By Firdosefk

670 85 663

With no memories of her past, Alice lives a new life with her best friend Tristan, while her ghost squad desp... More



54 9 20
By Firdosefk

Knave and the others stood outside a blue gate, staring at what Maria said would be Luna's house. He was quite surprised to find a few more houses down the block. He had thought a witch as powerful as Luna would have chosen to remain isolated, but Maria did tell them that she had lost her powers. Maybe it made no difference to her. Whatever the reason, Knave was glad that he was finally here after three long, torturous months.

As soon as Maria had broken the news about Luna, Knave insisted on leaving as soon as possible. However, Maria had stopped them, informing them that Luna was not ready to see them just yet.

Knave had wanted to shake her and scream. Instead, he had forced his hands down at his sides and reminded, "Alice doesn't have much time!"

"I know!" Maria had replied. "But Luna is powerless now. She needs time to regain her strength." She had informed them.

"Why?" Charlie had demanded. "Did she run a marathon, that she needs rest?"

"Most of her powers were used up while making the locket." Maria had replied, looking down.

That had shut everyone's mouth and the argument had died down, until after three long months of suffering in hell, Maria had informed them that Luna was finally ready to meet them. Which Knave had interpreted as that she was finally useful.

Knave looked at Maria now. She was floating next to him, looking worriedly towards Mike, who was doing a great job at ignoring her.

Charlie and Mendaline were a few feet away from them. Both were looking frantic, which was a reminder for Knave that they would remain looking that way if they did not get to Alice fast.

'Alice!' The pain came crashing again as Knave thought of her.

Knave had insisted on seeing Alice as soon as he had regained his bearings. "I was unconscious for two days and who knows what must've happened during that time!" He had shouted.

"Trust me, Knave, she is doing fine." Mike had protested.

"That is great news, but I would like to see so myself!" He had replied. Mike and Charlie had exchanged worried looks.

"Fine, I will take you!" Charlie had said, somewhat in defeat.

"Can I come with?" Maria had slowly asked.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" They had all replied in unison.

Maria had given a small nod. "I understand!" Was all she had said in response.

"I will be here with Maria." Mendaline had assured. "You two go with Knave, he might need you." She had added, looking towards the twins.

Knave had looked at her confusingly, wondering why they all looked as if they were trying to protect him from something. A few minutes later, he had found out what. They were trying to keep his heart from breaking.

At first, all he had seen was Alice. There she was standing by the window, lost in thoughts. She had looked so small and fragile that it had taken all Knave had to stop himself from running towards her and pulling her into a hug.

Nevertheless, Knave had passed through the walls, into her room. The twins were right beside him. Knave had stood a few feet away from her, trying to take her in. His heart had been thumping. She had looked well and healthy, and yet so lost and confused.

Suddenly Alice had turned, and that was the moment he saw him.

"That is Tristan," Charlie had said. Knave had understood from the look Charlie had on his face that he was not going to like him, and he had been right. Alice had given Tristan a smile as bright as the sun, and Knave had felt as if he had been punched.

"Who the hell is that?" Knave had asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

The twins had shared a look, before finally Mike had replied, "He is Alice's childhood friend, or at least that's what Cora made her believe."

"I swear the next time I see Cora, I will kill her for toying with Alice's feelings!" Knave had said through gritted teeth.

"You are not the only one after her!" Charlie had pointed out.

Knave had ignored him. He was looking at Alice. He hadn't paid attention to what she and Tristan had been talking about. He was too caught up in noticing how happy and relieved she had looked. It was as if someone had just given her a boost.

Tristan had moved on to tying his shoelaces, while Alice had been looking at him lovingly. Knave had felt as if someone were squeezing his heart.

Tristan had gotten up and had kissed Alice on the cheek, right before he had run out of the room. Knave was glad he had run out because if he hadn't, Tristan would've experienced an invisible punch.

Mike and Charlie had looked towards Knave in concern. As if worried he would blast. "Let's go!" Was all Knave had said. He had turned to leave, but not before he had seen Alice sit on the bed, looking lost once again.

From that moment, there had not been a single day that had gone by where Knave had not seen Alice. Each day, he would stand far away and watch her. The only times watching her felt like a punishment was when Tristan would be around her. Knave would watch in agony as Tristan helped Alice cross the road, made her laugh, hold her hand, and do all the things Knave wanted to do.

Knave spent nights watching Alice sleep. Watching her sleep peacefully was the only thing that had kept him going for three long months.

"Knave!" Charlie called out now, looking at him in concern. "Are you okay?"

Knave looked at him, feeling a little surprised. Out of all people in the world, Charlie was the last person Knave had expected would be kind to him. Maybe the last few months had completely changed Charlie's way of looking at things. Or maybe Knave had managed to charm him as well. It was really hard to tell, but Knave strongly believed it was the latter.

After all, Knave had the talent of charming people ever since he was born. Whatever the case, in the three months they had all spent together, Knave realized he and Charlie had developed quite a bond.

Charlie scrunched his nose. "Why the heck are you smiling at me?" He asked.

