UPTOWN GIRL | Marauders Era

By accioweasleys-

24.4K 1.1K 513

βπš„πš™πšπš˜πš πš— πšπš’πš›πš•- πš‚πš‘πšŽ'𝚜 πš‹πšŽπšŽπš— πš•πš’πšŸπš’πš—πš πš’πš— πš‘πšŽπš› πšžπš™πšπš˜πš πš— ... More

1 | the family black
2 | cracks in the foundation
4 | the ghost's birthday
5 | purebred breeding ponies
6 | the aftermath
7 | the black's attempt family therapy
8 | snogging after hours
9 | marcie hears a rumour
10 | the rumours are most definitely NOT true
11 | a visitor from gryffindor
12 | a silent detention
13 | back to black
14 | to wreck one's internal beliefs
15 | small steps forward
16 | a battle for the ages
17 | slow down you crazy child
18 | sister dearest
19 | snakes and lions
20 | perenelle commits house related treason
21 | abba, fire-whiskey, and odd behaviour
22 | a deliberate accident
23 | the art of subtlety

3 | house of horrors

1.3K 65 31
By accioweasleys-

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June-August, nineteen-seventy two

"WHERE WERE YOU?" Perenelle asked, her duvet now bunched at her knees as she moved to confront the girl sneaking into the dormitory so late into the evening.

"Nowhere" Vaudeline said, crossing the dormitory in haste, the look on her face challenging Perenelle to question her further.

Perenelle didn't say anything, pursing her lips as she watched her sister get into her own bed, facing the opposite way as to unofficially end the conversation.

She didn't know what to do— she wasn't going to press Vaudeline further, as it would get her nowhere, but Perenelle would simply burst if she had to keep pretending that she hadn't noticed her sister sneaking around all year.

She spared another glance towards her now sleeping sisters direction, before pulling a small book out from under her pillow.

Magical Malady's and their Marvellous Adventures, A collection of Works by Felicity Spunkett

Perenelle smiled as she ran her finger over the dated cover, before slipping under her covers where she could use her wand as a light in peace, losing herself and her dilemma in the pages in the process, they went home tomorrow after all—surely whatever was bothering Vaudeline wouldn't matter after they left the castle.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"And you promise you'll write?" Pera asked, crushing Marceline in a tight hug before moving to let her sister do the same,

"Of course you will!" Vaudeline practically scolded, and Marcie smiled at the twins,

"It's not like I'll have anything else to do— my father will be in Moscow half the holidays on business, I doubt I'll even leave the house until the Carrow's summer gala"

"Oh— the gala! How could I forget! Oh Merlin it's going to be magni—"

Perenelle was cut off as Mrs. Avery had appeared to whisk Marceline off, hurried goodbyes between them as the twins were left waiting for their sisters on the platform, though they were not left to their lonesome long.

"Still waiting?"

Damien Mulciber had appeared in front of the two of them, an antsy Antonin Dolohov in tow, and the two girls both nodded.

"Cissa went off to say goodbye to her mates, but Salazar knows where Dromeda's ran off to" Perenelle frowned, craning her head to scan the crowded platform.

"Severus leave already?" Vaud asked, noticing the brooding boys absence,

Antonin grunted in response, "Ran off with his filthy mudblood a few minutes ago"

Perenelle knew who he was referring to— the red headed gryffindor girl, Lily, and though she winced at his choice of words in such a public place she made no move to correct him.

She wasn't particularly close to Severus— none of them were, though he tended to cling to Damien and Antonin like a small child, making his often presence hard to shake.

"Well you've both missed your chance to say goodbye to Marcie"

"She'll live" Damien shrugged, "It's not like any of us won't be seeing each other over the holidays" and the group of them nodded in acknowledgement, knowing that dinner parties and gala's would be in their future for the summer season.

Perenelle could see Vaudeline take note of something across the platform, before turning to the others,

"I'll be right back— I think I've left something"

"—What on earth could you have le-"

Though Perenelle cut herself off, as Vaudeline had disappeared in a haste.

