It Was Accidentally on Purpos...

By sleepingpup

562K 11.5K 2.1K

where one ambivelent girl trusts one cheeky boy who ends up being exactly who she thought he was when they fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 *LAST ONE*
Authors Note :)

Chapter 23

10.6K 269 44
By sleepingpup


Finally after the signing was over it was almost 6:30 and TIffani still hadnt answered me back. I tried reaching Lucy on her phone and she told me Tiffani had gone shopping.

So I drove to the mall where she was supposed to be and scanned the area for her. I checked her favorite shops and shops she could possibly be in but no luck. 

I was starting to panic, where was she? 

Then I got a text. My heart leaped and I opened it thinking it was her. Only to have it hurt even more to see who it really was.

"Hey Harry! Can you please come to the studio, I need some help with something. -Darcy x" 

I was un sure whether to answer or not. To be honest I didnt really like Darcy. She seemed cold blooded and selfish. But I wasnt going to be judgemental about her, I barely knew her.

"Sure Darcy, I'll be right over." 

I hit send then started driving over to the studio. But I kept my phone on my lap hoping Tif would text me back soon. 

And if she didnt, a search party would have to take place. 


When I got to the studio, Darcy texted me saying she was in the back room. I wasnt quit sure where that was because no one used that room anymore. But I made my way over. 

When I got to the room I was blasted in the face with confetti. 

"Surprise!" Darcy yelled giving me an enormous hug. I stiffened awkwardly and pulled back getting a look around the room. There were decorations on the wall saying "i love you", "will you be mine?" Etc.

What was going on?

"Darcy what's all this for?" I asked stepping around her. She had her eyes glued on me every where I went. 

"We're celebrating! What does it look like curly?" She started bashing her eyelashes at me and playing with her hair. Curly?

"Only Tiffani called me Curly before." I said scratching behind my neck. Her eyes turned dark and she narrowed them at me. Then she whipped that face off and swapped it with her happy one, unnaturally fast.

"Well I think it's a sexy name for you." She winked at me. 

I raised an eyebrow at her then pointed to the banner that said "i love you". She giggled. 

"I love you too Harry." She said walking over to a table where a candle had been lit along with a fancy dinner. I squinted my eyes weirdly. 

"Thats- not what I meant." I said only after realizing it sounded kind of rude. She spun around with a creepy smile.

"Then what do you mean then Harry? Tell me everything." She tilted her head and smiled. I was starting to get an uncomfortable feeling.

I cleared my head dropping the topic.

"You um said you needed help with something? Thats why I'm here, remember?" I started looking around the room some more, noticing all the pictures cutt out of me and her on the wall forming a heart. 

"Darcy?" I asked getting a rush of nervousness. 

"Hmm?" She asked turning around again. "Oh yeah, well I hate to lie to you Harry, but I dont really need your help. In fact, I need to help you." She started walking towards me. 

"Help me with what?" I asked walking over to the couch to sit down. Some was terribly wrong, Darcy was acting... odd.

"See, I know this girl who likes you and I know you like her back." She stood behind me and placed her hands behind my head. 

"But I really dont like this girl." She sighed loudly. 

"Well, who is she?" I asked scooting away from her. 

I heard her giggle. "I cant tell you silly, its a secret." She placed her finger on her lips and shushed me right in my ear. 

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "So then why do you hate her?" I asked trying to ignore her eyes burning through the back of head.

Then it was like the temperature dropped 30 degrees. The air got thinner and colder. 

"She hurt you Harry." Darcy mumbled darkly. "She hurt me too." 

"What do you mean?" I asked standing up facing her. 

"When you tried loving her the only thing she did was push you away!" She shrieked in grief. "She betrayed you! And you just-" She yelled on the top of her lungs and knocked over a chair trying to get to the table. 

I stood there paralized. Darcy was going out of control.

"She tried to take you from me, Harry." She faced me again and pulled out two rings in a box. "She tried to get between us." 

I starred at the rings in disbelief. Did Darcy think we were... married? 

"Darcy I think you're mistaken." I protested. "We're not-"

"Married!" Darcy yelled loudly. "I know isnt it wonderful?" She leaped over to me and placed the ring on my finger, and layed her head on my shoudler. 

I pushed her off and stood away from her. "Darcy what the hell are you talking about, we are not married and we never will be!" 

But she rushed over to me again and tried touching my cheek. 

"But I love you, Harry ." She wimpered trying to touch my cheek again but I swatted her hand. 

"Darcy, I dont love you. I love-"

"Dont say her name!" Darcy shrieked throwing her ring at me. "Dont you dare mention it!" Her eyes turned pitch black and her fists were clenched tightly. 

