My Bizarre Love: Part2

By tooruhatersclub

629 20 0

Az teh beautifull Gapan has just solved the murder mistery and killed Kira, she gets chased by the pillar mea... More

Chap 27 - Turth and Punishment
Chapter 28 - Heeting Up (Part 1)
Chap 29 - Heatin Op (Part 2)
Chapgr 30 - Inslight
Chapter 31 - Simping After Heartbreak
Chaer 32 - The Spin
Chap 33 - Go Beyond
Chapter 34 - Space Wham (Part 1)
Chatter35- Space Wahm (part 2)
Chapter 36 - Space Whap (Part 3)
MBL FIRST ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL!!!! - Rohan's Rokakaka Adventure
Chapter 37 ~ Vanilla Ice Crream (get it?)
Chapter 39 - Carnival Ligghts of Love
Chair 40 - The Snake Among Us
Chapster 41 - From Water to Wine
Chapter 42 - Joker
Chapter 43 - My Veronica
Chapter 44 - I Will Survive
Chapter 45 - Dual of the Fiansays (Part 1)
Chatter 46 - I Don't Love You
Chapter 47 - The Prom
Chapter 48 - Super DIO
Chapter 49 - Bites the Dust
Chapper 50 - It's Colt Outside
Chipper 51 - Heaven Plan
Updats on Several Tings
Chptr 52 - Gappy teh Plotergeist
Chapter 53-Bitches, Wherewolves, and Vampires
Sapter 54 ~ Love Train
Chamber 55 - Forbiden Forest
Chapper56- The Final Countdown (Part 1)
Chapter 57 - Teh Final Countdown (Prat 2)
Chapter 58 - The Finale Countdown (part 3)

Chapter 38 - New School Rules

21 0 0
By tooruhatersclub

AN: Omg my guys I'm sooooo so sorry for being goan for so long, my computer broke and I couldn't fix it for two months!!! But now everything is fixed :)

We all gazed in through the secreto window. "Who TF is that preppy bitch?" I asked. DIO put his hand on my shoulder. 

"Dearest Gappan, I knew botha those two..." he said. "I will tells you about it later". I was suddenly so intrigued, how did DIO knows about both of them? But I had to pay attention to the meeting. 

Lucy Stole and Father Fucci sat in the seats between Johnny and Ceasar. The lady spoke in a shill voice: "WE ARE HERE TO ADRESS THE UNHOLY FORCES PRESENT IN THE SCHOOL!"


"What are you gonna do about it?" asked Seesaw. Father stood up. "If you donut take actiones soon, we will contract the poice and force dem to shut down the school." he spake coolerly.

We all gasped. "How can they do this?!" asked Kakyoin furiously. I growled. I then saw that Trish and Hot Pants were scared. I snew dat it was cause if da school was shut down Father Gucci would surely convert them to being nuns! 

"So we have soome requirements of ours u need to fulfil, lust we ruin ur school." Cucci said. Ceasar looked conflicted. Johnny then reached out to Ceasar. "Wait, principle, don-" but before he could grab Deezer, Lucy Pulled out a metal basbal bat, and SLMMED it onto Johnny's fingers!

He cried out in pain, I could see she had broken four of his fingers. "ONLY SPEAK WHEN TOLD TO, YOUNG MAN!" cried Lucy angrily. She then pulled out some documentos. "ffURST THINGS FIRST, YOU MUST BEGIN TO INSTITUTE CHRISTIAN VALUES INTO THIS SCHOOL, WE WILL NOT TOLERATE STANIC GOTHS!" she said.

I could tell all the goths here were offended by that. "SECOND, YOU MUST FIRE THAT TEACHER, RITE NOW!" SHE cried, pointing right at Black Sebboth! She looked so angry. "Why me?!" "BECAUSE YOU ARE A SATANIC GOTH, AND U MAKE THE STUDENTS TOO GLOOMY! FIRE HER CEASAR!". Seeder looked so conflicted, but he spoke. "Black Sabbath, its been a pleasure, but I have 2 let u go." he said. All the other teachers in the room were stunned, the looks on their face made them kinda look like a fish out of water. 

"Fine, I hate all u fukers anyways" Back Saturday said, vanishing into the shadows. Caesar Salad looked so sad. "WE WILL BE REPLACING HER WITH A NEW MORE EXCITING GYM TEACHER!" just then, a guy wearing a red 8ighties jumpsuit, white leg warmers, and a blue headband with alien symbols on it. It was MIKITAKA! "Howdy ya'll, I'm Mikitaka, hope you can all get ur fit on with me!" he said.

Just then, I heard Vanilla Ice, Fish, and Kakjoin almost puke. I alsmonst did too. "He's unbearable" said Kakyoin. All the pther teachers looked confused or mad. Rohan stood up. "No, I shalt not toltoreate this! Fuck Sabbath was a great gym teacher! You are like a Communits Regime!" 

