By Myhappyending95

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"Love Playlist" is a collection of twentyseven stories and six photo edits, made by different writers and pho... More

The Race Of Their Lives (Hsienhui1978)
My Heart Goes (LoveCanoLove)
Reason (zarysun)
I Like Me Better When I'm With You (Rosie_520DiYue)
Serendipity (TheyCallMeCathy)
One Step Back (justmeiseng)
Say You Do (thumbekil)
Closer (ChaosAPPZ)
I Like You Just The Way You Are (Jeeya_Angel)
Kissing Chemistry (G0ldCharm)
My Whole Life Will Be Spent In One Love (weinnahauyeung0056)
War With Heaven (lunarilee)
Once Lost (amanyeeeka)
Undying (fluffysugarsock)
And It All Began, When I Met You (Ms.Beng)
Two Thirty am (Rjoyieee)
Rules Were Meant To Be Broken (ella-holland98 & marie-holland97)
Silver Stranger (katana_j)
Body And Soul (GermanaSaLes9)
Wish You Were Here (yueyuedidi)
Once Upon A Time: The Midnight Princess (toniclomera)
London Dreaming (DreamscapeAndMindset)
First Christmas (That I Loved You) (Zazounette86)
The One I Love Is You (Meggyhashope)
Senbazuru (Chya26)
18 (ddyy_f4_artclub)
Ride Home (shinexyne)
War With Heaven (woxihuandiyue)
Let's Fall In Love For The Night (mrsLittleDreamy)
Made For Loving You (JVH624)
You're The Cure My Love (pai_rach)
My Little LeBron (Myhappyending95)

Second Chance (LunaYPina)

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By Myhappyending95

Story by: LunayPina

Author of:

"The gift of me",
"With this ring",
"Meet me in Changsha",
"The Girl Who Stole His Heart" (collab),
"The Boy Who Stole Her Heart" (collab)

Title of the story: "Second Chances"

Song: "Feels like home" by Diana Krall and Bryan Adams

Song: Feels like home
Diana Krall and Bryan Adams

Something in your eyes

Makes me wanna lose myself

Makes me wanna lose myself

In your arms

There's something in your voice

Makes my heart beat fast

Hope this feeling lasts

The rest of my life

If you knew how lonely my life has been

And how long I've been so alone

If you knew how I wanted someone to come along

And change my life the way you've done

Feels like home to me

Feels like home to me

Feels like I'm all the way back where I come from


Dylan Wang arrives at the Tencent office twenty minutes early and makes his way to the meeting room. Today is the day the full cast meets for the first time and they will be going over the script. As he walks in he can see most of production and some fellow actors seated around a long table. He looks for his name plate and finds it next to Director Lin so he starts making his way to him. It's been five years since he first worked with the Director on Meteor Garden 2018 and he has been looking forward to this project. As he is walking towards his seat he sees the name plate across from his and it reads Shen Yue which instantly brings back memories of her being chosen to play his leading lady in his first acting job.

Dylan had been familiar with Shen Yue's work and had looked forward to meeting her. She had been the breakout star of a web series and her second drama had ran into production problems which had prevented her from becoming Shancai in the remake of Meteor Garden 2018 Producers had been forced to replace her. Dylan finds it amusing that he can recall everything that involves Shen Yue, a woman he never even met yet the feeling of disappointment at not having worked with her is still as strong today as it was back then.

Dylan glances back towards the door but no one has come in after him, he realizes that he's feeling nervous and it's a strange new sensation. As he reaches his chair Director Lin greets him with a handshake "Dylan! It's great to see you, let's hope this project does just as well as our first " Dylan smiles and voices his hope for the same.

"You know I was surprised you took on this job without meeting the leading lady, I remember how particular you were about that the last time"

Dylan smiles and nods "Yes, well I knew you had already done a great job casting, I didn't see a need to get involved"

Dylan hopes that response will be enough and takes his seat. Director Lin looks at him for a beat then nods and walks away to speak to someone sitting further down the table. Dylan flips through his script thinking how close he had come to blurting out it had been Shen Yue's name attached to the project that had drawn him back to Beijing.

As more of the cast make their entrance he sees Guan Hung come in and greet everyone. Dylan has not worked with him since Meteor Garden but he has, along with other ex-cast members become a trusted friend. Guan has the seat next to Shen Yue and Dylan is a bit jealous he gets to sit next to her. Guan makes his way to him and they greet each other with a hug, it's been a year since they've last seen each other.

"Didi, when did you get in?"

"Late last night, I would have called but didn't want to wake you. I guess we're finally going to have time for those dinners we can't seem to schedule"

"You're the international star that doesn't have time for us anymore " Guan answers laughing

"Not true, but I'll take it anyway, have you seen Xize and Kang?"

"Not since Xize's engagement party, which by the way he's still upset you couldn't make it to"

"I know, I know and I've apologized to him and Jiaqi and I've promised we will have a celebratory dinner cooked by me now that I'm back in Beijing for a while"

"Well good to hear it, they've been driving me crazy, especially Jiaqi" and here Guan lowers his voice and leans closer to Dylan "You know she wanted to set you up on a date that day and you ruined her plans"

Dylan smiles and nods, he was well aware of his friends schemes to have him in a relationship, but he was working so much and traveling all the time which made it difficult to have a girlfriend and he found he had not come across anyone that made him want to change his current lifestyle.

"Well then, I guess I'm glad I was held back filming. Just don't tell Jiaqi I said that" he says laughing

" I think you'll find you may not have escaped at all"

"What? What do you mean by that"

"Oh you'll see, anyway let me take my seat we should be starting soon" With that Guan walks away.

"Eh wait Guan.. what do you mean?" Dylan asks but Guan has made his way around the table and is greeting one of the producers. Dylan is about to start towards his friend when the door suddenly opens and a petite girl wearing jeans, a plain yellow shirt, and a purple baseball cap walks in. Her eyes are covered by dark sunglasses and her long hair is tied into a ponytail.

Dylan sees she's struggling with her script, bottle water, phone and trying to take her sunglasses off all at the same time, somehow she manages to take off the glasses and Dylan instantly recognizes Shen Yue. He becomes aware most of the room is focused on her but she seems unaware or has become used to the stares, it's something he himself has learned to live with in the past five years.

Dylan finds that just like every other male in the room, he is pointedly staring so he shifts his gaze but he can't help to look at her again as she is making her way to her seat while stopping to greet people along the way.

Dylan's gaze follows Shen Yue and he has time to really look at her and think how the magazines have not done her justice. She is more beautiful than the pictures he has seen on print and online. He shifts in his chair as he can't seem to sit still. Dylan chances a glance across the table to find Guan looking directly at him and is smiling broadly, no more like laughing at him. He sends him a stern look that only manages to make him break into laughter which he quickly hides behind a cough as Shen Yue reaches him.

"Guan, I'm so glad to see you again, have you been well?" She says this while placing all her items on the table and taking off the baseball cap but not taking a seat.

