By popularfanfics

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"Let's not even exchange names.. we aren't going to see each other anyway after this.." - Taehyung "Can't we... More

Chapter 1 - Mr. 200 dollars
Chapter 2 - Turtle Rabbit
Chapter 3 - Another coincidence, another embarrassment
Chapter 4 - A Favor
Chapter 5 - Sweets
Chapter 6 - Sleep over
Chapter 7 - Return the favor
Chapter 8 - Something
Chapter 9 - Greater
Chapter 10 - His happiness
Chapter 11 - Similar yet different
Chapter 12 - It was destiny
Chapter 13 - Her family, his home
Chapter 14 - Friendship and Love
Chapter 16 - One after another
Chapter 17 - Breaking Up and Breaking Down
Chapter 18 - Time flies
Chapter 19 - Their Past
Chapter 20 - From 'sorry' to 'thank you'
Chapter 21 - That thing called 'ex'
Chapter 22 - Still in love
Chapter 23 - Never Again
Chapter 24 - Don'ts
Chapter 25 - Her question, his answer
Chapter 26 - Pure and Sincere
Chapter 27 - Returning to him
Chapter 28 - Lovely moments
Chapter 29 - Their very first
Chapter 30 - Till the end

Chapter 15 - Five minutes

663 50 17
By popularfanfics

“How is RM hyung doing?” asked Taehyung to Lisa and Jungkook.

He met with his friends as soon as he arrived in Seoul.

“I drove him home but he didn’t say anything to me..” said Jungkook. “What is it that happened between the two of you?”

Taehyung sighed.

“Oppa.. you two have never fought like this before.. what does Jisoo have to do with it?” asked Lisa curiously.

She has never even heard the two argue and raise their voice at each other so seeing them fighting physically was a shock to everyone.

“Jisoo has nothing to do with it..” said Taehyung sighing. “There was just.. a big misunderstanding..”

And so he told them everything that happened.. from the first night he met Jisoo accidentally to what Irene did that caused RM to get furious.

“What a b*tch!” said Lisa aloud.

Everyone around them looked at her.

“I’m sorry..” she said right away. “This is all Irene’s fault! I knew she was no good!”

Jungkook nodded.

“Why is RM hyung crazy for a woman like her? Wasn’t he hurt enough?”

Taehyung just remained silent.

There’s nothing they could do anyway..

And saying something to him is useless.. because he will never listen..

7 years have passed already and RM hyung hasn’t learned anything from his pain yet..

It took him 7 long years to finally admit that Irene was indeed cheating on him..

Who knows how much it will take for him to move on from her?

“But.. hyung..” said Jungkook softly.

“This isn’t the only problem here..”

Taehyung and Lisa turned to him.

“What do you mean?” asked Lisa.

Jungkook sighed.

“You.. how could you not tell us you had a one night stand?” he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

Lisa put a hand on her forehead.

“Taehyung oppa.. let me slap him instead..” she said glaring at Jungkook.

“Why? Whether they did or not.. they were still together all night that time!” said Jungkook complaining. “Why couldn’t it happen to me? My life is so boring!”

Taehyung shook his head as he looked at him.

Is he really a friend? Isn’t he supposed to worry about RM hyung now? What is he thinking with that useless mind?

Lisa turned to him.

“I think it’s better to leave RM oppa alone for a few days..” she said in a serious tone. “Do not meet with him yet.. we will try to talk to him and let you know oppa..”

Taehyung nodded.

“I hope he calms down as soon as possible..” he said lowering his gaze. “Jisoo.. is also worried about him.. she feels guilty for what happened.. and she thinks it’s her fault..”

“How can it be her fault when she only said the truth?” said Jungkook. “Someone had to say it in RM’s hyung face anyway.. none of us could do it so.. we should thank her instead..”

“But my Jisoo is very kindhearted..” said Taehyung taking a deep breath.

Lisa smiled hearing him call Jisoo as “his”..

He’s way too obvious now about his relationship..

Jisoo made him fall for her so hard!

“I bet your parents are smiling right now as they see you in love..” said Lisa chuckling. “They must be feeling relieved that you found the woman you like..”

Taehyung smiled.

“I plan to bring Jisoo to my parents’ grave this weekend.. she wants to know about them..” he said still smiling.

Lisa and Jungkook looked at each other.

Taehyung has never brought anyone to his parents’ grave.

Not the two of them and neither RM hyung..

He would usually go there by himself.. he would even turn his phone off all day so no one would contact him..

But.. he said he’d bring Jisoo with him..

