Please stay by my side ( a Mi...

Af MariaCatalina234

388K 8.1K 8.3K

Lila did it, she truly did it. She took away everyone from Marinette, she doesn't have her friends or family... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22- Happy Ending-
Chapter 22-Sad Ending-

Chapter 12

16.7K 365 151
Af MariaCatalina234

~Marinette's POV~

I was woken up by my pain from this illness. It hurts really bad right now.

I think i need to take my pills again. At least I'll go home today. I can't wait to sit in my soft and comfortable bed.

And i want to eat my parents food, even tho I'm not hungry at all I'm forced to eat the hospital meals and they usually taste really bland and dry.

Not to mention that my parents can't see me every day because of the bakery so i usually sit alone in the hospital, talking with Tikki from time to time or staying on my phone, i can't work on my designs because my designs book it's at home and my parents couldn't find it last time they visited so i can't design anything now.

I feel so alone sometimes. Just sitting alone in my hospital room for the past two weeks had been horrible.

I know i promised my kitty that I'll fight this illness but i don't think i can to be honest...I'll still try tho...for him.

I want to see him again, to kiss him to hug him. I giggled quietly as i though about him and that seemed to wake Tikki up.

" Marinette? Are you awake now?" Tikki asked as she rubbed her eyes.

" ..yeah.." i said in a whisper. She looked at me for a second then come closer to me looking worried.

" Are you in pain again..?" She asked hugging my cheek.

" ..yeah .." i said, a tear rolling down my cheek. The pain it's really really bad, i would have never thought that cancer could be this painful.

" Don't worry, I'm sure the nurse will come with your pills" she said kissing my cheek.

If she comes with the pills she'll come with breakfast too...i feel nauseous just by thinking about it.

Breakfast it's usually the bad meal, it's very bland and cold.
Lunch it's a little better at least it's warm.
And dinner it's the best we even get dessert but it also depends what we get.

It's not the best food but it's rezonabile. It's ok i guess but it doesn't compare to my parents cooking, i can't wait to see my them today.

A knock was heard from the door. The nurse entered my room a moment later, with a tray of food.

" Good morning Marinette dear, I'm happy to see that you are awake" she said with a smile on her face.

" Morning.." i said in a quiet voice, it hurts when I speak, really bad.
The nurse looked at me giving me a small smile.

" The pain returned?" She asked taking a seat beside my bed. I nodded closing my eyes, I'm tired and i want to sleep more but the pain it's so strong i can barely breathe.

" It's ok dear, let's eat something then i can give you your medicine" she said helping me stand up a little in the bed so i don't choking on my food.

She putted the tray of food in front of me. It contains some scrambled eggs, a slice of toast, butter, gem and a cup of tea.

"..." I didn't say anything just looked at the food, it doesn't seem that bad but the eggs smell horrible.

" Come on you need to eat something, i can't give you your pills on an empty stomach" the nurse said looking a little annoyed. I know she has a lot on her plate as well and she's probably tired but i can't eat i think I'll throw up if I eat it.

" *Sigh* ok let me help you" she said getting the fork in her hand and started feeding me.

I tasted the eggs and i didn't like them so i switch to the toast. She looked satisfied that i was at least eating something.

" Here take your pill as well" the nurse said once i finish my toast and i was drinking my tea, it was not sweet at all.

I nodded, thanking her. She smiled took the stray and went to the door.

" Your parents are going to be here soon" she said smiling and i smiled as well i can't wait to see them.

" Don't be afraid to call me if you start feeling funny again" she said then left.

I sat back in bed, relaxing as Tikki got out from her hiding space.
I feel bad for Tikki she haven't eaten anything since yesterday, i didn't get a chance to sneak some food for her.

"Im sorry, you must be hungry too" i said as my kwamii sat in my hands.

" Don't worry Marinette, I'm fine, i don't get energy just from eating sweets i get energy from sleeping too!" She said smiling at me.

" When we get home I'll give you a whole box of macarons" i said kissing her head as she giggled like a little child.

I haven't seen the rest of the kwamiis in two weeks, i hope they are good alone in my room...they all must be so hungry and confused as well...