"My heart belongs to Tiffani." I took off the ring from my finger and dropped it on the ground. I started making my way towards the door when Darcy started laughing.

"Too bad she wont trust you to keep her safe anymore!" She picked up the ring from the floor and placed it on her own finger, obserbing it. 

I starred at her nervously. "Why wouldnt she?" 

Darcy started laughing to herself until she looked up at me and smirked evily. 

"Because I got to her first." 


I felt my body levatate into the air. I felt like I was flying into the clouds. I was light as a feather and I actually felt relaxed. There was no nausea, no anxiety no lies or pressure. Everything was enlightened. 

There was a light that shinned so bright but I didnt want to close my eyes to escape it. The more I looked at it, the more it  drawed me closer. 

I was in a state that I had never been at before. I was, at peace.

Then a jolt of lightning surged through the skies. The clouds went from white to dark grey, almost black. 

And the light was turning darker and darker. Pressure started weighing on me again and I felt my head start to spin faster. 

My body stoped flying and I started becoming more and more heavier. 

Then my eyes sprang open. 

I stayed there, scared to lift my head because I was still so dizzy. Then I felt 2 hands grab my cheeks. 

"Tiffani!" he smiled at me and kept his eyes on mine. But they looked so red, like he had been crying.

"Ha-," I tried to say more but it hurt. I felt like no air was getting in to my lungs. My head started spinning more and I closed my eyes tight, trying to wince away the pain.

"Shh," He said rubbing my cheek gently. "You're alright. Everything will be alright." I opened my eyes to see his sea green eyes shinning at me and his full lips whispering encouraging words.

"We're all here, Tif. I'm here." He took my hand and kissed it softly. I wanted to tell him so badly  about Darcy. I had to tell him and explain to him what happened. He must have been so scared and distressed all because of me. 

I attempted again to speak but my lungs tightened and I whimpered. 

"Tif please," his eyes looked glazed. "Dont speak."

I bit back the words sitting in my throat and swallowed them. I smiled at him then I winced in pain when I touched my cheek. 

An immediate pain was formed. My eyes wattered a little and I bit my lip. Harry gripped my hand tighter and laid down closer to me, so his elbows were resting on the bed. 

"I'm so sorry this happened Tif." he placed my hands on his lips. He closed his eyes and hid his face. My heart started to swell so much it was about to burst. I slowly reached my hand out and placed it on his cheek. 

He covered it with his and whiped a tear away. He shook his head and looked down at his feet. 

"I wont let anyone try to hurt you like this again." He said quivering his lip. "I promise." 

He hid his face in his hands again, still holding on to mine. I clenched his hand and surged all my energy to speak. I opened my mouth and pushed away the pain for a split second.

"Love you." I managed to whisper softly as fast as I could. Then my lungs tightened again and I felt the sharp pain.

Harry looked up at me. "I love you more." 


After hours of doctors coming in and out, testing to see how I was doing, I was finally released. Harry and Niall helped me into a wheel chair and pushed me into the lobby. 

"I dont suggest she stays alone for the next few nights," The doctor said. "Also, dont let her speak until tomorrow evening, her jaw needs to heal first." 

I tried touching my cheek again to see if it would still hurt. Harry grabbed my hand and held if down. He looked at me sadly the back at the doctor. 

I directed my attention to Liam and the other boys who looked just as scared as Harry. Once the doctor was gone, they all started talking at once. 

"What about the concert?" Niall asked half-heartedly. "She cant perform with her jaw-" He looked over at me then he hit his forehead.

"Im so inconsiderate Tif, I'm sorry." He walked over to me and rubbed my shoulder. I smiled but winced again because of my cheek.

"You're gonna be alright." Niall whispered to me. "You're a tough cookie." He winked at me then went to stand by Zayn.

"I'm gonna call Paul." Liam suggested snapping out his cellphone. "I'm gonna call Lucy." Niall added. "I'll come with you." Zayn said taking out his pack of cigaretts. I sighed loudly. Zayn only smoked when he was really scared or stressed out. Looks like this did the trick. 

My heart swelled even more. Lucy! She's going to have a panic attack seeing me like this. I looked over to Harry and he must have read my thoughts.

"Niall," He said calling him over. "Dont tell Lucy what happened over the phone, I'll tell her when she gets here." 

Niall nodded then headed outside with Liam and Zayn. My eyes gleamed at Harry and he ran his hand down my cheek. 

"Excuse me, could one of you fill out the information for the girl?" The doctor asked. Louis looked over at Harry.

"I will." Harry said starting to walk over to the desk, but looking back uncertain to leave me. 