Dylan sits and watches as Guan stands and greets her with a hug. A hug! How does he know Shen Yue and never mentioned this? Guan has a lot of questions to answer later. Dylan continues to watch as she begins to laugh at something Guan says and his insides do a double flip so he reaches for his script and starts to go through it, but he can't even get through the first lines before he's looking across the table again. Dylan almost jumps out of his chair when he sees Shen Yue has made her way around the table and is coming to his side. He quickly stands before she gets to him and she stops just a few steps away from him. Finding himself tongue tied in front of a woman for the first time in his life yet relieved when she takes the hand he was not even aware he had extended to her, gently shaking it. Shen Yue is smiling and looking directly into his eyes, her gaze making him feel as if he was an eighteen year old instead of his twenty four.

"Hello, I'm Shen Yue, I'm looking forward to working together...finally" the last word making Dylan's insides do another double flip.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Dylan Wang, we missed working together in the past didn't we?"

"I'm glad we're getting a chance to fix that now" Yue says with a soft smile that suddenly make Dylan's knees feel weak.

Unsure how to respond to that without giving himself away, Dylan just nods in agreement and as Shen Yue looks to start heading back to her seat but wanting her to stay a bit longer he blurts out the first thing that comes to mind "How.. how do you know Guan?"

Looking a little puzzled, but smiling Shen Yue answers him "Guan and I have been on the same variety shows a couple of times together in the past year and although we had an opportunity to work in a drama, the project never got off ground. I suppose you two have remained friends since working together?"

"Yes, we've remain friends since Meteor Garden"

Dylan notices how she looks down at her feet at the mention of the series they were to have worked together.

"You know, I've regretted not being able to do that project, there's very little I regret but that's the one thing I do. I guess I just wasn't destined to play Shancai in this life" she smiles at him again and Dylan wants to somehow make her feel better but he's not sure if he can.

"I was disappointed you couldn't make it. I've always thought you were the perfect Shancai " she looks at him when he says this, almost as she's trying to look into his soul and whatever it is she was searching for she seemed satisfied as she nods her head and then turns to start heading back to her seat.


"Call me Yue, and may I call you Dylan?"

"Yes, yes of course " more than fine he thought and he smiles at her as if she had just given him the greatest gift ever.

He watches as she walks back to her seat and then as he starts to take his own he feels all eyes on him so he turns to look around the table and finds most of everyone staring back at him. How long had they all been watching? But just then his phone vibrates with a message and as he reads it, his question is quickly answered.

Guan text reads "I always thought you were the perfect Shancai" followed by laughing emojis. Dylan looks across the table and sees a smiling Guan putting his phone away as he turns to look at Yue who is taking her seat next to him.

The meeting starts as the last of the producers walk in. Introductions are made but Dylan has stopped listening, his eyes are drawn to Yue as somehow memorizing the curve of her jawline is of the outmost importance. Yue turns her gaze away from the head of the table to look directly at Dylan. Being caught so openly staring makes Dylan blush from his ears to his neck and Yue's amused reaction ends with an even more beautiful smile directed at him. In that instant Dylan realizes that he would do anything in the world to have her smile at him like that for the rest of his life.


The meeting ends hours later after the read-through of the first scenes to begin shooting, and all too soon Dylan looks around as everyone makes their way out the door. He glances across the table and Yue is gathering her things, he quickly walks around to Yue's aide.

"Well I'll be going then Yue, see you later on?" Guan says and after Yue nods her agreement Guan turns to find Dylan who has a thousand questions dancing in his eyes. "I'll be seeing you Didi" and with a smile he turns and hurries towards the door, disappearing in an instant. Dylan knows he can't just take off after him with Yue standing in front of him. He looks around and the room is now empty as the last few people have walk out. He clears his throat and sees Yue is patiently waiting.

" Er.. would you like a ride to where you're going next? I brought my car so it's no bother" Yue smiles and nods a no as she speaks "Thank you but I also drove in, I have meeting to get to next. It's been a pleasure to meet you Dylan." As she turns to walk away he finds his voice again "Pleasure has been all mine Yue, I'll see you tomorrow" she turns to him at the door and smiles again and just as quick as a blink of an eye, she too is gone.

Dylan finds himself alone in the room with his heart still racing. Standing there deep in thought he doesn't feel his phone buzzing, he quickly pulls it out of his pocket looks at the name that's calling and wincing as if in pain, he answers the call.

"Hello Jie"

"Don't you sister me! Dylan Wang"

"I'm sor.."

"And don't you dare apologize to me again, you owe me and it's time to make it up. You're coming to dinner with us later on and I will not accept any excuses. I'll text you the address, be there at 7pm sharp. Do you hear me?"

"Yes Jiaqi, no apologies, no excuses, dinner at 7pm I got it"

"Good! See you then... and Dylan?"


"It's nice to have our Didi back"

"It's nice to be back Jiaqi"

"I'm hanging up now" and with that Dylan hears the phone go dead he looks at it and chuckles at how someone so tiny could have such a temper. He feels almost afraid for Xize, good thing he doesn't have that problem he thinks as he makes his way out to go and change as he has about an hour or so to get ready and he really doesn't want to make Jiaqi angry.

As usual Dylan arrives a bit early but knowing Jiaqi, they will be at the table because that's just the good hostess she is. As he is lead to their table he is surprised to see Guan chatting with Jiaqi as Xize is looking over the menu. There are two empty chairs and he assumes Kang will be able to make it this time. Dylan hasn't seen his Kang in over two years as they have both been busy and always find themselves overseas.

Nearing the table they all turn to look at him and he welcomes their smiles and the love his close friends always make him feel amongst them. They all stand as he reaches the table and hugs and handshakes are exchanged. With the greetings out of the way Dylan takes a seat and looking around directs his question to all " Kang is meeting us tonight? I haven't seen him in a couple of years so this is a nice surprise" as he finishes saying this he notices Xize is very much focus on the menu and Guan has found the tablecloth fascinating as he is staring down at it avoiding his gaze. It is Jiaqi who answers after a pause. "No, Kang is in Spain filming and will most likely be back in about 4 weeks to wrap up here" Dylan nods in understanding, he's disappointed but at least he'll be seeing him sometime next month.

"I guess we just have an empty chair, I can have the waiter remove it if you'd like?"

"No! Uh... there's no need we're still expecting my guest she'll be here any minute"

Dylan is not surprised or angry as what is going on becomes obviously clear. Instead he's curious to find out who Jiaqi could have set him up with. He glances at Guan and Xize and both are still avoiding his eyes so he takes a big breath and just gives in.

"All right, who is she? Has she been told this is a blind date? Is she expecting more than just a meet?"

Jiaqi shifts in her chair and clears her throat. Dylan who is sitting with his back to the room's entrance suddenly sees his three friends are all looking over his shoulder. Turning around, he finds a beautiful woman standing behind him who proceeds to smile and introduce herself to him for the second time that day.

"Hello, I'm Shen Yue, but as I we agreed earlier you can call me Yue, and no I was not told this was a blind date and therefore I have no expectations whatsoever" with that she goes around the table and greets everyone until she makes her way back to Dylan.

Dylan gets up from his chair and can feel his ears and neck becoming warmer by the second. He extends his hand which she quickly takes and shakes. As she moves towards the empty chair beside him Dylan finally reacts and pulls the chair out for her. As Yue sits down a trace of her perfume finds its way to Dylan and he inhales its sweet and tantalizing odor so like the woman whose wearing it. He looks up to find his friends staring back with what can only be described as a look of shock on their faces and he immediately signals them to knock it off.