"It's alright, I'll go with her" Damien said— as though it would comfort her, and Perenelle looked at Antonin in astonishment as they were left alone,

"What's he need to do that for? It's nineteen-seventy two for Merlin's sake! We don't need to be bloody chaperoned"

"You know how he is" Antonin shrugged, "Afraid some other pureblood will catch your sisters eye"

Perenelle refrained from reminding him that they were twelve, though knew it would be useless. Her eldest sister had been promised to Rodolphus Lestrange at thirteen after all, and though it may have been rather young even for their standards, that certainly didn't mean it didn't happen.

She tried to block the thought of her sister and Damien out of her mind as she heard her name being called.

Andromeda was approaching the pair, dragging a rather unamused Sirius by the arm, though he made no attempt to escape her.

"Now where in Merlin's name has Vaudeline gone?" Andromeda huffed, as though merely tracking down Sirius alone had knocked the wind out of her— which, considering Sirius' behaviour lately it probably had.

Antonin opened his mouth to reply though Perenelle silenced him with a quick and unnoticeable nudge to the arm— honestly, what was it with these boys and thinking that they had to speak for them?

"I think she just went back for something she forgot"

The older girl nodded, her eyes scanning the part of the platform where families gathered as though looking for someone, though that was ridiculous, as as far as Pera knew there wouldn't be anyone retrieving them.

"Can't I just me—"

"—No Sirius" Andromeda snapped, and even Antonin stopped to look at her incredulously, as Andromeda was the sister known for her calm and reserved nature.

"—I'm sorry, I'm stressed enough as it is at the moment"

"But what fo—"

"—Here we are!" Narcissa had finally made her appearance, Vaudeline behind her and dragged along by a strong grip on the younger girl's wrist. Antonin, noticing that Damien had not returned with them, quickly made himself scarce.

To anyone else observing the youngest generation of the noble house, the scene was not one out of the ordinary.

Though having been well versed in the family's subtle approach at saving face Perenelle and Sirius both were immediately drawn to the way Narcissa's grip on Vaudeline was nearing deathly-tight, made all the more suspicious by the ever present grin and cheery eyes plastered on the blonde's impeccably done up face.

Perenelle and Sirius' shared realization was short lived, as though the two had immediately locked eyes as if to say are you seeing this?, the contact was broken once the two remembered that well— they were no longer best friends.

"Well that's alright now, we're all here and sorted" Andromeda sighed, and Pera couldn't quite grasp what had her sister so flustered.

She tried to make eye contact with Vaudeline— though her twin wouldn't even glance up from her shoes, and Perenelle's heart dropped as she noticed the way Vaud's chin crumpled slightly as she fought to keep her composure.

What on earth had happened? Vaudeline couldn't have been gone for more than five minutes, yet something had happened to throw several family members into a tizzy.


Perenelle's inner crisis was interrupted by the voice of her eldest sister— a voice she certainly was not expecting to hear,

"Bella!" She squealed, dropping her trunk and running to bury her curly-haired sister in a hug.

Bella chuckled as she wrapped her arms around Pera, "hello little one"

The other sisters followed suit, Vaudeline finally released from Cissa's clutches.

Sirius, didn't bother to greet her at all, and Bellatrix only offered an acknowledgement in his direction— which only returned Perenelle's overpowering feeling of discomfort. Why did Sirius have to be a Gryffindor?

It wasn't fair. Bella and Sirius would have hugged if he was a Slytherin. At least they used to before— Bella was the only one of her elder sisters the pair could ever convince to use her wand to 'make them fly'. It was the spell the two of them had been most excited to learn together.

Only Slytherin had first year charms with Ravenclaw, not Gryffindor.

"Finally Bella" Andromeda sighed, though only slightly less anxious, and Perenelle took a moment to actually take in her sister she hadn't seen since the previous summer, as Bellatrix had coincidentally been out of the country for both Christmas and Easter holidays.