Louis walked behing the chair and pushed me to the waiting area. He sat down next to me. I tired to tell Louis not to worry about me but I couldnt push away the pain in my lungs.

"This is all my fault." Louis said looking at the floor. I shook my head desperatly trying to make any noise I could.

"Yes it is Tif, If I would have let Harry stay with you today instead of taking him with us to the signing... this wouldnt have happened." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed loudly. 

"Harry might have to live with finding you there on the street, crippled and weak. But I'm going to be have to live with the fact that it happened because of me." 

I reached my hand out to his knee and placed it there. His eyes started to get wattery and he put his hand over mine. 

"I'm sorry Tif, I'm so so sorry. You didnt deserve this." He whipped a small tear from the corner of his eye. 

"I forgive you." I mumbled under my breath again, wincing at the pain that increased. My head started to spin again and my hand slumped off his knee. 

He looked up at me dimly and smiled weakly. "Thank you Tiffani." 

Then Harry made his way over and pushed me out to where Niall, Liam and Zayn where. Liam gave Harry a dissapointed look and shook his head. Harry looked down at the floor glumly then up at me. 

"We'll talk about it later, alright?" Harry said facing Liam again. Liam nodded, along with the others. 

"Wheres Tiffani?" Yelled a familiar voice from behind Niall. "Where is she?" 

Lucy ran past Harry and kneeled right in front of me. "Tif," Her voice broke. She spun around to face the others.

"What happened to her?" She yelled, starting to cry. No body aswered her. I tried to speak up but my voice was still on mute. 

Then Lucy directs her attention to Harry. "You," She growled under her breath. "Why werent you there to protect her? Why didnt you save her?" 

She stood up in Harry's face but he wouldnt look in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him. 

"Thats what I thought." Lucy growled again and marched towards me. Grabbing the wheel chair and driving it away from them. 

"Wait!" Louis yelled after her. "Cant Tif stay with Harry tonight?" I looked up at Lucy who looked like she was about to bite his head off.

"Why? So he can let another stranger beat the life out my best friend? I dont think so lover boy." 

She flashed them all one last evil stare then continued to drive me further and further away from them. I looked back to see Harry looking at me. 

"Lucy." I put all my willpower into her name to get he attention. 

"No Tif, I will not let you go with him!" She marched in front of me. "Dont you see what he let happen to you? You almost died! You broke your jaw, your cheek is all swollen and cutt and that punch in the stomach knocked the wind out of you!" 

Her cheeks were turing red with anger and frustration. I looked up at her and lowerd my head sadly. 

"Tif," She said sadly kneeling infront of me again. "Please, I'm doing this to protect you. I cant stand seeing you like this." 

I nodded my head. I know where she's coming from, but right now I just wanted to be with Harry. 

"Please." I groaned and bit my lip. The more I talked the more it cost to breath and move my jaw to swallow. Her eyes looked so fragile and she raced her finger through my hair, pushing it out of my face. 

"Fine." She sighed loudly. "But I will call every hour to check up on you." I smiled at her as much as I could and she started pushing me towards the boys again. 

"She can stay with you." Lucy mumbled to Harry sourly. "But I'm warning you, if anything happens..." 

She motioned her finger cutting her neck. He smiled nervously at her.

"I'll call later love." She gave me a kiss on my head then walked back to her car. 

"Alright well, we have a big day tomorrow." Niall said yawning and stretching his arms. I looked around at the lads who were all starring at him angrily again.

His face immediatly turned pale. What happened? 

"I think Tif and I are gonna get going." Harry said starting to pull me with him. They all waved good bye to us and we headed to Harry's car.

The ride back was unusually quiet. Harry had his eyes on the road and didnt say a word. We were both pretty exhausted. 

When we got to his appartment, Harry picked me up and laid me on his bed and wrapped me in warm blankets. He headed for the door and was about to walk out.

"Harry." I whispered and placed my hand next to me, motioning him to come sit with him. He smiled and turned off the lights.

He came to sit next to me. He gently put his arm around me and sat on the side so I could lay my cheek that wasnt cutt on his chest. I felt his hand rub my cheek softly. He kissed my forehead and leaned against it for a few seconds. 

"I love you Tif." He said giving me another kiss on my nose.

"Forever and always." With that he kissed me kindly on my lips. Gently and slowly and making sure he wasnt hurting me. I tried to lean in more to kiss him back but he pulled back and laid his head next to mine.

"I think its time we should both get some rest." 

Gahh pudding cups! Darcy is crazy... Dunno if I did a good job of portraying her like a crazy person but yeah tell me what you think in the comments below. Dont forget to give this story a vote if you liked it and I hope you guys liked it! See ya later! Byee xx -Chloe

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