It's Jiaqi who speaks first; "Yue, I'm sorry for the last minute invitation but I'm so glad you were able to make it. Dylan here is hard to pin down for a meal"

Dylan looks up and quickly objects "You know that's all due to my work Jiaqi, I'm actually pretty flexible and easy to get a hold of" and as if on queue all three of his so-called friends laugh out loud. "Eh! You all stop that, you know it's true" he looks to Xize and he finally stops laughing enough to tell Yue not so convincingly that yes Dylan is right. Yue has remained smiling this whole time looking from one to the other and her gaze finally comes to rest on Dylan.

"I think I'm going to have to take your word on that as it's obvious your friends will stand by you"

"You'll have to forgive us Yue" Jiaqi pauses for a breath then goes on "We do love to tease Didi, but I believe he just hasn't found the person that will make him be available for what he believes is a boring waste of time"

"Jie, what are you doing to me?" Dylan tries to protest again but Xize cuts him off

"All right you two, let's try and have a pleasant dinner, we may just scare off Yue into not accepting another invitation" and that quickly settles everyone down which prompts laughter from Yue.

"I think that is the highest compliment I've received in a long while.. thank you all" and amid their laughter a feeling as if they have all known each other forever settles over the group. Dylan looks at Yue and is surprised how comfortable he feels sitting next to her as if that's where she belongs, at his side. He is so deep in thought he does not hear Xize call to him until Yue gently taps his arm. Dylan looks around a bit dazed and Xize begins to speak again.

"I was just saying how strange life is, you two missed working together in the past and have not had a chance to cross paths all these years and then suddenly boom! You're not only offered a project but you would have met sooner if not for my flexible, always available friend not showing up at our engagement party" It takes Dylan a few seconds to process what Xize has just said and when it does Dylan turns to Yue and the only word he manages to utter is "You?"


Dylan sees Yue nodding in agreement to Xize's statement but he is still processing what was just said.

"What do you mean?" Dylan spits out after a few seconds

This time it's Jiaqi who answers "I had invited Yue in hopes you would finally meet, after all we've been hearing you go on about Yue all these years, we thought you should but you didn't show and now,'s almost like fate is giving you a second chance"

There's a silence that seems to go on forever until Dylan finally breaks it by turning to Yue "I really haven't been talking about you for five years. I just mention in passing some few years back how things could have been different, I don't know where they're getting years"

"I'm kind of disappointed then Dylan, I meant what I said earlier today, it's been a regret in my life but I'm glad we have finally managed to cross paths"

Dylan is dumbstruck, how is he supposed to continue now? How can he take his words back? And say that yes, he's always thought they should have met and worked together five years ago? He can't say that anymore. So he remains silent.

The sudden quietness is broken by Guan clearing his throat and they all turn to look at him. Guan slowly grabs his wine glass takes a sip and as he is placing it back on the table he finally speaks "Yue, you'll have to forgive our friend here, he may look like a grown man but can act like a teenager at the most inopportune times. Dylan has been going on about this since before filming, during filming, and after filming. Every time we get together which is not too often in the last couple of years this subject will eventually be revisited by our friend so our wanting you two to meet was really for our sanity. I hope you can forgive us" Guan then proceeds to grab the menu and start looking through it.

Dylan would like the last few minutes to have never happened. Leave it to Guan who never has much to say to suddenly give a full on speech. Jiaqi and Xize are of no help as they proceed to do the same and grab for their menus.

Dylan feels a hand on his arm again so he turns to Yue who has a soft smile that reaches her eyes "Thank you Dylan, that means a great deal to me"

"Well uh, you're welcome Yue, and I've meant it. It would have been a different show with you, sorry Jiaqi"

"Whatever, I'm used to it now" Jiaqi sighs and grateful that the awkward moment has passed "So, shall we order now?"

The rest of the dinner is spent telling stories about work, places they've visited but seemed to have missed each other. Yue fitting into the group as if she'd been there from the start. As the dinner dishes are being cleared away, Yue excuses herself and Jiaqi joins her making their way to the ladies room. Dylan watches Yue walk towards the hallway off to the side and he takes in how beautiful she looks. Somehow they are both wearing dark blue, his jacket is just a tone darker than her knee high dress. Whereas her hair had been caught in a ponytail earlier today, now it is falling in soft curls down her back. All too soon Yue is gone from his line of vision and somehow he feels an emptiness start to spread somewhere in his chest. He can feel his friends staring and he turns to look at Guan and Xize who seemed to have been watching him all along "What?" he defiantly asks and both his friends chuckle and as Xize shakes his head he looks to Guan "I think we may have lost our most eligible bachelor tonight, what do you think Guan?"

"Oh I think he was lost the minute Yue walked in the room this morning" Guan answers all too quickly.

"You two better stop all that nonsense before Yue gets back. I don't want you to place any wrong ideas in her head" Dylan looks to both his friends but neither one looks like they're paying him any attention.

"So you're saying you're not interested? That we can go ahead and set her up on a date with Kang? After all she seems like such a nice fit in our group I'd hate to loose her and as you know I'm currently dating someone, otherwise I'd be happy to be the one to bring her into the fold" Guan says this looking straight at Dylan who is turning red with every word spoken.

"Why do you do this Guan?"

"Do what Dylan?"

"You know exactly what, you smart-ass" Dylan tries to control the rising feeling of jealousy that started as Guan had begun talking about Yue. He knew he wanted to see her outside of work, he actually wanted to make sure she knew he was interested but he was not about to admit that to these two jerks who loved to torment him. "Just stay out of this both of you, you did enough earlier tonight"

Looking hurt, Xize asks "What did we do? We just tried to help you here" but he and Guan start laughing as they see Dylan about to loose his temper.

"Hey, calm down Didi the love of your life is about to come back and you don't want her to catch you blowing your top"

"Who said anything about love?" Dylan fires back defiantly

"Yeah right, it's professional admiration that's had you carry a torch for Yue for five years?" Xize asks mockingly

Dylan has no comeback for that so instead he thinks about how these two dare to call themselves his friends, but Xize is right, his feelings for Yue go beyond professional interest. Dylan doesn't have too much time to reflect on those thoughts as he sees both Yue and Jiaqi making their way back so he quickly stands to help Yue back to her seat.

"Well thank you all, I've had a wonderful evening" Yue says as a way to start making her exit.

"Sorry you couldn't meet Kang" Xize says while looking straight at Dylan who immediately gives him his best death stare.

"Oh? I've met Kang before"

"You have?" They all say in unison which makes Yue laugh.

"Yes, we've crossed paths several times at award shows and attended the same promotional events"

This time it's Dylan who speaks up "So you two are friends?"

"We're friendly, but I wouldn't say friends" Yue answers and takes a sip of her water.

"You never mentioned it" Jiaqi states

"Well it's not anything to really mention, I mean I know him and we're friendly but that's about it" She turns to Dylan and looking at him straight in the eyes suddenly says "I'm not dating him or anyone" which instantly sets Dylan off into a coughing fit while everyone else tries to look anywhere else but at him.

"Are you all right?" Yue asks Dylan as she pats his back

"What was that?"

