Deadly Love ( Kaneki X Reader...

By pikachu1470

14.4K 409 256


[Chapter 1]
[Chapter 2]
[Chapter 3]
[Chapter 4]
[Chapter 5]
[Chapter 6]
[Chapter 8]
[Chapter 9]
[Chapter 10] FINAL

[Chapter 7]

1.1K 29 66
By pikachu1470

"Yay!" Hinami says hugging you.

"I'm going the have a little cousin!?" You and Kaneki nod simultaneously. You see Touka and Ryouko shocked at the news.

"(Y/n), please tell me this a prank." Touka says her face completely pale.

"So you are going to have his baby. I can't wait!" Ryouko says excitedly.

"You seem just as excited as Hinami, Mrs.Fueguchi." You say.

The door suddenly slams open. You all turn and see a panting Hide.

"You told him too..." You mutter to Kaneki.

"He's my best friend, of course I would..." He whispers.

"You finally did it... I'm so proud of you, Kaneki!" Hide says hugging Kaneki. You look at the two best friends. You chuckle.

"So your a 100% sure?" Touka asks.
You nod.

"Kaneki made me take the test, 5 times..." You say flatly. Hinami and Hide are jumping around happily as Touka and Ryouko look at Kaneki.



"5 times?" Touka says.

"I just wanted to make sure..." He says a light blush of embarrassment on his face.

"Some women are okay and really happy when they're pregnant, but some get morning sickness." ((A/N: my English teacher taught the whole class this...thank you Ms.Jago. We really need to know that)) Ryouko says with a kind smile. "Since this her first pregnancy were not sure how it'll go. So, Kaneki you need to be prepared." He takes out a notepad and pen.

"Okay, I'm ready. Please go on Mrs.Fueguchi." He says getting ready to write down any notes. You sweat drop.

"Is it going to be a girl or boy?" Hinami asks.

"We're not sure yet, but as soon as we find out we'll tell you." You respond placing a hand on her head.

Hide leaves the room or building as soon as he hears 'breasts'. He immediately flees the room.

"I'm going to get a snack." You say standing. Kaneki nods.

"Oh, make sure she has lots of flesh. If you don't she may eat yours." Ryouko giggles.

"Lots of flesh... Got that..." Kaneki somewhat sounds scared.

"Don't worry love, I wouldn't eat you." You say with an innocent smile. "Unless I see you with another girl." He stares at you terrified. You hear Touka muffle her laughter with a pillow.


Touka stands, the pillow still on her face, and leaves the room. The pregnancy too much for her. You watch her leave.

You finally go back to your room. You fall back on your bed. The rain making a soft melody as it hits the window. If you're going to have a baby... This room is too small. Maybe Kaneki's apartment... You hear a knock on the door.

"Come in."

You see Touka there. Her eyes filled with absolute fear

"What's wrong?"

"You're not kidding about having a kid are you..." Her face pale.

"Why are you so terrified of kids?"

"I'm just not good with kids..." She mumbles.

"When the baby comes let's see how you react."

°5 Month Later°

"Kanekiiiii" You whine.

"Yes, coming love." He hurries up the stairs with a tray full of flesh and some coffee. He finally makes it to your room, panting.

"Here." He says placing the tray on the nightstand. You look at him. Bags under his gray eyes.

"Have you been sleeping?" You ask him.

"Y-Yeah..." He lies.

"Liar." You show your kagune. Your kagune wraps around his body. His waist, his shoulders, his legs. You wrap another around his neck, gently.

"(Y-(Y/n)!" He says terrified of what you were going to do. You pull back your kagune pretending to going to stab your boyfriend. He closes his eyes, waiting for the pain. You caress his face gently, surprising the black haired boy.

"You should know me by now." You say as you lay him down next to you on the bed.
"And please don't lie to me." He nods. "Now get some sleep." You say standing from the bed.

He grabs your wrist. "Where are you going?!"

"We have to check the gender today." You say putting on your jacket. "I'm going with Touka." You wrap your arms around your abdominal area. Where your baby was.
"I'll see you later!"

Kaneki wraps his arms around your abdominal area from behind you. You blush. "I want to go with you." He whispers.

"You need to rest. You haven't slept in a really long time, please. I'll call you as soon as we find out." You respond leaning back on his chest. He looks at your (e/c) eyes and back at the baby.

"O-Okay, but hurry back. Please." He says as he leans his head on yours.

Touka knocks on the door. "Oi, (y/n)! You ready?" She asks.

"Coming!" You chirp as you give Kaneki a quick kiss on the lips and leave.

°Time Skip°

You yawn as you enter the building.
You go up the stairs to your room to find a sleeping Kaneki on the bed. You giggle. You make your way towards the sleeping Kaneki, careful to not wake him up. You lay next to him. You then feel arms wrap around your waist. Damn it... You woke him up...

"Hi..." He says as he pulls you closer to him.

"How'd you sleep?" You ask cuddling into his chest, careful about your stomach.

"Good, but it was lonely without you." He pouts as he kisses the top of your head. "So, what's the gender?"

"The what?"

"The gender of the baby?"



"Both..." You mumble.

"What?" He says lifting his head up.

"Both..." You say a little louder.

"That doesn't make sense." He says flatly.

"It kind of does." You respond looking at him. His gray eyes clearly filled with confusion. "Kaneki..., we're having twins." You say.

He freezes for a moment. "T-Twins..."
You nod.

"Hinami is going to be happy." You say trying to lift the mood, but it failed miserably...

"Two kids!? Man, I was only prepared for one!" He says, muffling his face with a pillow.

"You're not happy...?" You ask sadly.

"Yes! Of course I am! I just wasn't expecting twins!" He says scratching his cheek nervously.