Her hair was different— it seemed Bellatrix had finally given up attempting to tame her wild curls, and they instead fell across her shoulders. Much different from the other married women, who preferred modest up-do's. Though that wasn't all, it seemed that with the ability to now dress herself without the influence of their mother Bellatrix had drifted towards dark robes that Druella Rosier-Black would absolutely loathe.

None of the pretty pastels and ruffles their mother had chosen for the girls over the years—no, Bellatrix had gone for robes black as night, not a ruffle in sight, and a black heavy-buckled belt synched tight in the middle. It was, interesting to say the very least, though certainly complimented her eldest sisters stark features quite handsomely.

"How come you didn't write to say you'd be coming?" Perenelle asked, her hand tight around her sisters as she looked up at her, Bellatrix's curls bouncing with every step as the group made their way over to the floo station off to the side of the platform.

Their trunks hazily followed behind them, floating after the group— and Bellatrix tightened her grip on the spell keeping them afloat as she turned to the young girl who had asked the question, "Oh Pera darling, where is the fun in that?"

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

Vaudeline's muffled whimpers turned to cries as Narcissa applied the topical potion to her burned hands, shushing her as she dabbed the silk linen into the wounds.

"You must know why what I did was necessary Vaud, it was for your own go—"


"Hold still please Vaudeline, you'll only make it worse"

Vaudeline didn't reply, sniffling as Narcissa dabbed into her hands a bit more gently.

"And you mustn't be angry with Damien Mulciber over this— he was right in telling me, he's a good pureblood boy, looking out for your best interests" Narcissa paused, shaking her head, "I mean honestly Vaudeline, what on earth were you doing making friends with a mudblood?"

Perenelle was pulled from her stupor by a hand being placed on her shoulder, and she jumped in fright— away from the doorway and her back against the wall of the corridor.

"I thought you were father" She whispered, her quickened heart rate calming itself as she realized it was only Andromeda in front of her, in her nightclothes— and a look of concern etched on her face.

"You shouldn't be spying" Andromeda said— ignoring Perenelle's words, and grabbed her by the hand before pulling her away from Narcissa's bedroom and into hers.

"I don't like seeing Vaudeline hurt" Perenelle said, a quiver in her voice as she wrung her hands into the silk of her nightgown, Andromeda frowning as she shut the door behind them and ushered Perenelle towards her bed.

"Can I sleep in here tonight?"

"Of course" Andromeda answered, as though it was a questioned that did not need to be asked, "I have a feeling Vaudeline will be staying with Narcissa tonight" and Perenelle could have sworn a look of annoyance passed over Andromeda's face as she muttered their middle sisters name.

"Is it true?" Pera asked, climbing underneath her sisters covers— Andromeda pulling her close, so the younger girls head draped over her shoulder, "Did Damien Mulciber really catch Vaud with a mudblood?"

"Don't say that word Perenelle"

Andromeda hadn't said it above a whisper, though it caught Perenelle by surprise, and Andromeda continued before she was able to open her mouth,

"You mustn't repeat this Pera, as father and maman would be incredibly angry— but that is a foul word, a foul word that you are too good to say, let alone to another person" She paused, and Perenelle could practically feel the anger radiating off of her sister, "We— purebloods are no better than muggleborns, it's all the same, it doesn't matter that our magic is generations older or that we partake in the old traditions, it doesn't matter Pera— none of it, there's absolutely nothing that separates us from them"

There was a moment of silence, and Pera's brows furrowed in confusion as she tried to comprehend her sisters words.

"Do you understand what I'm saying Perenelle?"

"I- I'm sorry Andromeda, but I'm not sure I do—why would father and maman lie to us? Surely they wouldn't lie?"

Andromeda turned so that the two were facing, and Perenelle was able to see her sisters face- the face that looked so similar to her own, and she was sad— Andromeda looked as though she could cry.

"I'm not a liar Pera"

"I don't think you're a liar Dromeda" Perenelle quickly answered, "I'm just awfully confused"

"Father was so angry when Cissa told him Vaudeline was with a mudb-muggleborn" She corrected herself, "Why would he be angry if they're not bad? Why would he punish her?"

