Love Me Like a Love Song

By LilMissRoughneck

159K 3.7K 240

They met at a party being held out in the middle of Mcreery's field. He was sitting on the tailgate of his tr... More

Wine and Whiskey
Famous in a Small Town
Church Pew or Bar Stool
Blame it on Your Truck
Daddys Girl
Running Out of Air
Sittin' Pretty
Country In Ya
Boys 'Round Here
Authors Note
You'll Think Of Me
.Gone Enough
I Wish I Could Break Your Heart
I Could Kick Your Ass
Hands On You
Hands On You
County Line
American Kids
Close Your Eyes
Prayer For The Road
What Hurts The Most
I Need You
I Know These Hills
Make Things Right
Stupid Boy
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not
Play On
How She Rolls
Wanted You More
I Run To You
Party For Two
Call Me Old Fashioned
I Swear
I Don't Dance

Good Friend And a Glass Of Wine

2.5K 72 1
By LilMissRoughneck

The next afternoon, everyone was sitting at a large table in the small cafe we'd deemed our usual meeting spot
"So how was everyone's night at home?" River asked after everyone had finished ordering their food
"I'd say it was a success." Luke grinned, glancing at Sarah who shook her head and laughed
"So that kinks worked out. How bout the rest of you?" Josh asked, looking around. Everyone had had a good night, but they were only here a week or so
"So, what'd you two do last night?" Luke asked, glancing at us
"Sat out by the pond and talked until 4, then went back to my house to sleep." Steele told them
"You two are boring." Josh sighed, picking at his hash browns
"Get over it!" Steele laughed, eating his food. We talked quietly for most of the meal, only small amounts of silence between
"Have you decided when you want this wedding?" Luke asked, his mouth full of mushed egg
"That's nasty!" I groaned, throwing a wadded up napkin at him
"Hey! Steele!" He whined, throwing the napkin back
"Nope, you threw it too. You're just as bad." Steele muttered, successfully avoiding getting too involved
"I hope you step on a small rock barefoot." He hissed at me
"I hope you step on a lego." I glared. His eyes widened as he 'gasped'
"I hope you get aids!" He retorted
"I don't plan on fucking you." I grinned, knowing he'd have nothing
"I-um-uh...I hope you get a sliver." He mumbled before we all started laughing
"I think that is what I missed the most." River chuckled, coughing a little as he swallowed his bacon
"Ditto." Lexi laughed
"I hate you all." Luke groaned jokingly before throwing a hash brown at me, hitting not me, but Steele. The whole table froze, all of us staring at Steele before everyone but him burst out laughing
"Oh, you guys think this is funny?" He asked, looking at us "Joe, I promise I'll clean this up before I leave!" He yelled to the owner, who simply nodded. Without warning, Steele grabbed the ketchup and sprayed it around the table. Again, we were silent. All but Steele covered in a the gooey red gunk
"Bastard!" Sarah gasped, wiping it from her face
"River, Josh, hold 'im." I grinned, as both shot up and grabbed him, holding him in his chair "Sarah, can you hand me the ketchup and mustard please?" I asked, motioning to where it sat behind her on the counter
"Ace, please! I'm sorry! No, baby, don't-" he was cut off as I squeezed the bottle in his direction, streams of yellow and red covering his face and chest. Everyone laughed, even Joe and the other costumers in the restaurant. I stopped once I could hardly see his face and shirt, a grin on my face as Sarah stood beside River, Josh, and I
"Ya know what. I love you guys." Steele said suddenly, standing up and hugging all four of us, though Sarah and I got the most gross
"Oh my god, Steele!" Sarah screamed, slapping his chest
"Ah! Get off! Steele release!" I laughed, yelling as I pushed against his chest
"Man you suck!" River yelled, trying to escape. Josh just stood there, jaw on the floor, completely shocked
"Josh help!" I yelled, pinching his arm
"Right!" He exclaimed, thrashing around. Steele's grip finally released and we all stumbled back. River and Josh had condiments on them; Sarah and I, on the other hand, we were covered
"Asshole!" I laughed "hey Joe!" I called, remembering something
"Yeah?" He asked, still laughing
"Steele said he'd clean this up, so we're all gonna go shower." I smirked, handing him the cash for my food, everyone else laughing and following suit
"You're so lucky I love you." Steele called after me
"So are you!" I laughed, blowing him a kiss before climbing into Sarah's car "I know you aren't going home, so you can shower at my place." I smiled. She'd offered to drive me home earlier because I wanted to talk to her
"That, is a glorious offer." She laughed as she pulled out of the parking lot.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" Sarah asked as she walked into my room, drying her hair with a towel
"Lexi and Kira are both going back to school soon, and I was wondering if..." I trailed off, pulling out a ring pop and dropping down to one knee on the floor in front of her "you'd be my maid of honor?" I grinned up at her as her jaw dropped