"So, when exactly did it happen?" Asked Knave, still smiling.

Charlie looked around in confusion. Apart from Mendaline, who was staring at them with eyes like a hawk, no one else seemed to pay them any attention. Maria and Mike had proceeded to make their way inside.

"When did what happen?" Asked Charlie, following his brother inside.

"When did you fall for my charms?" Asked Knave, grinning. Charlie gave him a death stare. He was about to answer, when suddenly Mendaline coughed.

Knave gave her a bored look. "Got something stuck in there?"

Mendaline nodded. "Yes! a question I intend to ask."

"Okay." Was all Knave said.

Mendaline stared at him in disbelief. "Are you not going to ask me what it was?"

Knave shrugged. "I find that I am not interested."

Mendaline scoffed. "Well, I am going to ask you anyways." She said.

They had all reached Luna's front door. It seemed like every other door in the street. Brown and rusty.

"How can you be so self-obsessed?" Asked Mendaline, breaking Knave's thoughts.

Knave gave her a look. "Says an egoistic witch!" He taunted.

Mendaline gaped at him. "I am not egoistic!"

"We can decide that later." Said Mike, who was trying to hide a smile. "But for now, do we knock or just pass in?"

Mendaline looked offended. "If it were to me, I would just break the door." She said, before turning towards Maria. "You must know what to do."

"I was hoping someone would've just asked me earlier." Maria replied, looking at Mike.

"You had a mouth to speak earlier!" Said Charlie, looking furious. He paused, as if remembering something. "Oh wait, you often forget to open it!" He snapped. Maria blinked tears but was quick to wipe them.

Knave closed his eyes. "Enough guys!" He shouted. He looked at Maria. "Just get this over with."

Maria shot him a grateful look. She produced a bunch of keys out of thin air. The others looked at her with a little shock, no doubt thinking the same thing. Luna had trusted Maria with her house keys?

No one though asked her any questions, as Maria opened the door and made her way inside.

"This is Luna?" Asked Charlie incredulously, as he looked at the sleeping form of the young girl in front of him. "She looks like one of those kids who would throw lizards on new kids in high school." He paused. "She is the total opposite of Alice!"

Knave couldn't help but agree. The girl he was seeing on the couch was not what he had expected of Alice's sister. Her blue-dyed hair was short and unevenly cut. As if she had gotten a haircut from a six-year-old kid. She was wearing a T-shirt which read 'ALLERGIC TO IDIOTS.' Knave made a mental note to ask her to buy one for him. That was if she were friendly enough. Judging from her sharp features, she looked completely anti-social.

The rest of her body was covered in a blanket, but Knave could tell she was taller than Alice. He realized she looked only a year older than Alice, but knowing Mendaline he knew he could never be sure with witches.

Knave looked around. The house was filled with couches. He imagined she probably slept here, since there seemed to be no bedroom. Knave did not even want to begin to imagine where she went to relieve herself.

"Did you even go to high school?" Asked a strong feminine voice, breaking Knave's analysis. To everyone's surprise, Luna opened her eyes. As Knave looked into them, he realized they were the same colour as Alice's, hazel.

"Um no, but I got the experience." Replied Charlie, regaining his composure.

"Is that so?" Asked Luna, as she kicked off her blanket and stood up, proving that Knave's guess had indeed been right. She was taller than Alice. Below her T-shirt, she wore a black skirt that barely reached her thighs.

Mendaline elbowed Knave, indicating for him to bend. When he did, she whispered in his ear, "She is kind of hot, you know."

Knave glanced at Luna from the side of his eye. Perhaps she was. "So?" He whispered back.

Mendaline looked at him as if he were an idiot. "So if things don't work out with Alice, you know with the whole Tristan angle now, you might want to give it a shot with her."

Knave tried his best to not strangle Mendaline. Very slowly, he replied, "This is love Mendaline, not a toffee that if someone snatches it away you buy another one."

Mendaline scoffed. "So now you're calling Alice a toffee?"

Knave gritted his teeth. "No! I am using a language you might understand. After all, I doubt you know anything about love."

Mendaline looked extremely hurt. Before Knave could add anything else, Luna shouted, "This is extremely outrageous!"

Knave glanced worriedly at Mendaline, but she looked like how she always did. Beautiful and unbothered. Perhaps he had imagined it. Did Mendaline ever get hurt?

Luna continued, "Busy whispering among yourselves, when the owner of the house is standing right here!" She said, looking accusingly toward Knave and Mendaline.

Knave chuckled. "Believe me when I say the conversation we were having was not of any interest to you."

Luna glared at him. "You do not get to decide that!" She snapped.

Thankfully, Mike chimed in, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Luna!"

Luna looked towards him. "Finally, someone with manners!"

"Luna, these are Alice's friends." Said Maria, indicating Knave and the others with a hand.

"I figured." Was all Luna said in response. "So now that all the introduction is done, let us get to work."

"Finally! we do what we came here for." Muttered Charlie.

Luna gave him a sly smile. "Great! let me go make the tea then."