"Because they're mean, and old— and incredibly prejudiced" Perenelle was only more confused, "What I'm trying to say is— the only reason we're told that they're bad is because old families like ours think they're better because we've been magic longer, but Pera— our magic is the same as theirs, ones not better or worse"

"Okay" Pera answered, clasping her hand in her sisters,

"Okay?" Andromeda asked, her eyes searching for clues within her youngest sisters.

"Well I have to believe you then, you've never lied to me before, and well— I'm quite sad and angry with father for what he did to Vaudeline's hands, that wasn't very nice of him at all. I don't like it when Vaud cries" Perenelle answered with a sense of surety, as though it was the only possible conclusion.

"Good" Andromeda smiled, breathing a sigh of relief, squeezing Perenelle's hand in hers.

"Can I ask you something then?"

"Well of course"

"There's a boy, a rather nice boy I think- but father and maman don't like him, are they wrong about that too? He's so nice, and I don't understand wh—"

"—If you're talking about the Prewett boy then they're wrong Pera" Andromeda cut her off, and Perenelle's cheeks blushed scarlet.

"Well I—"

"Father only doesn't like him because his sister married a Weasley— and father doesn't like the Weasley's because they treat muggles kindly, so do you understand all that I'm telling you?"

"I think I do" Pera said, tucking a loose dark curl behind her ear.

"I have something for you" Andromeda's mood had suddenly brightened, and before Perenelle could reply she had ducked over the side of her large bed, pulling something up with her.

"For me?" Perenelle asked, and a small book was placed into her hands.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a novel by Lewis Carroll

"A friend of mine gave it to me— I couldn't stop gushing about my fantastic little sister who always had her nose in a book, and he thought you'd love it"

"Oh Andromeda thank you!" Perenelle exclaimed, dropping the book to envelope her sister in a hug, and Andromeda giggled, squeezing her tight.

"Oh where on earth did you find it? I've never heard of Lewis Carroll, and I've read so many of the books in the young witches section— I've never notic—"

"—It's a muggle book Pera" Andromeda said, her voice lowered to a whisper, "That's why you must keep it secret— but I read it, and it's absolutely splendid, so I just know you'll love it!

"Oh!" Pera gasped, suddenly brimming with curiosity as she examined the book in her hands, and Andromeda took it from her, burying it deep under the covers.

"Let's sleep Pera, you can start it tomorrow, it's nearly three, far too late for us to be awake"

"But I'm not tired anymore— oh Andromeda I'm just so excited! Can you please tell me about the book? What i—"

"—Why would I tell you before you've had the chance to read it silly? None sense, here" Andromeda paused, moving to shut off her bedside lamp, before settling back in and pulling Perenelle close, "Well how about you tell me about your progress in ballet until we fall asleep? Would you like that?"

Perenelle nodded, and before she knew it the conversation would end, and she would find herself dreaming about a mysterious muggle book buried deep within the blankets.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

It was a positively marvellous day in Perenelle's opinion, summer was nearing its end so that meant one final gala to finish the season, and the Carrow's had done just that.

It was a splendid ball, and Perenelle found herself gawking over the many expensive dress robes, the solstice themed decorations and the live band, all things that Perenelle held so dear in the forefront of her mind, things that were the highlight of her society— while of course her parents may note their personal highlight being that they were the very top of said society, though Perenelle seemed to prefer the quirks that came a long with it.

She danced all night long with her sisters— Bellatrix making a rare appearance, much to her joy, and the conversation she overheard between her parents and the Flint's in regards to their eldest son and Andromeda only elevated Perenelle's spirits further, as nothing was more extravagant and merry than another Black wedding on the horizon.

Andromeda however didn't seem too happy about the conversation when Perenelle saw their parents relay the news to her, the expression on her sister's face— and the yelling that had followed it when they had returned home to their manor causing the youngest daughter of House Black's mood to dampen slightly.