He said angrily to Lucy and Pucci. "As a manga writer and artist, I cannot stand for injustice!" he said. "Do u wants to be fired as well?" asked Pucci. Then Rogan went quiet and sat down. 

Lucy talked. "AND OUR LAST DEMAND, AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE, IS DAT YOU MUST DEMOTE THIS FUCKER-" she then pointed at Johnny, "-FROUM VICE PRITCIPLE TO JANITOR!" she yelled. That stunned me, like when you stan up too fats and feel quosy.


"CEASAR! U cannotdo this to me!" pleaded Johnny. I saw tears in Geezer's eyes. For thirty seconds, he said nothing. Then, he grabbed Lucy's papers, and signed them. Oh no. I saw the dark determination in Ghonny's eyes, and he raised his finger nais at Lucy and Bussy!

"I donut care if I am arrested for killing u, I must do it!" said Johnny. But Johnny befoe he could do anything, Rohan used Heaven's Poor on him! "Heavein's Floor, make Jonny's ass as heavi as a truck!" he said. Then, he wrote something down, and Johnny suddenly fell to the foor with a lot of weiht, and broke his chair. I saw the floor beneath him crack. 

"I'm sorry Johnny, we must do it for da school" he said. "ROHAN, U HAVE BETRAYED ME!" Jon said. "Oh my aerobics, how drimatic!" said Mikitake.

"Thank u for ur compliance Ceasar, and thank u for saving us Roman, u two will surely make it to Heaven" said Father Gucci. "Meeting ajoined" said Pucci, and then he and Lucy left. All the other teachers left, now it was just Johnny and Ceesar.

I then used Soft and Wet to take away to lock on the hidden door, and it swung open. Johnny and Caesar looked up in surprise. "Johnny! Caesar!" I cried, runnig up to them and hugging them. "Damn, were u guys watching thw hole time?" asked Johnny. We all noded. "Why yes Jonatha- I mean Johnny, we overheard everything" confirmed DIO.

I helped pull up Johnny. "Who was dat ladie with Fatter Pucci?" asked I. "I gwess I owe u all an explanationes" said Johnny. "You rember when I told u that there was a Vice Principole before me? Dat was Lucy Stall. She was a christan and gots tired of how Caesar ran the school, and he didn't even listen to her, so she left and I took her place" he explained. So thats why he looked so afraind of her! "IDK why she has come back, maybe Pucci is behind dis?" asked Johnny. I thought abouts what he said for a moment. Puggi was definitely weird.

Suddenly then, Trish and Kakyoin hoisted Caesar by the color of his shirt!

"WHY THE FOCK DID YOU AGREE?" both demented madly. DIO and Vanilla Ice grabbed both of them off Ceasar. "Stop it you imbeciles, I love to be curel but this is unneded." said DIP wisely. "But where going to be more oppressed!" siad Kaks. "W-What will I do now Caesar? Are u gonna kicks me and Not Pants out?" Trish said, with tears in her eyes. 

Caezer brushed himself. "Of coarse not, I would never allow such a thing. But Trish, I cannot pay you and Hot Pats child support anymore." 

Trish gasped. Fuck Pants began to cry. "If they find out I am paying you guys, then dey will defiantly takes u both to a nunnery. You have to make ur own money"

"Where am I gonna gets that?" Trish asked. "Idk. I'm sorry everyone."

Then ceasar cried, and ran out da room. Trish and Hot Pangs ran out to the catacombs, cryin as well. "Wait, Tush, my love!" Vanilla Ice said, running after them. Kakyoins stood. "Well, I better follow them as well. See you later, Gapan" he said, leaving. 

Now it was just me, DIO, and Johnny. I turned to my love, DIO. I loved him but I knew dat he knew more about Pucci.

"DIO, plez tells us about them more?" I asked. Johnny looked surprised. "I didn't know dat someone like u associated with thme" he said. DIO looked at both of us with his lovely orange eyes.

"If u insist, I shalt tell."

"You see, when I was getting my degree for being a lawyer in collonge, me and Pucci were roommates. He was a gay stripper at the time, and we both became good friends." DIO said regally.

Pucci was a gay stripping? That sounded so absurds to me. "Lucy Steele was the religions teacher, I think that Pucci liked her because she was a milf at the time. But anyways, I was good friends with Pucci, we became really close, but one day, he converted to Christianity, and we drifted apart. I still like him as a friend." said DIO.

"Wow, I didn't know u 2 were so close" said I.

"Yes, that is why I'll never reveal to anyone dat he was a stripper, I have too much respect for him." said DIO.

"But anyways Gapan, do u want to go out on a date?" asked DIO. After all of the craziness, I needed some intimancy with DIO. I nodded and waved goodbye to Johnny.

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