The Hero Prince (MHA x Fate)

By AnastasiusFinch

284K 4.5K 1.3K

Perhaps fate's cruel and dark design will forever curse the existence of Izuku Yagi. As one of the only diffe... More

Characters' Bio [1]
Chapter 1 - Gilgamesh's Morning
Chapter 2 - The Reject's Heroism: 10 Years Later
Chapter 3 - The Reject's Heroism: All Might
Chapter 4 - The Reject's Heroism: Gilgamesh
Chapter 5 - One for All
Chapter 6 - Izuku's Decision
Chapter 7 - Home of the Kings
Chapter 8 - The Neglection: The Plan
Chapter 9 - The Neglection: Revelation
Chapter 10 - 6 Months' Progress
Chapter 11 - Retirement Party & Arrival: Holy Grail War
Chapter 12 - Retirement Party & Arrival: All For One
Chapter 13 - Retirement Party & Arrival: Clash
Characters' Bio [2]
Chapter 14 - Entrance Exam: Unaware Reunion
Chapter 15 - Entrance Exam: Practical Portion
Chapter 16 - Confrontation
Chapter 17 - First Day & Meeting
Chapter 18 - Liberation & Settling in
Anastasia SS: How She Came to Be
Chapter 19 - Battle Trial: Lover's Ferocity
Chapter 20 - Battle Trial: Consecutive Bouts
Chapter 21 - Battle Trial: Denouement
Chapter 22 - Media Breach
Chapter 23 - USJ: Start of the Raid
Chapter 24 - USJ: Unforeseen Support


16.1K 209 51
By AnastasiusFinch

【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

(3rd Person's POV)

It was early in the morning, birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and people were rising to start the day.

In a room where the sun's rays were shining, we see a young green-haired boy groggily waking up. Whilst his blonde sister was still sleeping in her bed. The room they are in is quite spacious, as it was enough to fit both of their beds and some furniture.

???: *yawn* "Huh? Oh! IZUMI WAKE UP! IT'S TODAY! IT'S TODAY!"

Izumi: "Izu...ku?"



The two siblings, now identified as Izuku and Izumi quickly made it out of their shared bedroom. Once they made it out, they made their way to the bedroom door of their parents and swiftly opened it.



Once they opened the door they were greeted with the sight of the master's bedroom. It was quite spacious and it was also, like Izuku and Izumi's room, fully furnished with rugs, drawers, a wardrobe, and a big bed that had two people on it. The first to sit up straight was a man with long blonde hair with a figure akin to a skeleton. Next to him was a slim green-haired woman who started to speak.

???: "Izuku? Izumi? What are you guys doing here so early in the morning?"


???: "Huh? Oh! Well, then you guys better get ready because you don't want to be late!"

Izuku: "Alright dad! Let's go and get changed, Izumi!"

Izumi quickly nodded as they made their way out of the door to change out of their pajamas.

???: "I'll go on ahead and make breakfast Toshinori."

Toshinori: "Alright Inko, a light breakfast will do."

Inko nodded and she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Toshinori got up to check on his children when suddenly-



His cellphone ringed as if someone was calling him. Toshinori got up and picked up the phone to check who was calling but was surprised to see the person who called is one of his sidekicks.

Toshinori: "Hello?"

???: "Sorry to call you so early in the morning Sir! But there is an emergency we need you here All Might!"

Toshinori: "Alright! I'm on my way!"

Toshinori dropped the call immediately and went to the kitchen where Inko was making a light breakfast. While his children were talking to her about what kinds of quirks they could get.

Toshinori: "I'm sorry but I have to go to work kids."

Toshinori spoke with a hint of urgency and disappointment that he couldn't come with his kids. Thankfully, Inko understood the situation quickly and nodded, signaling him to go.

Izumi: "Aww man!" *pouts*

Izuku: "It's okay, dad! We'll tell you about our quirks when we get home!"

Izuku didn't complain about his step-father's work because he understands how important work is, he always had a good understanding of his surroundings. While Izumi did also know the importance of work she still couldn't help but complain.

Toshinori: *chuckles* "Sorry kids but I have to go! Duty calls!"

He said as he kissed their foreheads and made his way outside and immediately went to his buff form, making sure no one saw him, and leaped in the direction of the emergency.

Inko: "Well let's start eating breakfast and make our way to the doctor!"

 ∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆

Doctor: "So what would you like to hear, the good news or the bad news?"

Inko: "T-The bad news p-please."

Inko said stuttering as she feared that there was an abnormality in one of her children. Both Izuku and Izumi were visibly nervous as they gripped tightly to the All Might and Green Tempest toys.

Doctor *sighs* "Well, unfortunately, your son Izuku Yagi, is well... Quirkless."

As he said that the room went into a deafening silence for a few seconds which was broken by Izuku dropping his All Might toy.

Izuku: 'Q-Q-Quirkless? H-He's j-joking right?'

He thought as tears started to well up, the Doctor merely looked at him with pity, while his mother, looked at him with a mixture of sadness, pity, and most of all, disappointment. Once Izumi processed the situation, she quickly got up and gave him a hug that he desperately needed.

Inko: "S-So Doctor, what's the good news?"

Doctor: *clears throat* "Well your daughter, Izumi Yagi, has a telekinesis quirk. Its strength, once trained, will be comparable to the No.31 Pro Hero, Green Tempest's quirk."

