In Her Eyes, I See The Stars...

By tokwatbaby

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Legend of Korra. Korrasami fanfic. Post battle with Zaheer where Asami takes care of Korra. When she leaves... More

Blue Eyes
Farewell for now
Elegance and Grace
"Peaceful child"
Reunion Part 2
Korra Alone Part 1
Korra Alone Part 2
Eventful Evening


557 9 4
By tokwatbaby

Korra awoke with the sunlight kissing her face that's peeking through the gap of the closed curtains in Asami's bedroom. She turned around and found the bed empty. It felt bigger without Asami in it. Every part of her body is sore, though she's not quite sure if it was from the fight or from the bed last night with Asami.

She got up slowly to a sitting position, trying to wake her eyes fully and wondering what time it was. She glanced at the bedside table, and there she found a letter.

Got called for an emergency meeting. Will make it up to you. Breakfast downstairs; Dee will take care of you.


She placed it back on the tabletop and got out of bed to look for her clothes. The touches and warmth of Asami still lingered on her skin, and it made her shiver. Korra found a new set of clothes folded neatly in one of the futons from across the foot of the bed. Her boots by the floor. Asami must've gotten her clothes her size because some of Asami's wouldn't fit Korra's when they used to have sleepovers from ages ago. She looked at the time on the wall clock, 07:45. What time did Asami even get up? She remembered the kiss on the forehead and Asami playing with her hair. Though she wasn't sure if it was a dream, it felt like it.

Korra put on the pants and blue vest, fitting perfectly on her body, and went out of the room. The dim lighting of the hallways made it feel more desolate than ever. She wondered how Asami could've handled staying in this mansion with the memories this place was haunted by. Now she felt more guilty about how she cut herself off from everyone, especially Asami. Especially Asami.

Dee met her at the end of the staircase with his hands on his side and bowing briefly.

"Good morning, Avatar Korra. Miss Sato has instructed me that I wouldn't let you out of the mansion without eating first. She also would like to relay the message to you that Master Tenzin is waiting for you at the Air Temple Island." He moved his body and hand towards the dining area connecting to the kitchen, allowing Korra to go first.

"Can I take something to go? Might not have much of an appetite to eat a full meal while the city is under attack." Korra asked while she walked towards the kitchen.

"Miss Sato presumed you'd say that. There are buns and butter, dumplings, bean cakes, fire gummies, and everything else actually." Dee responded nonchalantly as if he'd done this his whole life. Maybe he did.

"Bean cakes and fire gummies, please," Korra said, "And does Miss Sato tell you a lot of stuff about me? And does she often go out this early?" She smirked as she sat down in one of the high chairs at the kitchen counter while Dee went and got her food packed.

"Oh, she does. She admires you, Avatar Korra. You kept her going after all that transpired in her life. And she does go out to work early, sometimes earlier than anyone else in this household. I think she's trying to beat the sun on who rises first." Dee said, and he put down the neatly packed food box in front of Korra, "I remind her not to overwork herself when I can, but she doesn't always listen. It's as if she's one with the machine. A very willful woman, indeed." He shook his head, tutting as if he was reminded of his child disobeying him.

Korra hummed in response. She stood up and grabbed the food and said, "She's always been passionate about building things. Always trying to fix stuff. She might've gotten it from her... dad. " She paused and realized how she crossed a susceptible subject in the mansion.

She could see how Dee stood uncomfortably, so Korra tried to smooth things over and change the subject, "Thank you for taking care of Asami, Dee. I owe you one."

Dee chuckled, and Korra thought it was unusual seeing him laugh. Still, she was glad he was comfortable with her, "While your duty is to maintain balance in the world, mine is to make sure Miss Sato stays alive and well." He started walking towards the exit and Korra beside her.

She smiled widely, crooked, "I can lend a hand with that as well."


As Korra walked up to Air Temple Island, she was greeted by a blast of air from the air scooters of Meelo and Ikki. Followed by Ronan, who's focused on not stumbling down the pavement while running towards her.

He met the youngest by crouching and letting him hug her with his feet crossed around her waist and his hands around her neck.