"What? Oh, what I said? Well you all seemed very curious about what type of relationship I had with Kang and in general so I thought I'd just save us the trouble"

Dylan reaches for his water glass and finishes it all in one gulp. His mind is racing at what Yue has just implied and he doesn't know if he can contain himself from smiling like an idiot. He clears his throat and turning to Yue, meeting her gaze which he realizes too late is a mistake as he finds he can't form a sentence . For once that night he's thankful to Xize and Guan who must have seen him struggle so they call out to Yue.

"Yue, did you drive here?"

"Yue, will you need a ride back home?"

Yue answers without taking her eyes off Dylan "I was dropped off by a car service, I was hoping to take up an offer for a ride made earlier today"

Dylan is glad he had finish drinking the water as that would have surely made him choke. He finally finds his voice "I'd be more than happy to take you home Yue"

"Well then I guess I'm all set, no need to worry about me now" both Guan and Xize nod their heads and Jiaqi just smiles as she feels Dylan has finally met his match in Yue.

The group makes its way outside the restaurant and Dylan wants everyone to just leave and let him have some alone time with Yue, sensing this Xize has started on a long story about something or other and it's about to make Dylan go mad. Jiaqi sees the red flags and gently pulls at Xize "Come on you, stop harassing people and let's get going" Xize laughs and innocently says "Who me?"

"Yes you, come on now let's say our goodbyes, I'm glad you could come Yue and finally put Dylan out of his misery"

"Eh? What are you saying Jie?" Dylan quickly asks

"What you heard"

"Ah, here's our car, right in time " Xize states and looking at Guan "We'll give you a ride home, come on before these two start battling it out" with that they say their goodbyes to Dylan and Yue and head for their car.

Dylan finds himself standing alone next to Yue and he steals a glance at her only to have himself caught as she smiles up at him. He realizes that the women he has dated in the past have all been tall as that has been his preference but now standing there with his heart pounding in his chest, he looks at the petite Yue and finds himself drawn to her, almost as if there is an invisible magnet pulling at him. Yue is looking straight ahead this time and he can see her perfect profile, her long eyelashes, her small nose, the curve of her cheek. He finds himself almost in a trance wanting to know if her skin is a as soft as he imagines it. Then as if in slow motion Yue turns to him, this time there is no smile on her lips she simply looks into his eyes and he feels as if he's sinking into a pair of amber colored pools.

Something in your eyes makes me want to lose myself in your arms..

Dylan breaks the eye contact and turns to see his car being driven up to the curve, making their way to it, he opens the door for Yue and again is close enough to catch her intoxicating scent.

"Your perfume smells wonderful" Dylan says quietly enough for only Yue to hear. Stepping up to the car she stops short and turns to him "You smell quite wonderful yourself" and she slips into the passenger seat leaving Dylan with a grin on his face and the radiating warmth created by her compliment.

After Yue gives her address Dylan is surprised he's only a few miles away and as they ride along the crowded streets which for once he's glad of as he doesn't want the evening to end.

"Have you lived in the neighborhood long?" Dylan ask after telling her he's only a couple of miles from her place.

"Actually I'm just staying there while we film I don't live in Beijing anymore and you?"

" I'm also just staying temporarily in Beijing this project brought me back for a couple of months then I'll head back home" there's silence for the next couple of seconds so Dylan chances a glance at Yue but she looks deep in thought.

"I suppose you live overseas now with all your work in the States" Yue pauses and then "You will not be staying here after we finish filming?"

"I don't live overseas, I have a place in Leshan which is where I call home but due to work I spend my time between Shanghai , Hong Kong, and the States where I've been for the past year. I guess you can say I really haven't planted roots anywhere yet" but in his mind his feelings speak of something else; If you knew how lonely my life has been and how long I've felt so alone..but he brushed those thoughts aside and looking over at Yue he asks "and where do you call home?" As he is wanting, no needing to know she would not be so far from him in the future.

Yue is turning to him with a smile on her lips as she says "I live in Shanghai but recently find myself in Hong Kong more due to work"

"That's Great.. I mean you know, that our work is in similar places" Dylan can't believe how parallel his life has been with Yue's and he now plans to have those parallel lives start flowing in the same direction.

He glances over at her again and feels a warmth spreading throughout his body just to see her sit there next him, within reach, if he dared he could have her small hand within his. The thought is so tempting he grips the wheel to stop himself from doing just that.

As he stops for traffic, a light rain begins to fall and they sit in a comfortable silence they can hear the rain gain momentum until they're sitting in what feels is their own little world.

Yue's voice is soft and comforting within the enclosed space "Dylan, did your life after Meteor Garden go as you expected?

Dylan is surprised at the question and after a few seconds he answers "After the show I thought in a year or two things will quiet down and I'll probably go back to my old life, but the past five years have been non-stop work, most of it is a blur. I rarely have time for friends or myself and work takes me far from home. I guess I have not found a reason to slow down or to stay" Dylan can't bring himself to look at Yue and her hand on this arm startles him

"This is my street coming up you can make a right and I'm the third house on the right "

"Oh, sorry I almost missed it" Dylan bring his car to a stop outside a pretty courtyard style home he parks and turns to Yue "The rain is still coming down strong let's sit a bit until it's better so you can go in, all right?"

Yue smiles and nods her head in agreement and Dylan turns off the engine. The sound of the rain now echoing loudly in their silence.

"Why did you ask me about how my life has been earlier?"

There's a pause and then Yue begins to speak "I remember watching Meteor Garden and feeling I had missed out on something important in my life. I know it's silly but after it finished airing that feeling only increased and I didn't understand how I could miss something I never had to begin with. So I took on one project after another and as crazy as it sounds I think I've been running from that feeling ever since"

"That doesn't sound crazy at all actually" Dylan says under his breath, afraid if he says anything out loud Yue will stop speaking so he remains silent as she continues after a pause.

"I asked about your life because of your feelings about us not working together five years ago. I wanted to know if there was any possibility that you may know how I felt. By the sounds of it we both have been running from something I don't think either one could describe. Seeing you this morning it was the first time but it didn't feel like that and honestly I'm scared of how good it felt, how good it feels to be sitting here" Yue turns to look at him and by the faded streetlight he can see her eyes shining. This time Dylan doesn't stop himself and reaches out for her hand.

Holding her small hand in his feels so right and the warmth it instantly brings him fills him completely. He looks at her in the semi darkness of his car and he knows exactly what she is talking about.

"I've had this what if? in the back of my mind every time I saw your work on screen. I told myself it was stupid to keep thinking about you, I never even met you. I had the good fortune to work on Meteor Garden but I felt I had missed the real opportunity and that was knowing you" A heaviness he's carried is finally lifted from his chest once those words were spoken out loud. Dylan wants to remember this night forever, so like a sponge he tries to soak up every detail because he knows this will be the moment he looks back on in the years to come, the moment that he'd known for sure he wanted to be part of Yue's life.


As the rain stops Dylan knows he will have to say goodnight to Yue but he can't bring himself to move. He's been holding her hand for the past twenty minutes as they had continued talking and she had not made a move to take it back. Now in the stillness that comes after a rain fall Yue says what he's been dreading to hear " I better be going in now, it's pretty late and we both need to be up early tomorrow"

"Yes, of course I'm just being greedy. I'll walk you to your door" He doesn't wait to hear a response, he reluctantly releases her hand and steps out of the car. Walking around to open her door he's anxious about leaving but he knows he can't ask for more than what he has been given tonight and it has been more than he could have ever hoped.