“I want to be like her..” Taehyung continued. “I want to move on from the past.. I want to see things the way Jisoo does..”


Jisoo was writing down notes attentively during Taehyung’s class.

She was smiling as she stared and listened to him.

This is the only time she can look at him continuously without having to be mindful of other students’ gazes..

Of course she wants to show everyone that he is hers.. but she’s afraid that they’d discover her realtionship with him and that he’d get in trouble because of her..

She was still staring at him when she heard Somin whispering to her..

“Did something good happen to you?”

Jisoo nodded her head thoughtlessly.

Many good things happened indeed.

When she’s with him.. even the bad things become good..

“Professor Kim might melt if you look at him with those eyes..” Somin continued.

Jisoo chuckled.

It’s her turn to melt him because it’s him who always looks at her with such lovely eyes..

“Don’t make it so obvious..” Somin said again.

And that made Jisoo get back to her senses.

She must be crazy! She was busy daydreaming that she just got herself caught!

She turned to Somin.

“You two are going out, aren’t you?” said Somin whispering to her.

Jisoo gulped.

How did she figure it out? Was she really too obvious? Is it because she was looking at him everytime?

What’s going to happen now?

“Don’t worry.. I won’t tell anyone..”  Somin continued.

Jisoo bit her lower lip.

“How did you-..?”

Somin smiled.

“Professor Kim always looks at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the whole world..” she whispered to her ears making Jisoo smile a little.

So.. even other people could see that.. she thought it was only her who sees him looking at her with those eyes..

Wait.. she shouldn’t be feeling happy about it right now!

“You.. aren’t going to tell anyone, are you?” asked Jisoo nervously.

Somin shook her head.

“What would I gain if I told someone about it?” she answered smiling. “Just make sure the others don’t find out..”

Jisoo raised her brows as she saw her pointing behind them.

She turned back and saw Mina and Tzuyu.

“Specially those two girls..” Somin continued whispering to her. “It’ll be chaos if they know about it.. you know how crazy they are for Professor Kim.. they will grab any chance they get to take him away from you and-..”

“THAT CAN’T HAPPEN!” said Jisoo aloud as she rose on her feet.

Everyone in the class turned to her.

As soon as she realized what she did, she covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

“Ms. Kim? Do you have anything to say?” asked Taehyung who was trying hard not to laugh.

What has gotten into her? She was so funny but he’s refraining himself to even smile..

Jisoo bowed her head and sat down again.

Gosh! What did she just do? She must have been totally out of her mind!

She took her book and covered her face with it.

Taehyung is going to make fun of her! And the whole class might think she’s a weirdo!

The thought of having Taehyung being taken away from her must have made her really crazy!

That can’t happen..

Now that she’s found her happiness in him.. now that she has started to understand what love is thanks to him..

She will never let him go..


“I said I’d do the dishes..” said Jisoo as she stood behind Taehyung who was washing the plates.

They have just finished their dinner at Jisoo’s house.

He came to help her study for the upcoming exams.

“You cooked tonight so I have to wash the dishes at least..” said Taehyung smiling.

Jisoo watched him from behind.

His shoulders are really wide.. even his back screams perfection.. how can he be this goodlooking?

She couldn’t help herself but hug him from the back..

Taehyung chuckled.

“Why?” he asked turning his head a little.

Jisoo shook her head.

“Nothing.. I just want to hug you..” she said smiling.

Taehyung took the gloves off and turned to her facing her.

Jisoo raised her brows.

“Why are you looking at me like this?” she asked puzzled.

“What happened before? Why did you suddenly scream during my class?” asked Taehyung putting his hands around her waist and pulling her close to him. “What is it that can’t happen?”

Jisoo pouted her lips.

She knew he would ask questions about it..

“It was just.. nothing..” she said pulling herself away.

Taehyung kissed her cheeks.

“Are you sure it was nothing?”

Jisoo nodded.

“Of course it was nothing-..”

Taehyung kissed her mouth.

“It was really nothing?” he asked against her mouth making Jisoo gulp.

He’s making her weak.. what kind of punishment is this good?

“To be honest.. Somin.. told me I should be careful of other girls trying to take you away from me..” she said turning her head away shyly.

Taehyung chuckled.

So.. it was about that..

That’s why she shouted at the top of her lungs “That can’t happen!”..

His Jisoo is really cute..

“Do you think I’d just be stolen away from you?” he asked lifting her.

Jisoo gasped.

She was startled at first..

Why can’t he tell her what he’s going to do first instead of always surprising her?