"Tea?" Echoed Charlie in disbelief.

Luna began to make her way to the kitchen, which was separated from the lounge by only a single counter. "It's a form of beverage." She replied, as if explaining a child.

"I know what tea is!" Charlie shouted in annoyance. Luna chuckled.

Knave understood now why Luna had chosen to stay here. It was a small house, unlike the mansion Knave grew up in, but it was perfect.

Knave couldn't help but imagine living in a similar house with Alice one day. He pictured himself a few years from now standing in the kitchen, exactly where Luna was standing right now. He imagined Alice sitting on the couch, holding their first child. A baby girl with his eyes and Alice's hair. He smiled thinking about the joy he would feel when he would bring her a cup of coffee. It would be just how she liked it, with no milk and a lot of sugar. She would give him her brightest smile as he would hand her the cup.

'The smile that is not for you any longer!' Reminded a sharp voice at the back of his mind, along with the sudden image of Tristan kissing her cheek.

This brought Knave out of his reverie. It was like a slap to his face. He gave a start and looked around. The others had proceeded to sit on the couch, and were all looking at him as if he were a creature they had never seen. Mendaline even had her head cocked to the side, while she stared at him with her mouth open.

Knave cleared his throat and walked up to her. Gently, he reached out and closed her mouth. He bent a little so their heads were levelled. Slowly he whispered, "I know, I am extraordinary!"

Mendaline raised an eyebrow. "Want to perhaps tell us why you were standing all by yourself, smiling like a monkey?"

Knave proceeded to sit next to Charlie, who gave him a concerned look. "Monkeys don't smile, Mendy darling!" Said Knave grinning at Charlie, who shot him an angry look.

"Firstly," Began Mendaline, raising a finger. "I am not your darling!" This made Charlie smile brightly.

"And secondly, how do you know that they do not smile?" Asked Mendaline.

"How do you know they do?" Knave asked calmly.

"Did you all seriously come to my house to sit and discuss monkeys?" Asked Luna, holding one cup of tea.

"Did she seriously just make one cup?" Charlie whispered to Knave, as Luna took a seat across from them.

"Seems like it!" Knave whispered back. He looked at Luna. "We're here because of one specific monkey." He said.

"I wouldn't call Cora monkey." Said Luna, sipping her tea.

"What do you prefer we call her then?" Asked Knave

Luna shrugged. "Honestly comparing her to any animal would be an insult to the animal."

Charlie whistled. "Damn, you're good!"

Luna smiled. "I know!"

Mike cleared his throat. Only now did Knave realize he was sitting next to Maria, who looked stunned herself. "Maria told us that you could help us with Alice." He said.

Judging from his voice, Knave could tell he was tired of everyone talking about everything else apart from the real reason they had come for. He was glad Mike cut straight to the point.

Luna suddenly looked very serious. "She lost her memories, correct?"

"Yes!" Mike replied.

"Why not send her?" Luna asked, pointing towards Mendaline. "Alice would be able to see her." She pointed out.

Mendaline looked like how Knave felt. Horrified. "Absolutely not!" She shouted. "I am not good at all the sweet talks." She said.

"Exactly!" Knave agreed. "Besides we want to talk to Alice without scaring the hell out of her." He added.

"Oh, so now I am scary?" Asked Mendaline, in an accusatory tone.

Knave shrugged. "I meant that you would probably scare her off by ranting out everything in front of her, just to get rid of the job." Knave looked at her seriously. "This could be too much for Alice to take, and I cannot risk that!"

Mendaline opened her mouth to protest, but Luna intervened, "Since Cora has weakened me to an unbearable extent, there is not much I can do except grant Alice the ability to see one of you for perhaps a few minutes," She paused. "During that few minutes, you could try and remind her of her past. That will be our first step for now." She looked around at everyone. "Which one of you could remind her in a short span?"

Knave wanted to yell to let him be the one. He would do anything for a few minutes with Alice. However, he forced himself to remain quiet. The twins and Maria had been with Alice her entire life. It would make sense for one of them to go.

Knave saw the twins look at each other and nod. Maria though kept her head down.

Finally, Charlie said, "Knave will go!"

Knave looked at him in disbelief. "What?"

Charlie looked at him. "Mike and I have been with Alice a long time," He admitted. "But we still think you should go." He smiled. "Love always finds its way to the heart."

Mike nodded. "Besides we only got one shot at this, and we're not taking any risks."

Knave felt tears in his eyes. He quickly blinked them away. He took a deep breath before asking, "Can I hug you both?"

Mike and Charlie shared a shocked look. After a moment of hesitation, they stood up and hugged him together.

Charlie broke the hug and laughed. "This is way out of your usual attitude, Knave!"

Knave smiled. "I was giving you a chance to hug me! I know you wanted to for a very long time." Charlie rolled his eyes.

"How touching!" Luna exclaimed. "So if all of you are done, can I proceed to give my excellent boon?"

Knave turned to face her. "Do what you have to."

Luna gave a wicked smile. "Oh, you'll be thanking me for the rest of your life!"

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