Yue steps out and as he closes the door and turns He finds her hand extended out to him. He smiles and as he takes her small hand in his. Dylan is surprised there's no wall or gate leading up to the home just what appears like a well tended courtyard. He voices the concern about no gate, but Yue calmly explains "I've always stayed here when filming in Beijing, the home is own by the agency and the neighbors are used to actors taking over from time to time. They actually go out of their way to protect our privacy and I appreciate that greatly"

"Glad to hear it, I have an apartment and it can feel like a hotel after a while" as he's finishing saying this they've reached her door and he turns to face Yue under the soft light of her doorstep "Well here we are, have a goodnight Yue and I will see you in the morning"

"Er, you too, have a safe drive home"

Dylan lets go of Yue's hand, he turns and takes a couple of steps but as he hears the the beep of the entry keypad he stops himself from taking another step because if he leaves like this he knows he will regret it so he turns back and as Yue is about to finish entering her code he reaches out for her arm. Turning her to him he feels as if time is slowing down, he can hear the blood rushing in his ears. Yue looks up at him a bit surprised but then as her gaze meets his it's as if their eyes are speaking a language of their own. In his gaze his intent and wanting is clearly visible and the same is reflected in her eyes.

A single step closes the gap within inches of each other. Dylan lets go of the Yue's arm and slides his hand around her waist pulling her the few inches left into his body. He can feel her softness against him and his free hand is slowly caressing her arm as it makes its way up. Yue's hands have made it to his chest and he can feel them resting there, almost burning through his clothes. His hand is now at her neck and he pulls her towards him, she tilts her head back and Dylan bends down as her eyes close. Lightly brushing her lips with his own he parts her lips and softly begins to kiss her. He has been with other women in the past, he is no saint so he is aware what lust feels like but what he feels as his mouth takes Yue's lips is beyond lust, it's a yearning that's coming from a place he did not know existed within him and it feels as if it's about to consume him. Yue responds by kissing him back and her almost hesitance keeps Dylan in control as just tasting her lips is enough to push him to the edge. He reluctantly pulls back and gently enfolds her into an embrace with her head resting by his heart Dylan is aware he has dived head first into what he thought would not be in his life for many years .. Love.

Unsure what to say he continues to hold Yue in his arms. If it were be possible, he would stand there throughout the night, but as he feels Yue shift and pull back, he loosens his hold on her. Yue looks up at him it seems like she's having a hard time putting her thoughts into words so Dylan speaks first to put her at ease. " I apologize for being so forward, I meant no disrespect. I ..." and then words fail him because there are no words to describe what he felt as he went to kiss her. Luckily for him Yue has found she can put her thoughts into words.

"You're still in a standing position right ? You wouldn't be at this moment if the kiss had not been wanted " although Yue smiles as she says this Dylan is sure she means that thinly veil threat and he finds he likes hearing her be so strong and assertive. Yue takes a visible breath and looking directly at Dylan, she continues "I can feel we're both attracted to each other but I'm not sure if it' just physical or something more" Yue brings her head down and rest her forehead agains his chest.

Dylan thinks over what Yue has just said and after a few seconds he lifts her chin up and looking into her eyes he tells her what he is honestly feeling "I've been in what can only be called brief affairs Yue, I know what that feels like and they're fleeting. What I felt when I kissed you I can't explain it but I know it was more than physical. I never expected this day to end like this and right now all I can say is I have no idea what the next twenty-four hours will bring but I'm excited for them because you'll be in them. You're in my life now and I'm going to do all I can so you'll want to stay in it with me"

Yue suddenly raises herself on her toes and kisses his cheek, it's quick peck "Thank you Dylan, I'll be more than happy to stay" and that is all he needed to hear.


The next day feels like walking amid a thick fog for Dylan, he can't seem to concentrate on the script reading while sitting across from Yue. He misses his cue repeatedly to the point he's asked if he's feeling well. Yue remains sitting calmly and will turn to laugh from time to time with Guan, driving Dylan deeper into a haze. When they break for lunch he remains behind as Yue takes her phone and proceeds to make a call prompting everyone around her to take their leave. Once the room is cleared Yue puts the phone down and smiles across the table at him and he instantly recalls how soft her lips were and how warm her body had felt against him as he held her. He slowly rises from his chair and walks with slow deliberate steps towards her, anyone watching would have thought they were about to see a stealth predator attack it's prey he moved that deliberately. Dylan stops two steps away from Yue and having never taken his eyes off her he now runs his gaze over each of her features. Looking at her lips the longest before returning his gaze to her eyes.

"So aren't you going to speak to me at all today?"

"We've been speaking all morning Dylan" Yue sweetly answers.

"Is this is how you treat the man you're starting a relationship with?"

"I don't recall any complaints before" is the quick answer and suddenly Dylan doesn't like where this conversation has taken him, he doesn't want to think of Yue with anyone else and he mentally kicks himself for putting that thought out there.

"What's with that face?" Yue asks

"What face?"

Yue takes the two steps that brings her within inches of Dylan and looks up at him. Placing her hand on his cheek she continues "This face, this upset wrinkling brow face"

Her touch sends his pulse racing and Dylan can only stand and watch her as she looks up at him looking more beautiful than yesterday. Yue smiles and he catches his breath just in time as she pulls herself up by placing her other hand on his arm and lifting herself on her toes. Yue's lips place a soft kiss on his and she quickly turns to her seat to gather her purse "Was that a better greeting then? Shall we head out to lunch?"

Dylan blinks and tries to focus on what Yue is saying but if his head was in a haze before, now it's in a blinding fog. The rest of the day isn't much better but at least Dylan manages to function without raising more concerns about his well being. As they break for the day Guan stays behind as he is in deep conversation with Yue. Dylan walks over to them as Guan is finishing up and as he walks by Dylan he pats his arm "Dylan, hope you're not coming down with a virus, I don't remember you being so distracted before" Guan turns to Yue and smiles "Unless Yue here has managed to make that stone cold heart flutter?" And before Dylan can answer Guan laughs and starts for the door "Have a goodnight you two" and with those words, he's gone. Leaving Dylan before he can say another word and managing to push Dylan's buttons all the while with a smile on his face. Dylan can't help but feel frustrated then amused, Guan is gifted like that, whenever bad times came into Dylan's life Guan just like the others had been a saving grace.

"You know one day I'm going to actually get to have the last word before he runs off"

Yue smiles and nods "Well good luck with that, by the way are you free tonight?"

The sudden switch catches Dylan by surprise so he quickly nods a yes. "Did you want to do something?" He asks hoping that's where her question was leading to.

"I have a meeting at my agency, they've sent a car for me so I'll be there for a couple of hours. I can't do dinner but I'd love to get some drinks afterwards, is that all right?"

Dylan was hoping for a meal together, he'd forgotten her schedule could be just as busy as his and having to wait for someone was something new for him. "Sure, just let me know once you're free"

"I better get going or I'll be late" gathering her things Yue starts for the door but stops before exiting turning one last time to Dylan she calls out "There's that face again, is something wrong?"