She wrapped her legs around his waist as she grabbed tighter on his shoulders.

“Why would I be taken away from you? I have no intention of doing so..” Taehyung continued as he walked towards her bed.

Jisoo was looking straight into his eyes.

“Even if those girls are prettier than me?” she asked smiling as she anticipated his answer.

Taehyung sat on her bed while Jisoo remained seated on his lap.

“Didn’t I say you were the prettiest?” he said raising his hands to her face.

Jisoo’s cheeks flushed red.

He might be lying to make her feel better but it sounds really nice to her ears..

She was still feeling butterflies in her stomach when she heard him say..

“Let’s start..”

Her heart started beating faster as she felt the heat crawling up on her body.

Start? What should they start?

Does he want that? Didn’t they agree to do it at the right timing?

Then Taehyung laughed.

“My Jisoo is thinking naughty again..” he said as he lifted her again before laying her down the bed. “I said we should start studying now..”

He opened her backpack and took her literature book.

“What did you find hard to understand in here?” he asked as he sat back on the bed.

He turned the pages one by one to look at the things she did at her class.

“I think you could just-..” he was turning his head back when Jisoo pulled her down to lay beside him.

She put her head on his arm and hugged him tight.

“5 minutes..” she said softly. “Let’s stay like this for 5 minutes then we should study..”

Taehyung put the book down before embracing her.

“I could stay 5 days like this..” he said to her ears. “Or even 5 weeks.. 5 months.. 5 years..”

Jisoo chuckled as she pulled her head back a little to see his face.

“In 5 years.. where do you think we will be?” she asked smiling.

Taehyung kissed her on her mouth.

“I’ll be 32 by then and you’ll be 29..” he said in between kisses. “You’ll be  cooking in the kitchen.. I’ll be washing the dishes.. we will watch a movie together at night in our living room where we will hang our wedding photo..”

Jisoo was smiling wide as she listened to him.

“And beside us..” Taehyung continued. “Our cute children who look like their mother will be sitting as well.. what do you think?”

Jisoo remained silent for a moment.

In 5 years.. will they be married? Will they be really living with their children by then?

If that were to happen.. she would be the happiest.. no.. she would be happier than the happiest..

Jisoo kissed him on his lips softly.

“I like it..” she said smiling as her eyes glistened with tears. “I like it so much that I’m about to cry..”

Taehyung kissed her on top of her eyes then to her nose and to her mouth where he settled and kissed her slowly but with passion.

Seeing her cry because she’s happy makes him emotional as well.

He wants to do anything for her.. he wants to make her feel loved.. he wants to keep making her smile..

He slipped his tongue inside her mouth deepening the kiss.

Jisoo gladly opened more of her to him as she grabbed tightly on his collar.

They continued kissing.. their lips against each other.. their tongues tasting each other’s sweetness..

They didn’t let go of each other until they were out of breath..

Taehyung held her face with a hand as he stared at her eyes.

“Jisoo.. let us live together after you graduate..” he said against her lips.

He saw her eyes getting wide as if she were in disbelief and confusion.

He pulled his head back a little.

“We can save rent.. we can split the bills.. we can cook for each other.. we can see each other more often.. and we can sleep and wake up next to each other..” he said softly. “I mean.. isn’t more convenient for-..?”

Jisoo held his face and kissed him on his mouth for a long time.

“I can’t wait to finish my studies so I can do many things with you..” she said smiling wide. “I want to do everything with you..”

Taehyung pulled her into his arms.

Only a few months.. they only need to wait for a few months before they can do everything they want..

He will work harder so he can support her in achieving her dreams and once she gets a stable job, he will marry her and have family..

Jisoo tightened her hug.

“What are you thinking of?” she asked after noticing he became quiet. “Are you asleep already?”

Taehyung looked at her and smiled.

“I was busy thinking of our future.. I’m sorry..” he answered.

Jisoo chuckled.

Hearing him speak about his future plans with her makes her heart leap with joy..

Because that future includes her..

Because in that future.. they will be together..

“You didn’t forget about Saturday, did you?” asked Taehyung patting her hair.

Jisoo nodded.

“I’ll be visiting my mom on Friday so I can come with you on Saturday..” she replied with a smile. “Is it far?”

Taehyung’s lips curled up.

“An hour with the bus..” he replied. “It’s the town where I grew up.. my home.. until my parents left this world..”

Jisoo hugged him again.

“I hope Saturday comes quickly.. I can’t wait to meet your parents..”


Jisoo and Taehyung were walking hand in hand towards the entrance of the cemetery.