"Korra! Have you seen the bigger mecha tanks Kuvira's army has up close? Do you think they're going to attack again? We should be ready to defend ourselves!" Meelo asked while he circled around them with his air scooter. Very strange to think how the notion of an upcoming war is just a regular conversation with someone this young.

She gave Ronan some fire gummies and the rest to Ikki, who was walking beside her.

"I've seen it, though there weren't any of it left because we totally beat their ass," She grinned or at least tried to. Maybe Korra could lighten it up, just for a little bit, "We'll make sure we prepare ourselves, so nobody gets hurt even more."

"Do you think the people around the area are okay?" Ikki asked. Korra met her eyes and she thought this was the first she had ever looked at the girl. She has grown taller. She looks more like her mother, perhaps a relief for Pema as her kids have gotten their abilities from their father. However, the look in her eyes was full of concern and Korra wished she could try to soften the blow with Ikki.

"I'll look into it after we meet with the council. I'll also make sure everyone will be tended to." Korra gave Ikki a knowing smile.

"Why does Kuvira do this? I thought she wanted peace within the nation. I feel like she's doing more damage than good."

"Sometimes, when you get so obsessed with achieving what you want, you do a lot of unspeakable things just to achieve it," Korra said. They were halfway across the main house. Meelo stopped using his air scooter and was now walking with them.

"If she tries to take over the city by force, we'll fight back! I'm ready now. I've been training a lot, Korra. You'll see." Ikki made karate motions with her hands and kicked the air playfully, "I won't let Kuvira take our home."

Korra tapped her head and smiled at her. "I'll be right there with you."

They parted ways right when Korra entered the household. The kids were due their morning meditation with the other air acolytes at the back of the island.

Korra saw Tenzin sitting at one of the tables in the dining area. Ronan jumped down and ran to Pema, who came from the kitchen.

"Morning, Korra, honey. Have you eaten?" Pema asked while she sat Ronan on her lap.

"I took some food to munch on from Asami's kitchen," She shrugged and caught Pema raised an eyebrow in the corner of her eye while Korra sat from across the table.

"Korra, I'd say it's a surprise to see you awake at this time. But then again, so much has changed." Tenzin said while he took a sip of his tea.

Korra poured tea on her cup, "Still hate mornings though." She paused and looked up at Tenzin. From the bags in his eyes, she could tell he hadn't slept well.

"How are things in the city?" She asked while she took a sip of her tea as well.

"The enforcers and the workers started clearing some of the debris and broken glasses last night after everyone had left. Evacuation is still in the process while we make sure everyone is safe and have someplace to stay for the next few weeks." Tenzin responded, hands clasped together, "I'm afraid we may have to prepare for the days to come. This might be an upcoming war between Kuvira's forces."

"She has the technologies, and clearly from last night, she doesn't care who gets killed, be it her people or us." Korra briefly remembered the massive explosion of all the giant mecha tanks with most of the green armored people inside.

"Did... Did anyone make it?" She asked in a lower tone. She didn't want to hear the answer but had to.

Pema stood up and carried Ronan. She meekly said, "I'm gonna go change this young boy. I'll see you both later." She then excused herself as they both nodded.

Tenzin cleared his throat and then responded, "There were two who almost made it. One passed when they were on the way to the hospital. The other one had serious injuries, but when they left him in the room when the healer came back, he.." Tenzin looked uneasy, but Korra understood.

"Right." Korra cleared her throat and took another sip and then continued, "Bolin and Varrick?"

"They're going to get questioned by the council before noon. You're invited as well. We'll have to be more vigilant now and prepare for the worse. I'm afraid it can only go downhill from here if we don't work on something." Tenzin stroked his beard for a moment and met Korra's eyes. "Miss Sato has already sent some blueprints regarding the mecha tanks she's building in her factory."

"Oh. Yeah, right." Of course she did. Korra broke away from Tenzin's gaze, her cheeks in heat. She wondered if Tenzin could read her mind. That's why she got out of our bed early. OUR bed? No. Asami's bed.

