her body upward to connect their lips.

His large enveloped and thick fingers nearly enveloped the entire side of her head. "I'm so lucky," he said, kissing her softly. He grazed her eyelid with his lips. "To have you."

"Well, that makes two of us," she said, rising to a sitting position. Reaching for their clothes, they moved lazily, pressing lips to delicate places on each other's skin. Her mouth on the nape of his neck, his on the inside of her wrist.

She rose from the bed as he tugged his sweatpants on, lurching as pain rushed through her.

Jim hopped the bed and clutched her elbows. "Are you okay?"

Her head spun. "Yeah, whoa, that was weird. It was like the breath got stolen from my body."

He flashed her a cocky grin, puffing out his naked chest. "Wow, I had no clue I was that breathtaking."

"Well, you are," Linney said, biting her lip. "But I'm fine now." Leaning over his bed, she snagged his shirt, forced to double-cuff the sleeves to avoid sweater paws.

"Don't make me get all cheesy, babe. You are fine as hell, but—"

She swatted him with the long sleeve, cutting him off while he laughed, his entire face lighting up. He hadn't felt this carefree since the day before they said goodbye at the airport last week. "Come on, I'm starving."

Jim lit the tapered candles on the already set table, and they settled in, simultaneously holding hands and trying to eat. Linney chewed a bite of the dinner she made, wearing a disgusted expression. She leaned over and spat out her food. "This is so nasty! I'm so sorry!"

He glanced up from his plate, shoving a forkful in his mouth. "What? I love it."

"Ugh, no, this is horrible!" Plate in hand, she rose and dashed to the kitchen. Seconds later, Jim sprinted behind as a resounding crash rang out from the kitchen.

"Babe? You okay?" he hollered.

A cracked plate, food, and cutlery littered the floor next to a whimpering Caroline clutching her arm. "I'm sorry. I broke it."

He knelt with a soft smile. "Who cares? Is your arm okay?" By the way her eyes glittered and her lower lip tried to hold back a quiver, he knew it wasn't. "Let's go get it checked out, okay? It's only two blocks."


The injury was likely a light sprain, but the emergency room wait time seemed as if it stretched out forever. She clutched her arm while Jim returned from the cafeteria with soup, spooning her mouthfuls until she laughed and refused another bite.

One X-ray. Just to be sure. That's what the doctor recommended. The white hospital paper crackled as Caroline lay back. She was offered her a lead apron as soon as the technician entered the room.

"Do I need one?"

"Well, it's up to you." She sank onto the small green stool, then whirled around to face Caroline. "You're only twelve weeks along, so the radiation risk is very minimal."

"Oh, okay, well, I guess it won't hurt," Caroline said, startling as Jim's stentorian, deep voice cut through the room.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"She said I don't have to wear an apron," Linney answered, pressing a hand to her pounding heart.

The chair he was sitting in clattered to the floor as he stood and grabbed her face. "Are you pregnant?"

"Pregnant?" she repeated, balking. "Oh, oh, oh! That's—wow—there's—"

She reached for his hand as they stared for a long moment, and a slow smile spread across his face. Jim laid his head on her stomach as if he could hear something in there while Linney laughed.

The tech wiped a tear away. "This is so cute. I'll give you guys a minute."

She exited the room as Jim tenderly kissed Caroline's lips, their foreheads touching. "What just happened?" Linney asked.

He shrugged. "I found out you were pregnant before you did."

"You're not upset, right?"

"Are you kidding me?! I can't wait. We're getting married, there's a little version of you coming in the summer. Upset about what?"

She bit her lip. "I'm scared."

"Oh, that? Yeah, I'm terrified. But we'll be okay. The three of us. Like I said, I'm so lucky to have you."

The laugh she let out lightened the mood, and she guided his hand to her thumping heart. "And now that really makes two of us."


"Neil?" Linney shook her head, wrinkling her nose at the notebook. "There's no way in hell we're naming our kid after Neil Young, James."

She paced the floor of the hospital room, clawing at her arching back. "I'm so exhausted," she quietly wailed.

Jim hurried over, and cupped her face, choosing a soothing tone. "I know," he said before hastily amending, "I mean, I don't know, but I know you're my everything, Caroline Garrett. Thank you for doing life with me."

They positioned so Jim's front was to her back and he wrapped his hands around her abdomen. She leaned against him as he supported her, tipping her head on his shoulder.

"Say the word."

"Now," she murmured, "One's coming."

Linney nodded, sliding her eyes closed in pleasure as Jim lifted the weight toward her spine and sighed in relief as the pressure lessened.

"That's ten," she cried out after the tenth contraction ceased. He gently released her and suggested she rest, helping her to the bed.

"Okay, let's go down the list again," he suggested. "Nicholas, Lucas, Gavin, Landon, David—wait, David?!"

Caroline's laugh hurt her as it echoed off the walls of the doom, but she couldn't help it. She slipped that one in as a joke and cackled toward the ceiling as he furiously rubbed the eraser over the page.

"That's a hell no." He dramatically swept his hand over the eraser shavings as they both cracked up. "Okay, again—Nicholas, Lucas, Gavin..."

After ten hours total of labor, forty minutes after the abdominal tuck, Linney gripped Jim's hand as she pushed, weeping joyous tears. Thick tears blocked Jim's vision as she clutched his neck, and they cradled Nicholas between them.

As Linney cleaned up and indulged in the first real meal she's had in days, Jim stood at the window and rocked his son, marveling at how tiny and beautiful. "Love you so much, Nicholas James," he whispered, placing a soft kiss on his velvety cheek.

With a knowing grin, he spun to face Caroline and Izzy, eyes wide, mouth forming an O. "Holy cow, he has six fingers on his left hand!"

"What?" Caroline braced her hands on the hospital bed, swinging her legs over the side, preparing to march over and count them.

"James Christopher Garrett!" Linney cried, dissolving into laughter. He ducked as a roll sailed over his and Nick's heads.


"Can't believe how lucky I am," Linney murmured that night while Jim touched her leg, and she held Nicholas on her chest.

The staff had attempted to remove the baby from the room for the night, and Linney all but snarled in protest like a panther at the idea of her child leaving her room.

"Me too. You two together is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen," Jim tiredly answered, laying his head on her leg while she ran her fingers through his hair.


Caroline groaned at the sound of her son wailing in the nearby bassinet. It seemed as if it was the fifteenth time that Nicholas woke up that night. Nearly five months old and bright, he wanted to explore the world around him. Linney was glad her son feels happy enough to thrive in the world and express his needs, but could we do it at a more decent hour?

Jim shifts and sits up. "I can get him."

He roused himself, snagging Nick from his bed, and settled into the nearby rocking chair. Jim loved his son's big blue eyes and tiny yawn. "What's on your mind, son?"

Nicholas cooed in response while Jim launched into the song he always sang under his breath while rocking Nick. Gently smiling, Caroline slid her eyes shut as the melody of "You Are My Sunshine" filled their bedroom.

She drifted off, listening to her sweet man tell her son about James Taylor's music, explaining that one day he could learn the guitar, too.

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