Jisoo learned a lot about Taehyung today..

He brought her to where he used to live with his parents before and even showed her around his old neighborhood.

It’s a really peaceful and quiet town comapred to where she used to live at with her parents..

Taehyung also brought her to have lunch at an old restaurant which belonged to her mother’s cousin.

They spent another lovely day by themselves.

“I’m nervous..” said Jisoo taking a deep breath.

Taehyung squeezed her hand.

“We’re almost there..” he said smiling to her.

They took a few more steps and finally they arrived in front of his parents’ memorial.

“Mom.. dad..” said Taehyung softly as he held her hand tighter. “This is Jisoo.. the woman I love..”

He smiled as he turned to Jisoo who looked shy as she stared at him.

“Your turn..” said Taehyung.

Jisoo bit her lower lip as her eyes went to the tombstone on which were engraved his parents’ name.

“Mr. and Mrs. Kim.. my name is Jisoo and I’m your son’s girlfriend..” she said smiling. “I hope you will like me.. I promise I will take care of Taehyung always and-..”

Her eyes went lower and noticed the year of their death.

“2011?” she said to herself.

“I can’t believe 10 years have already passed since my parents died..” said Taehyung turning to Jisoo a little. “And it’s more unbelievable that it took me 10 years.. to open up like this..”

Jisoo slowly turned to face him.

It was 10 years ago.. the same year her dad died..

She held his hand with both hands squeezing them a little.

“If I had known it would be their last moment..I wouldn’t have asked them to pick me up from school..” said Taehyung sighing a little.

Jisoo could understand him.

Regrets.. he is also filled with regrets just like her..

Not knowing what the future would bring them.. they didn’t use their time wisely..

“After picking me up from school.. the three of us had something to eat at a restaurant near my old school.. we were on our way home.. it was past 5 pm.. there was no traffic.. there were few cars in the road.. it was really going well.. until that moment..”

Taehyung took a deep breath.

It’s the very first time he’s sharing this story in 10 years..

He didn’t know telling it after all this time would still bring back the pain..

“I was talking with my parents.. my mom was teasing me with my friends.. my dad was just listening to us.. I remember us laughing in one moment.. and then-..”

He choked back a sob as he was reminded of the past.

Jisoo hugged him.

“You don’t have to tell me if it’s difficult to do so..” she said whispering to him as she patted his back gently.

She pulled herself a little and saw he was tearing up.

She raised her hands quickly to wipe those tears.

She feels really bad for him.. it must have been hard to keep everything to himself until now..

She can totally understand his feelings.. she can relate to him..

Taehyung cleared his throat.

He held Jisoo’s hands which were holding his face and put them down slowly before turning to his parents’ grave again.

“My parents.. would have been alive if not for a girl who-..” he said sighing.

Jisoo’s brows furrowed.

A girl? Who?

“There was a girl with her bike in the middle of the road..” Taehyung continued.

Jisoo’s throat moved fast.

A girl with a bike?

Why does his story seem eerily familiar to what she has?

Why is it making her nervous?

She turned to see the tombstone again..

5th July 2011?

Her dad died on the 14th July.. in the same year..

Could it be that..?

Taehyung heaved another sigh.

“My dad.. avoided hitting her that’s why.. our car hit a wall and got flipped upside down..” he continued. “It was because of that girl.. that we got into an accident., because of her.. I lost my mom and dad..”

He could remember hearing his mom worrying about him until her last breath..

As soon as the car lost its control, his mom turned to him in tears and told him she loved him.

After that.. he must have lost consciousness momentarily.. and he remembered himself being carried by some man..

Then he saw the car turning into flames..

And it was the last thing he could recall from that day..

The next time he opened his eyes.. he was in the hospital.. and around him were RM’s parents.. and RM himself.. who took care of him since then..

“It was.. hard to accept..” said Taehyung taking a deep breath as he turned to Jisoo slowly. “I was-..”

He saw Jisoo crying with her hands covering her mouth.

She was sobbing but without making a sound..

“Jisoo.. are you okay?” asked Taehyung holding her by her arms.

But Jisoo just continued crying.

It seems like.. the story wasn’t just similars to hers..

Instead.. it’s the same..

And the one behind the accident..

The girl in the story Taehyung just told her..

The person who caused the tragedy to him.. is none other than Jisoo herself..

She didn’t know it’d take only five minutes for her life to fall apart once again..

And the future she was planning with him in five years.. the wedding.. the children.. their home.. might not happen anymore..

No.. it will never happen anymore..

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