I yawned feeling the pills kick in, i close my eyes looking at the door hoping to see my parents go through it.

But i didn't seem them yet, i just fell back asleep from the exhaustion.
I could feel Tikki slowly petting my head as i went into the dream world.


I woke up hours later. I slowly opened my eyes to see my mother sitting on a chair behind me.

She was holding my hand and looked at me smiling, but i can see tears in her eyes as well.

"Mama..?" I asked smiling at her as i sat up in my bed, i hug her immediately. I missed her so much i want to go home and have a delicious dinner with them.

She hugged me back in seconds it feels so nice, a mother's embrace it's the best.
Another pair of arms hugged the both of us, i looked up to see papa smiling at me too.

I was so happy, seeing them right here with me always makes me happy.

" Ready to go home honey?" Papa asked with tears in his eyes. They must hate seeing me on the hospital bed.

" Yes! I'm very ready" i said excited. We got my things and my father went outside to put the bags in our car.

I had to stay a little longer for the nurse to untie me from all the machines i was hucked up to and for mama to talk with the doctor.

Once i was done and ready to leave i could feel tears in my eyes, I'm just so happy to finally go home.

I entered my parents car, my papa was already in the car when i got in.

He turned around and give me a chocolate croissant. I was so excited to eat it, i broke a piece for Tikki as well.

We waited in silence for my mom to come as well she is taking with the doctor a lot and it's scaring me a little bit.

But she eventually arrived... crying.

"Mama..? It's something wrong?" I asked confused and scared.

" No sweetie, let's just go home" she said whipping her tears.
She whispered something to papa that i couldn't hear but after she said that he got sad as well...

Now I'm sure it's something about my cancer...

We got home after a ten minutes ride in silence. I went to my room as papa took my suitcase from the car.

It feels so nice to be at home. As Soos as i entered my room all the kwamiis jumped on me, hugging me, kissing me. They were all so happy to see me.

" You're back home~! Marinette it's back home~!" They all sang with warm smiles on their faces.

I smiled back at them feeling tears in my eyes, being really happy to see that they are ok.

" I'm so happy that you're all ok!" I said hugging every single one of them, Tikki joining the hug as well.

I talked with them and told them what happened in the hospital they looked really sad but once i promised that I'll keep fighting they became happy once again.

They told me how things had been going with them, they mostly stayed in my room watching films on my laptop and would occasionally go in the bakery to steal something to eat.


" I'll be down in a second!" I said started to feel some of the pain return, but it's not that strong yet.

I walked downstairs sitting on the table where my parents were drinking some tea. Papa put a cut of tea for me too.

" Marinette we need to talk with you about something really important" mama said looking at her cup of tea, avoiding eye contact.

"We have good news and bad news" papa said, i stayed silence letting them speak.

" The good news is that we already found two compatible people for you transplant, your father and your grandma" papa said and i smiled feeling excited, i can't wait to tell my kitty that I'm going to live.

"But...i talked with you doctor Marinette...he said that we need at least five people for the transplant... you're cancer it's spreading out quickly and you're running out of time. We need to find 3 more persons compatible for you in less then a month" mama said bursting out crying. Papa quickly hug her trying to comfort her but he was crying as well.

" Don't worry mama....we'll find three persons in less than a month for sure and everything will be ok" i said walking to them and hugged them.

" But who we already called every family member and your father and your grandma are the only one that we have, we don't know who to contact anymore" mama said letting go of papa and hugged me close to her.

" We can't lose you! We can't!!! No parent should bury their child!! Please don't leave us!!!" Mama screamed which made me scared.

I let go of her taking a step back, letting a few tears roll down my cheeks as well.
I took their hands in mine, smiling at them.

" Don't worry, mama, papa...I'll fight against my cancer and i promise I'll beat it. I'm not going to leave you" i said feeling the pain increase...

I'll try fighting, even though it hurts even to breath all fight for them, for my kitty, for my kwamiis and I'll try not to let them down.



I'm so sorry for this horrible chapter guys TwT. I'll try to make the best one better!

Thank you for reading this chapter ❤️.

Bye ✨✨✨~

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