"Oh my god, yes, of course!" She laughed, playing along as she let me slip the ring pop onto her finger as I stood up
"Who's Steele thinking of asking to be his best man?" She asked curiously as we dropped onto my bed
"Luke." I explained, rolling onto my stomach as a knock sounded on my door "come in!" I called as Sarah folded her legs up into a pretzel
"Hey guys." Josh grinned as he, Lexi, Kira, River and Luke all walked in "Steele'll be here soon, he just got home, so he's gonna shower before meeting us here." He added, pulling a bean bag chair from my closet and dropping himself onto it, pulling Lexi into his lap
"Oh, I have a question for you two!" I remembered, pulling two more ring pops from my purse "Be my bridesmaid's?" I asked them, holding up the candy
"Fuck yeah!" Kira squealed, catching one as I tossed it to her
"As if I'd say no!" Lexi laughed before catching hers
"Here losers." I teased, throwing each of the boys one as well
"Sweet!" River laughed, ripping his open as stuffing the candy into his mouth
"Who's your head bitch? Or whatever your second in command position's called." Josh asked off handedly, paying more attention to his candy
"Um...Sarah's my maid of honor..." I explained cautiously, glancing over at Kira and Lexi
"Wait...what?" Kira asked, looking at me sadly
"Yeah...I mean, you two are going back to college soon, and I need someone close to home, Kira. I love you both, but Sarah, well Sarah's here." I explained, looking at them both pleadingly
"Oh, I guess you're right." Lexi muttered, but you could still see the hurt in their eyes
"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" Steele suddenly asked, wandering through my door
"Um, nope. We're all good, right girls?" River muttered, giving all of us a 'get-over-your-dramas' look
"Yup, all good." Kira forced, but sending me a smile
"I'll just pretend you guys aren't lying to me, so, what are we talking about?" Steele asked, lying down on my bed, his head in my lap
"Wedding party." Luke muttered, sucking on his candy while trying to braid Sarah's hair
"Oh, did you ask them?" Steele quizzed, staring up at me
"Yeah, your turn." I chuckled, running my fingers through his fringe
"Fiine." He whined before turning to look at our friends
"You three wanna be my groomsmen?" He asked, boredom dripping in his tone
"Oh I suppose were obligated after being you're friends for so long, so why the hell not." Josh joked, laughing as Steele started digging in my purse for candy
"Since Sarah's the maid if honor I vote Luke for the best man, or whatever they're called." River smirked, knowing it'd piss Luke off
"Wait, wha-no!" Luke exclaimed, his eyes snapping to Steele and I
"Pleeeease?" I asked quietly, making my eyes water a little as I looked over at him
"Aw dammit Ace!" Luke whined, his eyes softening before he started looking everywhere but at me
"Luke, please? For me?" I begged, leaning over and hugging his arm
"I. Hate. You. Fine! I'll do it, just stop! Please!" He caved, looking down at me pleadingly
"Thank you!" I squealed, hugging his arm tightly as everyone else laughed
"How do you do that?" Sarah laughed, looking at me from where she sat on the other side if Luke
"Easy, can you make yourself cry?" I asked, looking over at her, smiling when she nodded "okay, do it." I instructed. Her eyes started watering, tears shimmering
"Okay, now what?" She asked as Luke watched in horror
"Lower lip tremble slightly." I continued, watching as she did it "now look at Steele and ask him to get you a cookie from the kitchen
"Steele...please?" She asked, looking him in the eyes
" bitch..." He muttered, unable to look away from Sarah
"Please?" She asked, one tear dripping down her face
"Oh alright! Just stop with the face!" He snapped, standing up and jogging out of my room
"Ace, how the hell could you teach her that face?! One of you is bad enough!" Luke cried, glaring at me
"Shut up, you love it." I laughed, ruffling his hair as Steele walked back in with my moms cookie tin
"Get her to give Sarah some tips on sex, you'll love her for it." Steele smirked, dropping the tin on my desk and walking back to the bed
"You know what, I'm breaking off this engagement, you're a perv." I teased, shoving his shoulder
"You love me, you know it!" He laughedx wrapping his arm around my hips
"Fine." I whined, crossing my arms and 'pouting'
"Kids, supper!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs
"Let's go eat losers!" I grinned, jumping up and running downstairs, the rest of them laughing behind me as I raced down the stairs
"Honey, you're gonna fall!" My dad exclaimed, reaching out to catch me as I tripped
"Oops?" I asked, smiling up at him
"Steele, you're fiancés gonna kill herself!" Luke smirked as he walked past my dad and I
"Did she fall down the stairs again?" Steele asked as he stopped beside us, pulling me into his side as he grinned down at me, laughing when I punched his shoulder before leading me to the table.

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