"This isn't going to end well, Tenzin." Korra said grimly, "I've seen her army in the Earth Kingdom. We are outnumbered."

"There's no time to stop here now. We'll address it in the meeting and see what actions we need to do from here on out." Some airbenders stopped to greet Korra and Tenzin. One of them whispered something to Tenzin, gave him a nod in response, then disappeared.

"The kids just told me they're ready to fight." She said once they were alone again. Elbow propped up, resting her cheek on her knuckles.

Tenzin hummed and didn't say anything. Throughout Korra's life, the master Airbender would always give remarks when needed, especially in this type of matter. I will relay my opinion to where I see fit as a Master Airbender, as part of the council, or in an occurrence that showcases great importance. Korra thought this was a very crucial situation that Tenzin needed to be interested in.

She looked at him as if he were a different person. And Tenzin noticed. He gave a hearty chuckle and casually took another sip of his tea. "You seem to forget that my father ended a hundred-year war when he was the same age as Jinora."

Korra scoffed, "Doesn't mean they have to go through the same thing."

"I understand where your sentiments lie, Korra. I wouldn't want a war to erupt. Politics is a very dangerous and tricky game. Kuvira has made the first shot and you mentioned it yourself that we are outnumbered. I don't think you wouldn't want to just sit idle and watch them destroy our home. We will need all the people we can get." He looked at the Avatar and gave her a reassuring smile, "They're good. I've seen them train. If Kuvira doesn't retreat, we won't have a choice but to defend."

She took a deep sigh and shrugged. "I should've come back sooner."

Tenzin regarded Korra for a moment, "It's not your fault. We wouldn't see this coming in a mile. You needed time to recover. Never make yourself feel bad about that."

Korra looked up and caught Tenzin's gaze, "As Guru Lama said, we can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves. The important thing is you're here."

After a beat passed, Tenzin cleared his throat and began to stand up and got both their cups, "I should prepare now. We'll fly to the city together. I'll come to find you."

And just like that, he was gone. And Korra was left to ponder on her thoughts.


It took every bit of Korra to not walk away from the meeting. Raiko kept pushing to attack Kuvira's forces now so that the entirety of the city would be spared. That wasn't the case though as Bolin and Varrick explained something about spirit vines and how Kuvira uses it to harness the power and that a super mega killing machine is already being built by her engineering team. Firelord Izumi has declared to not help Republic City if they'd like to start a war. However, if they were to defend the city, she would indulge.

Korra would've snorted. War is war, she thought, no matter which side you are playing. She wished Asami was in the room with her. She would've known what to say. She would've known what to do. She would've simply held Korra's hand, and it would've been enough.

Korra let the meeting run its course until she found herself sitting at the gazebo once more, gazing at the horizon to clear her thoughts. She heard footsteps, light, easy to miss. But it was enough to look from the direction it was coming.

She let out a huge sigh of relief and didn't realize she was that tense until she saw Asami walking towards her. Korra smiled and said, "What, no tea this time?"

Asami tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled warmly, "And here I thought I was enough."

Korra stepped down to where she sat and kissed Asami. It was tender and pleasant, and she longed for it since the day she awoke in Asami's bed alone. They broke their kiss, and both rested their shoulders on the railing, taking the view in. They stayed like that, even just for a moment. Enjoying the company of one another.

"I missed you the whole day. How have you been?" Korra asked, glancing at Asami.

"I had to come to the office early. One of the factories that the company works with got caught with the mess last night. So I had to make sure all has been taken care of." She fidgeted with her fingers and Korra watched, "I've also looked into starting the hummingbird suit. Well, I had already started last week. I worked on it again today and I didn't notice the time go by. It usually happens when I'm busy with my hands." Her eyes lit up and continued, "I've had tons of progress from the prototype. I just have to figure out how it can hold the weight of the motor on the base system. It may need two persons inside to navigate—" She caught herself and looked at Korra, "Sorry," she paused and shook her head, "I get carried away with machines."

Korra took one of Asami's hands and kissed it, "I love it when you talk about them. Though I might have trouble understanding some terms you use. I am all but muscles." She flexed in front of Asami.

