Mercury (And The Chaos In The...

By MoonixDrop

36 15 1

After the incident of getting their wings ripped in half, Mercury sets to recover slowly as chaos continues o... More

Chapter 2, Work
Chapter 3, Wings
Chapter 4, Watched
Chapter 5, Faults
Chapter 6, Events
Chapter 7, Urge
Chapter 8, Follow
Chapter 9, Hospital
Chaper 10, Peaceful Day?
Chapter 11, A Horrible Situation
Chapter 12, Message
Chapter 13, A Familliar Presence
Chapter 14, Strange Beings
Chapter 15, Inflict
Chapter 16, Back To The Hospital // Torture
Chapter 17, Myself and I
Chapter 18, Days
Chapter 19, Void + Static
Chapter 20, Abyss + Lilith?
Chapter 21, Chaotic (1/2)
Chapter 22, Chaotic (2/2)
Chapter 23, End of Cross? // New Days

Chapter 1, Recovery

10 1 1
By MoonixDrop

(hello hello, welcome back to this series with part 5!!! As usual each part usually gets fucking deranged so trigger warning for gore, mentions of dark themes.)

~ Mercury's POV ~

I open my eyes
it's a dark abyss

there is nothing else around
just myself standing alone as I looked around my surroundings

I see something slowly appear in front of me
their form is faintly seen
I squinted and walked a bit closer

it's me

I cocked my head

their wings looked different torn wings

"Look at you now..ruined.." The other me spoke with a smirk on their face. "Disappointing how you never tried to save yourself." They laughed.

"Shut up."
I said with an angry tone

"What's wrong? It's true.."
it grinned and got close towards my face

I hesitated to move away
it reached out its hands closer towards my neck

I couldn't move
I couldn't break free
I couldn't run

I felt their hands slowly sink to my neck
the pressure gets worse
I couldn't breathe

it was blurry
It was black now.

I opened my eyes and I looked around, I was laying on a soft hospital bed. The sound of beeping is playing including static, I was bothered by it but everything around me still felt peaceful.

As I got up, the strain from my wings made my back hurt a little. I rest my back against a pillow. My eyes burned a little and I felt bothered, the fluorescent lights were painful and annoying.

The familiar hum of buzzing can be heard as I space out for a few seconds.

I sighed and stared at the window, a tree catches my eye as it hit the window. The beeping sound of the machine plays along with the tree, it gets louder and louder.

The door opens and I snap back, I look to see who it is. It was Doctor Kai, "'re finally awake...The anesthesia got you really well...huh.." They set down a plastic bag full of items and their clipboard. "How are you feeling?" Kai gave me a warm smile, "Numb..sore?...tired..." I slowly pick the skin off my finger. But Kai moves my hand away, "You shouldn't do that, it'll cause an infection." They let go of my hand. I nodded, "I'm gonna get you some tea, your friends and Vix should be here soon since they all visit everyday." Kai left. As I heard them say that, I felt happy and waited for them to arrive. Kai walks in with the hot tea, "Thanks.." I blow on it and gave it a small sip and set it on the table right next to me.

Kai went to sit down and grabbed their clipboard. I stared at the door, waiting for Vix to visit me. After a few minutes, the door opened and my eyes glistened. "We're here-" Vix noticed me, and I had a small smile.

Vix rushes towards and gives me a gentle hug, "You're finally awake.." They tear up a little, "Yeah..I'm relieved.." I hugged them tightly. Lilith and Arcane hugged both of us. "Glad that you're okay.." Lilith held my hands. "When will Mercury come home?" Lilith turned to Kai. "Today, they seem to be doing fine." They put down their clipboard. "Just a few problems, you might experience some back pains so be sure you're resting. And your wings can't grow back." Kai grabbed the plastic bag and took out some medicine. "This should stop infections growing on your wings, and maybe help your back a little. All you need to do is place it under the wound." Kai gave the medicine to Lilith. "Thank you.." I said with a smile. "Yeah no problem, you can test it out if you like!" Kai said with a thumbs up.

"Just read the directions, all I need is some paper.." Lilith walks around and grabs a tissue paper and pours the liquid on the paper. They walk to me  and carefully place the liquid on my wounded wings. "AGH...ow.." I  groaned in pain, "It'll be quick don't worry." Lilith said. I sighed and felt the burning pain again. "I'll go get new bandages." Kai walks out the door. "Alright.." Lilith finishes and throws away the bloody paper. I  was relieved, and grabbed the tea from the table and drank it slowly.

After a few minutes, Kai comes back with a bunch of bandages. "Sorry it took a while, still getting used to this place." They slowly remove my other bandages and replace it with a new one. "It's alright.." I drank my tea again and finished and gave it to Kai. "You should be set and ready to go, be safe you guys." Kai smiled. "You too, be safe.." Vix slowly picked me up and waved goodbye and so did Kai. As we left the hospital, it felt great being there. The wind blew against my face, and it was cloudy. I felt calmer feeling the atmosphere around me as I walked while Vix was holding on to me.

As we walked home, my wings were feeling sore again and pain was growing. I still bear the pain, we finally arrived. Lilith unlocked the front door and I immediately walked inside but felt my wings sting in pain and I fell to the ground. "Mercury! Are you okay? I'll take you to our room!!" Vix picked me up and rushed to our room. They place me down carefully, I lay on my side and Vix grabs the medicine and some paper. They poured the liquid on the paper and carefully wiped my wings with it.

"It hurts.." I said while resisting the pain. "Try to get used to it, it'll help you..." Vix placed down the bloody paper on the table and sat right next to me. I sat up, feeling better. "Thanks.." I smiled and leaned on their shoulders. "Yeah..No problem." They hug me. "I'm glad to see you again..I feel so happy..and relieved." Vix tears up a little, "I'm glad to see you again too.." I hug them back tighter. Vix grabbed my cheeks, and got close to my face and kissed me, it felt great being around them. They let go of me, "Thought you needed one..heh.." They laughed, "It's okay.." I wrapped my arms around their waist and rested on their legs. Vix pats my head. "You're really soft.." Vix brought their face close to my hair. "Really..huh.." I felt like falling asleep and so I did.

- Vix's POV

As I played with Mercury's soft hair, I realized they were sleeping. I carefully placed them down on a pillow and tucked them in. I gave Mercury a kiss on the head and laid right next to them and hugged Mercury.

They really felt soft
I couldn't move because I was shocked
I blushed as I touch their hair and I squeeze their arm gently
"I should just sleep..this is embarrassing.." I hugged Mercury again, and I immediately fell asleep.

They were really soft..huh..

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