Dylan realizes he is somehow in the position he usually leaves the women he dates and he's not sure how that happened. He looks at Yue as she's walking back to him and stops inches away from him. Every time she is this close within his personal space he just wants to hug her to him and just as that thought comes into his mind Yue wraps her harms around his waist and softly hugs him to her.

"I wish I could stay and spend more time with you, but I'll be done as quickly as I can all right?" And just like that Yue knew what he needed and wrapping his arms around her he hugs her back " Just so you know this is the first time I have to sit and wait for a woman to call me"

Yue pulls back and looking up at him with an almost impish grin she quickly fires back "I am worth the wait you know"

Dylan places a loose strand of hair behind her ear as he casually answers "And here I thought my five year wait had ended" he can see how his touch or his words affect her as she takes in a breath and bites down on her lower lip. Dylan finds it both endearing and sexy as hell. He knows he'd best send her on her way or he may not be able to let her go. Bending his head down he kisses her lips and the tip of her nose "You'll better head off or I just might ride along with you"

Yue smiles up at him and he feels her hands let go of his waist. He has to stop himself from pulling them back in place as she turns and walks away again, this time only turning to wave at him before she disappears out the door.

Dylan tries and fails to keep his mind off Yue for the next couple of hours and has to keep himself from texting or calling her. How is he supposed to handle the time they will most likely be weeks if not months apart due to their work? He can't bring himself to think about it yet as he glances at his phone for what must be the tenth time in the last twenty minutes. Looking around his apartment he wonders if Yue would think it too forward if he asked her to his place for a drink. Being in a loud crowded place is not something he wants to do as he'd rather have her to himself for a while. The phone suddenly rings and startles him out of his thoughts and the dangerous road they were heading.

"Hello Dylan, are you home?" The mere sound of Yue's voice is enough to get Dylan's pulse racing.

"Yes, are you done? We can meet somewhere near your agency or we cou..."

"Actually I'm in front of your building, I hope you don't mind I got the address from Guan" Yue hurriedly interrupts and then they're both silent for what feels an eternity. Until Dylan hears himself answer "I'll buzz you in I'm on the fifth floor, number five-twenty" he tries to avoid giving out the apartment number verbally as much as possible because of the ridiculous connection it has to romance but somehow he not only says easily to Yue he finds he likes the meaning behind it when he says it. The line on her end is silent and he worries she has changed her mind, but that is completely erased when Yue finally answers with "On my way up" the phone goes dead as Dylan quietly thanks Guan.

Exiting his apartment, Dylan makes his way to the elevator, there are only three units on his floor, his being at the end of the hall with the other two flanking the sides, making it private and lessening the chances of running into other people. He can hear the elevator smoothly making its way up and he knows he should have just waited for her in his apartment. Standing there may make him look eager but damn it he is and he can't wait to see her. The light goes on above the elevator doors signaling its arrival and the doors silently open to reveal Yue. She has changed into a yellow sundress with thin straps that reveal her soft white shoulders, she has a white sweater in one hand and her phone in the other. Her bag is strapped across her body, her head is down and as she fidgets with it trying to put her phone away but having a hard time doing so. As she pulls at her bag one of the thin dress straps falls down over her shoulder making Dylan take a hard swallow. He sees every detail in a matter of seconds and takes a step forward which prompts Yue to look up in surprise as he does two things at once, takes her phone from her hand and places it in her bag and pulls up her dress strap running his finger between her skin and the strap as he places it back over her shoulder. Dropping his hands at his sides Dylan looks down at Yue and smiles "Why do you always have your hands full when you can't seem to manage one task at a time?"

Yue smiles back mischievously at him and starts to put her sweater on, as she does this she leans in to him as says "bend down" her voice is a husky whisper and Dylan immediately does as asked. Yue proceeds to kiss him, her lips are warm and she takes his bottom lip into her mouth and softly bites it. Dylan is about to put his arms around her when she steps back to reveal her sweater on, with her purse strapped on the outside of it. Yue puts her hands up at her sides like a kid showing off an amazing trick and as she walks past him she says "I think I managed you well enough"

Dylan blinks and realizes he's now alone in the elevator he quickly turns around to see Yue making her way down the hall. She turns her head and looking at him over her shoulder and simply says "Aren't you coming?"


They reach his apartment and walk in together. The decor is different shades of gray and white with accents of black strewn around the room. Yue walks into the open living room area dropping her bag on a black leather chair, starts looking around approvingly. Dylan meanwhile heads to the kitchen which is an open area with an island serving as a table and also separates the room. He watches her as she slowly walks around and stops to see something that catches her eye, at times picking things up and carefully placing them back down. Keeping his eyes on her while opening a bottle of red wine, he sees Yue has made it to his bookshelf and is running her fingers along the book spines, suddenly she stops and looks back at the books she just walked by, retracing her steps she taps each book with a finger as if trying to understand something. Yue looks back at Dylan who knows exactly what she's wondering about.

"I follow your book recommendations, and although I can't brag that I've read them all I've enjoyed more than a couple. I'm not a big reader but I try to keep up with some of the ones you highly recommend" he wasn't sure how she was going to react to that information, saying it out loud it sounded kind of on the stalker side. But she smiles at him and walks over to meet him as he is carrying their drinks. "I'm flattered, thank you"

"You should be, the only other book I had read before was The Little Prince" he says as he hands her the wine glass

"That's one of my favorite books" Yue exclaims

Taking a sip of his wine Dylan casually answers "I know.."

"Are you my fanboy?" Yue laughingly asks

"Yes, yes I am" and as he says this Dylan pulls Yue into him by grabbing her by the waist with his free hand. He sees the surprise in her eyes but they're also sparkling with laughter


"What? Won't you make a fanboy's fantasy come true?" Not waiting for an answer, he bends his head down and kisses her. Yue's response is instantaneous, he feels her body almost melting into his and her lips kissing him back. Dylan pulls a few inches away and she opens her eyes looking directly into his. Their faces so close they're inhaling each other's breaths. Moving his hand from her waist and taking a step back Dylan takes her wine glass, placing their drinks on the center table and turns back to Yue "Would you believe your fanboy if he told you he's missed you this last few hours?"

"Only if he's convincing enough " she answers back and Dylan is unsure if he will be able to stop himself from just kissing her this time.

Almost as if reading his mind Yue pulls at the front of his shirt and he meets her lips in a breath stealing kiss. Dylan wraps his arms around her, running his hands down her back as his mouth covers her and his tongue begins to probe every inch of her mouth. His hands make their way underneath her sweater as he gently pulls it off, caressing her bare arms his hands now working their way up to her shoulders and her neck. As he kisses the soft spot behind her ear he softly whispers "If you knew how much this moment means to me and how long I've waited for your touch"

In response to his words Yue's hands which had been resting on his chest begin to move and he feels a hot trail on his skin as they make their way up and rest on the back and side of his neck softly caressing him until her fingers are entangled in his hair. Her touch fueling the burning fire inside of him.

Dylan pulls away from Yue's lips long enough to start leaving a trail of kisses from her jaw line to her neck and finally her shoulder as he had wanted to kiss it the moment he saw the dress strap fall from it. This time he pulls the strap down himself and gently starts kissing every inch of bare skin. A sudden moan escapes Yue's lips and Dylan buries his face into the crook of her neck, kissing and licking as he makes his ways back to her waiting lips.