Inko: "Did you hear that Izumi? You have such a good quirk! You're gonna become the No.1 hero!"

Inko said in an expression that was a stark contrast from the one she gave Izuku earlier. Izumi, who was still consoling Izuku, had an expression as bright as the sun, but that didn't stop her from continuing to hug Izuku.

Inko: "Come on Izumi! Let's head to the car!"

Izumi nodded while making her way outside, holding Izuku's hand and telling him it was going to be okay.

Izuku: *sniffles* "Thank you, Izumi, you're the best sister ever!"

 ∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆ • ∆

It was a new morning, the day after the quirk test. We can see Izuku and Izumi going to school with Inko who was only holding Izumi's hand. Izumi noticed this so she went over to her brother and grabbed his left hand using her right, while giving a big smile Izuku also smile in response.

It was already a day after the quirk test. During the ride home, Inko was only talking to Izumi and didn't bother to include Izuku in the conversation. When they met Toshinori, who was home from work, what happened was, he encountered a new vigilante who took down an entire villain organization all on his own.

The vigilante was a well-built blonde male wearing a casual outfit. That was the only information that the police could gather, as nobody got a good look on his face. When All Might arrived at the scene, he saw the entire villain organization, dead, and the vigilante, gone.

Back to Izuku, it was now recess time and he went under a tree and started eating his food. With Izumi, she is walking to the playground to eat her snacks with Izuku when she was greeted by a group of four.

???: "Hey Izumi!"

Izumi: "Hey Katsuki, Katsumi, Shoto, Shoka!"

Izumi replied to the two pairs of twins in a happy tone. One pair of twins, Katsuki and Katsumi both have short, spiky, sandy blonde hair with choppy bangs that hang over their eyebrows. Their eyes are sharp and bright red.

The other pair of twins both have quite long hair, though it doesn't pass their neck, and wear bangs, parted twice to not obscure their vision. Their hair is evenly split between two colors, Shoto has white on his right side and crimson red on his left. While Shoka's hair is crimson red on her right side and white on her left. Both have heterochromia iridium, which causes their eyes to appear turquoise and brownish dark gray.

Shoto: "Where's Izuku?"

Izumi: "Oh... he's eating over there under the big tree in the playground."

Katsumi: "Why is he eating alone?"

Izumi: "Well... he's probably upset about yesterday."

Katsuki: "Oh yeah, that reminds me you guys had your quirk tests yesterday right?"

Izumi: "Yeah we did, I have a very strong telekinesis quirk that could be stronger than Green Tempests."

Shoka: "What about Izuku? What's his quirk?"

Izumi: "Well, that's just it, he's... Quirkless."

Izumi: "I-I'm worried that he might still want to be a hero * sniffles* a-and he gets hurt doing it."

The two pairs of twins understood the situation now. The conversation stopped for a minute for them to think about what they should do. After a minute of silence, it was broken when Katsuki suggested an idea while grinning.

Katsuki: "How about we bully him so that he gets so afraid of quirks and getting hurt that he wouldn't want to be a hero anymore?"

Katsumi: "Yeah! I was thinking the same thing!"

After they said that, Izumi and the Todoroki twins immediately had expressions that were a mix of anger, disappointment, and bewilderment.

Shoto: "What the heck are you guys thinking!?"

Shoka: "We should be protecting him, not trying to bully him!"

Katsumi: "You guys just don't understand our idea!"

Katsuki: "He needs to learn that he can't get far in life and that he's useless!"



After a few minutes of arguing and shouting, Izumi decided to stop them.


When Izumi said that, it caught Izuku's attention because he recognized his sister's voice so he went over to see what was happening. When he got over to where Izumi was, he was shocked when he saw that his friends were arguing and shouting at each other. He was currently hiding behind a corner, he was about to go and stop them but was stopped by Izumi shouting once again.


Izumi: *sobs* "I-I'm with Shoto and Shoka on this one... As his sister, I will do everything in my power to protect him!"

Izumi spoke with power and determination in her voice. Shoto and Shoka had smiles on their faces due to Izumi's response. While Katsuki and Katsumi merely had annoyed and angry expressions.

Katsuki: "Tch! Whatever! Katsumi let's go and find that nerd!"

Katsumi nodded and went running with her brother to find Izuku. Izumi, Shoto, and Shoka quickly ran after them. Izuku, hearing this, tried to run away but was stopped by Katsuki who quickly found him.

Katsuki: "Hey Izuku! Do you still want to be a hero!?"

Izuku: *shaking* "Y-Yes K-Katsuki, i-it's been m-my dream for t-the l-longest time."

When Katsuki and Katsumi heard this, they got sadistic smiles on their faces. Katsuki then tried to use his quirk to blow up his face but was stopped by an invisible force.

Izumi: "Stop it Katsuki!"

Katsumi: *growls* "Why you!"

Katsumi then tried to use her quirk on Izumi to allow Katsuki to move freely again. However, she was also stopped when ice covered her feet and the air around them grew cold which stopped Katsumi from secreting her nitroglycerin sweat.

Shoto: "You guys are crazy!"

Izuku: 'W-Why is t-this happening!?'

Thus, did the story of the one to be known as "The Zenith of Humanity," Izuku, start.

【♕ ❖✧❖✧❖ ♔】

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you guys like my take on an Izuku Yagi fanfic! Please keep in mind that this is my very first fanfiction. Please remember that I still have school so don't expect a regular update schedule. 😊

Words: 1754

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