Nergal (Male Reader x Nintend...

By RusslonzoBucx

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#1-Nergal #3-Luigi Uploads every other Wednesday till next month You are a Officer who serves and protect the... More



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By RusslonzoBucx

Hello readers. I know this is going to sting, but I lost interest in being an Author. So I'll be summarizing Nergal

Book II: Election Year

The sequel starts two years later since
Y/n life change. Crime was continuing on and our hero was fighting back along with hiding from the cops. Y/n would deliver frightened criminals wrapped in chains to the NDCPD.

It was election season in New Donk City as Mayor Pauline was battling for Governor against Governor Rover.

The main issue was how to deal with Nergal and the invasion of his kind.

Pauline would like Y/n help while Rover is making plans on getting rid of him.

The Mayor went to an abandoned factory where she find Nergal spying on her. She warns him that Rover has something planned for him.

The Halfbreed told her that he'll be ready for whatever the goofball got for him. She proceed to ask him to show up for her campaign at the debate.

The debate happen and y/n vouch for the Mayor, telling the people that she wasn't scared of him like how Rover was.

The current Governor was against him and reminded him and the crowd of what he did years ago when the Nergaling was terrorizing the city because of him and the death of people.

Since the Smash Council couldn't do the people justice, he will.

Rover introduced the Slayer X, a project to fend Nergaling attacks in New Donk City.

When the person inside the suit took off their helmet, Y/n was in for a surprise.

Damien Diego.

Governor Rover told the crowd the actions of the former NDCPD Officer that got him to never walk again. But thanks to Rover, Diego can walk with robotic legs.

Nergal appear on y/n face and went to apologize, but Slayer X attack him.

The Nergaling wanted to fight, the Human refuse to do any harm to his former partner. A missile hit near them, sending the Halfbreed flying into a building.

Damien went for the killing blow, but his opponent was gone.

Y/n woke up strangely blinded with rope and hanging upside down. A red devil-like creature stared at him/her, calling for it's master.

A small little girl with big black hair in pigtails wearing a red dress with a red staff in hand.

Her name was Ashley.

She and the creature that goes by Red told y/n about the incoming danger that will shake the Nintendoverse and he has the power to stop it.

But he had a different problem. Ashley warn him of another Nergaling sighting in New Donk City and plan something dangerous at the Governor Election Night.

Meanwhile Gov. Rover show Damien the factory where Slayer suits were being made for a new military group to protect the city from Nergal and Nergalings that plan on invading.

Election Night arrive. Gov. Rover ordered the NDCPD to be on alert for

Speaking of the Halfbreed, they arrived at the factory as it was where the tracker Ashley gave him. Disguise as a guard, they tracked the imposter but was caught by Diego.

The two former partners fought each other till y/n got the upper hand. Telling him that there's a Nergaling in the factory, Damien put in a truce as the city is in trouble.

Rover was ranting about Y/n and him/her taking the jobs of the law enforcement in the city and to deal with the invasion, he will create weapons to defend against Nergalings.

On cue, a giant mech suit burst through the building behind the current Governor, the invading Nergaling wrap it's skin onto the suit pointing the left arm that was a flamethrower at Rover.

She growled about how the humans use her kind and banish them to the Underworld. Now, it's time to reclaim their home.

Y/n in Nergal form and Damien knock into the Nergaling Bot and went to fight. Nergal got shot protecting his former partner and was slowly healing.

Damien had an idea from the invading Nergaling and give the Halfbreed his suit.

Getting inside the suit, Nergal's skin wrap itself all over the suit and enhancing its weapons.

Nergal took the creature to the night sky. The Nergaling snatch the Human-Nergal Hybrid out of the suit and threw down to fall to their death.

What she didn't know is that y/n threw five grenades into her suit and explode.

Still falling, Nergal grew bat shape wings and dove back into the Campaign building. Y/n checked Damien while Rover pointed a gun at him/her.

The next day Pauline and Rover agree on a redo of the election and the Mayor won.

She kept the division Rover announced and Damien was in charged.

As for Y/n, Ashley and Red guide him/her to the opening to the Underworld. It was time to finish this.

Book III: The Takeover

Y/n tells Ashley and Red to wait at the entrance in case she/he doesn't come back.

Entering the dark Underworld, you find the monarchy of the place to see if they can discuss about the planet peacefully.

You meet King Karvel who told you that he was appointed Ruler after your father's death and knows about you being half Human, half Nergaling.

You say you're the planet's protector from Nergalings that threatens your home. The King acknowledge the heroism and challenges you in a battle for the throne.

You win and the planet will not see another Nergaling. But if he does, they will conquer New Donk City.

As the battle was a day away, You visit an Elder Nergaling by the name of Nergal. He was once the Ruler of the land till he passed it down.

Nergal pulled out a picture of his son who wanted to be accepted and fought for the union of Nergalings and the citizens of the surface world.

Nergal Jr. and Nergalings help a kingdom that was overrun by a tyrant. Once he was taken care of, the Nergalings were invited to stay.

But some of the creatures wanted to take the world for themselves and were banished back to the Underworld.

Junior almost died, but transfer his power to friend.

Nergal Sr. gave you a tip that will come in handy.

The battle came and King Karvel got the best of Nergal and threw you into a chasm. He roar for the invasion of New Donk City.

You climb out of the chasm and found yourself back at the entrance of the cave with Ashley and Red.

The Nergalings begin their invasion in New Donk City. The NDCND (New Donk City Nergaling Defense) weren't enough to stop them. The Smash Council help out, but the Nergalings were too much.

Nergal arrive home to fight against the creatures who seek destruction. You got the attention of the King and two of you continue the battle from the Underworld.

Officer Baskins saw the commotion and sneak inside the building you were fighting in.

King Karvel prove he was better and finished you off by ripping you in half.

Bleeding out with your organs spilled out, Baskins runs to your side. You tell her that she's a great friend and person.

You tell her there's one way to stop the King. You took out your right and ask your partner if she wants your power.

She accepts it.

King Karvel took care of the Smash Council. He was about to take care of Mario till he was attacked from behind.

Landing, Nergal attacked Karvel, rip his chest open and snatch his heart out, killing him. For more damage, Mario set the carcass on fire.

The Nergalings cease their attacks as Baskins orders them to either they can coexist with the citizens on the planet or return back to the Underworld?

Days pass and Baskins mourn you. But due to the passing of your right eye, she was experiencing memories from you in your life and saw your father and mother

Irwin and Mandy.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not the best conclusion and it sucks. But that's the end. Thanks for enjoying the story. The Nergaling story (how they pass their power) came from Grim Tales by Snafu comics made by Bleedman. Check out the comics.

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