Dylan can feel Yue's hands suddenly everywhere, moving up and down his chest, arms and in his hair as they continue to kiss in the middle of his living room. The explosion of his senses has made Dylan loose the little control he had and Yue's tongue in his mouth is making it impossible for him to form a thought, the wanting of Yue beneath his body is quickly taking over everything else. Suddenly there's a loud ringing coming from somewhere in the room and it won't stop. Yue pulls away and Dylan tries to hold onto her but she somehow twists herself free and stands a few steps away from him trying to catch her breath. Dylan finds himself doing the same. She smiles at him and looks around the room until she spots what she's looking for, walking towards her purse she quickly pulls her cellphone out and answers it.

Dylan follows and hugs her from behind clasping his hands around her waist as he pulls her into his body. He begins to lightly kiss her shoulder and he feels Yue shiver agains him making him want her even more. He continues his trail of kisses and pulls her hair up as he kisses the back of her neck. Yue's voice suddenly takes on a high pitch as he continues to kiss his way to her other shoulder. Dylan hears her clear her throat and as he is kissing her shoulder, he stops at the mention of his name. "Dylan? No I haven't seen him since we left today's reading, why?" There is a pause and then Yue continues "All right if I hear from him I'll let him know. I'll see you soon" Yue tosses the phone into the chair and turns around within the circle made by Dylan's arms which have not let go of her. "You are so naughty! I'm on the phone with my manager and couldn't concentrate. How should I punish you?"

"I'll take whatever punishment coming from you" Dylan says as he throws his head back in defeat

"I'm afraid you'll enjoy it too much" Yue answers as she pulls away from him and unclamps his hands from her back.

"All right, this is too cruel a punishment, I was thinking of something that involves lips locking" Dylan says a bit whiny which prompts Yue to quickly give him a hug and turn before he can trap her in his embrace again as if she can't trust herself not to want to stay there.

"There's something in your voice, makes my heart beat fast so I can't trust myself and I need to go.. I have to go back to my agency, last minute negotiation went through, I have papers to sign. By the way, my manager asked about you, apparently your people are looking to get in touch with you"

Dylan stays silent for a few seconds wondering how his agency could already know to look for him with Yue's people. Not having a private life was the dark flip side of fame and he knew he would probably be facing some opposition once he made his feelings for Yue known. Although he may not need to if they were already contacting her people.

"I'll take you back" he tells Yue

"No need I drove over, just make sure to call your manager, I'll see you tomorrow" Yue is saying all this as she puts her phone away and picks up her sweater from the ground . Turning to Dylan she smiles and walks up to him, placing her free hand on his chest she looks up at him and Dylan uses every muscle to keep himself from embracing her again. Yue lays her head on his chest, her ear close to his heart and he knows she can probably hear it pounding inside his chest. "Thank you for the drink, sorry I didn't get to even taste it but I'm not sorry as to why I didn't"

Lost in his thoughts after Yue has left the apartment, Dylan sits and picks up his wine glass . Yue's glass sits in the center table in front of him. He misses her already and looking at the wine glass just reminds him of why it was left untouched making him ache for her more. He drinks everything in his glass in one large gulp and is about to reach for her glass when his phone rings.

Answering absentmindedly he hears Hao Ge voice tell him he's needed at Tencent the next morning. Rehearsals for the drama have been postponed. This change brings him out of his Yue filled stupor "What's going on?" He quickly asks

"I'm not sure Didi, just that I've been told to make sure you're on time, they're sitting on whatever it is and not leaking any information "

Dylan thinks for a moment then remembers something else "Did you call Shen Yue's people looking for me?" There is silence on the other end and Dylan can picture Hao Ge staring at the ground like he usually does when he tries to ignore his questions.

"Well?" Dylan prompts

"Yes, you weren't answering my call or texts so I.."

"How did you know to call them?"

"Didi.. really?"


"In all the years we've worked together, there's only one reason you will not pick up my call, and that's when you're watching a Shen Yue drama or movie. You've now finally met her, who else would you be with when my calls go unanswered?"

"All right, all right you win"

"You're so predictable" Hao Ge says under his breath

"What did you say?"

"Nothing... I'll pick you tomorrow 8:00am sharp"

"You know you're getting too smart for your own good right?" Dylan doesn't wait for an answer as he continues "I can drive in so you don't need to come out this way"

"Sorry Didi, I was told to drive you in, so I'll see you in the morning, I'm hanging up now"

Dylan pulls back the phone from his ear and stares at it in semi disbelief, he chuckles to himself and starts to think of ways to get back at Hao Ge.


Hao Ge is true to his word as always and is at Dylan's door at 8:00am only to find Dylan in a robe.

"Why aren't you dressed? I said I'd be here at eight sharp, do you know how traffic is in the morning? We have to be there on time. Why are you so immature? Where's your clothes?" Hao Ge heads towards the bedroom but a loud whistle stops him on his tracks and as he turns around Dylan takes off the robe to show he's fully dressed. He pulls down his pant legs pulls on his jacket and slips on his dress shoes all in three quick motions. As he grabs his phone he looks at Hao Ge "That's for hanging up on me, now come on, we need to go" and he starts to laugh as Hao Ge curses at him under his breath.

Once on the road, Dylan calls Yue and she quickly answer which makes him smile.

"Good morning, I missed you" and that greeting widens his smile even more.

"Now I'm going to want to hear your say that every morning"

"I don't have a problem with that" is Yue's response which sets Dylan's thoughts racing.

"Are you on your way to Tencent? We were told of this meeting last night but it seems there's no other information being released, have you heard anything?"

"No, and it's unusual for this to happen I'm hoping there is no financial or production problems"

"I hadn't thought of that, now I'm worried "


"I want to work with you Dylan" Yue quickly blurts out "the only reason I took this job.."

"Me too Yue, you're the reason I took it, look if it doesn't happen it's all right, we're together now I'm not going anywhere. I've more than earn some time off and a vacation sounds good about now"

Dylan hears a sigh of relief from Yue and realizes how nervous she is about a possibility of them not being together, reminding him of his own anxiety at the thought of them being apart but now he knows Yue is in as deep as he is and that somehow gives him the strength to face whatever is coming.

After he ends the call, the ride to Tencent is made in silence. Hao Ge has learned when it's best to let Dylan sit and think and guessing from the conversation he had with Shen Yue their relationship had quickly become something solid. Hao Ge couldn't be happier , he didn't know Shen Yue but he did know how much Dylan has liked her and kept her in mind the past five years, even when the agency paired him with an actress or he went out on his own it never lasted over a couple of dates and he definitely had never had a conversation like he just did with Shen Yue.

Both men make their way into the meeting room to find Yue, her manager and to their surprise Guan and his management also at the table. Dylan greets everyone and makes his way to The two empty seats next to Yue

Dylan comes to a stop behind Yue's chair and before he can think of the reasons he shouldn't do what he's about to do, he bends down and lightly kisses the top of Yue's head as he runs his hand down the back of her head in a soft caress. Someone coughs and he can hear everyone shift in their seats but all he cares about is Yue's reaction but he has nothing to worry about as she looks up at him and smiles, instantly melting any fears away.