Though that was no matter— it seemed as though despite this a permanent smile was etched onto young Perenelle's face, as Bellatrix was spending the night and the five sisters were planning to have a slumber party, something they hadn't all enjoyed since before Bella had married.

Narcissa was busy preparing her room— as that was where they had decided to host their magnificent sisterly event, while Bellatrix and Vaudeline were down in the kitchens waiting for their elf Silky to prepare tea and desserts. Which left Perenelle with the final task of fetching Andromeda, who had stormed to her room and not left since the blowout following the Carrow's ball.

"Dromeda!" Perenelle sang, a skip in her step as she reached her sisters door— pushing it open, "Dromeda we're waiting for yo—"

It was as if the blood in Perenelle's body had gone cold.

"What are you doing?" It couldn't have been louder than a whisper, though it was as if the question had echoed through the room, both girls freezing on the spot— Perenelle's hand still pressed against the mahogany door.

"Pera, I—"

"—Are you leaving?"

Andromeda's bedroom looked as though a tornado had passed through it— clothes and other belongings scattered on the ground as Andromeda shoved what she could into her trunk, and though she had stopped— the older girl didn't move to make a sound.

"Andromeda, I— what are you doing?... Our sleepover.."

"I'll be right there" Andromeda smiled nervously, combing her fingers through her dark hair, and she moved to walk towards the door, though Perenelle's words rooted her on the spot.

"You're lying to me" She gasped, her chin quivering as her brain put two and two together, her eyes scanning the room, "Yo-you're trying to leave!"

It was Andromeda's turn to get upset, and tears clouded the older girls vision as she quickly fastened her trunk,

"I cannot stay here Perenelle" She pleaded, "Please understand tha—"

"—You weren't even going to say goodbye? But Andromeda, I'm not even finished my book yet, I told you I was saving it to finish until the end of holidays, I'm almost at the end I— you can't leave"

Perenelle sniffled as her cheeks became wet, and Andromeda made no move to comfort her— tears staining her own cheeks as she grabbed her trunk and moved towards the door, Pera blocking her way.

"—No! Andromeda please! You ca—"

"—Move Perenelle" She choked, wiping her eyes, and Perenelle shook her head, though made no move to call for their family.


"They won't accept me Pera— they want me to marry some wretched boy when the boy I want to marry they'd never app—"

"—A boy? You're leaving over a boy?"

"—It's much more than tha—"

"—You weren't even going to say goodbye to us?"

Andromeda let out a sob at that, letting her trunk fall to the floor as she grabbed Perenelle into a tight hug.

"I- I couldn't bare the thought of having to say goodbye, look at me, Perenelle plea—"

Perenelle wretched herself out of Andromeda's arms in anger, eliciting a gasp from the older girl, and Perenelle stared in disbelief at her sister through her tears.

"You were going to leave without even saying goodbye Andromeda"

"I'm sorry Pera" She sniffled, "I'm sorry, just please let me through"

Perenelle didn't move a muscle, her body still blocking the door way, as she stared at her sister- unable to even find the words.

"Com—" Andromeda began, before the look on Perenelle's face made her reconsider, and a look of sorrow overcame her, "I love you Perenelle, and I'm sorry for this, truly"

Before Perenelle could comprehend what Andromeda meant the older girl had drawn her wand, petrificus totalus leaving her lips— and Perenelle found herself hitting the ground hard, frozen and unable to move.

She could hear Andromeda break out into a run, and the concerned shouts of her parents, though over the sound of her own heartbeat the rest sounded as though it was miles away, and by the time she had been freed she knew one thing for certain from the devastated looks on the faces of her mother and sisters.

Andromeda was gone.

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oof long time no see! sorry about the month wait, this chapter is a lot longer than I wanted it to be but I couldn't bare to make you guys sit through another chapter of pre-story stuff so hopefully the wait was worth it. I'm so excited to get into this story next chapter as we'll be fast forwarding to sixth year, and ah! the whole storyline I have planned out just gets me excited. this story eventually will verge into au status post grad & the sequel will be a full au for sure, but I'm just so excited! It's gonna be a fun ride for sure (:

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