"I'm going to go tell Mrs.Fueguchi, and the others." You say standing and making your way towards the door. (The door is fixed Yay!)

You knock on the door. "Mrs.Fueguchi?"

"Yes? Come in (y/n)." She says. You open the door. Hinami was eating her flesh as Ryouko was eating as well.

"So did you find out the gender of the baby?" She asks, a smile across her face. Hinami stops eating and looks at you, waiting for an answer as well.

"Were having twins, a boy and girl." You say, with a shy smile. Hinami and Ryouko's eyes widen.

"Yay!!!" Hinani says running over to hug you. But Ryouko stops her.

"You need to be careful about her stomach Hinami. " She says. Hinami nods and carefully wraps her arms around your stomach. She squeals.

"I'm going to have two little cousins?!"

"Yup." She starts jumping around the room happily.

"Have you decided what to name them?" Ryouko asks.

(( A/n: (D/n)= Daughter's name
(S/n)=Son's name))

"Hmmm. I was thinking, (D/n) and (S/n)."
You say as you sit on the couch opposite of Ryouko. "But I want to make sure Kaneki's okay with it."

"Those are lovely names!" She says happily.

"I can't wait to play with, (D/n) and (S/n) soon!" Hinami chirps she skips circles around you.You giggle and the door opens revealing a already wide awake Kaneki.

"Um, (y/n)? Hide invited me somewhere so I'll be back in a while. Okay?" He says making his way towards you.

"Okay. Be careful though." You respond.

"Okay, love you." He says as he leaves a kiss on your forehead.

"Love you too." You say and he leaves the room. (This is the one where Hide is almost killed by Nishiki. Yeah the episode scared the living hell out of me.)

°Time skip; brought to you by my laziness°

You pace back and forth in the room. Where is he? You then here the bell, signaling someone entered the store.
You run down the stairs hoping it was Kaneki. You slam open the door and see Kaneki limping with Hide unconscious.
You quickly run up to him and hug him tightly. He puts Hide down on a booth and hugs you back.

"Where were you?! You had me worried sick!" You yell, tears flowing out of yours.
He caresses your cheek.

"Sorry, love. Nishiki almost killed him and tried killing me soooo..." He tries to change the subject. "How are the babies?"

"Don't try changing the subject!" You yell, pushing yourself away from him. "Why didn't you call me or something?!?! I could've helped you! You almost died for God's sake!" He looks at you in shock. You two have never fought since you've been together so it was a surprise.

"(Y/n), your pregnant. I wouldn't call you even if I was dying. What about the twins? What would happen if you got hurt? I would never forgive myself if anything ever happened to you..." He says calmly approaching you. You take a step back as he gets closer.

"I don't care! What would've happened if you died?! I would never forgive myself! I would feel completely useless, Ken! Why can't you understand! I want to protect you! I don't want to lose anyone else..." The last sentence, was said by pure pain in your heart. Your mother, your father, and lastly your sister. Losing everyone you loved...

"(Y/n)..." He says trying to hug you. You decline the offer.

"Take Hide to your apartment... Care for him there. I just...need some time...alone...please." You say making your way towards the door to your room. His expression turns hurt.

"I understand..." He says quietly, but still loud enough for you to hear. He carries Hide again and quietly walk out. The last thing you hear was the bell.

°1 Month Later°

A month without him... 6 months pregnant... You miss him...

Your phone rings. You try to reach over, you stomach not really helping. You look at the caller ID. Kaneki... He's been calling you a lot. The most was about 10 times a day. You honestly still loved him, but you didn't want to talk to him. His voice always sounded pained and broken. Touka talked to him for you. You appreciated it. You put your phone back down as you let it ring.

Someone knocks on your door.

"Come in." You say flatly. The person opens the door. It was Touka.

"There's someone here that wants to talk to you." She says.

"If its Kaneki tell him I--" she cut you off.

"Its not Kaneki. Its this one dude, he says he's your friend from highschool."

You search your thoughts. You don't remember having my guy friends...
"I'll be there in a little. "

She nods and leaves. You change into (your favorite outfit) and leave the room. You walk down the stairs to the cafe and see Touka running around.

"Oi Touka, where is he?" You ask her. She points to a man with luscious blonde hair with a few streaks of brown and deep blue eyes. He stares at his coffee. You walk over to him cautiously.

"Um... You requested me, sir?" You say nervously. He looks up at you, his blue eyes gleaming as the light reflects off them. A light pink covers you cheeks.

"(N/n)?" (Nickname) He says a smile forming on his face.

"I'm quiet sorry, but may I ask your name?" You say tilting your head slightly to the side. He pouts.

"Awww. You don't remember me?" He says mocking your action. You shake your head. "Aki? Akihiro Nanase? Does that name ring a bell?" He asks. ((A/N I couldn't think of a god damn last name okay?!))

Your face suddenly lights up. Aki? Aki!
"Aki!" You say hugging him over the counter. "Its been so long! Where have you been?"

"Brother. Whent to his wedding a few weeks ago. He married his best friend. You remember Haru, right?" He ask.

Of course! Who can ever forget that water addict!" You laugh.

"Yeah well he married Makoto..." He said a little blush on his cheeks from embarrassment. (( -_- come at me Rinharu fandom. COME. AT. ME.))

You gasp. "Really?! But I thought him and Rin were dating at the end of the year!"

"They broke up after Haru saw him with Sousuke..."

"Oh..." You say. You smile again at him. "How have you been?" He looks at you a light blush covering his cheeks making you give him a close eyed smile. He blushes even more. He covers his face with his hand.

"Fine..." He mumbles through his hand.

"Do you wanna catch up? Today's my day off." You smile at him.

"S-sure..." He stutters but returns the smile.


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