Insomnia- Accidental Love

By CaptainPluffer

68.2K 2.5K 751

There are two sides in the Multiverse. There are the Star Sanses, known to be the heroes and saviors of the M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Insomnia In a Nutshell
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 6

2.8K 103 45
By CaptainPluffer

Dreams P.O.V

It's been a few weeks since Error brought me to his Anti-Void and the tension between us is so thick that you could cut it with a knife. There has been multiple times that I have made an attempted to make some small talk with Error but he would always either ignore me or give me quick answers to my questions. Almost immediately shutting down any intentions I have to start a conversation with him.

I sighed in boredom for what it seems like the tenth time as I stare at the endless sea of white. I then faced my attention towards Error as I spotted him in the corner of my eyesocket sitting on his bean bag chair knitting what looks like to be a scarf. 'Where have I seen that scarf before?' I thought as the scarf looks oddly familiar. I continue to stare at the scarf, trying to figure where I had seen it from when Error caught me staring at him.

"₩h@+ @r3 ¥0u l00k1n9 @+!" Error suddenly snaps at me. "Sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you making a scarf." I said with a sheepish smile "¥3@h, ₩3ll $+0p $+@r1n9, ¥0ur cr33p1n9 m3 0u+." Error huffs as he returned his attention back to the scarf.

An awkward silence once again fills the air as I decided to speak hoping to start a conversation with Error. "Who's that scarf for?" I ask him, genuinely curious "@nd ₩h¥ $h0uld 1 +3ll ¥0u?" Error asks, slightly annoyed "Well since I can't go anywhere, I can't exactly tell anyone seeing as we're the only ones here." I stated.

Error was silent for a moment as he suddenly stops making the scarf before scoffing in annoyance. "1+'$ n0n3 0f ¥0ur bu$1n3$$." He finally says as he continues with the scarf. I slightly frown from his answer as Error once again refuses to interact with me and I gave out a sigh of defeat. I lay on my back and started to once again stare at the hundreds human souls that were tangled on Errors strings including my own.

A few moments have passed when Error suddenly decided to speak "D0 y0u-" Error hesitated for a moment as I gave him a curious look "D0 y0u ₩@n+ +0 l3@rn h0₩ +0 kn1+?" He asks, slightly embarrassed. My golden eyelights widen with surprise as I made sure I heard him correctly.

"Seriously?! You would teach me?!" I ask, shock but happy about his offer "1 c@n 1f y0u ₩@n'+ m3 +0, BU+ Don'+ +@K3 1T +H3 ₩R0N9 ₩@¥ +H0U9H! 1'm 0nl¥ d01n9 1+ b3c@u$3 1+ ₩0uld m@k3 ¥0u $+0p p1$+ur1n9 m3 f0r 0nc3." Error stated firmly. I put my hands up in a surrender gesture as I did my best to containe my growing smile.

"Of course." I said with a hint of amusement in my voice, Error scoffed as he placed his unfinished scarf at his left side and placed a blue ball of yarn and a pair of knitting sticks at his right. I took this as an invitation to sit right next to him as Error glitched even more from how close we were.

"Whats wrong?" I ask him, a bit worried "¥-¥-¥0ur +0-0 cl-cl0$-$3." Error stuttered as his glitching grew more rapid "OH!! I'm so sorry!" I said as I quickly scotch a few feet away from him. Error took a deep breath as he started to calm down "1+'$ f1n3, ¥0u d1dn'+ kn0₩." Error calmy said.

"I'm sorry if this is a sensitive topic for you Error but do you have haphephobia?" I ask cautiously. Error stayed silent for a moment before giving a hesitant nod "¥-¥3@h 1 d0." He said with a frown "I see....well in that case I would make sure not to get too close to you or touch you." I said with a comforting smile. Error then stared at me as if I grew two heads "What?" I ask confused and lightly sweat-dropped "1+'$ n0+h1n9, n3v3rm1nd." He said and shook his skull.

I gave him a confused frown but decided not to question it in the end "So you wanted to teach me how to knit." I said changing the subject. Error's frown quickly turns into an annoyed scoul "1 +0ld ¥0u @lr3@d¥, +h3 0nl¥ r3@$0n 1'm +3@ch1n9 ¥0u 1n +h1 f1r$+ pl@c3 1$ b3c@u$3 1+ ₩0uld m@ke ¥0u $+0p b0+h3r1n9 m3." He said, rolling his eyes as I smile in slight amusement "Right, so where do we start?" I ask him

Despite his annoyed tone and expression, Error taught me the basics of knitting and I manage to create a decent size handkerchief "N0+ b@d...f0r @ b391n3r 0f c0ur$3." He teases with a smug smirk on his face. "There's no need to rub it in." I said with a small pout. Error then gave out a laugh of amusement, not the usual psychotic laugh I often hear from him in battle, but a genuine happy one.

I couldn't help but blink in suprise yet smile fondly as I hear the Destroyer of all monsters genuinely laugh for the first time. Warmth started to enveloped my soul as I started to enjoy his company and started to see him more as a friend then a captor.

'Mabye staying here wouldn't be as bad as I thought.'



"What are you looking at!"

"Yeah, well stop staring, your creeping me out."

"And why should I tell you?"

"It's none of your business."

"Do you-"

"Do you want to learn how to knit?"

"I can if you want me to, BUT DON'T TAKE IT THE WRONG WAY THOUGH! I'm only doing it because it would make you stop pisturing me for once."

"Y-y-your to-o cl-clos-se"

"It's fine you didn't know."

"Y-yeah I do."

"It's nothing, nevermind."

"I told you already, the only reason I'm teaching you this in the first place is because it would make you stop bothering me."

"Not bad...for a beginner of course."

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