"Well , good morning to you" Yue says brightly and that simple greeting suddenly lifts what could only be described as nervous tension. Dylan sits down and glances over at Guan who is looking at both Dylan and Yue and suddenly he winks over at Dylan which makes Dylan almost choke as he tries not to laugh. Hao Ge quickly gives him a bottle of water and as the meeting is set to start the door opens again and Xize walks in with his manager. The three friends look at each other and now Dylan's curiosity is peaked even more. Dir. Lin who is at the head of the table begins to speak.

"We're all here so let's get started, we have two people who will be in on this meeting through Zoom so let's put them up on the screen" and as he says this Kang appears on half of the screen while the other half contains a familiar face to everyone in the room.

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm still filming on site, good to see you all" Kang says as way of greeting

The other half of the screen contains Yoko Kamio who quietly speaks and the interpreter besides her relays her own greetings.

Dylan finds that he's holding Yue's hand and he can't recall who reach out for who but as he looks at her she's so focused on the screen he instantly knows how important this meeting is for everyone.

Dir. Lin continues "We've asked all of you here with your management because Ms. Kamio has informed us, that she is ready for the next chapter " The words are still echoing in Dylan's head when Ms. Kamio begins to speak and what she says almost take Dylan's breath. He can feels his hand being squeezed and Yue turns to look at him with tears in her eyes. There's only one other person whose heart can be beating as fast and loud as Dylan's and that's Yue's and the meaning of what he just heard become a reality as he sees the joy in her eyes.

"I have decided to give the rights to film the second chapter of my F4 and Makino, or should I say Shancai to Dir. Lin with the promise that we film with the actress who was originally chosen to embody my character, so I would be very happy if Shen Yue would agree to join the cast and you all four return as F4 what do you all say?" And those words by Yoko Kamio were what Dylan and Yue were still trying to process.

Dylan looks at Guan and without even having to say anything Guan nods a yes , turning to Xize he finds him giving him a thumbs up and as he turns to the screen Kang is smiling and simply says "Just tell me when I need to be there"

The sudden joy is overshadowed as Dylan notices there is one person that is not in the room and he looks towards Xize. Feeling torn about what this means for Jiaqi, he's unsure how to begin but Yue speaks up before he can form the words.

"I'm beyond honored, and you don't know what this means to me, but Jiaqi brought Shancai to a new generation and..."

"Yue..before we get ahead of ourselves I think you should know that Jiaqi was thrilled when we were told of this last night. We know what this work means to both you and Dylan and it's not just about a show for you, this is what you were meant to do five years ago. Like Jiaqi said fate is giving you a second chance, we will not stand in the way of that. Also Jiaqi and I want to start a family as soon as possible our lives are complete. Let us help complete yours and Dylan's" and hearing the fun, good-natured, always ready for a prank Xize say those words made Dylan thankful to have him and Jiaqi as his friends and in his life.

Silence fills the room as everyone awaits Yue's answer and wiping away tears from her eyes she looks to Dylan and smiles because in all her "what if" scenarios this had never been an option. Yue had grieved Shancai and suddenly having her within her grasp felt unreal, listening to Xize speak Jiaqi's wishes had almost broken the little composure she was holding onto. Fighting back the tears she looks to the screen "I have no words but a heart full of gratitude for everyone in this room an most of all Jiaqi. I will do my best and wholeheartedly accept the offer" applause greets her announcement making the tears Yue was holding back spill and in the next moment she's wrapped up Dylan's embrace. As she clings to Dylan wetting his jacket with her tears she tells herself that these people, the arms holding her, this moment feels like home to me, feels like I'm all the way back where I belong .


Ten months later Dylan is making his way to the Shanghai Tencent office directly from the airport. As he sits in the back of the car that picked him up he sees the billboards displaying his and Yue's image. They're seated facing the camera with Yue leaning back into his body. The final episodes of their first drama will air in a few days and the publicity is on full force. Not like the drama needs it, setting new viewership records it has been the most successful drama for both. Dylan has been gone for two weeks on a brand promo tour and now he is looking forward into settling down again as they will begin shooting Meteor Garden: 10 Years Later in a couple of weeks. He hates being away but he has cut his traveling down considerably. Looking at the image of Yue on the billboard he smiles as the memories of working with her, those five months are what kept him from missing her while away. It had been everything he could have hoped for and more. The long work hours alongside Yue were never burdensome, every moment on and off set was cherished by both. And the memories of those long nights in her bed or his motivated him when he was near exhaustion and made him work harder to hurry back home. After filming ended they had divided their time between their homes in Hong Kong and Shanghai. They had even taken some time off to visit Leshan. Two whole weeks doing every day things like shopping, cooking, Yue reading as he watched a basketball game on tv and fought to keep his focus on the screen and not Yue. Those lazy days have been the happiest of his life, and he knew they were just the beginning.

Now they were both in Shanghai as the first script reading was to take place and rehearsals would follow soon after. Both he and Yue were excited to portray the beloved characters 10 years into their married life and he couldn't wait to have everyone love Yue as Shancai as he was sure they would.

Dylan makes his way into the meeting room similar to the one where he first met Yue in what feels like years ago, glancing at his watch he sees he's just ten minutes away from the start of the meeting. He opens the door to a roomful of familiar faces, the three friends who are like his brothers and the woman he loves as he meets her gaze he can't help but think what he always feels when he sees her If you knew how happy you are making me, I've never thought that I'd love anyone so much.

He walks into the room making his way to Yue and her welcoming smile, he is filled with the warmth of home.

Feels like home tome to me, feels like I'm all the way back where I come from...

Author's Note

This story started taking shape many months ago as I tend to start writing stories and put them aside and go back to them from time to time. Along with another future scenario story SECOND CHANCE has sat at the back of my mind and it slowly took shape. I actually started working on the other but this story kept coming back to mind so I decided to listen to it and finish writing it for this project. I had to pick a song and build my story around it but choosing a song was not as easy as I thought. I went to my DyShen inspired playlist and listened to all the songs that I've played repeatedly for the past 4 years since I became a shipper. I wanted to choose a song that I've associated with them for a while and this is why the final decision was so hard. I finally settled on Feels Like Home the version by Diana Krall and Bryan Adams it is such a hauntingly heartfelt love song. There are lyrics that speak of a deep yearning and the hope of finding that person that is your home. I decided to try and incorporate my favorite lyrics into the story as chapter headings but that would require to change some things so I looked to see if they could fit as thoughts or dialogue between Dylan and Yue. This worked best for me so you will see the lyrics typed in ITALICS within the story. SECOND CHANCE is set 5 years after Meteor Garden 2018 where Dylan and Yue meet for the first time. I wanted it to have Dylan's POV as I felt it would be essential to understand how quickly their relationship develops and why Dylan takes the risk and kisses Yue on that first day, his boldness had years of longing behind it.

I want to thank Lu @Myhappyending95 (Twitter) for inviting me to be part of this project and for all the work she took on putting it together. I also owe my gratitude to the talented Tia @yueyuedidi (Instagram) who edited the cover photo for me. And finally, I thank those of you who've taken time from your busy life to read this story and I hope you've all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. As this project is being released for the holidays I wish you all a blessed season and a 2022 in which we can move closer to a pandemic-free world.

Gwen M


November 17, 2021

California, USA

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