And she playfully squeezed Korra's arm, "Huh, good muscles though."

They both laughed. Korra put her hand around Asami's waist, moving her closer to her. She then rested her head on Asami's shoulder. Korra loved the way she felt in her presence. Safe, vulnerable.

"We had a meeting with the council earlier," Korra began. The clouds were a hue of pink. Calm waves of water wash up the shore. The trees dance when the wind picks up. "I still feel like a kid sometimes whenever I'm around them."

Asami hummed, "Raiko?"

"Is an ass, as always."

Asami chuckled, "Well, aren't you?"

"Aren't I what?"

"A kid. We're still young, Korra," She rested her head atop Korra's as the smaller girl snuggled on her neck, "You often oversee how much you have done at your age; you forget you're still young. I do think they doubt you because of it, but time and time again, you prove them wrong, do you not?" Asami said, calm as ever.

"Well yeah, but for once I just need to feel like I'm doing something right without them looking down on me." Her voice was uneasy but her body and mind were tethered by Asami's own. It somehow caused the worries to dissipate from her and Korra liked it very much.

"Let me tell you now, sweetheart, you've done so much good in the past and at present time and I am not looking down or doubting you. Shouldn't you listen to the people that only matter to you?" Asami said, leaving a kiss on top of Korra's head. She would've humored Asami about the 'looking down on you' part given their position but she held her tongue. She didn't want to ruin the moment just yet.

Korra straightened up and caught Asami's emerald eyes, smiling sweetly, "You're right. You always know what to say."

"I don't. With you, it's easier. I just hate it when people make you feel like you aren't enough."

"I appreciate it." Korra held Asami's hand and continued, "Well, speaking of being young, you've done quite a lot with transforming Republic City," Korra said, her other hand playing with Asami's thumb.

Asami shrugged, "It's the least I can do given what my father has done. It's nothing, really. And I enjoyed renovating the roads. Raiko hired lousy people to do the job."

"I told you he's an ass."

Asami couldn't help but stifle a laugh, she held Korra on both shoulders to face her. Korra held onto her waist while Asami's hand slid up to held both Korra's cheeks softly. She kissed Korra, soft and gentle. Korra kissed back tasting sweet and strawberry and Asami. When they part, their lips break away but their foreheads still touch. With her eyes closed, Asami bit her bottom lip before she said, "I love you, Korra."

And Korra could've sworn she saw everything in a blur, and Asami was the only visible thing. The only thing that mattered. And right then, she realized that they had to succeed in defending their city. She must keep everyone safe. All the ones she loves. Asami. Especially Asami. She would trade anything just to make this moment a little longer. If she could. And she knew she could.

"I love you too." Korra took a moment to take it in, breathing in, and then exhaling slowly, "After everything. After we stop Kuvira, we should go on a vacation. Just the two of us." Korra said and Asami smiled tenderly.

"I would love that. I will really need it because I have to work with Varrick to speed up the process of the hummingbird suit."


"Raiko called us for a quick meeting before I got here," Asami mused rolling her eyes in the process, "He wanted both of us to work on this in case Kuvira attacks again," Asami said. The wind picked up again and she had to swiftly move some of Korra's hair out of her face, her thumb caressing her cheek.

"It's all settled then," Korra said, and she cherished the moment by looking at Asami's eyes because from where they stand, they can hear Bolin's voice calling them out. They took a peek in the direction where he was coming from and see Mako stringing along with him. Korra pouted and Asami bopped her nose. Their bodies part despite Korra not wanting to. They straightened themselves out and Asami waved at them.

"Well, Avatar Korra. It's time to get to business then." Asami said, folding her arms across her chest.

Korra smirked and shook her head, "Not much choice there, sweetheart."

The Krew discussed their plans to prepare themselves into the unknown. Bolin has also mentioned helping to save the Beifongs. He would go with Opal and Lin. He would do anything to prove to Opal that it's still him, that he's turned his back against Kuvira. And that he was with them now. The Krew understood and they wished him luck.

The night has come, and they wait for the following day. Korra dreaded it as she didn't know what was to come next. She just wished it'll be over soon. 

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